Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-09 Thread Christopher McAtackney
 With parallel checks in Nagios 3 and some configuration tuning and
 well-written SNMP checks, I'd argue that Nagios is as good if not a
 better poller than cactid :).   our instance is not huge, but
 currently we do 7000+ SNMP-based checks in 3 minutes on a dual
 quad-core Linux-based server.

 Before PNP I used to use Cacti and Nagios.  I like Cacti, but with PNP
 around I would never go back to that combination again .. Nagios + PNP
 really does simplify life for Nagios administrators and provides a lot
 of flexibility as far as how you scale your graphing as your node base

 - Max

Hi Max,

Do you all of your SNMP management manually? I'm still learning a lot
about SNMP, and was under the impression that Cacti took a lot of the
pain out of SNMP management, but I'd be interested in hearing how you
administer it in your system just using Nagios + PNP4Nagios if you
don't mind?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-09 Thread Daniel Emmanuel Feinsmith

That's impressive and good to hear about the high snmp performance you've 
achieved with nagios.

Daniel Feinsmith
{sent from iPhone}

On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:48 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:

With parallel checks in Nagios 3 and some configuration tuning and
well-written SNMP checks, I'd argue that Nagios is as good if not a
better poller than cactid :).   our instance is not huge, but
currently we do 7000+ SNMP-based checks in 3 minutes on a dual
quad-core Linux-based server.

Before PNP I used to use Cacti and Nagios.  I like Cacti, but with PNP
around I would never go back to that combination again .. Nagios + PNP
really does simplify life for Nagios administrators and provides a lot
of flexibility as far as how you scale your graphing as your node base

- Max

Hi Max,

Do you all of your SNMP management manually? I'm still learning a lot
about SNMP, and was under the impression that Cacti took a lot of the
pain out of SNMP management, but I'd be interested in hearing how you
administer it in your system just using Nagios + PNP4Nagios if you
don't mind?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-09 Thread Max
Hi Chris, Daniel,

I write about a number of the configuration decisions we made in order
to achieve our current level of performance on my blog:

Please note that a number of configuration steps we have done go
against what the Nagios documentation recommends, so if you wish to do
anything similar to what we have done, make sure you understand the
Nagios documentation and understand the risks of violating the
recommendations in it.

We have done a lot of custom development to help make implementing
SNMP-based checks across a large number of hosts easier for us:
1)  We develop agent-specific checks (we currently use Net-SNMP and
SysEdge, starting to do Cisco monitoring) using perl that run clean
under ePN.  These groups of checks are associated with host groups
specific to each agent type (e.g. net-snmp-host).
2)  We create a custom base template for each agent type.  The
template has custom attributess that associate SNMP version, community
string etc with the host template.  We also use custom attributes in
each agent-specific check (e.g. CPU), so that all thresholds are
defined at the host level and we can provide default thresholds.  For

define host {
name net_snmp_host
  hostgroups +net_snmp_hosts
   __snmp_version 2c
   __snmp_community myreadonlycommunity
__snmp_version 2c
__snmp_storage_partitions all
__snmp_storage_warn 90
__snmp_storage_crit 95
__snmp_la_warn 15:10:5
__snmp_la_crit 30:20:10
__snmp_mem_warn free,lt,8
__snmp_mem_crit free,lt,5
__snmp_swap_warn 50
__snmp_swap_crit 65
__snmp_cpu_warn wait,gt,20
__snmp_cpu_crit wait,gt,30
  register 0

for custom communities we create separate templates, e.g.

define host {
name southwest-region-host
   hostgroups +southwest-hosts
  __snmp_community southWestRegionCommunity

so now our end users can easily tell Nagios to poll their hosts with
SNMP and they can override our thresholds if they want at the host
level without having to know a thing about programming:

define host {
   use generic-host, net_snmp_host, southwest-region-host
   #  Override CPU default thresholds
   __snmp_cpu_warn wait,gt,40

3)  We have developed, and hope to release sometime this year, a
perl-based, ePN friendly SNMP check script that handles counters and
gauges well, it lets you check multple SNMP OIDs at once.  This has
been extremely useful for custom SNMP application agents .. a service
definition ends up looking like this:

define service {
use check_snmp_oids-base
service_descriptionCustom App  - 5 minute SNMP checks
__snmp_oids_spec -O 'TimeMin:g:' \
  -O 'labelFor1sttOid:g:' \
  -O 'labelFor2ndOid:g:' \
  -O 'labelFor3rdtOid:g:'\
 __snmp_oids_crit_spec labelFor1stoid,lt,0
hostgroup_name   custom-agent-group

In some cases we check 15-20 OIDs at once using this methodology.
Our script uses memcached to cache counter data to get delta output
properly and we have code that adjusts data properly for over samples,
under samples, and large deltas.

