Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread sthaug

> You need only count the lines of code needed by the daemon/s
> servicing requests.  That is, IMO, bind's only major failing.  Too
> much code, too many little used features (nobody I know needs or
> wants rndc), and no way to compile without them.  If you read Bruce
> Schneier, as every developer should, you know how important that
> "Amount of code" is.

Ah, but how do you know what are the little used features? We use rndc
a lot, just as we used ndc with BIND 8.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Call for Track Chairs - APRICOT 2006

2005-04-09 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian


Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies
Perth, Australia Feb 22 - Mar 3, 2006

The APRICOT 2006 Program Committee is seeking interested and
qualified Track Chairs to actively assist the Committee in
recruiting speakers and organizing technical tracks for the 2006
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational

The main responsibility of the Track Chair is to identify,
recruit high quality speakers to share their expertise on
operationally relevent topics. As in past years, the APRICOT
Program Committee will issue a general call for presentations,
which typically elicits a large number of submissions. These
proposals will be provided to the Track Chairs for consideration,
but it is expected that the Track Chairs will primarily use their
own personal networks to recruit speakers who may not have
participated in past APRICOT events.

Specific Track Chair responsibilities include:

* Identifying and describing a track topic and relevant
  potential track components (panel discussions, pro/con
  debates, etc.)  within the track that will be interesting and
  valuable to the APRICOT audience. Preliminary Track
  descriptions are due at the time of nomination, or by June 15,

* Helping to publicize and recruit speakers, session moderators,
  and participants for their track and the conference in

* Vetting and recommending speakers and their subjects for their
  Track to the Program Committee. Detailed Track content
  recommendations are due on August 29, 2005.

* Requiring and confirming that speakers submit their proposed
  materials in a timely manner. Track chairs should submit
  speaker recommendations and abstracts to the Program Committee
  by September 26, 2005. Selected speakers will be announced by
  the Program Committee on or before October 10, 2005.

* Evaluating submitted materials for content and quality
  suitable for an international technical/operations
  conference. Track chairs should submit full/detailed
  presentation outlines to the Program Committee by November 7,

* Serving as a liaison between the Program Committee and the
  selected participants in your Track.  Track chairs should
  submit all complete presentation materials to the Program
  Committee by January 9, 2006. 

* This year we will require that speakers must supply their
  program material in advance so that we can confirm operational
  content and that there is not inappropriate sales material.

* Track Chairs are members of the Apricot Program Committee and
  will share the responsibility of determining overall program
  issues and planning. Track Chairs are encouraged to help find
  speakers for other tracks and tutorials as well.

Workshop Chair and Tutorial Chair

These positions are similar to the Track Chairs described above,
but will be responsible for recruiting and facilitating
instructors for five-day and half-day/full day instructional
tutorials, respectively.

A total of 5-6 Track Chairs will be selected by the Program
Committee, along with a Tutorial Chair and Workshop Chair, with
the expectation that 4-6 Tracks will ultimately be scheduled for

Please feel free to nominate yourself or someone other than
yourself who might be appropriate for either of these
positions. The deadline for receiving Conference Track and
Tutorial Track Chair nominations is May 2, 2005. Results of the
selection process will be announced by May 18, 2005.


The APRICOT audience is mainly comprised of technical network
operators and professional engineers with experience levels
ranging from (almost) newbie to seasoned, senior technical
management. APRICOT audiences always include native speakers of
a dozen or more languages, so written materials and
presentations should be tuned appropriately. Each year, the
majority of APRICOT attendees travel internationally and commit
considerable sums relative to their local economies to
participate in APRICOT; they expect the highest possible quality
in presentation content and delivery.


Historically, tutorials have focused on core operational skills
and basic protocol knowledge, with conference sessions
highlighting day-to-day operations and recent/emerging issues
within a 12-18 month time horizon.

APRICOT Conference Tracks are full-day events. Each Track
typically encompasses three 90-minute Sessions composed of 3-4
presenters (speakers) per session; accordingly each presentation
should be designed to be approximately 20-30 minutes in
duration. On the recommendation of the Track Chair, individual
Sessions may be moderated by persons with expertise appropriate
to the subject matter of the session. Session Moderators may
assist in managing speaker time and soliciting questions from
the audience.

