I rejoined this list because I was experiencing problems with my PVR-150 not changing channels. This was after rebuilding my trust Shuttle SK41G with a new 300 GB drive, and adding the PVR-150 to go along with the existing PVR-350.

My initial attempts with the PVR-150 did not go well with R5A26. The video was displaying perfectly, but I couldn't change channels on the PVR-150. The PVR-350 still worked perfectly though. I just disabled the PVR-150 and figured I'd get back to it some day.

I downloaded R5A30 last night, and just upgraded my box. I enabled the PVR-150 and held my breath. Works like a charm! Dual sources are working fine now, as is PIP, and all the other dual tuner goodies that go along with it.

Kudos to the Knoppmyth folks!


There are two seasons in my world - Hockey and Construction
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