I have search the archives and can't find the answer to this one...

I recently (last night) got X,mpeg2 decoding, and opengl working on my
via epia m10000 board. glxinfo and the X log both report direct
rendering enabled, glxgears runs at about 350 fps. And The openGL
screensavers run smooth as anything...now on to my problem...

MythMusic and MythGallery do not seem to be using opengl properly.
Mythmusic visualizations are VERY slow, i don't see how they could be
using direct rendering. And when I try opengl transitions in
mythgallery, the mythfrontend log shows:

Oops! I screwed up my OpenGL calls somewhere
Oops! I screwed up my OpenGL calls somewhere
Oops! I screwed up my OpenGL calls somewhere
Oops! I screwed up my OpenGL calls somewhere

on each transition, and no picture displays, just a white screen.

I am using the unichrome drivers, and after I got the kernel, X, and drm
compiled and installed, I recompiled qt, mythtv, and all myth plugins so
everything would be using the newer stuff.

Was hoping someone have some insight to this. As reference, here is my

Gentoo 2005.0
2.6.7 Kernel with -epia patch
xorg-x11-6.8.2-r3002 (xorg with via patches)
DRM from cvs last night (Jul 01 2005)
Mythtv 0.18.1

As a side note, this PC is for my car, I've been using it for about a
month, and love it - but would really like to get the music
visualizations working. Any help is appreciated...

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