Re: Diffserv service classes

2004-11-21 Thread Petri Helenius
Sean Donelan wrote:
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, Vicky wrote:

interesting read at:

There is a long history of problems.  But Internet2 also shows a success
for Diffserv, namely there is demand for a worse effort.
Are a dozen differnt classes useful to a network operator?

Hardly, the greatest demand so far has been for cheap if not free 
packets which your transit provider can drop if he so decides. Bandwidth 
that is used for redundancy planning, etc.

Queuing/diffserv is useful on thin (sub 2Mbps) edge links.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Petri Helenius
Paul Vixie wrote:
more importantly though is your /40 example.  ipv6 has enough address space
in it to be able to give a /32 to every household on the planet, including
a reserve for the ones without electric power or phones.  giving out /40's

If we ever make contact to some other civilization out there, do they 
have to run NAT?


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Alex Bligh

--On 21 November 2004 11:59 +0200 Petri Helenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If we ever make contact to some other civilization out there, do they
have to run NAT?
Nah. Jim Fleming tells me they're running IPv8 (ducks)

large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-21 Thread Pekka Savola
I think this is important point that needs to be called out 

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
On 19-nov-04, at 17:58, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
these organizations tend to have multiple sites (as you indicate above) 
but they generally do not have real connectivity between those sites. This 
means a single large prefix won't do them much good, and basically they're 
no different than a bunch of smaller single-site organizations.

Don't have real connectivity?  I've personally worked with dozens of 
Fortune 500 companies that have internal FR/ATM networks that dwarf ATT, 
UUnet, etc. in the number of sites connected.  Thousands of sites is 
common, and tens of thousands of sites in some cases.  Do you not consider 
these networks real because each site may only have a 16k PVC to talk to 
That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster than 16 
kbps. As far as I can tell, it's pretty rare for an organization of this size 
to have their own IP network that they use to connect all their sites to the 
global internet, for the simple reason that leased lines, framerelay or ATM 
capacity is generally more expensive than IP connectivity.

So a single large address block is of little use to such an organization, 
unless they get to announce more specifics all over the place.
If we reword the last sentence to include the use of ULA addresses, to 
be like:

  So a single, globally routable large address block is of little use
  to such an organization, unless they get to announce more specifics
  all over the place.
This seems to imply several things:
 - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
   Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
   links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
   * though at least the smallest sites are also likely to be solely
 obtain their connectivity using VPNs through centralized
 firewalls etc.
 - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
   / VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
   or use IP addresses from local internet providers
 - giving those big enterprises globally routable PI will make it much
   more lucrative for them to request allowing the more specifics from
   their upstreams, etc., thus getting us to the more specific mess.
Therefore, if we'd like to to prevent the more specific 
multihoming/traffic engineering mess we have with v4, most of those 
big enterprises don't really seem to need globally routable PI space, 
provided that they can already use ULAs if they want.

Pekka Savola You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds.
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: Central Europe Web hosting recommendations

2004-11-21 Thread Raymond Dijkxhoorn
Hi Michael,
Thanks for all the on and off list replies.  I will be condensing the input 
into a doc to submit to the person actually needing that info...  I will 
share that doc upon private request...

Thanks again to the list..
You got my personal email also i hope? Just checking, since you didnt give 
a reply back.

I would also be interested in the dokument you made, so if you are willing 
to share it with us that would be nice.


Re: Diffserv service classes

2004-11-21 Thread Marshall Eubanks

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 00:09:31 -0500 (EST)
 Sean Donelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, Vicky wrote:
  interesting read at:
 There is a long history of problems.  But Internet2 also shows a success
 for Diffserv, namely there is demand for a worse effort.
 Are a dozen differnt classes useful to a network operator?

Dear Sean;

You raise an interesting point. There are some emerging wide bandwidth
applications (eVLBI is one, particle physics experiments are another) where
bandwidth demands are high but the value of each individual bit is low.
(In VLBI it is typical for each bit sent to only contain about 10^-3 to 10^-4 
of actual information.) As a result, these applications are (or can be made to 
very tolerant of packet losses. eVLBI, for example, would take 1 Gbps with 25% 
over 100 Mbps with no loss any day.

An Internet standby worse than best effort QOS would be easy to implement, 
according to
router vendors, and there
seems no reason why ISP's would not want to propagate such a COS flag. 

