First of all Merry xmas to everyone.

I know this is a not very important topic, but in order to improve to the best mythtv we might think about an answer together.

Showing how the program work to my dad, who doesn't speak at all english, I saw that some menues are not totally translated.

For example, the menu of advanced recording, the one that shows up when you are selecting a recording from the search list, shows some text in the translated language, and some in english.

To me this is not anoying, since I like it better in english, but to my dad who wants everything in Spanish is bothering.

I tried to look inside of almost every .xml file and didn't find where to change this.

To be a little more specific, the not translated parts are those introduced by the new menu schema in mythtv 0.16.

So, If there is someone who knows where to change this can you let me know.

I am most than willing to provide a patch (if someone tells me how to do it), and I can translate the text to a couple of languages (swedish, japanese, spanish, italian ...)

I hope someone knows something.

Thanks in advance



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