[mythtv-users] Re: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-13 Thread Paul

- Original Message -
From: Martin Bene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 11:56 PM
Subject: AW: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

Hi Jim,

 If you need a willing victim/beta tester, I'd be happy to
 work on it with you and give you another box to validate
 things on. I'm NTSC but running KnoppMyth R5A16. One of the
 reasons I built this machine was to have a software project
 to play in and maybe contribute stuff back and this is one
 piece that would be a big win in WAF

OK, I've now got a first hack ready to break your system :-)

This version uses projectx for remux and commercial cutting. Cutting is
NOT frame accurate, projectx rounds to the nearest GOP. Avidemux2 (which
was used for cutting previosuly) doesn't round - it just produces broken
output files if your cutpoints aren't on a Keyframe.

- projectx (well, obviously )
- Xvfb or local X server

See http://mysettopbox.tv/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=32174#32174 for

Changes implemented:

- support for multiple audio streams. Commerical cut or remux will keep
around all audio streams from the original recording. If you've got
recordings with multiple audio streams (say, german and english streams)
you'll get a DVD that allows you to switch languages. I haven't yet
figured out how to find out which stream has which langauge and get this
info over to the DVD, so the audio streams won't have nice names.

- chapter submenu is optional and configurable via the web interface.
while I like having the chapter marks in my titels I don't like the
chapter submenu.
- blue face / upside down thumbnails configurable via variables at the
top of mythtvburn.sh
- add a title listbox to the burn DVD webpage similar to the listbox
in recorded programs. makes it much easier to pick a couple of
episodes from the same series.

- if commercial cutting is disabled, revert to old behaviour and use
cutpoints as chapter marks

patch can be downloaded at

diff is against current CVS version of mythburn. Let me know how badly
it breaks your system. I've tried this stuff on a  gentoo system with
DVB TS Recordings in PAL Format so your box should be about as different
as it's possible to be.

Bye, Martin

Nice to see someone working on the mythburn scripts again. I've been having
a play with them myself recently. One of the problems with the scripts at
moment is they where written for use on knoppmyth and contain several hard
coded references to file paths etc. It would be nice to see some sort of
configuration file where you could set the location of the scripts, where to
create and store temporary files, what the mysql user and password should be
etc. to make them work on any distribution.
I also had a lot of problems with file permissions that need sorting out. It
would also be nice to get the install to be more consistent with how myth
installs things. e.g. install all files in ${PREFIX}/share/mythtv/mythburn.

If anyone is interested I have updated the mythburn-ui - the mythtv style
plugin - to compile and work with current svn.

What is the chance of mythburn becoming an official part of MythTV? I think
that would encourage more people to work on it and improve things.


mythtv-users mailing list

AW: [mythtv-users] Re: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-13 Thread Martin Bene
[about mythburn modifications]
This version uses projectx for remux and commercial cutting. Cutting
NOT frame accurate, projectx rounds to the nearest GOP. Avidemux2
was used for cutting previosuly) doesn't round - it just produces
output files if your cutpoints aren't on a Keyframe.

- projectx (well, obviously )
- Xvfb or local X server

See http://mysettopbox.tv/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=32174#32174 for

patch can be downloaded at

 Nice to see someone working on the mythburn scripts again. 
 I've been having a play with them myself recently. One of 
 the problems with the scripts at the moment is they where 
 written for use on knoppmyth and contain several hard
 coded references to file paths etc. It would be nice to see 
 some sort of  configuration file where you could set the 
 location of the scripts, where to create and store temporary 
 files, what the mysql user and password should be
 etc. to make them work on any distribution.

That's on my todo list as it was pretty high on the whishlist in the
comments I've received so far. That and file permissions. Currently it's
a bit of a mess, logs and configs get written right in the program

 installs things. e.g. install all files in 

Since I'm running it on gentoo that's exactly where the files already
are on my system :-)

 If anyone is interested I have updated the mythburn-ui - the 
 mythtv style plugin - to compile and work with current svn.

