Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread davor grgicevic
Mark  ,

possible solution  could be SSD  drive,  the  life  span  is about 5 years
by  10 GB write / Day   ,  maybe  even more  now..
and  they  are not expensive any more..


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Sven Nierlein wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> this could be done with Mod-Gearman which just puts all performance data
> in the gearman message system
> which then can be processed whereever you want. PNP4Nagios ships a gearman
> worker daemon which then
> processes your perfdata on a (or multiple) remote host. You could also put
> the pnp gui there.
> Details are the docs...
>   Sven
> On 10/3/12 16:33, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:
> > Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios
> performance data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We’ve been
> processing perfdata results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and
> increasingly it’s just eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.
> > Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around
> on different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today’s world
> where companies don’t like building any kind of physical server let alone
> one with all that additional hardware, that’s not entirely an option for us.
> > I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing
> server(s), processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My
> problem is figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS
> device.   (If I/O’s a problem locally, I don’t want to shuffle that I/O to
> an even slower network device).
> > It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send
> that data to and have it picked up remotely. Like if maybe Merlin have a
> special kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.
>  Anything else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution
> like say pumping events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s)
> and then letting the graphing server pick them up from the message
> queue(s).  I could also imagine some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4
> that did something like this, maybe.
> > Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > Mark
> >
> >
> >
> --
> > Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
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> > what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app
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> >
> >
> > ___
> > Nagios-users mailing list
> >
> >
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> reporting any issue.
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> --
> Sven Nierlein
> ConSol* GmbH
> Franziskanerstrasse 38Tel.:089/45841-439
> 81669 MuenchenFax.:089/45841-111
> --
> Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
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Davor Grgicevic
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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Sven Nierlein
Hi Mark,

this could be done with Mod-Gearman which just puts all performance data in the 
gearman message system
which then can be processed whereever you want. PNP4Nagios ships a gearman 
worker daemon which then
processes your perfdata on a (or multiple) remote host. You could also put the 
pnp gui there.
Details are the docs...


On 10/3/12 16:33, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:
> Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
> data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We’ve been processing perfdata 
> results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it’s just 
> eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.
> Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
> different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today’s world 
> where companies don’t like building any kind of physical server let alone one 
> with all that additional hardware, that’s not entirely an option for us.
> I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing 
> server(s), processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My 
> problem is figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS 
> device.   (If I/O’s a problem locally, I don’t want to shuffle that I/O to an 
> even slower network device).
> It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
> data to and have it picked up remotely. Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
> kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
> else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say 
> pumping events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then 
> letting the graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could 
> also imagine some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something 
> like this, maybe.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mark
> --
> Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
> Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly
> what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app
> Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too!
> ___
> Nagios-users mailing list
> ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
> any issue.
> ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Sven Nierlein
ConSol* GmbH
Franziskanerstrasse 38Tel.:089/45841-439
81669 MuenchenFax.:089/45841-111

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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Andreas Ericsson
On 10/03/2012 05:58 PM, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:
> Dan,
> As I understand it, the issue is less about Nagios and more about
> npcd.   Nagios merrily produces the perfdata files and then npcd
> comes along and scoops them up, but as it's processing them it's
> opening a lot of rrd files and inserting data into them.

That's what rrdcached is for. It's supposed to stash the perfdata
in memory so writes don't have to happen so often. You defeat the
purpose if you use a cache-timer shorter than your check-interval
though, but if you have, say, a 30 minute cache time and a 5 minute
check-interval, you basically cut I/O down to 1/6th of the normal.

If you also hook up a decent-sized ssd, you get x21 throughput
from before, so all in all you can get a rough increase of 12000%
with both those options enabled.

>   So really
> it's npcd that's the problem.  Well, not really a problem, but
> ultimately it's doing its thing and then Nagios gets less than a fair
> share of the box's I/O.   It's not that it's horrible right now, but
> we're starting to notice it and I would tend to be concerned about
> scaling problems.
> Honestly even with Nagios 3, it seems like Nagios' own I/O is
> entirely manageable so far with strategic use of ram disk.   It's
> just putting Nagios and PNP4Nagios (plus Apache to serve up the graph
> contents which I'm also not happen going on on the same server) on
> the same boxes that I don't like.

