Re: [mythtv-users] pvr-350 recording at 720x480 question

2005-04-14 Thread Ajay Sharma
Larry Symms wrote:
 Could someone suggest to me the proper way to configure X, ivtv, myth
 recording profiles, etc to enable recording at 720x480?  I've attempted
 to do this and I'm getting some erratic behavior so I'd like to hear
 suggestions before I go into too much depth about my issues.  I
 installed from knoppmyth r5a12.  I'm using kernel 2.6.9-chw-4, mythtv
 .17, and a pvr-350 with ivtv0.2.0-rc3b (but would like to go to ivtv
 0.2.0-rc3i so I can use my new pvr150 at some point).

go here:

take some time to read over the docs because they will probably answer a
lot of your questions.  then come back to the list and ask about
specific problems.

I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just trying to help you get the most
out of the mailing list.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pvr-350 recording at 720x480 question

2005-04-14 Thread Bruce Markey
Larry Symms wrote:
Could someone suggest to me the proper way to configure X, ivtv, myth 
recording profiles, etc to enable recording at 720x480?  I've attempted 
to do this and I'm getting some erratic behavior so I'd like to hear 
suggestions before I go into too much depth about my issues.
Due to the limitations of broadcast television and TV sets, the
relative analog resolution is usually in the 300-500 dots per line.
Other than placebo effect, even in the best of conditions you
probably won't see any difference beyond 560x480 and on a standard
27 tv tube with analog cable, anything too much over 400x480 may
be overkill.
Maxing out the res may just be making bigger files for no benefit.
Moving around and decoding more data may do more to cause other
problems than make the picture better. A lower res with a higher
relative bitrate would do more the decrease compression artifact
and will normally give you a better picture for the same file size.
That said, the recording resolution is set in Setup-TV Settings-
Recording Profiles. More info on resolution:
--  bjm
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pvr-350 recording at 720x480 question

2005-04-14 Thread Larry Symms

I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just trying to help you get the most
out of the mailing list.

Thanks for the response.  Sorry in advance for the ridiculously long 
post.  I've reinstalled everything start to finish about 15 times over 
the last 9 months using jarrod's guide, the myth wikis, knoppmyth, etc.  
That being said, I'm no expert.

Here's what I've done:  I installed knoppmyth and got tv-out working in 
20 minutes.  There's a nice little perl script that does all this for 
you after knoppmyth's been installed.  I've gotten this to work on my 
own but as we all know there's 7 different ways from Sunday to do 
anything in Linux and that's double for tv-out.  Seems like every time I 
try doing it myself I screw something up and have to start all over, 
eventually getting it to work.  One thing I've noticed is that when I 
set it up myself the X display is always way bigger than the screen when 
I configure TV-out myself.  Is this adjustable by manipulating Overscan?

My goal is to be able to burn a dvd without transcoding.  After setting 
the recording profiles to 720x480 and with a higher bitrate (yes I know 
this uses more space it's worth it for me even if it were twice the 
size), I get some very odd behavior.  I begin watching live tv or a 
recorded program.  My screen will look perfect.  Great clarity and 
color.  OSD is centered and readable.  Intermittently while doing this 
the image with turn green/purple and/or stretch way beyond the left side 
of the tv screen.  Running ivtvctl -j reg=0x6c,val=0xf5 makes it better 
but the OSD is way bigger than the screen and I'm definitely loosing a 
lot of image.  The aspect ratio seems ok though (no apparent 
stretching).  The problem will continue to happen as I watch recordings 
or live tv, and I have to keep running that ivtvctl command.  I'm 
starting to worry that this intermittent shifting could be a memory 
fault in the card's registers. 

Here's some of my setup:
modules.conf snippet:
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
options ivtv debug=1
options tuner type=47
options msp3400 once=1 simple=1
install ivtv /sbin/modprobe tuner; /sbin/modprobe msp3400; 
/sbin/modprobe saa7115;  /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install  ivtv; 
/sbin/modprobe ivtv-fb
remove ivtv /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove ivtv  /sbin/modprobe -r 
saa7115  /sbin/modprobe -r msp3400  /sbin/modprobe -r tuner  
/sbin/modprobe -r ivtv-fb

XF86Config-4 snippet:
Section Device
   Identifier  Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer
   Driver  ivtvdev
   ### change fb1 to whatever number you got in the previous section
   Option  fbdev /dev/fb1
   Option  ivtv /dev/fb1
   ### change the busid to whatever is reported by lspci. Note that
   ### output of lspci is hex, so add a preceding 0x to the BusID
   BusID 0:0x8:01
Section Screen
   Identifier  TV Screen
   Device  Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer
   Monitor NTSC Monitor
   DefaultDepth 24
   DefaultFbbpp 32
   Subsection Display
 Depth 24
 FbBpp 32
 Modes 720x480
I'm not sure why the script uses ivtv and fbdev in the Xconfig. 
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