DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Jon . Kibler
Greetings NANOGers,

Yesterday we starting noticing long delays on an ADSL connection. I spent most 
of the day trying to track down the problem and getting no where. Telco says 
they do not detect any problem on the line... so I am kind of lost. Anyone here 
have any ideas? Here are the specifics:

This connection uses a Cisco 827 ADSL router and has several static IPs. All IPs 
show identical delays. Using other circuits between the same two locations, we 
do not see any delays. 

Normally on this DSL connection, local can ping remote with packet transit times 
around 60-70ms. Here is what we are seeing now:

# ping -s SOMEHOST 68 25; sleep 1; ping -s SOMEHOST 68 25
PING SOMEHOST: 68 data bytes
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=0. time=105. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=1. time=9132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=2. time=8132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=3. time=7132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=4. time=6132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=5. time=5133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=6. time=4133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=7. time=3133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=8. time=2133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=9. time=1133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=10. time=133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=11. time=104. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=12. time=110. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=13. time=109. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=14. time=112. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=15. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=16. time=114. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=17. time=107. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=18. time=109. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=19. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=20. time=112. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=21. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=22. time=108. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=23. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=24. time=110. ms

25 packets transmitted, 25 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max = 104/1918/9132
PING SOMEHOST: 68 data bytes
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=0. time=112. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=1. time=9131. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=2. time=8132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=3. time=7132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=4. time=6132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=5. time=5132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=6. time=4133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=7. time=3132. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=8. time=2133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=9. time=1133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=10. time=133. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=11. time=111. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=12. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=13. time=109. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=14. time=116. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=15. time=108. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=16. time=107. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=17. time=113. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=18. time=106. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=19. time=107. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=20. time=108. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=21. time=108. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=22. time=105. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=23. time=109. ms
76 bytes from SOMEHOST (w.x.y.z): icmp_seq=24. time=106. ms

25 packets transmitted, 25 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max = 105/1918/9131

What really has me bugged is the pattern shown by the first dozen packets... why 
the relatively quick first time, followed by a long but decreasing delay which 
repeats every time you restart the ping (that's why I provided 2 samples)? 

Despite the fact that Telco says there are not any line problems, we are seeing 
a change in DSL performance compared to our benchmark. When we first started 
noticing the problem yesterday, both in and out connections were using the Fast 
path, but compared to the benchmark, the inbound speed had dropped to 576 and 
the Capacity had jumped to 99%, plus we had some RS and CRC errors on both in 
and out connections. Later in the day, the connection switched from using the 
Fast path to the Interleave path (we did nothing on our end to cause this to 
change) and the performance settled down to what is shown below under DSL NOW.

Capacity Used:   72% 

Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Chris Brookes

This connection uses a Cisco 827 ADSL router and has several static IPs. All IPs 
show identical delays. Using other circuits between the same two locations, we 
do not see any delays. 
What's the weather like? ;-)

See if you can get the ADSL router to give you upstream/downstream noise 
margins and any other userful reporting ...