With Nagios 4, set status_file=/dev/null and use livestatus instead
and you're golden. Apart from the nagios.log, there's no other I/O
going on from Nagios' side, so it won't get stuck waiting for pnp to
get done.

Andreas Ericsson
Tel: +46 8-230225  Fax: +46 8-230231

Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
on peace.

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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Andreas Ericsson
On 10/03/2012 04:33 PM, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:
> Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
> data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We've been processing perfdata 
> results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it's just 
> eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.
> Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
> different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today's world 
> where companies don't like building any kind of physical server let alone one 
> with all that additional hardware, that's not entirely an option for us.
> I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing 
> server(s), processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My 
> problem is figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS 
> device.   (If I/O's a problem locally, I don't want to shuffle that I/O to an 
> even slower network device).
> It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
> data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
> kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
> else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say 
> pumping events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then 
> letting the graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could 
> also imagine some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something 
> like this, maybe.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Using the NERD radio you will be able to stream your checkresults
off-site (once the macro-processing patches are done, that is). It's
Nagios 4 only, but I know you've been looking at that already so
perhaps that's not be a big issue.

The "will be" is a bit of a showstopper though, but I have to have
it done by next wednesday.

Andreas Ericsson
Tel: +46 8-230225  Fax: +46 8-230231

Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
on peace.

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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Frost, Mark {BIS}

As I understand it, the issue is less about Nagios and more about npcd.   
Nagios merrily produces the perfdata files and then npcd comes along and scoops 
them up, but as it's processing them it's opening a lot of rrd files and 
inserting data into them.   So really it's npcd that's the problem.  Well, not 
really a problem, but ultimately it's doing its thing and then Nagios gets less 
than a fair share of the box's I/O.   It's not that it's horrible right now, 
but we're starting to notice it and I would tend to be concerned about scaling 

Honestly even with Nagios 3, it seems like Nagios' own I/O is entirely 
manageable so far with strategic use of ram disk.   It's just putting Nagios 
and PNP4Nagios (plus Apache to serve up the graph contents which I'm also not 
happen going on on the same server) on the same boxes that I don't like.

Hmm.  I was unaware that rrdcached could be configured to receive data over the 
network.   I'm assuming that means that npcd can be configured to send.   I'll 
check that out.  Still doesn't feel like an elegant solution, but it may fit 
the bill.



From: Daniel Wittenberg []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 11:08 AM
To: Nagios Users List
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata 

You might consider looking at 4.0 since disk i/o is almost nothing, but short 
of that looked at using rrdcache to send the processing to another server?


On Oct 3, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:

Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We've been processing perfdata 
results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it's just 
eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.

Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today's world where 
companies don't like building any kind of physical server let alone one with 
all that additional hardware, that's not entirely an option for us.

I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing server(s), 
processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My problem is 
figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS device.   (If I/O's 
a problem locally, I don't want to shuffle that I/O to an even slower network 

It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say pumping 
events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then letting the 
graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could also imagine 
some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something like this, maybe.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Andrew Widdersheim
There are two options that I know of. The first is there is an undocumented NEB 
module that comes with PNP4Nagios located in src/module called modpnpsender.c 
that looks like it send data to a remote server to get processed. If anything 
you can use it as a starting point. 

This blog article talks about using it and if you look at the source you can 
find the original author and possibly more details:
The second option is setting up mod_gearman which can put perfdata into it's 
own queue and configure PNP4Nagios as a gearman worker to pick up the data 
remotely and process it. All of this is described here:
-Andrew W.
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[Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?‏

2012-10-03 Thread Andrew Widdersheim
There are two options that I know of. The first is there is an undocumented NEB 
module that comes with PNP4Nagios located in src/module called modpnpsender.c 
that looks like it send data to a remote server to get processed. If anything 
you can use it as a starting point. 

