[Nagios-users] Front ends?

2008-01-28 Thread Colin McKinnon
Hi all,

I am a bit of a Nagios newbie, and currently trying to implement a
Nagios based solution around our systems.

My most pressing problem is that of providing a simplified view of the
state of the system - a dashboard. Actually several dashboards, as
different (groups of) users have different requirements. (Note this is
just for publishing information - I'm not bothered about configuration
for now)

In a perfect world

- the users would have some control over what gets reported, subject
to either selection from an approved shortlist, or a request/approval

- this could be displayed in a compact layout in an iframe or
otherwise embedded within other HTML pages.

Looking at the descriptions of projects in NagiosExchange...

Dashboard - seems to come close to what I need, but I'd need to setup
mod_python to get it running, and if its not what we need, we have no
Python skills here (PHP and C, no problem). The documentation provided
is not as good as it might be (where do I put this configuration?)

Groundwork Status viewer - is no longer at the link provided, I can
find the whole groundwork package - should I try to get something
working out of this?

Nagios Looking Glass - Looking at the docs I don't get the impression
that this provides a lot of facility for customizing what is actually
reported on (of course my impressions could be totally wrong)

Are these products likely to meet my needs? Worth the effort?

I'm not averse to writing some code (probably in PHP) - but I've not
yet been able to find any docs on how to get status information out of
nagios - anybody got some links?


Version: 3.1
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t+ 5+ X R- tv-- b++ DI++ D e+++ h

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[Nagios-users] CN=Jason Ellmers/OU=FirstInfo/O=FirstGroup is out of the office.

2008-01-28 Thread Jason Ellmers

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[Nagios-users] notifications

2008-01-28 Thread Mike Welsh
I have inherited the Nagios project at the company that I just started
working for and have a few questions.


Sometimes when one of the services goes down and notifications are sent
out, we will receive them immediately via email but the phone/pager
alerts are sometimes taking up to 72 hours to arrive.  Is this a result
of the Nagios setup or of the cell phone companies text messaging
service?  If it is our Nagios setup, what can be done to speed this
process?  If it is the cell phone companies text messaging service, is
there anything that can be done?







This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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Re: [Nagios-users] notifications

2008-01-28 Thread Scott Sanders
In the last couple of months emails to our [EMAIL PROTECTED] accounts
have started taking up to 72 hours as well. This seems to be a problem with
the cell phone company and not nagios, as switching to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] the problem, albeit with the increased
headache of SMS.

Hope this helps,


On 1/28/08, Mike Welsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have inherited the Nagios project at the company that I just started
 working for and have a few questions.

 Sometimes when one of the services goes down and notifications are sent
 out, we will receive them immediately via email but the phone/pager alerts
 are sometimes taking up to 72 hours to arrive.  Is this a result of the
 Nagios setup or of the cell phone companies text messaging service?  If it
 is our Nagios setup, what can be done to speed this process?  If it is the
 cell phone companies text messaging service, is there anything that can be



 This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Nagios-users mailing list
 ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when
 reporting any issue.
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Re: [Nagios-users] NSClient issue (Unknown alerts)

2008-01-28 Thread Aidan Anderson
Ronaldo A. Bueno Filho wrote:
 Hi, guys and ladies :)
 Now, I'm experiencing a problem regarding NSClient++.
 I'm monitoring a Windows workstation on my LAN. I configured 
 NSClient++ following its documentation.
 Now, that workstation shows unknown alerts for CPU load, Memory usage 
 and Uptime with the message: NSClient - ERROR: PDH Collection thread 
 not running.
 Looking on google.com, I found that it happens when you are not using 
 English language on Windows. Also, I did not find any resolution for 
 that issue.
 I'm not sure if there is an issue related with the windows language.
 Does somebody know how to solve this issue?
It tells you how to resolve this issue in the installation section of 
the readme.html file that comes with the nsclient download.

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[Nagios-users] mrtgtraf

2008-01-28 Thread ilbin wachter
I've been working with mrtgtraf on a couple of servers, and when any of them 
reach the nrpe defined warning or critical threshold, the notification gives 
proper status but fails to present actual data.  Rather, it returns:  NRPE: 
Unable to read output

From the command line, the nrpe command returns no data.  

If the status is Okay (meaning transfer is below the defined levels), it 
returns the proper data in both command line and in the nagios interface.

Has anyone seen this or found a correction?

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This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Nagios-users mailing list
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any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] notifications

2008-01-28 Thread Hugo van der Kooij
Hash: SHA1

Mike Welsh wrote:
| I have inherited the Nagios project at the company that I just started
| working for and have a few questions.

As a hint. Take the nagios manual and browse through it cover to cover.
Then you get a good feel for it and you an dig into the issues in the
manual first.

I sure there are subject in there that you may not understand even if
you read it a couple of times but in those cases you should be able to
be rather specific in your questions.