Now THAT's really great news. I haven't yet tried the UI stuff but the
screenshots I've seen sure look nice. Does the UI still work with the
current mythbtvburn.sh script? Around march the cutlist support was
added to CVS, which changes the commandline for mythtvburn (file1 file2
file3 becomes file1 cut file2 nocut file3 nocut), i.e each file is
followed by the cutflag for that file. 

 What is the chance of mythburn becoming an official part of 
 MythTV? I think that would encourage more people to work on it and
improve things.

No Idea. Let's CC mythtv-dev and see if we get any comments :-)

Bye, Martin
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-08 Thread Jim Reith
Title: Re: Archiving Shows to DVD

Ok, I ran MythTVBurn again tonight on a
different recorded show (Tripping the Rift) and it got further but it
dies with the error below. Does this ring any bells with anyone?

- datestamp=08-08-2005 23:28
Building MPEG2 GOP index files...
- datestamp=08-08-2005 23:28
- datestamp=08-08-2005 23:28
/myth/mythburn/mythburn/mythtvburn.sh: line
328: /usr/local/bin/tcdemux: No such file or directory
Return value is 127
MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error

It appears to be actually located in
/usr/bin so I made a symbolic link to it in /usr/local/bin but does
this indicate that something isn't configured properly?

The command line used to do the burn

Command line:nice /myth/mythburn/mythburn/mythtvburn.sh 'ntsc'
'plasma-fractal.png' 'menumusic.mp2' 'yes' 'no' 'yes' 'barbwire.png'
'no' '1073_2005080322_20050803223000.nuv' 'nocut' 
/myth/mythburn/mythburn/log.txt 21 

running it again I get the old error of

version: mpeg2
INFO: TV standard: ntsc
INFO: Aspect ratio: 4:3
INFO: Resolution: 704x480
INFO: Audio ch 0 format: mp2/2ch, 48khz 20bps

ERR: Cannot jump to chapter 2 of title 1, only 1 exist
ERR: in VTSM pgc 1, button scene_1_2
Return value is 1
MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error

bummer... Any thoughts or things I should check?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-01 Thread Cory Papenfuss

   1. Demux/Cut MPEG2 content from MythTV with Java based ProjectX. You
can download ProjectX from http://www.doom9.org/DigiTV/projectx.htm .
This application not only has the ability to cut the MPEG (only on
keyframes) without reencoding, but it appears to have fixed all of the
audio sync problems for me. I have yet to tackle real long stuff but my
kids two hour shows are fine.

   2. Re-multiplex audio/video streams with mplex

May i ask why one and two are needed? It seems all you are doing is
taking it apart and putting it back together again. (I know geeks like
to do that, but I always have a part left over). Seriously though is
there a particular reason? perhaps you need to demux in order to cut?

	Likely because a remux is necessary to burn to DVD.  A standard 
ivtv stream contains only video and audio.  Burning to DVD requires blank 
VOBU packets every so often so dvdauthor can put the necessary info there. 
Tools such as replex and dvb-mplex are able to do this on the fly, but 
without those two, the only way has been to strip A and V, and then remux 
with padding of the VOBU stream (e.g. 'mplex -f8 ...')

   3. Create DVD structures with dvdauthor

if you get sick of doing that, dvdstyler is good front end, and will
make the iso (with a pause to test in xine) as well.

	Or qdvdauthor.  I haven't compared in a few months, but at that 
type I found qdvdauthor to be less unstable and more functional.  (note I 
didn't say more stable).


* Cory Papenfuss*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-07-31 Thread Nick Rout

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 12:04:31 -0800 (AKDT)
John P. Mitchell wrote:

I am now doing the following with Linux which takes far less CPU time,
 but does take a fair amount of I/O time. Which of course assumes you
 have a Linux box.
1. Demux/Cut MPEG2 content from MythTV with Java based ProjectX. You
 can download ProjectX from http://www.doom9.org/DigiTV/projectx.htm .
 This application not only has the ability to cut the MPEG (only on
 keyframes) without reencoding, but it appears to have fixed all of the
 audio sync problems for me. I have yet to tackle real long stuff but my
 kids two hour shows are fine.
2. Re-multiplex audio/video streams with mplex

May i ask why one and two are needed? It seems all you are doing is
taking it apart and putting it back together again. (I know geeks like
to do that, but I always have a part left over). Seriously though is
there a particular reason? perhaps you need to demux in order to cut?

