Re: [Nagios-users] Unable to use check_bgp and check_catalyst_mem

2011-11-01 Thread Cosmin Neagu

Can anyoune help me understand what is wrong with those definitions? Please.

On 10/31/2011 10:33 AM, Cosmin Neagu wrote:
Actually, i have another one in the same situation, when executed 
manualy, it is working:

/nagios@mon2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./ -s -C xxx -w 30 -c 20
OK:  I/O: valid, Used: 25189592B Free: 41919272B (62%)! Processor: 
valid, Used: 114067808B Free: 801243696B (87%)!|WARING <= 30%, 
CRITICAL <= 20%/

But, when i define a service for it, it does not do the checking 
corectly: Status Critical and null status information:

/define command {
command_name check_catalyst_mem
command_line $USER1$/ -s $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

define service {
use generic-service
host_name   VSS6509
service_description Memory
check_command   check_catalyst_mem!-C xxx -w 30 -c 20

What's wrong with this definitions and why nagios does not check corect?

  Cosmin Neagu

On 10/31/2011 10:22 AM, Cosmin Neagu wrote:

I'm trying to monitor bgp session, and i came upon the following 
script check_bgp.

When i run it manually, it checks the bgp session OK:

/nagios@mon2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./ -H X.X.X.X -C 
xxx -p Y.Y.Y.Y
OK - Y.Y.Y.Y (AS12345) state is established(6). Established for 
69d9h34m43s. Last error "Hold Timer Expired".


But, when i define the command, and add a service for it, it does not 
work. In nagios, i get CRITICAL status and /null/ Status information.

Using nagios 3.2.3

/define command {
command_name check_bgp
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
/define service {
use generic-service
host_name  EDGE
service_description eBGP to AS12345
check_command   check_bgp!-C abcd -p Y.Y.Y.Y

So, what am i doing wrong? I have about 300 diferent services, and 
all checks works fine, this is the first time when a script works 
when invoked manually but not when invoked by nagios. Please help.

  Cosmin Neagu

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Re: [Nagios-users] Unable to use check_bgp and check_catalyst_mem

2011-10-31 Thread Cosmin Neagu
Actually, i have another one in the same situation, when executed 
manualy, it is working:

/nagios@mon2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./ -s -C xxx -w 30 -c 20
OK:  I/O: valid, Used: 25189592B Free: 41919272B (62%)! Processor: 
valid, Used: 114067808B Free: 801243696B (87%)!|WARING <= 30%, CRITICAL 
<= 20%/

But, when i define a service for it, it does not do the checking 
corectly: Status Critical and null status information:

/define command {
command_name check_catalyst_mem
command_line $USER1$/ -s $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

define service {
use generic-service
host_name   VSS6509
service_description Memory
check_command   check_catalyst_mem!-C xxx -w 30 -c 20

What's wrong with this definitions and why nagios does not check corect?

 Cosmin Neagu

On 10/31/2011 10:22 AM, Cosmin Neagu wrote:

I'm trying to monitor bgp session, and i came upon the following 
script check_bgp.

When i run it manually, it checks the bgp session OK:

/nagios@mon2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./ -H X.X.X.X -C 
xxx -p Y.Y.Y.Y
OK - Y.Y.Y.Y (AS12345) state is established(6). Established for 
69d9h34m43s. Last error "Hold Timer Expired".


But, when i define the command, and add a service for it, it does not 
work. In nagios, i get CRITICAL status and /null/ Status information.

Using nagios 3.2.3

/define command {
command_name check_bgp
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
/define service {
use generic-service
host_name  EDGE
service_description eBGP to AS12345
check_command   check_bgp!-C abcd -p Y.Y.Y.Y

So, what am i doing wrong? I have about 300 diferent services, and all 
checks works fine, this is the first time when a script works when 
invoked manually but not when invoked by nagios. Please help.

  Cosmin Neagu

Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook 
in minutes. BlackBerry App World™ now supports Android™ Apps 
for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™. Discover just how easy and simple 
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Nagios-users mailing list
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[Nagios-users] Unable to use check_bgp

2011-10-31 Thread Cosmin Neagu

I'm trying to monitor bgp session, and i came upon the following script 

When i run it manually, it checks the bgp session OK:

/nagios@mon2:/usr/local/nagios/libexec$ ./ -H X.X.X.X -C xxx 
-p Y.Y.Y.Y
OK - Y.Y.Y.Y (AS12345) state is established(6). Established for 
69d9h34m43s. Last error "Hold Timer Expired".


But, when i define the command, and add a service for it, it does not 
work. In nagios, i get CRITICAL status and /null/ Status information.

Using nagios 3.2.3

/define command {
command_name check_bgp
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
/define service {
use generic-service
host_name  EDGE
service_description eBGP to AS12345
check_command   check_bgp!-C abcd -p Y.Y.Y.Y

So, what am i doing wrong? I have about 300 diferent services, and all 
checks works fine, this is the first time when a script works when 
invoked manually but not when invoked by nagios. Please help.

 Cosmin Neagu

Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook 
in minutes. BlackBerry App World™ now supports Android™ Apps 
for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™. Discover just how easy and simple 
it is!
Nagios-users mailing list
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