This blog article talks about using it and if you look at the source you can 
find the original author and possibly more details: 
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Nagios-users mailing list
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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Mike Guthrie

Hey Mark,

I've been stewing on an idea like this as well. I haven't come up with a 
perfect solution yet. I know of another user who implemented a large 
install and used NAS for the rrdfiles, but I recognize your concerns 
there. Would it be plausible to simply mount an additional drive in the 
perfdata directory so that all of those writes happen to a separate disk 
while still on the local machine?

The other idea I've been thinking about but haven't had time to play 
with yet would be to use the performance data processing command to send 
the perfdata to the offloaded machine (maybe using xinetd), and then 
just drop that data into the perfdata spool so you could have pnp 
running on the offloaded machine.  From there you could just the web 
access for PNP on the 2nd machine. Obviously there are some mechanics to 
work out there, and I'm not sure how much bandwidth that would eat up, 
but like I said, so far it's just in the idea stage.

On 10/3/2012 9:56 AM, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:


My concern is more about the actual I/O to the RRD files and not so 
much processing the to-be-processed perfdata files (i.e. temporary 
files).   The heavy I/O is happening on the RRD filesystem and since I 
would of course need the RRD files to persist, I would not want to 
store them on a ram disk.  Plus it would need to be a fairly large ram 
disk to hold all the rrd files even if I were willing to lose them all 
if a reboot occurred.

We do use ram disks for Nagios status.dat files and spool files (i.e. 
things I can afford to lose in a reboot/crash) and it's definitely 
been a good thing.   It still seems weird to have to do so much 
"compensating" for Nagios normal operations for a moderately large 
installation (not really even huge) to make it work well.   I'm 
guessing again that this is going to be vastly improved with Nagios 4 
as well. At least no spool files.



*From:*davor grgicevic []
*Sent:* Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:45 AM
*To:* Nagios Users List
*Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios 
perfdata processing?

Hi Mark ...

did  you  try  a  using a ram  disk


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Frost, Mark {BIS}>> wrote:

Hello. Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios 
performance data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We've been 
processing perfdata results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now 
and increasingly it's just eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.

Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around 
on different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today's 
world where companies don't like building any kind of physical server 
let alone one with all that additional hardware, that's not entirely 
an option for us.

I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing 
server(s), processing them into RRD files there should be a 
no-brainer.  My problem is figuring out how to get them there without 
say, using a NAS device.   (If I/O's a problem locally, I don't want 
to shuffle that I/O to an even slower network device).

It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just 
send that data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe 
Merlin have a special kind of peer that just received a stream of 
perfdata or something.  Anything else I could imagine would be some 
kind of home-grown solution like say pumping events into a messaging 
system from the Nagios server(s) and then letting the graphing server 
pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could also imagine some 
kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something like this, 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Davor Grgicevic

Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Daniel Wittenberg
You might consider looking at 4.0 since disk i/o is almost nothing, but short 
of that looked at using rrdcache to send the processing to another server?


On Oct 3, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Frost, Mark {BIS} wrote:

Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We’ve been processing perfdata 
results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it’s just 
eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.

Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today’s world where 
companies don’t like building any kind of physical server let alone one with 
all that additional hardware, that’s not entirely an option for us.

I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing server(s), 
processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My problem is 
figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS device.   (If I/O’s 
a problem locally, I don’t want to shuffle that I/O to an even slower network 

It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say pumping 
events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then letting the 
graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could also imagine 
some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something like this, maybe.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Frost, Mark {BIS}

My concern is more about the actual I/O to the RRD files and not so much 
processing the to-be-processed perfdata files (i.e. temporary files).   The 
heavy I/O is happening on the RRD filesystem and since I would of course need 
the RRD files to persist, I would not want to store them on a ram disk.  Plus 
it would need to be a fairly large ram disk to hold all the rrd files even if I 
were willing to lose them all if a reboot occurred.