3. Create DVD structures with dvdauthor

if you get sick of doing that, dvdstyler is good front end, and will
make the iso (with a pause to test in xine) as well.

4. Create DVD ISO with mkisofs (not sure why others are using
 growisofs, mkisofs works fine for me).
5. Copy DVD ISO to my Mac for burning (My Mac has the only DVD burner
 in the house.)
I started using avidemux2 for step 1. but I had audio sync issues that
 I could not correct with a static audio skew. ProjectX seems to do some
 kind of correction, and in fact it says it is fixing frame ordering
 when I use it in the logs. Total time from transfer of the MPEG2 to my
 Linux box to a burned DVD is about 45 minutes. I even have a little
 shell script that takes care of most of the brain dead steps (mplex,
 dvdauthor, mkisofs, not the editing!). Currently with a max variable
 bit rate of 4.4Mbit (on my PVR-250), I get a little over two hours of
 content on one single layer DVD-R which plays on every settop DVD
 player I have tried so far (including some xboxes) with zero audio sync
 issues. This means three one hour episodes minus commercials on each
 DVD-R! Excellent! I started with the following HOW-TO and adapted as I
 stated above:
 http://www.mythtv.info/moin.cgi/ArchiveRecordingsToDvdHowTo . If you
 want all the gory tech details, then I will put together an HTML based
 HOW-TO and post it someplace.

Nick Rout

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-07-29 Thread Michael J. Sherman

For archiving to DVD I use my Mac.  I just transfer over the .nuv file 
(which is really MPEG-2), rename it .mpg, MPEGStream to get it into DV 
format, and use Quicktime Pro to cut out the commercials.  I can then 
use iDVD to make a disc with cool menus, etc.  Easy.

Assuming you have a Mac, that is ;).
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-07-29 Thread John P. Mitchell

 For archiving to DVD I use my Mac.  I just transfer over the .nuv file
 (which is really MPEG-2), rename it .mpg, MPEGStream to get it into DV
 format, and use Quicktime Pro to cut out the commercials.  I can then
 use iDVD to make a disc with cool menus, etc.  Easy.

 Assuming you have a Mac, that is ;).
 mythtv-users mailing list

   I started this way, but it takes forever time wise on my Mac Mini and
my quality was pretty bad with all the reencoding that went on. Also,
iDVD is not good for controlling the bit rate on the final DVD. iDVD
would record my content at full DVD quality which would just fit a one
hour show on my single layer DVD-R (lame!).

   I am now doing the following with Linux which takes far less CPU time,
but does take a fair amount of I/O time. Which of course assumes you
have a Linux box.

   1. Demux/Cut MPEG2 content from MythTV with Java based ProjectX. You
can download ProjectX from http://www.doom9.org/DigiTV/projectx.htm .
This application not only has the ability to cut the MPEG (only on
keyframes) without reencoding, but it appears to have fixed all of the
audio sync problems for me. I have yet to tackle real long stuff but my
kids two hour shows are fine.