Many of our checks are based off of the code I wrote that can be
downloaded here:

Though we have significantly enhanced things.

So, a lot of development time up front but the end result is we get
terrific performance and a lot of flexibility.  We are using Nagios to
replace $$$ COTS products, so our company is happy to have us spend
time doing custom development.  I realize many of you do not have that
luxury so I understand that this won't be ideal for many of you.

Development time with two people to get to where we are now - about 3-4 months.

We have permission to release a lot of the code we have done, just
need time to package it properly for a public release .. so hopefully
we can share some of  our tools and help others do something similar
without the 3-4 months development time :p.

hope this helps more than it confuses.

- Max

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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Davis
And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on the 
same server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over 400 
network devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also have about 
300 monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti both on one 
server with Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes. About every 5 
minutes, my shells would become unresponsive for roughly 30 to 90 
seconds. Turning off either Nagios or Cacti resolved the issue. Running 
both seems to have hammered the server a bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x dual core 
2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't integrate Cacti and Nagios, however. Nagios does 
both trending and alerts of all servers. Cacti does trending only of all 
network devices/ports. Once I moved Cacti to its own server, all was 
fine as far as load/latency went.

 A. Davis

 There is no limit to what a man can accomplish
  if he doesn't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan

Marco Tirado wrote:


There are a couple of examples in the nagios exchange page of 
different approachs for integrating nagios and cacti. You should check 
that out.

I believe the synchronization is going to cost you time and money, a 
better approach is to use nagios + pnp4naigos (this generates nice 
graphs) + (this for bandwidth tests). That way you 
have only one place to place your configuration.  There are tons of 
other snmp plugins you can use for other tests (CPU, Memory, etc),


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:

Hi all,

I've been looking into making use of Cacti to act as an SNMP
management tool which runs alongside my Nagios instance.

Ideally, what I would like to do is have Cacti monitor various
SNMP-exposed metrics on my hosts, and then have a service check in
Nagios which parses Cacti's results (which I believe are RRD files)
and send alerts etc.

Nagios itself will still be used for running directly checks for
services running, errors in log files etc.

Does this approach make sense?

One issue that I can think of is the difficulty in keeping the config
files of Nagios and Cacti synchronised.  I was planning on using Lilac
Platform to act as my Nagios config file management tool, but how that
is kept in synch with Cacti is a problem. Has anyone ever set up an
arrangement like this before?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Christopher McAtackney
2009/4/8 Andrew Davis
 And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on the same
 server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over 400 network
 devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also have about 300
 monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti both on one server with
 Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes. About every 5 minutes, my shells
 would become unresponsive for roughly 30 to 90 seconds. Turning off either
 Nagios or Cacti resolved the issue. Running both seems to have hammered the
 server a bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x dual core 2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't integrate
 Cacti and Nagios, however. Nagios does both trending and alerts of all
 servers. Cacti does trending only of all network devices/ports. Once I moved
 Cacti to its own server, all was fine as far as load/latency went.

That's useful to know Andrew, thanks.

Regarding the trending of network devices - is there any reason why
this can't be done by Nagios? I intend to install PNP4Nagios to take
care of graphing anyway, but I think it would be nice to have all my
monitored resources under the one system (for notifications and ease
of administration).

Is there some major advantage that Cacti provides when it comes to
SNMP monitoring of network devices that cannot be achieved with Nagios
and the various SNMP plug-ins available for it (e.g. like these ones ?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Daniel Emmanuel Feinsmith

It depends on the intensity of your snmp usage. Cacti has a native  
daemon to do large scale snmp getting, and it does a great job of it.  
So if u have hundreds of devices, each with a lot of interfaces, u  
will probably like cacti. The user interface is also well done for  
graphing snmp data and thresholding on it using the threshold plugin.

Daniel Feinsmith
{sent from iPhone}

On Apr 8, 2009, at 8:15 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:

 2009/4/8 Andrew Davis
 And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on  
 the same
 server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over 400 network
 devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also have about 300
 monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti both on one  
 server with
 Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes. About every 5 minutes, my  
 would become unresponsive for roughly 30 to 90 seconds. Turning off  
 Nagios or Cacti resolved the issue. Running both seems to have  
 hammered the
 server a bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x dual core 2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't  
 Cacti and Nagios, however. Nagios does both trending and alerts of  
 servers. Cacti does trending only of all network devices/ports.  
 Once I moved
 Cacti to its own server, all was fine as far as load/latency went.

 That's useful to know Andrew, thanks.

