Re: Tools used accounting/billing

2002-03-05 Thread Jake Khuon

### On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:35:59 -0800, H. Michael Smith, Jr.
### [EMAIL PROTECTED] casually decided to expound upon
### [EMAIL PROTECTED] the following thoughts about Tools used
### accounting/billing:

HMS Can anyone suggest tools to use for gathering statistics for billing
HMS purposes?  I would like to know what tools are most common among ISPs.

Depends on how you're billing and how complex a network you have.  At the
provider I worked at, we billed based on rate and so we collected port level
statistics, calculated rate fron in/out octets as needed, and generated
billing from that.  Our tools were at first homegrown (mainly perl based
snmp collectors) but we had started looking at commercial vendor solutions
too.  One very large requirement was that of fault-tolerance.  Having your
pollers in one or two locations means you can lose valuable port utilisation
statistics during even a small network outage due to counter rollovers at
high linerates.  It was important to be able to scale out a large number of
collectors positioned close in to the target devices with the ability to
fall back to a store-and-forward mode and remain there for extended periods
of time in case WAN connectivity to the datastore fails and then recover and
merge data once connectivity was restored.  It was also important to have
backup and failover capabilities built into the collector so that a
poller/collector could take over for one that has failed.  One of the
vendors that impressed us was RiverSoft since their architecture lent itself
well to establishing a scalable fault-tolerant deployment and was engineered
along similar design principles as our homegrown tools.

/*===[ Jake Khuon [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]==+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | --- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| N E T W O R K S |

Re: Satellite latency

2002-03-05 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 03:52:31PM -0800, Clayton Fiske wrote:
  kernel buffer and will misreport speed). Open a few more connections like
  that and you've exausted your kernel memory and most likely will have a
  panic. If you did these settings on a web server, all it would take is a
  few dialups trying to download a big file before you go boom.
 Since this buffer is determined by the receive window (and thus by the
 receiving system), I don't see why it matters. Most receivers will be
 using OS defaults, and the ones who adjust their receive window size up
 are probably doing so because they have a fast enough link to warrant
 it. I can't see where a dialup user would find any cause to give himself
 a huge receive window.

No, the buffer is determined by the configured socket buffer size, the
rate at which TCP drains the socket buffer on the network is determined in
part by the advertised receive window.

So if you run a web server and try to turn up your socket buffers to some
big number thinking you'll get better performance, and a dialup user
connects and tries to download a 1MB file, the web server will immediately
dump 1MB into the kernel until either the socket buffer or the file runs
out, and then the kernel will spend the 5 minutes transfering it to the
dialup user. Have that happen a few times, and you get an instant mbuf
exaustion (or whatever internal mechanism your OS of choice uses) and
kernel panic...

Richard A Steenbergen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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