   Sent this two days ago. I sure would appreciate someone running
Gnome giving this a quick try.

   If more info is nnecessary please let me know.


On 9/18/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>    I found that on my new AMD64 machine I am able to consistently
> crash mythfrontend.
> 1) Run Gnome
> 2) Start mythfrontend full screen and watch a recorded program
> 3) Switch to another desktop
> mythfrontend consistenly crashes after 30 seconds to 1 minute of being
> on the other desktop. It never crashes while on the desktop it's
> running on.
>    Can anyone else duplicate this problem?
>    I would like to do this so that on talk show type programs I can
> listen to the audio and switch back when needed.
> Thanks,
> Mark
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