 Regarding the trending of network devices - is there any reason why
 this can't be done by Nagios? I intend to install PNP4Nagios to take
 care of graphing anyway, but I think it would be nice to have all my
 monitored resources under the one system (for notifications and ease
 of administration).

 Is there some major advantage that Cacti provides when it comes to
 SNMP monitoring of network devices that cannot be achieved with Nagios
 and the various SNMP plug-ins available for it (e.g. like these ones ?


 This email is sponsored by:
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 Nagios-users mailing list
 ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when  
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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Daniel Emmanuel Feinsmith
If you move your mysql instance to another server, you can get much  
better performance on a nagios/cacti server. Check top while cacti is  
running a large install and you will see that mysql is hoarding CPU  
and memory resources not leaving much for nagios.

Daniel Feinsmith
{sent from iPhone}

On Apr 8, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Andrew Davis wrote:

 And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on  
 the same server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over  
 400 network devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also  
 have about 300 monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti  
 both on one server with Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes.  
 About every 5 minutes, my shells would become unresponsive for  
 roughly 30 to 90 seconds. Turning off either Nagios or Cacti  
 resolved the issue. Running both seems to have hammered the server a  
 bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x dual core 2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't integrate  
 Cacti and Nagios, however. Nagios does both trending and alerts of  
 all servers. Cacti does trending only of all network devices/ports.  
 Once I moved Cacti to its own server, all was fine as far as load/ 
 latency went.
   A. Davis

   There is no limit to what a man can accomplish
if he doesn't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan

 Marco Tirado wrote:


 There are a couple of examples in the nagios exchange page of  
 different approachs for integrating nagios and cacti. You should  
 check that out.

 I believe the synchronization is going to cost you time and money,  
 a better approach is to use nagios + pnp4naigos (this generates  
 nice graphs) + (this for bandwidth tests). That  
 way you have only one place to place your configuration.  There are  
 tons of other snmp plugins you can use for other tests (CPU,  
 Memory, etc),


 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Christopher McAtackney 
 Hi all,

 I've been looking into making use of Cacti to act as an SNMP
 management tool which runs alongside my Nagios instance.

 Ideally, what I would like to do is have Cacti monitor various
 SNMP-exposed metrics on my hosts, and then have a service check in
 Nagios which parses Cacti's results (which I believe are RRD files)
 and send alerts etc.

 Nagios itself will still be used for running directly checks for
 services running, errors in log files etc.

 Does this approach make sense?

 One issue that I can think of is the difficulty in keeping the config
 files of Nagios and Cacti synchronised.  I was planning on using  
 Platform to act as my Nagios config file management tool, but how  
 is kept in synch with Cacti is a problem. Has anyone ever set up an
 arrangement like this before?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Max
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Daniel Emmanuel Feinsmith wrote:

 It depends on the intensity of your snmp usage. Cacti has a native
 daemon to do large scale snmp getting, and it does a great job of it.
 So if u have hundreds of devices, each with a lot of interfaces, u
 will probably like cacti. The user interface is also well done for
 graphing snmp data and thresholding on it using the threshold plugin.

With parallel checks in Nagios 3 and some configuration tuning and
well-written SNMP checks, I'd argue that Nagios is as good if not a
better poller than cactid :).   our instance is not huge, but
currently we do 7000+ SNMP-based checks in 3 minutes on a dual
quad-core Linux-based server.

Before PNP I used to use Cacti and Nagios.  I like Cacti, but with PNP
around I would never go back to that combination again .. Nagios + PNP
really does simplify life for Nagios administrators and provides a lot
of flexibility as far as how you scale your graphing as your node base

- Max

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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Davis
I agree. Initially I had Nagios doing all the trending. But with 400+ 
network devices and many of them with multiple 48 port blades, I found 
Cacti was easier to configure... it scaled a lot better. For a smaller 
network, you could easily do just Nagios. I've had no issues at all with 
Nagios + PNP for alerts and trending. In fact, Nagios still watches my 
core network devices (but not all the ports of them... ie: Nagios 
watches that switch1 is up and available and trends its CPU and memory 
usage... however I use Cacti for trending the 6 blades each with 48 
ports in switch1). This way, if switch1 fails or utilization is too 
high, Nagios tells me, but if a particular user is hogging all our 
bandwidth or having lots of packet loss, I find that via Cacti.

 A. Davis

 There is no limit to what a man can accomplish
  if he doesn't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan

Daniel Emmanuel Feinsmith wrote:
It depends on the intensity of your snmp usage. Cacti has a native  
daemon to do large scale snmp getting, and it does a great job of it.  
So if u have hundreds of devices, each with a lot of interfaces, u  
will probably like cacti. The user interface is also well done for  
graphing snmp data and thresholding on it using the threshold plugin.

