Heya List,

yesterday i tried to move one step ahead with mysql and
installed the 4.1.16 of the database. No care about the
mythtv-datas, starting with a plain empty database, done
all in the howto.

If i start mythbackend (or setup) i run into following


2006-01-05 18:18:14.490 Current Schema Version:
2006-01-05 18:18:14.490 Newest Schema Version : 1121
2006-01-05 18:18:14.494 Setting Lock for Database Schema upgrade. If you see
a long pause here it means the Schema is already locked and is being
upgraded by another Myth process.
2006-01-05 18:18:14.497 New DB connection, total: 2
2006-01-05 18:18:14.499 Inserting MythTV initial database information.
2006-01-05 18:18:14.501 New DB connection, total: 3
2006-01-05 18:18:14.511 Upgrading to schema version 1112
2006-01-05 18:18:14.591 DB Error (Performing database upgrade):
Query was: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jumppoints` (  `destination`
varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',  `description` varchar(255) default NULL,
`keylist` varchar(32) default NULL,  `hostname` varchar(255) NOT NULL
default '',  PRIMARY KEY  (`destination`,`hostname`));
Error was: Driver error was [2/1071]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

new version: 1112
2006-01-05 18:18:14.592 Database Schema upgrade FAILED, unlocking.
2006-01-05 18:18:14.593 Couldn't upgrade database to new schema


I read several posts about this and only found that one solution is
to change utf8 to latin1 (utf8 takes 3 bytes per char, latin1 just 1,
as far as i understood). I tried this in my.cnf with no success... ;(

I also tried mysql-5.0 and run into the same error.

Any idea, whats the latest mysql i may use for mythtv ? Its a pain to
recompile qt after mysql again and again (im using gentoo).

At the moment im unable to build the mythconverg database.

Regards and thanks in advance,

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