I know this topic has been brought up many a time.  I'm trying to
troubleshoot my prebuffer pauses and I'd appreciate it if anyone can
offer some ideas as for what to test out.

My backend is a 3Ghz Xeon w/ 3 SATA HDs in RAID5 1GB RAM 1 PVR250, 1
PVR500 connected to a gigabit lan switch

The frontend is an EPIA M10k, xorg is running at 1280x720 (native
resolution of the lcd), but I have myth outputting video at 800x600.
When I tried using 1280x720 I would get prebuffer every few seconds
for the first 2 minutes or so, and then they would go away.  Running
at 800x600 I get them in small batches maybe 2 or 3 times during a 30
minute show.

XvMC appears to be running fine, I'm running the latest unichrome
drivers.  I don't think it is a network problem, the backend is doing
other things, but I don't think it should have a problem feeding out
just 1 stream.  I don't see any network errors under ifconfig on
either the frontend or the backend.

I'm leaning towards a problem on the frontend, but what problem, I
really don't know.

Here are links to 2 logs with -v playback, one is the problem when
running at 1280x720, the other at 800x600.


In the 800x600 I play some video, rewind and then play some more.  In
both logs you can see at the beginning of the stream there are a lot
of pauses, but it clears up (faster at 800x600 then at 1280), but they
do come up after that as well.  Neither log is very long, just a
little bit of video, the logs grow very big quickly (10MB for the
30minute show).  If a longer log would help, let me know.

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