Re: [Nagios-users] checking a counter on a website

2006-10-17 Thread Frank, Jason

This actually hits on what I consider to be one of
Nagios' (few) weaknesses. A lot of time, when I do my checks, I'm
not nearly as interested in the value of a check as in the change in the value
since the last check. This isa goodexample. Another
itemI monitor is changes in the SNMP Interface error counters. For
example, if I get more than 5 errors/second, I need to send out an alert.
Finally, I have the same issue monitoring SNMP Interface statuses. But,
Nagios has no feature to remember data between invocations of the checks.
So, I end up storing this data in temporary files.If there was a facility
to provide some information back to Nagios, and retrieve it on the next one,
that would be wonderful.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew
CruseSent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:52 PMTo:
'Maxwell,Brady'; nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.netSubject: Re:
[Nagios-users] checking a counter on a website

I would just write a
quick script that grabs the value on the counter, then grabs the value again and
subtracts the first from the second. Publish that value out via SNMP and
then just use check_snmp to verify that the value is =1. People with
more programming skills than I would probably just write one plugin to do it


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Maxwell,BradySent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:45
nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.netSubject: [Nagios-users] checking a counter
on a website

Anyone ever tried to check a
websites hit counter and return a warning if the hit counter has not incremented
since the previous check? 

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RE: [Nagios-users] Re: Monitor DHCP Server []

2006-04-21 Thread Frank, Jason

There are several reasons to fail to bind a low numbered port.  The most
obvious is not having root privileges.  If you running as root
(regardless if the program is setuid root), that is not in play.  The
second most obvious is that something else is already listening on that
port.  I'd check that next.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Melkiades
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 4:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Re: Monitor DHCP Server []

 You're still in the compliation directory. check_dhcp is not set suid.
 If you do make install it will be copied to the plugin directory
 (usually /usr/local/nagios/libexec) and will get suid BUT as it seems
 you're execute check_dhcp as root in the example above (according to
 the '#'). This should work! Perhaps the problem isn't check_dhcp, but
 there's missing something...
 Please try to run check_dhcp directly as root without sudo.

So, as root

# rm /opt/nagios/nagios-plugins-1.4.2/plugins/check_dhcp
# rm /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_dhcp

# cd /opt/nagios/nagios-plugins-1.4.2/plugins/

# make check_dhcp
gcc  -g -O2  -L. -o check_dhcp  check_dhcp.o netutils.o utils.o
../lib/libnagiosplug.a ../lib/libcoreutils.a  -lnsl -lresolv

# make install
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/nagios/nagios-plugins-1.4.2/plugins'
mkdir -m 0755 -p -- /usr/local/nagios/libexec
  /usr/bin/install -c check_dhcp /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_dhcp

# ll /opt/nagios/nagios-plugins-1.4.2/plugins/check_dhcp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 56028 Apr 21 11:26 check_dhcp

# ll /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_dhcp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 56028 Apr 21 11:26 check_dhcp

# cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec

# ./check_dhcp -s -v
DHCP socket: 3
Error: Could not bind to DHCP socket (port 68)!  Check your

Thanks for your help, Rene

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RE: [Nagios-users] Nagios doesn't send mail!

2006-03-09 Thread Frank, Jason

Do you seeing it trying to send a notification in the log file?  Perhaps
you've configured it not to send emails.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 9:16 AM
Subject: [Nagios-users] Nagios doesn't send mail!

Hello list,

I'm using nagios 1.2 and it's working fine except the fact that it
doens't send mail when servicegoes down! I can see on the web interface
that the service is down (red) but I don't get emailed on my phone or
email address.

The mail program is working on the server, I can use command like
sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /tmp/testmail.txt and receive the email, I
can also use /bin/mail -s to send mail via the terminal and I receive
it, therefore /bin/mail and /usr/sbin/sendmail work. I know that Nagios
use /bin/mail to send alert because that is what is used and configured
inside the misscommand.cfg file. So I don't understand why Nagios
doesn't alert me when hosts or service goes down.

Somebody has an idea? Thanks.