(I know I did not have that many questions with Nagios but the whole
concept of a CMS like WebGUI for example did not land at all with me
untill someone took me on a small tour sitting side by side.)

| Sometimes when one of the services goes down and notifications are sent
| out, we will receive them immediately via email but the phone/pager
| alerts are sometimes taking up to 72 hours to arrive.  Is this a result
| of the Nagios setup or of the cell phone companies text messaging
| service?  If it is our Nagios setup, what can be done to speed this
| process?  If it is the cell phone companies text messaging service, is
| there anything that can be done?

Check the logs and you will know if the notification was send in time.
If it ain't a nagios issue then I am afraid you should considere
switching (phone) services.


- --
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
PGP/GPG? Use: http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/0x58F19981.asc

A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] CN=Jason Ellmers/OU=FirstInfo/O=FirstGroup is out of the office.

2008-01-28 Thread Hugo van der Kooij
Hash: SHA1

Jason Ellmers wrote:
| I will be Out of the Office

I would suggest that out-of-office replies qualify as a request for
removal to the admin of this list.


- --
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
PGP/GPG? Use: http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/0x58F19981.asc

A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Bored? Click on http://spamornot.org/ and rate those images.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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[Nagios-users] Monitoring Disk Space and Processes and processor utilixation

2008-01-28 Thread Michael Palmieri

Im using Nagios version 2.x which is bundelded in OSSIM.  I have the following 
client installed on a Windows 2003 Server.

NSClientpp (Nagios) RC 2007-11-28 w32

Here is what my host status loks like.
  Host Status Services Actions 
 PENDING No matching services 

How can I fix this probelm?  Thanks Michael

I may need an older client to talk to Nagios 2.x service commands.  I do not 
want to upgrade at the moment to Nagios 3.x-
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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Re: [Nagios-users] Service Dependency Not Working

2008-01-28 Thread Marty
I have done further testing of the issue I am experiencing with service 
dependencies.  I originally thought that nagios had a problem with the 
number of dependencies we have (942).

I began re-testing last Friday by adding the service dependencies on a few 
hosts at a time and testing by shutting down NRPE on a specific target 
host and scheduling a check of all services on that host.  If I 
successfully received a single notification (i.e. NRPE Daemon CRITICAL), I 
would add a few more hosts, restart Nagios and repeat the test.

I was able to bring the number of service dependencies back up to 942 and 
receive a single notification (i.e. NRPE Daemon CRITICAL) as expected when 
NRPE was shutdown.

Today, (Monday) I decided to repeat the tests.  I shutdown NRPE on the 
test host and was sent 3 notifications before nagios reached the NRPE 
Daemon check.  Once nagios determined that NRPE was down, it stopped 
further checks of any remaining NRPE-dependent services.

My updated service dependency configuration is:

define servicedependency{
 dependent_host_name test2
 dependent_service_description   __*
 host_name   test2
 service_description NRPE Daemon
 execution_failure_criteria  w,c,u,p
 notification_failure_criteria   w,c,u,p

I have configured nagios not to check dependent services if the master 
service (NRPE) is in anything other than an OK state.  However if a 
dependent service changes state, nagios fails to perform a check of the 
master service if it has previously done so on the check interval. 
Nagios performs checks, rechecks and sends notifications out about each 
dependent service as it reaches them in it's queue.  Further checks and 
notifications for dependent services only stop once the master check comes 
due within the scheduling queue.

I haven't looked at C code in a long while, but looking through 
bas/checks.c within the nagios source, it appears execution failure 
criteria are only examined before the service check is run.

If a service changes state nagios immediately verifies host up/down status 
with a host check following a change in service state.  After verifying 
host state, should nagios not also immediately re-check the state of 
master services?

Thanks again for your help.

Marty Combs

On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Marty wrote:

 I have been using nagios for several years with wonderful success.  (Thank 
 to all who have contributed.)

 I have a problem with the service dependency not working as I expect.  We are 
 using Nagios v2.9 running on linux (CentOS).

 I am using NRPE to check several services such as load, users, procs, etc.
 I plan to make all NRPE dependent services begin with a double underscore
 (__) and use a regular expression in the service dependency to have
 the functioning of the NRPE daemon be the master service upon which
 all other NRPR services depend.  (Such as below.)

 define servicedependency{
dependent_host_name HOSTNAME
dependent_service_description   __*
host_name   HOSTNAME
service_description NRPE Daemon
execution_failure_criteria  n
notification_failure_criteria   w,c,u,p

 To confirm running of NRPE, I am using check_dummy

  command[check_dummy]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_dummy 0

 I have been running tests with no success.  I received notifications of the 
 dependendent services even if I shutdown NRPE on the target host.

 I have tried multiple iterations of the configuration.  I even simplified the 
 test by reconfiguring the service dependency stanza to be:

 define servicedependency{
dependent_host_name test2
dependent_service_description   __Total Processes
host_name   test2
service_description NRPE Daemon
execution_failure_criteria  n
notification_failure_criteria   w,c,u,p

 I run the simplified test by setting the critical value for the number of 
 processes very low and configure check_dummy to return CRITICAL.  Nagios 
 out two notifications when I schedule a check of services on host test2.

 I have used service dependencies in the past on older versions of Nagios 
 (v1.x).  Is there something I am overlooking?

 Many thanks for any help I can get.

 marty :-)

 To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that
 we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only
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  -Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President