APRICOT Tutorials are half or full day workshops which focus on
a particular 

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Robert Boyle
At 07:32 PM 4/9/2005, you wrote:
David Conrad wrote:
- Amount of code
Again, what should be counted?  Should you include rsync?  Should you 
include utility programs like check-namedconf, axfr-get, rbldns, walldns, 
walldns-conf, etc.?
You need only count the lines of code needed by the daemon/s
servicing requests.  That is, IMO, bind's only major failing.  Too
much code, too many little used features (nobody I know needs or
wants rndc), and no way to compile without them.  If you read Bruce
Schneier, as every developer should, you know how important that
"Amount of code" is.
How do you add zones to your servers? We certainly don't connect to a shell 
on all of them for simple configuration tasks. Network shares and rndc make 
short work of most DNS tasks.

rndc -s ns1 reconfig
rndc -s ns1 reload
are the two most frequently used DNS tools used by our support staff. For 
automated tasks, writing a zone file to disk from the database on change 
and issuing an rndc reload is very useful.

On the djb vs. BIND debate, for database driven zones, just output BIND 
format files (or djb if that floats your boat) from your database. Calling 
the actual zone files the "database" doesn't make sense anyway. If you 
manage your information well, the file format of the server application 
doesn't really matter. The security, performance and standards compliance 
matter most - to us anyway.

Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
"Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Stefan Schmidt

On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 04:32:12PM -0700, Roger Marquis wrote:
> You need only count the lines of code needed by the daemon/s
> servicing requests.  That is, IMO, bind's only major failing.  Too
> much code, too many little used features (nobody I know needs or
> wants rndc), and no way to compile without them.  If you read Bruce
> Schneier, as every developer should, you know how important that
> "Amount of code" is.

Ok, just came from the pub so i'm making this a short and simple one:

I need&&want rndc!

> Using bind 8 and 9 but still looking for something better,

Doing that too, we could as well just kill ourselves if we were not
ever looking for something better than we already have. Thats called
life. ;)

[Reading Elliot the contract]
The Devil : Paragraph one states that I, the Devil, a not-for-profit
organization, with offices in Purgatory, Hell, and Los Angles,
will give you seven wishes to use as you see fit.
- Bedazzled (2000)

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Etaoin Shrdlu

Roger Marquis wrote:

> You need only count the lines of code needed by the daemon/s
> servicing requests.  That is, IMO, bind's only major failing.  Too
> much code, too many little used features (nobody I know needs or
> wants rndc), and no way to compile without them.  If you read Bruce
> Schneier, as every developer should, you know how important that
> "Amount of code" is.

While I don't disagree about lines of code, in general, I will remind you
that "nobody" and "everyone" are not sets that you may speak for. I like
rndc (although I preferred ndc). I've been using BIND since BIND 4.{mumble}
(currently at BIND 9 for those machines I retain responsibility for), and
I'd surely rather have all of BIND's little idiosyncrasies that to deal
with AD (now *there's* a nightmare).

Open source should be about giving away things voluntarily. When
you force someone to give you something, it's no longer giving, it's
stealing. Persons of leisurely moral growth often confuse giving with
taking.-- Larry Wall

Re: books every network operator should read?

2005-04-09 Thread Roger Marquis
Janet Sullivan wrote:
I'd like to make a list for the wiki of books that are thought
highly of by the network community.  What books stand out for you as
being excellent?  If you could only own 5 network related books, what
would they be?
One of my favorites from years back though not BGP-related, probably
out of date and out of print, a very good read none the less:
  A Guide to Fractional T1
  James E. Trulove, 1992
  Artech House, ISBN 0-89006-524-1
Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Roger Marquis
David Conrad wrote:
- Amount of code
Again, what should be counted?  Should you include rsync?  Should you 
include utility programs like check-namedconf, axfr-get, rbldns, 
walldns, walldns-conf, etc.?
You need only count the lines of code needed by the daemon/s
servicing requests.  That is, IMO, bind's only major failing.  Too
much code, too many little used features (nobody I know needs or
wants rndc), and no way to compile without them.  If you read Bruce
Schneier, as every developer should, you know how important that
"Amount of code" is.
All I really want is to "configure --minimal && make && make
install" and not have to fix ISC's ill thought-out defaults (like
/usr/local/etc on Solaris...).
Using bind 8 and 9 but still looking for something better,
Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Paul Wouters
On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
Just wondering how many have transitioned to djbdns from bind
If transitioning from BIND, why go to the non-free and non-compliant
djbdns instead of nsd (
I couldn't agree more. At least BIND9 and NSD both support RFC 4035,
and I am getting tired of hearing about these cache poisoning hypes
Last one to secure his zone is a luser :)

Re: AS prepending

2005-04-09 Thread Hank Nussbacher

On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Patrick W Gilmore wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Philip Lavine wrote:
> > I am using AS prepending to favor one ISP over
> > another, in a BGP multihomed/multiISP scenario. Why
> > does the ISP receiving the prepends fail to add my
> > network into their routing table? Is this a "feature"
> > of BGP, or have I gone too far with 3 prepend
> > statements.
> If they are both transit providers, then they are broken.