AR Driver Counters Display :
TX :|packets: 8597915 = direct: 2923483 + qued: 5674434
|   = oamF4: 0 + oamF5: 0 + others
|fail count = chNoEr: 0 + dropped: 0
|txMissIsr= 0,  queCnt= 0, txOnGoing= 0
RX :|packets: 8924470 = toATM: 8919249 + loopback: 0 + errors
| , where oamF4: 0, oamF5: 0
|errors = crc: 5069 + mbuf: 0 + len: 0 + pad: 0 + strayed: 151
|rxMissIsr= 0, queCnt= 0, nonAA= 0, sramErr= 0, reqSramMax= 6
|dummyIsr = 256833, fpgaIsr = 14826785
VC(  0 to  3 ) : 08924319   
VC(  4 to  7 ) :    
VC(  8 to 11 ) :    
VC( 12 to 15 ) : 0151
Upstream Noise Margin
relative capacity occupation: 78%
noise margin upstream: 11.0 db
output power downstream: 16.0 dbm
attenuation upstream: 31.5 db
carrier load: number of bits per symbol(tone)
tone   0- 31: 00 00 00 04 67 77 66 65 66 66 66 66 55 54 43 00
tone  32- 63: 00 00 00 44 55 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 26 66
tone  64- 95: 66 65 55 54 45 55 55 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 33 22
tone  96-127: 22 22 02 22 22 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 128-159: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 160-191: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 192-223: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 224-255: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Downstream Noise Margin
relative capacity occupation: 95%
noise margin downstream: 6.5 db
output power upstream: 12.0 dbm
attenuation downstream: 66.5 db
carrier load: number of bits per symbol(tone)
tone   0- 31: 00 00 00 04 67 77 66 65 66 66 66 66 55 54 43 00
tone  32- 63: 00 00 00 44 55 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 26 66
tone  64- 95: 66 65 55 54 45 55 55 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 33 22
tone  96-127: 22 22 02 22 22 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 128-159: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 160-191: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 192-223: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
tone 224-255: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Maimon


Greetings NANOGers,

Yesterday we starting noticing long delays on an ADSL connection.


Assuming it is not your ISP or that the telco is the ISP.

Dont believe them. Tell them to reset the port. Tell them to change the 
pairs. Tell them to switch your line to a different port on the dslam. 
Tell them to put you into a different CO. Tell them to dispatch a 
technician to test your line at the nid. Get a FTP server with good 
connectivity on the internet and upload/download to it, measuring your 
speed. Show the telco low bandwidth and packet loss. Do some flood 
pinging (carefully).

Test the line with a cheap linksys or netgear or smc or dlink or similar 
broadband residential router with ADSL modem (or even software [google 
for raspppoe for windows, linux has pppoe software available as well - 
if thats what your setup uses]).

Spend a few dollars and get ADSL on another phone line if that all does 
not work.

For the money they make off a ADSL line, a Telco is unlikely to do more 
than run the standard automated web testing thingy and say Everything 
fine here! and hope you dont call back and cost them more. That makes 
sense. The more support time and expertise expended on you, the less 
profit generated for them by your business.

I cant count the number of Tests perfectly! that get resolved 
mysteriously inside the telco after some more harrasment. Furthermore, 
our experience on average is that the more the line costs per month, the 
better service you get on it. Typicaly with any large amount of 
circuits, you will find the right people in the telco who actually give 
a damn about you and can get things done


Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread David Lesher

Oh, another detail.

Some 98% of the UPSi around are standby units. They sit and
trickle their batteries until the line fails, then quickly kick in.
They take 'n' hours to recharge when the line returns.

But there exist another genus. These 'full time' units ALWAYS
run the load from the UPS inverter; and have a big AC line-DC
battery charger -- big enough so as to keep up.

The advantage is a very high degree of line isolation. Any surge,
sag, glitch, spike may affect the AC-DC side of the equation,
but will have to get past the battery plant and inverter for the
load to see it. 

Note it does not even care what the input frequency is. I know
of one large unit that was sent to Mexico City. At the time, it
was 50Hz, but there was some announced plan for the city to go
to 60, Real Soon Now. The UPS battery charger ran on anything
between say 40-70 Hz, but the inverter made 60.0 Hz, period.

Such units are not common or cheap. In the low end, Sola Corp
used to make some in the low (1-3?) KVA range. Top end, how many
KVA do you need? I think the one going to Mexico City was 500KVA.

If your power is really rotten [Here, Guyana comes to mind...]
you may want to spend more up front.

Side thought, but not a NANOG topic. What in your data center
really cares if your generator puts out 57 or 63 Hz, not 60.0?

