> Has anyone ever used RealPlayer to view recorded or live content
> using mythstreamtv?
> My phone (motorola a780)  has a audio/video player from RealAudio on
> it which allows me to stream video to the phone.  Now that I've got
> mythstreamtv working, it's got me wondering if I might be able to
> stream video on the go.  Any ideas on this.  It's a linux
> based phone
> so ideally it would be nice to compile mplayer or xine for it, but
> I'd be happy just to get the video at all.

I've done it using a Palm-based Treo 650 and the MMPlayer program available
for it, streaming MPEG streams using MythStream/VLC. It works great around
the house using Bluetooth for network access -- not so great away from the
house via the Sprint data network (many lags and pauses in the data stream).


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