I have found at least one major ISP did check the amount of prepends and
did not accept the announcement if it did not match exactly what was coded
in their as-path filter.  They had to code special as-path filters that
allowed an undetermined number of prepends so we could "play".

Why not just ask your upstream ISP if they filter prepends?

> If they are peers, the second ISP is probably preferring the route it
> hears through your transit provider because there are fewer AS hops.

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread David Conrad

On Apr 9, 2005, at 9:35 AM, Will Yardley wrote:
On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 01:14:14AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:
Fortunately, if it is a religion, I am agnostic in the BIND vs. DJB 
since I work for a company that has created a product that could be
argued competes with both... :-).
Didn't Nominum write BIND9,
Yes, up to 9.2.0, under contract to ISC.
and doesn't / didn't it provide commercial
support for it?
Yep.  A commercial necessity if your market is ISPs/telcos.
I'd think / hope that would give you a slight slant in
one direction.
I have my preferences, however I'm not religious about it.  DJBDNS is 
better than BIND in some scenarios, BIND is better in others.  Neither 
is perfect and since our customers use both, I'm interested in 
objective measures as opposed to subjective, emotion laden value 


Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Paul Vixie

> > Fortunately, if it is a religion, I am agnostic in the BIND vs. DJB war
> > since I work for a company that has created a product that could be
> > argued competes with both... :-).

and from what i've heard, everyone who has tested nominum's ANS and/or CNS
has been impressed with the performance, protocol compliance, and
usability.  (only the fact that it's commercial software, possessing a
price tag, keeps it from being even more popular than it already is.)

> Didn't Nominum write BIND9, and doesn't / didn't it provide commercial
> support for it? I'd think / hope that would give you a slight slant in
> one direction.

all of the developers who worked on BIND9 worked at nominum or its
predecessor (internet engines), and most of them are still at nominum.
note, though, that this work was done under contract to ISC, who owns the
copyright and who is BIND9's current developer and publisher.

nominum and isc now both offer "commercial" (for a fee) support for BIND9,
but i suspect nominum would prefer to sell and support ANS/CNS than just
support BIND9.

> And he's obsessed with the idea of "The BIND Company"

apparently, every political sphere needs an axis of evil to keep it focused.
Paul Vixie

Re: Blog...

2005-04-09 Thread Fergie (Paul Ferguson)

Thanks for the kind words.

- ferg

-- Bill Woodcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have to agree...  Paul's been doing an excellent job of picking out the 
one or two things that really matter each day, and I've found it quite 
valuable.  I think that unlike much of the administrivial chatter on the 
list lately, and the usual kids-ranting-at-each-other, this has been 
improving the signal-to-noise ratio quite a bit.


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Will Yardley

On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 01:14:14AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:
> Fortunately, if it is a religion, I am agnostic in the BIND vs. DJB war 
> since I work for a company that has created a product that could be 
> argued competes with both... :-).

Didn't Nominum write BIND9, and doesn't / didn't it provide commercial
support for it? I'd think / hope that would give you a slight slant in
one direction.

My favorite thing about djb is that while he seldom has time to help
people who are using his own software (claiming he's too busy or they're
too stupid), he seems to have infinite time and patience to troll in
forums for the makers of other software (comp.protocols.dns.bind,
postfix-users mailing list, etc.).

I also think his "my way or the highway" / "doesn't play nice with
others" approach affects not just his personal interactions, but his
software as well.

And he's obsessed with the idea of "The BIND Company"


Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Niels Bakker

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Conrad) [Sat 09 Apr 2005, 10:14 CEST]:
> PowerDNS: Yes (authoritative only)
> (I might have gotten some of these wrong)

You are - PowerDNS has pdns_recursor and has for quite a while.
Uses less memory than BIND and is faster too.

Potential conflict of interest: I know the author personally
(and he's a truly nice guy).

-- Niels.

  The idle mind is the devil's playground

Re: books every network operator should read?

2005-04-09 Thread MARLON BORBA

 Blueprints for High Availability 
Ewan Stern & Hal Marcus
John Wiley & Sons

. High Availability Network Fundamentals
Chris Oggerino
Cisco Press

Fundamental readings for those 24x7 guys.

Marlon Borba, CISSP.

"Você prefere sua estabilidade hoje ou
sua felicidade amanhã?"
--Max Gehringer, na CBN.
>>> Kim Onnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/09/05 6:55 AM >>>

Internet Routing Arch.

Re: books every network operator should read?

2005-04-09 Thread Kim Onnel

Internet Routing Arch.

