Joe Votour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using MythTV 0.18.1 with lirc and xine also, but
> on Fedora Core 3 (using ATrpms), and having no such
> problems.  The version of lirc is 0.7.1, and the
> version of xine is 0.99.3.

my xine-ui is 0.99.3 as well (mdk rpm) but lirc is 0.6.6
(also mdk) . I suspect the lirc version may be the problem
but i am unsure if changing this will have any impact
to the other (working) programs?

> You can assign the same button to multiple programs,
> that is not a problem.
> The command line I'm using for xine is:
> xine -D -pfhq --auto-scan dvd
> Unfortunately, the man page for the version of xine I
> have doesn't mention a -I parameter, but it mentions
> that -H hides the video window.  I wonder if this is a
> problem.

-H is wanted because my video driver is "dxr3", a holly-
wood plus card. i don't want to see an empty video window
when playback is via dxr3 on my tv.

-I is (i think) for switching on deinterlace. but the lirc
problem also happens without -I

i also had this config working on my heavily patched 
mandrake 10.0 before but the update to mdk 10.2 made
this issue pop up...

in my last config i compiled almost everything myself
(at least kernel, lirc, dxr3, xine, mplayer, myth).
and i am quite sure that i had lirc 0.7.0, but i deleted 
the sources unfortunately so i am not sure :(

i think i will give it a try and update the lirc stuff
by hand and see if it behaves the same way. just wanted to
avoid it ;)

i will give feedback if this helps.

many thanks so far

> Also, are you using a window manager when running
> MythTV?  If not, it could cause some focus issues that
> might contribute to what you're seeing.

kde 3.3 as it comes with mdk 10.2

i thought these focus problems are only related to

aren't they?

> -- Joe
> --- Mark Schuren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi list,
> > 
> > i have a problem with myth0.18.1 + lirc + xine:
> > 
> > i play a video/dvd through mythvideo/mythdvd using
> > "xine -H -I -g --no-splash -s
> > DVD dvd://" .
> > 
> > xine works great when started stand-alone, but when
> > run through myth and i quit
> > the player, all buttons from my lirc remote which i
> > pressed during play are
> > sent to mythfrontend as well as soon as the player
> > exits :-(
> > 
> > as least it looks like, mythfrontend is jumping
> > through the menus, or restarting
> > xine immediately... i use a dxr3 card for tv output
> > but i think this is not
> > related, problem also happens when using xv.
> > 
> > my ~/.lircrc contains e.g. things like:
> > 
> > begin
> >     prog = mythtv
> >     button = OFF
> >     config = Esc
> > end
> > 
> > begin
> >     prog = xine
> >     button = OFF
> >     config = Quit
> > end
> > 
> > is it a bad idea to use the same lirc key for two
> > programs in general?? i hope
> > not.
> > 
> > i use mandrake 10.2 with original lirc rpms (0.6.6)
> > and my remote works
> > perfectly with myth / mplayer / xine and others when
> > run stand-alone. no
> > irxevent is running, all apps have native lirc
> > support.
> > 
> > why does lirc cue-up all button-presses for
> > mythfrontend while xine is actually
> > in focus (and also accepting these key-presses from
> > my remote correctly)?? first
> > i thought this might be irxevent. related problem.
> > but although i have keys
> > defined for irxevent in the same .lircrc i have no
> > irxevent running.
> > 
> > whenever xine exits, mythfrontend processes all lirc
> > events which occured during
> > xine playback. is that a xine issue or a problem
> > with lirc or myth?
> > 
> > did anyone have the same probs?
> > 
> > i'm unsure if i should uninstall the mandrake lirc
> > 0.6.6 packages and build my
> > own lirc-0.7.x ? and if, would i need to afterwards
> > recompile myth/xine for the
> > new lirc version??
> > 
> > thanx for any hints!
> > 
> > 
> >
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