This is not really a new idea. When I was programming  on a mainframe as a 
student (back when
dinosaurs walked the Earth)  I routinely used a service class that only gave me 
CPU when there were
no other uses  for the system. This would extend the same idea to the Internet, 
and it fits with
with the QBone experience that it's hard to impossible to raise priorities 
interdomain, but easy to
lower them.

Would commercial operators support a reduced cost standby system with a do not 
queue or
drop these bits first policy flag attached ? I would be curious to receive 
re-world experiences
or suggestions off list, and would be glad to summarize later on list.

Marshall Eubanks

P.S. Note that such a system would easily interoperate with non-participating 
networks, who
could either drop such traffic entirely (it is worse than best effort, after 
all), or
forward it with normal priority, as they see fit.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

Hash: SHA1

On 2004-11-19, at 12.46, Jeroen Massar wrote:

 On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 12:15 +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 On 18-nov-04, at 18:02, Jeroen Massar wrote:

 Larger enterprises probably consist of 200 'sites' already, eg 
 offices, locations etc. Thus they can, after becoming a LIR and 
 an ASN, which most of the time they already have, easily get a /32.

 Jeroen, this is nonsense and you know it.

 It is not nonsense as long as 'multi6' doesn't have a solution to the
 problem, but as politics go above getting solutions...

I am not sure I follow you here? Multi6 in D.C decided to spin of the 
protocol work in a new WG under the Internet Area. I think that for the 
last few years, multi6 has moved forward as fast as anyone could ask.

- - kurtis - / Co-chair multi6

Version: PGP 8.1


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Paul Vixie

 if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table is
 today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep doo.
 *WHEN* the ipv6 routing table gets as large as the ipv4 routing table 
 is today (late 2004, when you quote me later) it won't be a problem.
 As a matter of fact, I would bet that Cisco , Juniper, and any other 
 edge/core router manufacturer are banking on this happening.

if it were just the routers, then you're apparently expecting the same
owners to need better ones, and i agree that a router vendor would probably
look very favourably on such a development.  however, i'm counting on new
owners needing their first routers, and an O(1e6) sized routing table doesn't
make any difference there -- a router vendor might be even happier, in fact.

but it's not just the routers, it's churn.  it's always noon somewhere.
the stability of the distributed system called the global routing table
is directly proportional to its size.  the number of participants in that
system, each of whom must build their own model of the system using only
the messages they get from direct neighbors, cannot usefully exceed *some*
maximum for any given total number of discrete destinations.  if you think
that the number of available participants leads to a maximum stable table
containing O(1e6) destinations, then you should be arguing for a /20
minimum allocation size.  If you think the table in question has O(1e10)
destinations then you'd be arguing for a /30 minimum allocation size.  But
to consider a /40 minimum allocation size, you'd be saying that you thought
a table containing O(1e12) discrete destinations, and i think that's false
in two ways -- first, the current distance-vector approach used by BGP just
won't scale to O(1e12), and second, i don't think that you think that there
are enough participants who want to own routers to make such a table size

someone asked about my sole benefit comment, so i'll amend it.  it's not
a global cost and sole benefit, but it is a global cost to the other ends
with the preponderance of benefit (for a prefix) falling on the owner of
the prefix.  so it's not one-sided but it is certainly an assymetric
benefit with a symmetric cost.  mr. doran argued for many years that
routing table slots should be auctioned or leased.  i never did and still
do not agree with him, but his starting assumptions weren't and aren't
my point of disagreement.
Paul Vixie

Re: Diffserv service classes

2004-11-21 Thread Joe St Sauver


Less-than-best effort traffic as implemented via the Internet2 Scavenger
Service (see: ) never really took off;
for example, see
which notes that Scavenger Service (DSCP=8) tagged traffic makes up less
than 1% of all octets and less than 1% of all packets.

One can argue chicken-and-egg (e.g., had it been supported on the commodity
Internet, it would have been more successful), but I think the bottom line
reality was that because

-- Internet2 was/is uncongested, and because 
-- the typical university user of I2 pays $0/Mbps used anyhow,

the motivation for users to tag traffic as Scavenger was typically 
non-existent (offering a discount from a price of zero is hard unless 
the model would involve PAYING people who generate less-than-best-effort 
traffic, a model which strikes me as, well, somewhat 
unsustainable/politically difficult).