A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 no one will talk to a host that's close[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead20915-1433

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr.
David Lesher wrote:

Side thought, but not a NANOG topic. What in your data center
really cares if your generator puts out 57 or 63 Hz, not 60.0?
Some clocks get a little nutso.  Because they are powered by
AC synchronous motors with gearing that assumes 60 Hz.  (or
50 Hz, as the case might be.)
Some fans and other devices also use synchronour or induction
motors with similar engineering assumptions.
Requiescas in pace o email

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Deepak Jain

Line Interactive APC UPS's don't do well with about 160 volts and 83 Hz
input.  Apparently, you can only interact so much 
Interacting with the line requires battery power. They can't charge and 
supply power at the same time, unlike traditional online UPSes. Once 
their batteries (LI type) go, they can't do anything.

Honest to God, APC replaced it because they said it should have tripped off
line with the line being that out of whack ...
APC is very good about replacing equipment that might be their fault. 
Even after warranty. I've never seen another company with as smart, 
techncial staff available quickly. Too bad no one has any real 
experience with their big gear to see if its supported as well.

Deepak Jain

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Chris Adams

Once upon a time, Deepak Jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 APC is very good about replacing equipment that might be their fault. 
 Even after warranty. I've never seen another company with as smart, 
 techncial staff available quickly. Too bad no one has any real 
 experience with their big gear to see if its supported as well.

We've got a APC power strip (20A vertical zero U mount with 14
outlets) that failed (possibly from heat).  The circuit breaker tripped
and would not reset.  Their response was that we had too much plugged in
(never mind that we switched to a different 20A strip and it is working
fine on a 20A breaker) and that while they would replace it, if the
replacement failed they would NOT replace it.

I prefer APC for small UPSes, but I'm not impressed by support on a
simple power strip.
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Joshua Coombs

 Capacity Used:   72% 21%

  Interleave FastInterleave
 Speed (kbps): 0  960 0
 Reed-Solomon EC:  00 0
 CRC Errors:   00 0
 Header Errors:00 0
 Bit Errors:   00
 BER Valid sec:00
 BER Invalid sec:  00

 Capacity Used:   94% 63%

  Interleave FastInterleave
 Speed (kbps):   7360   256
 Reed-Solomon EC: 990 4
 CRC Errors:   40 1
 Header Errors:30 0
 Bit Errors:   00
 BER Valid sec:00
 BER Invalid sec:  00

You've gone from fast path to interleaved.  Interleaved can inject
up to 64ms of latency, in each direction, ontop of the normal line
latency.  (IE say 12ms loop time, interleaved can bump that up to
140ms latency.)  Interleaved is used to trade latency for line
stability.  I'm not sure of the specifics on that however.
Basically, you set your latency tolerance on the dslam, up to 64ms
for up and downstream, and dependant on line conditions, your
latency will vary between base loop latency and the max allowed by
your tolerance.  On a good line, you won't see any latency injected,
a poor line will run right up to the tolerance and still retrain due
to errors.

You need to ask the telco why they've changed you from fast path,
and request that you get put back to a fast path config.  You MAY be
able to restrict your dsl modem to training fast path only if they
have your line set to auto for signaling.

Joshua Coombs

MLPPP Follow Up - How we fixed the problem

2004-03-30 Thread Richard J. Sears

I asked the group some time ago about some problems we were seeing with
MLPPP on our Cisco 7513s. 

I have had 5 or 6 people contact me off list to ask how we solved the
problem, so I figured I would post our solution to the group. I am
sure there may be other fixes, however this works great for us and we
have not had a problem in months since converting all MLPPP customers

Basically we shut down MLPPP and went with  (ip load-sharing per-packet)

Here is what our config looks like:

interface Serial1/0/0/13:0
 description Customer #4144 (San Diego) #1 UPDATE [4144]
 ip address X.X.X.X
 no ip directed-broadcast
 ip load-sharing per-packet
 ip route-cache distributed
 no cdp enable

interface Serial2/1/0/14:0
 description Customer #4144 (San Diego) #2 UPDATE [4144]
 ip address X.X.X.X
 no ip directed-broadcast
 ip load-sharing per-packet
 ip route-cache distributed
 no cdp enable

ip route X.X.X.X Serial1/0/0/13:0
ip route X.X.X.X Serial2/1/0/14:0

The only problem that we ran into was that we had to use the Serial designator
of the interface in our route statement otherwise it will not work (or
at least it did not for us).

