Sorry - I meant to include a top output - and my MythTV computer is an old
PIII 500Mhz with a PVR350 doing the real work - normally uptime says less
than 1%

Top output with all the mythcommflag processes showing:

top - 20:21:43 up 22:29,  2 users,  load average: 41.02, 40.97, 40.85
Tasks:  79 total,  17 running,  62 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.5% us,  7.5% sy, 84.0% ni,  7.0% id,  0.3% wa,  0.8% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:    384352k total,   381240k used,     3112k free,     3196k buffers
Swap:  1048784k total,   496720k used,   552064k free,    45028k cached

10502 mythty    32  17 58004  15m  26m R  4.1  4.0  56:05.00 mythcommflag
10536 mythty    32  17 57884  15m  26m R  4.1  4.0  54:28.60 mythcommflag
10612 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m S  4.1  4.0  51:33.52 mythcommflag
10620 mythty    33  17 57532  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0  51:57.16 mythcommflag
10654 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0  50:58.88 mythcommflag
10706 mythty    33  17 57176  14m  26m R  4.1  4.0  49:26.95 mythcommflag
10528 mythty    33  17 58004  15m  26m R  3.0  4.0  55:29.58 mythcommflag
10544 mythty    32  17 57768  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0  54:11.15 mythcommflag
10628 mythty    32  17 57416  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0  51:32.77 mythcommflag
10672 mythty    32  17 57296  14m  26m R  3.0  4.0  50:14.16 mythcommflag
10586 mythty    33  17 57652  15m  26m R  2.0  4.0  52:36.24 mythcommflag
10698 mythty    32  17 57176  15m  26m R  2.0  4.0  49:47.63 mythcommflag
10714 mythty    33  17 57176  14m  26m R  2.0  4.0  49:31.21 mythcommflag
   31 root      15   0     0    0    0 S  1.0  0.0  10:35.16 kswapd0
 5179 root      15   0 42624  336 1468 S  1.0  0.1   0:00.16 nscd
10492 mythty    33  17 58236  15m  26m R  1.0  4.0  57:30.94 mythcommflag
10570 mythty    32  17 57652  14m  26m R  1.0  4.0  52:45.04 mythcommflag

mythtv:~ # 

-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Conniffe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 February 2005 11:48
To: ''
Subject: 0.17 mythcommflag using all processor time


I noticed that since I've upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 that mythfrontend gets
really slow and eventually can't connect to mythbackend (both are the same

The problem seems to be lots of mythcommflag processes that are using all
the processor time.  I didn't have a problem with this in 0.16 - and
actually I don’t do anything with commercial flagging at all (so if I could
disable it?  Maybe mark the channels are commercial free?).

Does anyone have any ideas why mythcommflag has got a bit mad?



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