A network administrator at a site might unilaterally tag all traffic of a
particular type as less-than-best-effort, but again, unless there is 
congestion, that tagging would be to no effect.


University of Oregon Computing Center

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 20-nov-04, at 18:34, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Don't have real connectivity?

That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster 
than 16 kbps.

Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?
Not me. But if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute 
to the global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over 
dial up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter line) 
let alone less.

So a single large address block is of little use to such an 
organization, unless they get to announce more specifics all over the 

In my experience, they will announce the aggregate from all hub sites 
plus more-specifics for that hub and the sites directly connected to 
it.  Traffic that comes into the wrong hub due to prefix length 
filters (or Internet outages) is back-hauled inside the corporate 
It would be interested to see some good statistics on this stuff. 
However many enterprises any of us has seen from the inside, it's still 
unlikly to be a statistically relevant sample.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 20-nov-04, at 21:45, Paul Vixie wrote:
for all these reasons, large or multihoming endsystems will need V6
PI allocations and at some point the RIRs are going to have to 
I find your attitude in this regard disturbing, especially as:
(note that i'm not speaking for arin, nor as a member-elect of arin's
board of trustees, i'm just another bozo on this bus.)
You're bascially saying that you and people like you are so important 
that you deserve to receive benefits that go against the public good. 
While you're high and dry, the hoi polloi can renumber while at the 
same time suffering increased ISP costs because of the unnecessarily 
high hardware costs created by all those PI prefixes. In other words, 
today's equivalent of let them eat cake.

It also shows contempt for the IETF, as you reject all possible 
alternatives to PI out of hand.

there is no possibility that any enterprise where i am responsible
for planning or design will ever run PA addresses out to the desktop 
-- it
makes multihoming impossible, which would leave me at the mercy of a 
provider's uptime, and a single provider's pricing.
Work is underway to remedy this. However, if the RIRs decide to open up 
PI in IPv6, people will take the quick fix and there won't be any push 
to get the (admittedly) more complex but more scalable solutions to 
these problems off the ground.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Paul Vixie

  for all these reasons, large or multihoming endsystems will need V6
  PI allocations and at some point the RIRs are going to have to
  define/allow this.
 I find your attitude in this regard disturbing, especially as:
  (note that i'm not speaking for arin, nor as a member-elect of
  arin's board of trustees, i'm just another bozo on this bus.)
 You're bascially saying that you and people like you are so important
 that you deserve to receive benefits that go against the public good.

actually, i'm just trying to keep my role as member-elect of arin's BoT
separate from my role as an internet citizen.  as it turns out, arin's
BoT does not have a policy formation role.  when this issue comes up in
PPML or the AC, i'll speak up, but i'll be explicitly hatless when i do.

 While you're high and dry, the hoi polloi can renumber while at the
 same time suffering increased ISP costs because of the unnecessarily
 high hardware costs created by all those PI prefixes. In other words,
 today's equivalent of let them eat cake.

you are drastically misunderstanding my hopes, my goals, and my role.

 It also shows contempt for the IETF, as you reject all possible
 alternatives to PI out of hand.

i never rejected all possibilities, just the ones i've personally studied
so far.  i'm also on record as saying that the easiest time to have fixed
this was before the current IPng approach was annointed; now we're playing
catchup.  even you in your multi6 role ought to be wishing that more had
been done before IPv6 was cast in stone.

  there is no possibility that any enterprise where i am responsible
  for planning or design will ever run PA addresses out to the desktop
  -- it makes multihoming impossible, which would leave me at the
  mercy of a single provider's uptime, and a single provider's
 Work is underway to remedy this.  However, if the RIRs decide to open
 up PI in IPv6, people will take the quick fix and there won't be any
 push to get the (admittedly) more complex but more scalable solutions
 to these problems off the ground.

somehow i don't think that's going to sway wal-mart's thinking at all, but
i do look forward to a lively debate next time this comes up on PPML.

the codification of the current approach as IPng in spite of objections
raised at that time amounted to a recommendation of let them eat NAT.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Stephen Sprunk
Thus spake Iljitsch van Beijnum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 20-nov-04, at 18:34, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Don't have real connectivity?

That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster than 
16 kbps.

Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?
Not me. But if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute to 
the global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over dial 
up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter line) let 
alone less.
That assumes the company wants their employees using web or email, or that 
there are even humans at a site to begin with.  Pipeline control systems, 
weather stations, cash registers, credit card machines and ATMs, warehouse 
inventory scanners, stock exchanges, etc. have no need to _directly_ talk to 
the outside world.  People in customer-facing roles, like those at banks or 
airports, are not supposed to be surfing the web or even doing email at 
work.  Many companies are still using green-screen apps or graphical 
applications that have a measured per-terminal average of under 1kbps; I ran 
into one company tunneling 9600bps serial over X.25 over IP -- ugly, but it 
worked for thousands of terminals.

However, all of these low-bandwidth hosts in far-off lands talk to a 
corporate datacenter somewhere, perhaps their own or a vendor's or 
customer's, and those hosts often talk to several other hosts who might also 
need (or at least have) access to the Internet.  The options are NAT, ULAs, 
or PI space; total cost of implementation seems lowest for ULAs.

In my experience, they will announce the aggregate from all hub sites 
plus more-specifics for that hub and the sites directly connected to it. 
Traffic that comes into the wrong hub due to prefix length filters (or 
Internet outages) is back-hauled inside the corporate backbone.
It would be interested to see some good statistics on this stuff. However 
many enterprises any of us has seen from the inside, it's still unlikly to 
be a statistically relevant sample.
An unfiltered BGP feed should give you stats on what's quoted immediately 
above.  If you want numbers of publicly-invisible hosts, even if you knew 
who to ask most would refuse to answer for security reasons or require an 
NDA.  My best guess, having been on the inside at a few dozen enterprises, 
is that they number in the high millions to low tens of millions today.  In 
five years, it'll be in the mid tens of millions as more and more new 
hardware comes with IP connectivity built-in and legacy apps are gradually 

Stephen Sprunk God does not play dice.  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSSdice at every possible opportunity. --Stephen Hawking 

Re: Diffserv service classes

2004-11-21 Thread Marshall Eubanks

No doubt what you say is true, however, the typical 
eVLBI site is not part of the Internet2 (and also
doesn't need the TCP aspects of the Scavenger service).

There are certainly applications and users out there that would
like to use all of the bandwidth possible, but do not need
to step on other, more bit sensitive, services.


On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 10:04:53 -0800 (PST)
 Joe St Sauver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Less-than-best effort traffic as implemented via the Internet2 Scavenger
 Service (see: ) never really took off;
 for example, see
 which notes that Scavenger Service (DSCP=8) tagged traffic makes up less
 than 1% of all octets and less than 1% of all packets.
 One can argue chicken-and-egg (e.g., had it been supported on the commodity
 Internet, it would have been more successful), but I think the bottom line
 reality was that because
 -- Internet2 was/is uncongested, and because 
 -- the typical university user of I2 pays $0/Mbps used anyhow,
 the motivation for users to tag traffic as Scavenger was typically 
 non-existent (offering a discount from a price of zero is hard unless 
 the model would involve PAYING people who generate less-than-best-effort 
 traffic, a model which strikes me as, well, somewhat 
 unsustainable/politically difficult).
 A network administrator at a site might unilaterally tag all traffic of a
 particular type as less-than-best-effort, but again, unless there is 
 congestion, that tagging would be to no effect.
 Joe St Sauver ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 University of Oregon Computing Center

Re: Diffserv service classes

2004-11-21 Thread Joe St Sauver


#There are certainly applications and users out there that would
#like to use all of the bandwidth possible, but do not need
#to step on other, more bit sensitive, services.

They might want to, but unfortunately we (the Internet2 community
as a whole) have had limited success in helping them routinely achieve
higher throughput for bulk transfers. 

Again refering to see Table 1:

-- The median throughput for bulk TCP flows is still less than 3Mbps.

-- The 95th percentile for bulk TCP flows is still less than 15Mbps. 

There is an I2 end-to-end performance initiative designed to improve those
numbers, but at root, because most of the PCs that scientists and
students work from are not shipped from the vendor pre-tuned for high 
throughput, average throughput numbers remain low. When PC vendors begin 
to read or
and offer higher education special SKU's preloaded with OS's tweaked per 
those approaches, then, maybe, we'll see average performance routinely 
increase and congestion become a pragmatic issue.