   2. Re-multiplex audio/video streams with mplex

   3. Create DVD structures with dvdauthor

   4. Create DVD ISO with mkisofs (not sure why others are using
growisofs, mkisofs works fine for me).

   5. Copy DVD ISO to my Mac for burning (My Mac has the only DVD burner
in the house.)

   I started using avidemux2 for step 1. but I had audio sync issues that
I could not correct with a static audio skew. ProjectX seems to do some
kind of correction, and in fact it says it is fixing frame ordering
when I use it in the logs. Total time from transfer of the MPEG2 to my
Linux box to a burned DVD is about 45 minutes. I even have a little
shell script that takes care of most of the brain dead steps (mplex,
dvdauthor, mkisofs, not the editing!). Currently with a max variable
bit rate of 4.4Mbit (on my PVR-250), I get a little over two hours of
content on one single layer DVD-R which plays on every settop DVD
player I have tried so far (including some xboxes) with zero audio sync
issues. This means three one hour episodes minus commercials on each
DVD-R! Excellent! I started with the following HOW-TO and adapted as I
stated above:
http://www.mythtv.info/moin.cgi/ArchiveRecordingsToDvdHowTo . If you
want all the gory tech details, then I will put together an HTML based
HOW-TO and post it someplace.

John P. Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Email Sticker: My Boss is a Jewish carpenter
http://www.GoboLinux.org | User #00010110
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-07-29 Thread Jason Werpy
On 7/29/05, John P. Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For archiving to DVD I use my Mac.  I just transfer over the .nuv file
  (which is really MPEG-2), rename it .mpg, MPEGStream to get it into DV
  format, and use Quicktime Pro to cut out the commercials.  I can then
  use iDVD to make a disc with cool menus, etc.  Easy.
  Assuming you have a Mac, that is ;).
  mythtv-users mailing list
I started this way, but it takes forever time wise on my Mac Mini and
 my quality was pretty bad with all the reencoding that went on. Also,
 iDVD is not good for controlling the bit rate on the final DVD. iDVD
 would record my content at full DVD quality which would just fit a one
 hour show on my single layer DVD-R (lame!).
I am now doing the following with Linux which takes far less CPU time,
 but does take a fair amount of I/O time. Which of course assumes you
 have a Linux box.
1. Demux/Cut MPEG2 content from MythTV with Java based ProjectX. You
 can download ProjectX from http://www.doom9.org/DigiTV/projectx.htm .
 This application not only has the ability to cut the MPEG (only on
 keyframes) without reencoding, but it appears to have fixed all of the
 audio sync problems for me. I have yet to tackle real long stuff but my
 kids two hour shows are fine.
2. Re-multiplex audio/video streams with mplex
3. Create DVD structures with dvdauthor
4. Create DVD ISO with mkisofs (not sure why others are using
 growisofs, mkisofs works fine for me).
5. Copy DVD ISO to my Mac for burning (My Mac has the only DVD burner
 in the house.)
I started using avidemux2 for step 1. but I had audio sync issues that
 I could not correct with a static audio skew. ProjectX seems to do some
 kind of correction, and in fact it says it is fixing frame ordering
 when I use it in the logs. Total time from transfer of the MPEG2 to my
 Linux box to a burned DVD is about 45 minutes. I even have a little
 shell script that takes care of most of the brain dead steps (mplex,
 dvdauthor, mkisofs, not the editing!). Currently with a max variable
 bit rate of 4.4Mbit (on my PVR-250), I get a little over two hours of
 content on one single layer DVD-R which plays on every settop DVD
 player I have tried so far (including some xboxes) with zero audio sync
 issues. This means three one hour episodes minus commercials on each
 DVD-R! Excellent! I started with the following HOW-TO and adapted as I
 stated above:
 http://www.mythtv.info/moin.cgi/ArchiveRecordingsToDvdHowTo . If you
 want all the gory tech details, then I will put together an HTML based
 HOW-TO and post it someplace.
 John P. Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Email Sticker: My Boss is a Jewish carpenter
 http://www.GoboLinux.org | User #00010110
 mythtv-users mailing list

I found that avidemux2 would have much better audio sync when you only
cut on keyframes.  If I cut off of keyframes, I would start to see
audio issues.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-07-29 Thread Joseph A. Caputo
On Friday 29 July 2005 16:04, John P. Mitchell wrote:
4. Create DVD ISO with mkisofs (not sure why others are using
 growisofs, mkisofs works fine for me).

Possibly because growisofs will burn as well as create the image.  
Doesn't matter for you, since you said your DVD burner is on your Mac, 

mythtv-users mailing list