Routing TCP/IP vol.1 

Cisco LAN Switching or Any other LAN switching book

Troubleshooting Routing Protocols by Zaheer Aziz

Cisco ISP essentials

Some chapters of "IOS software Arch"

On Apr 9, 2005 6:36 AM, Janet Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to make a list for the wiki of books that are thought
> highly of by the network community.  What books stand out for you as
> being excellent?  If you could only own 5 network related books, what
> would they be?
> Feel free to reply to me offlist - I'll post a summary after a few days.
> Thanks!
> Janet

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread David Conrad
On Apr 8, 2005, at 5:43 PM, Niek wrote:
On 4/9/2005 1:50 AM +0100, Paul Vixie wrote:
  Count Server Software
[snip some list]
One could also put together a list based on:
This actually would be an interesting list.  Unfortunately, the 
criteria you provide are a bit hard to come up with reasonable answers 
for.  Specifically:

- Security holes.
What do you count as a "security hole"?  BINDv9 is a completely 
different code base than BINDv4 or BINDv8.  Should security holes in 
earlier versions of BIND count against BINDv9?  Since tinyDNS requires 
the use of rsync (or similar) to transfer zone data to secondaries, 
should security issues in that package count against tinyDNS?  How 
about syslog?

- Amount of code
Again, what should be counted?  Should you include rsync?  Should you 
include utility programs like check-namedconf, axfr-get, rbldns, 
walldns, walldns-conf, etc.?

- Bloatness
What's one person's bloat is another's fundamental requirement.
BIND, since it tries to be a reference implementation of the DNS 
protocols, includes pretty much everything the IETF standardizes on.  
DJBDNS doesn't attempt to be a reference implementation, so many of the 
features and/or functionality available in BIND are simply not there.  
BIND has a very long history of features and functionality that have 
been added as a result of operational experience, e.g., BIND's logging 
system, blackhole functionality, views, etc.  DJBDNS relies on external 
programs to meet these operational requirements (of some).

- Seperation of functionality
An easy and objectively verifiable one:
BIND4, 8, 9: No.
To add some others:
Microsoft DNS: No.
MaraDNS: No.
NSD: Yes (authoritative only)
PowerDNS: Yes (authoritative only)
Posadis: No.
MyDNS: Yes (authoritative only)
(I might have gotten some of these wrong)
- # of seconds it takes to load huge amounts of zones
Another easy and objectively verifiable criteria.
DJBDNS is faster in loading huge amounts of zones.
Of course, one could argue that loading huge amounts of data is not 
something you'd typically want to do, so optimization should be spent 
in what a DNS server does do frequently (i.e., answer DNS queries) but 
that could be a value judgment.

In the end, it all comes down to religion:
Bind people don't ack djb points and vice versa.
Actually, I don't believe this is true.  There are a wide variety of 
objectively verifiable metrics folks can use to determine which DNS 
server best meets their needs.  Throughput (queries per second), 
latency, forwarding time, standards compliance, data load times (many 
zones, big zones), stability/reliability (how often does it crash), 
availability (how often does it takes naps), memory consumption, CPU 
consumption, etc.

Fortunately, if it is a religion, I am agnostic in the BIND vs. DJB war 
since I work for a company that has created a product that could be 
argued competes with both... :-).


Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 03:55:15PM -0700,
 Vicky Rode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 20 lines which said:

> Just wondering how many have transitioned to djbdns from bind

If transitioning from BIND, why go to the non-free and non-compliant
djbdns instead of nsd (

One of the (many, many) annoying things about djbware is the constant
claim that djbware is the only challenger to "reference" software.

Re: djbdns: An alternative to BIND

2005-04-09 Thread sthaug

> > > I had a play with DJBDNS after using BIND for years. Here's why I
> > > switched back:
> > > - No AXFR support
> > It supports this.
> No IXFR, no automatic notification of bind slaves (you get to run a
> separate notify script) ...
> But yes, it is far easier to use, consumes very low amounts of memory
> and makes an excellent local resolver cache e&oe no roundrobin DNS
> without a patch (as in it returns all the A records in the same order
> every time, whereas bind does this in a different order ...)

A contrary view from the trenches:

Around a year ago we tested DJB dnscache as the recursive DNS server
in a high-volume ISP environment - mostly because we were not happy
with BIND 9 performance at the time. Our conclusions were:

- dnscache used *more* CPU than BIND 9 in our environment, effectively
ruling it out
- Not possible to get dnscache to listen to more than one IP address
unless you introduce hacks/patches
- Weird failures reported from users
- Annoying installation process with lots of small programs that we
don't want or need

We then used BIND 8 for a while, due to its better performance than
BIND 9. Earlier this year we finally found a BIND 9 configuration and
version that worked well for us (but still too low performance). We
finally switched to Nominum CNS (two servers) and one BIND 9 server
as backup. We really like Nominum CNS, and we're happy.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]