We do use ram disks for Nagios status.dat files and spool files (i.e. things I 
can afford to lose in a reboot/crash) and it’s definitely been a good thing.   
It still seems weird to have to do so much “compensating” for Nagios normal 
operations for a moderately large installation (not really even huge) to make 
it work well.   I’m guessing again that this is going to be vastly improved 
with Nagios 4 as well.  At least no spool files.



From: davor grgicevic []
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:45 AM
To: Nagios Users List
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata 

Hi  Mark ...

did  you  try  a  using a ram  disk

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Frost, Mark {BIS}>> wrote:
Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We’ve been processing perfdata 
results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it’s just 
eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.

Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today’s world where 
companies don’t like building any kind of physical server let alone one with 
all that additional hardware, that’s not entirely an option for us.

I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing server(s), 
processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My problem is 
figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS device.   (If I/O’s 
a problem locally, I don’t want to shuffle that I/O to an even slower network 

It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say pumping 
events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then letting the 
graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could also imagine 
some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something like this, maybe.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
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Davor Grgicevic
Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM
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Re: [Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread davor grgicevic
Hi  Mark ...

did  you  try  a  using a ram  disk


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Frost, Mark {BIS}

>  Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios
> performance data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We’ve been
> processing perfdata results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and
> increasingly it’s just eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.
> Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on
> different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today’s world
> where companies don’t like building any kind of physical server let alone
> one with all that additional hardware, that’s not entirely an option for us.
> I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing
> server(s), processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My
> problem is figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS
> device.   (If I/O’s a problem locally, I don’t want to shuffle that I/O to
> an even slower network device).
> It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send
> that data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a
> special kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.
> Anything else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution
> like say pumping events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s)
> and then letting the graphing server pick them up from the message
> queue(s).  I could also imagine some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4
> that did something like this, maybe.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mark
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Davor Grgicevic
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[Nagios-users] solutions for off-server PNP4Nagios perfdata processing?

2012-10-03 Thread Frost, Mark {BIS}
Hello.  Has anyone come up with solutions for processing Nagios performance 
data on a server other than a Nagios server?   We've been processing perfdata 
results on our Nagios server(s) for a while now and increasingly it's just 
eating up too much I/O to make me comfortable.

Yes, we do use rrdcached and yes, I realize that shuffling data around on 
different disk spindles and controllers would help, but in today's world where 
companies don't like building any kind of physical server let alone one with 
all that additional hardware, that's not entirely an option for us.

I realize that once the perfdata files are on the dedicated graphing server(s), 
processing them into RRD files there should be a no-brainer.  My problem is 
figuring out how to get them there without say, using a NAS device.   (If I/O's 
a problem locally, I don't want to shuffle that I/O to an even slower network 

It would be ideal if somehow there was a process that I could just send that 
data to and have it picked up remotely.  Like if maybe Merlin have a special 
kind of peer that just received a stream of perfdata or something.  Anything 
else I could imagine would be some kind of home-grown solution like say pumping 
events into a messaging system from the Nagios server(s) and then letting the 
graphing server pick them up from the message queue(s).  I could also imagine 
some kind of fancy-pants module in Nagios 4 that did something like this, maybe.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Re: [Nagios-users] Plugin check_oracle_health

2012-10-03 Thread Joerg Linge
you just need a working sqlplus installation

use check_oracle_health --method=sqlplus ... and you are on your way


Am 03.10.2012 um 08:14 schrieb Cosmin Neagu :

> Well, thats the hard part for me, installing those ORA files - didnt find yet 
> how to do that. I think installing the plugin on DBServer and using NRPE is 
> easier.
>  Cosmin Neagu
>  NOC Team Leader
>  Str. I. G. Duca nr. 36
>  Otopeni, Judetul Ilfov, 075100 Romania
>  Tel: 021 303 3159 / 0732 669 193
> On 10/02/2012 06:05 PM, Claudio Kuenzler wrote:
>> The plugin needs to be installed on the Oracle Database server.
>> That's not entirely correct. It can also run on a standalone Nagios server.
>> But you need to install the ora files to be able to launch the plugin 
>> against an Oracle DB server.
>> I did that successfully on Nagios 3.3.1 against ORA11. 
>> --
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