Until then, it will be routine to see most Abilene connectors run at 
only a fraction of their potential capacity, e.g., see:




Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Stephen Sprunk
Somebody said:
if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table 
today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep 

*WHEN* the ipv6 routing table gets as large as the ipv4 routing table
is today (late 2004, when you quote me later) it won't be a problem.
Agreed.  When the IPv6 table has as many routes as today's IPv4 table, we'll 
need four times the storage; Moore's Law says, as long as that doesn't 
happen within 36 months, it's not a problem.  I haven't seen anyone 
(recently) predict IPv6 adoption will be anywhere near that fast, much less 

Thus spake Paul Vixie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
but it's not just the routers, it's churn.  it's always noon somewhere.
the stability of the distributed system called the global routing table
is directly proportional to its size.  the number of participants in that
system, each of whom must build their own model of the system using only
the messages they get from direct neighbors, cannot usefully exceed *some*
maximum for any given total number of discrete destinations.
first, the current distance-vector approach used by BGP just
won't scale to O(1e12),
Probably not, even if router vendors start using reasonably modern 

and second, i don't think that you think that there are enough 
who want to own routers to make such a table size necessary.
As a point of reference, today in IPv4 there are 16k origin-only ASes. 
Assuming reasonably sane RIR policies, we can expect -- even with the issue 
of one PI prefix per AS -- that there would be 16k end-site PI routes today, 
with linear growth similar to the current allocation rate of ASNs.  This is 
not even remotely a problem until well after we have to switch to 32-bit 
ASNs; in fact, the situation will be far better than what we will likely 
have with IPv4 at that point.

mr. doran argued for many years that routing table slots should be
auctioned or leased.  i never did and still do not agree with him, but his
starting assumptions weren't and aren't my point of disagreement.
The idea has obvious appeal, but it seems like a clear case of the cure 
being worse than the illness once you consider the logistical and technical 

Stephen Sprunk God does not play dice.  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSSdice at every possible opportunity. --Stephen Hawking 


2004-11-21 Thread Chris Moody

Would anyone with Netranger IDS experience please contact me off-list?


Real-world Force10 opinions?

2004-11-21 Thread William Petrisko

Can anyone offer any real-world Force10 E-series opinions?

L3, 10GE, GE, POS, BGP, and IS-IS is what we will be evaluating them
for.  Any opinions, gotchas or other advice would be appreciated.

Looking through the archives, I see that there have a been a
few similar questions in the past year or two, but no replies.

I can summarize to the list if others are interested.


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Kevin Loch
Paul Vixie wrote:
to consider a /40 minimum allocation size, you'd be saying that you thought
a table containing O(1e12) discrete destinations
Except that we are talking about allocations out of 2001::/16 which 
yeilds a about
1e7 prefixes, not subtracting the huge chunks taken by /32 allocations.  
The idea with
using a /16 for initial allocations is that we don't screw up the entire 
/0 before we know
what we are doing.  In the scope of a /16, I think /32 and /40 
allocations are sized
appropriately.  The real question is why exchange points and root 
servers are allocated
/48's.  It would make sense to use a different prefix length to reduce 
the temptation for
other /48's to pollute the table.

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-21 Thread bmanning

 So a single large address block is of little use to such an organization, 
 unless they get to announce more specifics all over the place.
 This seems to imply several things:
  - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business

this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
based on empericial evidence.

  - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
/ VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
or use IP addresses from local internet providers

this is also an assertion based on false premise.

 Pekka Savola You each name yourselves king, yet the
 Netcore Oykingdom bleeds.
 Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: Stupid Ipv6 question...

2004-11-21 Thread Joe Abley

On 20 Nov 2004, at 19:13, Kevin Oberman wrote:
In any case, if the prefix length is 64, routing is done in the
Engineers at Juniper seem to be telling me that this is definitively 
not the case for their M- and T-series routers. Which routers were you 
referring to?


Could somebody from contact me please?

2004-11-21 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian
I think we have a networking / connectivity issue between your mailservers 
and our netblock, and quite a few shawcable users are 
writing to us, to complain about it.

suresh ramasubramanian [EMAIL PROTECTED] gpg # EDEDEFB9
manager, security  antispam operations, outblaze limited