I have posted this problem to the Unichrome list and
am posting it here in case anyone has encountered the
same problem and has a solution or recommendation.

I have a Fedora (FC3) with Ivor's UnichromePro
drivers. I have been successful in using MPlayer to
playout all MPEG1 and MPEG2 files (including 1080i
HD). I compiled MythTV with the Via VLD XvMC flag

When I launch MythTV frontend, and try to play a
captured program, (content captured successfully with
an HD3000 card), my system hangs. Same thing with
trying to watch live TV's. 

Preliminary information seems to suggest a problem in
the XvMC setup, but I can't pinpoint the problem any
further. (Don't know how to do it)

Has anyone seen somehting similiar? If so, how to get
past it?


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