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RE: [Nagios-users] Monitor Fileserver

2006-02-27 Thread Frank, Jason

NetApp certainly has SNMP support. It's not
wonderful, it only supports v1. As a result, it has the usual problems
with overflowing COUNTER32's. But, it's fairly easy to set up and will let
you monitor just about anything you want.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hans
EngelenSent: Monday, February 27, 2006 4:01 PMTo: Nagios
Users MailinglistSubject: Re: [Nagios-users] Monitor

Ah, i see.

Question ... is there no SNMP access for these blackboxes ? Most blackboxes
do from my experience (though I usually steer clear of them so I haven't used
that many of them really).

SNMP access will most likely allow you to poll a fair number of interesting
metrics. Free space, network utilization, load ... that kind of thing.

Worth checking into should my other suggestion fail. Incidentally don't
forget to give the service-user enough rights to do its work, i.e. on the share
and also for other checks it might have to do or you might get other unexplained
errors. Start out with adding it to the local admins group to test the general
idea first (and get a baseline check)then bump it down to normal user and
add rights as you need. But I am sure you know that drill. 

On 2/27/06, Josh

  / Ryan,Thanks for your input...I thought the question might
  arise about "why don't I monitor the server housing the shares"... well,
  theproblem there is the machine is a NetApp device (notrunning windows
  and won't allow me to install anythingon it of course... it's an
  appliance).I've tried touching the
  /root/.smb/smb.conf...theproblem is most likely related to the
  nagios usercan't even see inside /root.I like your idea of mapping
  the drives under thenagios user and then running the service as the nagios
  user... I'll give that a shot.On a side note, I did try getting
  the nrpe checks towork on the windows server but am getting
  thefollowing error:"CScript Error: Execution of the Windows Script
  Host failed. (Catastrophic failure)"A little research shows it is
  most likely related to asoftware security policy in
  place.Anyone on thislist know what I need to
  change?Thanks again for all your help. Josh--- Hans
  wrote: Dangit replied privately and not to the list,
  anyway heres a forward. Also just checked the
  /root/.smb/smb.conf reference  is actually a workaround for a
  problem with samba's libsmbclient in the perl module
  Filesys::SmbClient (used by Aparantly
  libsmbclient segfaults if it does not exist. Therefor if it does
   not exist the perl module Filesys::SmbClient tries to make
  one (an empty one) but has no permission to do so from what
  you wrote. I supose you could make it yourself (touch
  /root/.smb/smb.conf; chmod og+r  /root/.smb/smb.conf). Maybe that
  will solve your issues with that particular check allowing you
  to use it to monitor the remote shares you spoke of
  Cheers, Hans On 2/27/06, Hans Engelen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For mapped drives that is quite normal since mapped
  drives are, barring a   small number of special cases, only
  accessible for the user that did the  actual mapping. It's
  the same problem you get for other NT services trying  to
  access a drive mapping made from another user.  Also most likely
  your  pNSClient (or NC_Net or NSClient++) or whatever
  agent you have running on  the Windows box is running under the
  System security setting. This security   context is only
  valid for that windows box internally and as such has no 
  credentials to access anything beyond that machine. This includes (but
  is  not limited to) shares.   
  Theoretically you could of course run your Nagios Agent under an
  actual  user account, log in interactively on that same
  account and create a  persistent mapping (net use * \\server\share
   /persist:yes, if memory serves)  to the shares in
  question. Since the service will use the same profile when
   logging in that should solve the issue. But why even monitor a
  remote disk   in this way. Just install the Nagios Agent on
  the server that houses the  share and monitor it directly
  instead of indirectly (with all the quirks and  pitfalls
  that come with it).Of course in this case the
  check_smb_shares is a solution too. As to why  it insists
  on writing to /root/.smb/smb.conf is a bit strange. Possibly
  this  was defined somewhere in the 
  file. Open it up in a text  editor and see. 
   Cheers,  Hans  Cheers,  Hans
On 2/27/06, Ryan Wilcox  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  wrote: yeah... i got the same error as you
  did with a mapped drive. we aren't   monitoring any
  mapped drives right now, hence  the confusion. 
 not sure about the mapped drives... anyone else
  have an idea for josh? 
  -Original Message-From: Josh [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]