Since converting our customers (all MLPPP customers) to ip load-sharing
per-packet - we have had no further problems.

Hope this helps someone

Richard J. Sears
Vice President 
American Digital Network  


858.576.4272 - Phone
858.427.2401 - Fax

I fly because it releases my mind 
from the tyranny of petty things . . 

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've
never been hurt and dance like you do when nobody's

Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Scott Weeks

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Joe Maimon wrote:
: Greetings NANOGers,
: Yesterday we starting noticing long delays on an ADSL connection.
: snip
: Assuming it is not your ISP or that the telco is the ISP.
: Dont believe them. Tell them to reset the port. Tell them to change the

NETAT!  Never Ever Trust A Telco!test, test and test some more on your
side and then demand they do the same.

I have even had to troubleshoot their network.  I did the above and then
when it still didn't work everyone (my boss, my boss' boss, data center
techs and the same level of telco folks all got on a conference call for
The Big Blame Party.  It was, once again, their fault.


: pairs. Tell them to switch your line to a different port on the dslam.
: Tell them to put you into a different CO. Tell them to dispatch a
: technician to test your line at the nid. Get a FTP server with good
: connectivity on the internet and upload/download to it, measuring your
: speed. Show the telco low bandwidth and packet loss. Do some flood
: pinging (carefully).
: Test the line with a cheap linksys or netgear or smc or dlink or similar
: broadband residential router with ADSL modem (or even software [google
: for raspppoe for windows, linux has pppoe software available as well -
: if thats what your setup uses]).
: Spend a few dollars and get ADSL on another phone line if that all does
: not work.
: For the money they make off a ADSL line, a Telco is unlikely to do more
: than run the standard automated web testing thingy and say Everything
: fine here! and hope you dont call back and cost them more. That makes
: sense. The more support time and expertise expended on you, the less
: profit generated for them by your business.
: I cant count the number of Tests perfectly! that get resolved
: mysteriously inside the telco after some more harrasment. Furthermore,
: our experience on average is that the more the line costs per month, the
: better service you get on it. Typicaly with any large amount of
: circuits, you will find the right people in the telco who actually give
: a damn about you and can get things done
: Joe

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Jay Hennigan

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, David Lesher wrote:

 Side thought, but not a NANOG topic. What in your data center
 really cares if your generator puts out 57 or 63 Hz, not 60.0?

Some UPSes such as the Best FerrUPS series and other voltage regulators
and line conditioners that use a ferro-resonant transformer where there's
an L-C tuned circuit as part of the power transformer.

Other motor loads may care to some extent.  Analog electric clocks will
run slow or fast, no big deal.  Lower freqencies are harder on marginally
designed transformers which may not have enough core material.

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Administration - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WestNet:  Connecting you to the planet.  805 884-6323  WB6RDV
NetLojix Communications, Inc.  -  http://www.netlojix.com/

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Deepak Jain

We've got a APC power strip (20A vertical zero U mount with 14
outlets) that failed (possibly from heat).  The circuit breaker tripped
and would not reset.  Their response was that we had too much plugged in
(never mind that we switched to a different 20A strip and it is working
fine on a 20A breaker) and that while they would replace it, if the
replacement failed they would NOT replace it.
I prefer APC for small UPSes, but I'm not impressed by support on a
simple power strip.
That sounds like fairly decent support for a power strip. I would have 
let them replace it and see if the same thing happened. If you were 
overloading it, the breaker should be resetable. However, a cheaper 
power strip may not have as touchy a breaker or allow more power than it 

They have replaced full MATRIX 5000 units, batteries and all for me a 
few times without quibbling and without any kind of extended service 
contract on them.

I'm sure someone will have already suggested that you put an ammeter on 
the load to see what is actually happening.