Daniel Feinsmith
{sent from iPhone}

On Apr 8, 2009, at 8:15 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:


2009/4/8 Andrew Davis

And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on  
the same

server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over 400 network
devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also have about 300
monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti both on one  
server with
Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes. About every 5 minutes, my  
would become unresponsive for roughly 30 to 90 seconds. Turning off  
Nagios or Cacti resolved the issue. Running both seems to have  
hammered the
server a bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x dual core 2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't  
Cacti and Nagios, however. Nagios does both trending and alerts of  
servers. Cacti does trending only of all network devices/ports.  
Once I moved

Cacti to its own server, all was fine as far as load/latency went.

That's useful to know Andrew, thanks.

Regarding the trending of network devices - is there any reason why
this can't be done by Nagios? I intend to install PNP4Nagios to take
care of graphing anyway, but I think it would be nice to have all my
monitored resources under the one system (for notifications and ease
of administration).

Is there some major advantage that Cacti provides when it comes to
SNMP monitoring of network devices that cannot be achieved with Nagios
and the various SNMP plug-ins available for it (e.g. like these ones ?



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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread gmarzot

 Is there some major advantage that Cacti provides when it comes to
 SNMP monitoring of network devices that cannot be achieved with Nagios
 and the various SNMP plug-ins available for it (e.g. like these ones ?

Also does anyone have some nagios config examples integrating PNP and
these SNMP plugins...

I have been trying to get an idea how to create the commands.cfg and
services.cfg using these parts... Any examples of host based checks
would be great. 

I have tried to read the relevant docs but have not found explicit
nagios .cfg examples... if they exist a gentle pointer would also be

thank you, Giovanni

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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti

2009-04-08 Thread jmoseley
I agree with Daniel's post below.  We have Nagios and Cacti running on the
same system; Nagios monitors 691 hosts and 1800 services while Cacti is
pulling stats for about the same number of hosts, but something like 3200
data sources.  They run on a dual Xeon 2.8 Ghz box with only 2 Gb or RAM
(no swapping going on).  Average load is about 1.5 and peaks at 3 about 3-4
times a day.
The key is that mysql operations are on a dedicated box with 15k SCSI
drives and RAID 10.

James Moseley

 Daniel Emmanuel   
 dan...@danielemm  To  
 04/08/2009 10:36  Nagios Users 
   Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios and Cacti 

If you move your mysql instance to another server, you can get much better
performance on a nagios/cacti server. Check top while cacti is running a
large install and you will see that mysql is hoarding CPU and memory
resources not leaving much for nagios.

Daniel Feinsmith
{sent from iPhone}

On Apr 8, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Andrew Davis wrote:

  And just an FYI from my own experience... putting Nagios  Cacti on
  the same server has been somewhat problematic for us. We have over
  400 network devices between switches, routers, WAPs, etc. We also
  have about 300 monitored servers. Initially I had Nagios and Cacti
  both on one server with Cacti running via cron every 5 minutes. About
  every 5 minutes, my shells would become unresponsive for roughly 30
  to 90 seconds. Turning off either Nagios or Cacti resolved the issue.
  Running both seems to have hammered the server a bit (4Gb of RAM, 2 x
  dual core 2.x Ghz CPUs). We don't integrate Cacti and Nagios,
  however. Nagios does both trending and alerts of all servers. Cacti
  does trending only of all network devices/ports. Once I moved Cacti
  to its own server, all was fine as far as load/latency went.
A. Davis

There is no limit to what a man can accomplish
 if he doesn't care who gets the credit. - Ronald Reagan

  Marco Tirado wrote:

There are a couple of examples in the nagios exchange page of
different approachs for integrating nagios and cacti. You
should check that out.

I believe the synchronization is going to cost you time and
money, a better approach is to use nagios + pnp4naigos (this
generates nice graphs) + (this for bandwidth
tests). That way you have only one place to place your
configuration.  There are tons of other snmp plugins you can
use for other tests (CPU, Memory, etc),


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:
  Hi all,

  I've been looking into making use of Cacti to act as an SNMP
  management tool which runs alongside my Nagios instance.

  Ideally, what I would like to do is have Cacti monitor
  SNMP-exposed metrics on my hosts, and then have a service
  check in
  Nagios which parses Cacti's results (which I believe are RRD
  and send alerts etc.

  Nagios itself will still be used for running directly checks
  services running, errors in log files etc.

  Does this approach make sense?

  One issue that I can think of is the difficulty in keeping
  the config
  files of Nagios and Cacti synchronised.  I was planning on
  using Lilac
  Platform to act as my