Got a question here, about MythVideo [note: docs on this were not _to_ helpful...;-)].

1) On my backend system (MythTV 0.17 atrpms, DirecTV, FC3, pvr-250, nVidia FX5200) Everything is running fine as far as recording, playback, etc. of TV signals. The problem is in MythVideo: when I play a video, I can hear the sound, but the picture stays with "Loading ...". I've tried a variety of modifications, based on the assumption that MPlayer just isn't 'coming to the front' [if I alt-F4, and kill mythfrontend, I _can_ see the video playing; harsh solution]

- dropped the '-vo xv' line from 'mplayer'. Hey, it coulda helped!
- changed focus from "Focus under mouse" to "Focus follows mouse", as well as tried some permutations of "auto-raise" and "click raises focus"
- Changed my MythVideo playback to add the "-ontop" parameter to mplayer (ok, I admit it, after all else failed, I started read'n the docs...mea culpa).

None of the above worked; mplayer appears to be playing properly, but apparently it's 'under' the MythFrontend, and I'm not doing something correct to tell it to 'come to the front'.
Did a few searches of the mailing list, and while I now know how to correct various ATI and playback audio/video issues (none of which I have), I don't know how to correct this one. And it's a wee frustrating as otherwise the 0.17 install is totally sweet.
Another note:I did not have this problem in 0.15 and earlier under RH9, though I did have the problem Jarrod refers to in his Tips'n'Trick where-in after MythVideo completes, the remote goes dead. I will remember how to fix _this_ annoyance...;-)

BTW: my Xboxen frontend is also running fine with Xebian 1.1.0, and MythTV 0.17.3. ;-) Like others, I haven't spent the time to get MythVideo working on _it_, either, but I kinda wanted it to work on the primary-backend/frontend first. Gonna probably have to spend a bit of time to 'tweak' the playback settings: on my HDTV, the picture is very nice, but the credits, and any text in a film looks jagged; probably an interlace/deinterlace issue. *shrug*

Anyway, a hearty "Great Job!" to Isaac for MythTV, and the same to Jarrod for his incredible breadth of knowledge with RH*, FC*...;-)

Carl "_Now_ what have I gone and done?!" Petersen
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