While I have never used APC's Zero U strip, I have heard good things 
about Baytech's version (which I've also not used). YMMV.


publishing venue

2004-03-30 Thread Steve Bellovin

I've been talking to the folks at Usenix about a venue for papers
of interest to this group.  They've very eager to have such papers
at the LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference.

Timing is tight for this year -- the deadline is in three weeks (
http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa04/ ).  For those who aren't
familiar with LISA, this is a conference with that publishes
proceedings of refereed papers.  The success, of course, depends
on members of this community submitting papers, this year and next
-- that's what will make the conference interesting to this community.

I'm working on a journal, too.

--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb

Re: publishing venue

2004-03-30 Thread Randy Bush

it is interesting that the theme for this year's lisa conference is
System Administration Reality - Automation, Configuration, and
Users some concepts near and dear to many of our hearts in the
realm of network, as opposed to system, administration.


Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread Stewart, William C (Bill), RTSLS

 ping did _this_
Ping is not very informative or accurate.  
If you run a traceroute, which is also not very accurate, 
you can get some idea about where the delay appears to be.
Is it the DSL segment?  Is it somewhere else that traceroute can show you?
The nice thing about delays that are this long is that 
9000 ms is long enough it won't just be lost in the noise...

It wouldn't be surprising if it's in your DSL,
and if your DSL has changed to a lower speed 
(which looks like it might have happened),
then maybe something _is_ wrong with your DSL,
or maybe the slower speed is causing traffic backups that weren't a problem
when you were getting 512 kbps, or you're getting TCP retransmissions,
but maybe the problem is somewhere else in the network.

Re: UPS and generator interaction?

2004-03-30 Thread Gary E. Miller

Hash: SHA1

Yo Brian!

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. wrote:

 Brian (nanog-list) wrote:

  Does anyone know of a way to get a UPS to trigger a generator to start, and
  to switch over to the generator power automatically or does this type of
  thing just not exist?

 Find somebody with Internet Access and a browser--go to Google.com,
 enter generator backup ups in the box.

Otherwise stroll down to Home Depot.  My HD sells a full kit, includeing
generator.  Then hire an electrician to install it since the code requirements
are not obvious.

- ---
Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Re: DSL and/or Routing Problems

2004-03-30 Thread jlewis

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Stewart, William C (Bill), RTSLS wrote:

  ping did _this_
 Ping is not very informative or accurate.
 If you run a traceroute, which is also not very accurate,

Get the best of both tools and use mtr (assuming unix-like platform).
There are similar tools for windows (pingplotter?).

This thread reminds me of my own DSL, which rides the ILEC's network and
is handed off to $work at the CO as an ATM PVC.  For years, my DSL service
has osciliated from fine (20-30ms ping times) to not good (200-300ms)  to
unusable (=1000ms ping times).  It seems to work fine for months, then
get bad to really bad for days or weeks at a time.  I've replaced CPE
several times, and even keep 2 totally different brand/model routers at
the house, just in case (so when I call the DSG, I can say yes, not only
have I power cycled it, I've replaced the router).  I've spent
considerable time on the phone with the ILEC.  Most calls, they claim
there's nothing wrong.  A few times, they've admitted it's a known problem
with the lt card, not that that means much to me, and resetting it often
makes things better.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net|
_ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_

Re: publishing venue

2004-03-30 Thread Neil J. McRae

 I've been talking to the folks at Usenix about a venue for papers
 of interest to this group.  They've very eager to have such papers
 at the LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference.
 Timing is tight for this year -- the deadline is in three weeks (
 http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa04/ ).  For those who aren't
 familiar with LISA, this is a conference with that publishes
 proceedings of refereed papers.  The success, of course, depends
 on members of this community submitting papers, this year and next
 -- that's what will make the conference interesting to this community.

There is a reasonable level of overlap into the network operator field.
LISA and USENIX are both great conferences to attend if you
want to know what to be planning your network for. These are the
guys running the big server platforms doing interesting things with
applications and I've found it very useful to review the papers
out of both of these meetings [and also Apache-Con].
