
I've been reading about transcoding to cut out commercials or transcoding
to mpeg4 lately, but I'm not sure how it works from the frontend.

I see the ability to start a transcode job when I press the right arrow key
while looking at a recording in the Watch Recordings menu, but how do
I control what exactly that transcode job DOES?

For example, for some shows I would like to just cut out the commercials,
but leave the show as mpeg2. For others, I'd like the cut the commercials
and transcode the mpeg4. I don't want to do any of this automatically right
after the show is recorded because (1) commercial detection isn't perfect
and (2) I burn a lot of shows to DVD so it's useful to have them come in
as mpeg2.

How do I do that? Do I have to use command line tools? Or are there GUI


Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

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