Re: outage?

2005-05-09 Thread Simon Waters

On Monday 09 May 2005 6:46 am, Paul Vixie wrote:
  -- Chris Keladis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a guess, but perhaps with returning NXDOMAIN the
  gethostby* functions tried variations and ended up resolving sites like which inadvertantly sent people to the spoof site.
  Seems plausible to me, anyway.

 not to me.  RFC 1535 is VERY widely deployed, perhaps even universally so.

I doubt it is universally so, as I think old versions of Windows did something 
similar in the 4.8.3 resolver, and they are still out there. Software takes a 
long time to die.

However a lot of people saw the search engine sogo because their browser 
asked for when it found didn't exist, and 
this is caught by a wildcard (allegedly). Although my quick inspection 
suggests that the DNS for these domains is very badly mangled, BIND 9 does 
somehow manage to get an IP address out of the mess it finds.

Google Web Accelerator

2005-05-09 Thread Vicky Rode
Hash: SHA1
Hi there,
Did anyone catch this? Has anyone experienced any issues and if so, what
steps did you take to address this?
According to Google Blogoscoped (see below), the download page has been
shut down because they can't handle the load.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

The evolution of NANOG

2005-05-09 Thread McPherson, Michael

For some time there have been extensive discussions, both in person and
via email, concerning the future of NANOG.  A dedicated group of
individuals (including many of you) has assembled a detailed proposal
for NANOG's evolution, a proposal which lays out a number of important
ideas.  Merit staff are very grateful for the well-informed and
constructive work put forth by the NANOG community.

We at Merit are in agreement with most of the proposed changes, although
there are a few points which we feel require further discussion.  In
this message I would like to outline Merit's reaction to these proposals
and propose some next steps for discussion via email and at the next
NANOG meeting in Seattle.  As you will see below, our intention is to
move forward with these changes over the summer.

The first change you will see is one of financial transparency.
Beginning with the Seattle meeting, Merit will provide an update on
NANOG finances and operations at each meeting.  Look for this
presentation at every future NANOG meeting; it will take place during
the Sunday Special Community Meeting in Seattle.  Information will also
be posted on

We support the formation of a Steering Committee which will provide
overall guidance for NANOG operations, appoint the Program Committee,
and appoint the mailing list administrator panel.  The Steering
Committee would consist of six members elected by the NANOG community
and one appointed by Merit.  We propose that an election process be
developed and that the first Steering Committee be elected during the
summer of 2005, to begin serving by the Fall NANOG meeting.

We support the formation of a Program Committee appointed by the
Steering Committee.  Our experience leads us to believe that a larger
committee will be better able to handle the heavy workload, so we
suggest that the Program Committee consist of 16 members  (plus one
member appointed by Merit).  

A smooth transition from the current committee to a new one is critical
to ensure the success of upcoming meetings.  We propose that the current
Program Committee continue as presently constituted through the Fall
NANOG meeting (except that the three open positions would be filled
through appointment by the current committee after an open nomination
process).  This will allow time for the Steering Committee to be elected
and to appoint a new Program Committee.  

In order to provide continuity and preserve institutional memory of the
programming process, half (or more, at the discretion of the Steering
Committee) of the members of the first reconstituted Program Committee
would be selected from among those current Program Committee members
willing to continue service, and the remainder would be new appointments
from the community at large.  We propose that Steve Feldman continue his
capable leadership as Program Committee chair for the first year to help
the new committee get established.

We recommend that a member of the Steering Committee serve ex officio on
the Program Committee, and that the chair of the Program Committee serve
ex officio on the Steering Committee.  These liaison roles will help
ensure that the activities of the two groups are coordinated.

We also support the change to mailing list administration, a change
already partially implemented.  We propose three panel members appointed
by the Steering Committee and one appointed by Merit.

We seek further discussion on the subject of membership.  We at Merit
believe that NANOG's success is due in no small part to its informality,
an informality which mirrors other technical activities related to the
Internet.  We believe that addition of a paid membership category will
dilute the influence of those who make the effort and take the time to
participate in NANOG's main activity, the meetings.  We propose that
eligibility to vote in NANOG elections be determined solely by
registration for NANOG meetings.  We look forward to discussing this
question in Seattle.

Finally, although NANOG is a community of professionals, it is also a
Merit business activity and not a separate organization.  Merit accepts
the risks, both financial and otherwise, created by NANOG.  Merit staff
are responsible first to Merit's Board of Directors for these financial
and risk issues.  In order to exercise our responsibility to our Board
we must retain final authority over NANOG operations and finances,
including representing NANOG to other organizations, negotiating and
executing agreements with vendors, and selecting hosts and sites.  We do
not expect this to be a problem in practice, however, as we intend to
work with the new Steering Committee and Program Committee on the
presumption that the members of the NANOG community know best what they
need from NANOG.  We are confident that the goals of community guidance
and transparency can be achieved without abrogating our responsibility
to Merit's Board.

You can read a draft of a proposed new NANOG Charter and action plan at

New UK Operators Forum

2005-05-09 Thread Neil J. McRae

There has been a new Operators Forum setup in the UK.

Please visit:

For more details - we are hoping to open up the governance
and have a strong UK operator focus within this group
as the UK has lacked this.


2005 Wiretap Report (CALEA)

2005-05-09 Thread Hannigan, Martin

2004 Wiretap report came out 4 May.

Summary: 1700+ intercepts (punch list aggregate).
The word VoIP or Internet does not appear anywhere in the 250+ page report.

Gambling and Narcotics remain #1 reasons for a lawful order. Terrorism
is usually handled FISA avenue, which are secret and not reported 

The official FBI document can be found here:


Martin Hannigan (c) 617-388-2663
VeriSign, Inc.  (w) 703-948-7018
Network Engineer IV   Operations  Infrastructure

Peering BOF IX at NANOG in Seattle - The Great Public vs. Private Peering Debate

2005-05-09 Thread William B. Norton

Hi all -

Just wanted to invite you all to the upcoming Peering
Birds-Of-a-Feather session at the upcoming NANOG, and give you a
flavor of a couple of the topics to be discussed...

Peering Introductions
For Peering Coordinators who would lke to introduce themselves to the
North American Peering Coordinator Community, we have some time set
aside for you to introduce yourself and share with the Community:
Company Name and Contact Information,
Where you are peering or expect to peer in the future, 
What you are looking for in a peer, and 
Why people should be interested in peering with you.

We have found these face-to-face interactions helps facilitate
peering, particularly for folks coming in from overseas. It helps to
bring network maps, and lots of business cards. If you email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] this information I will make a slide with your contact
information on it that will show up behind you are you speak.

The Public vs. Private Peering Debate

We have recruited two Peering Coordinators to articulate the two sides
of the Great (Public vs. Private) Peering Debate. They have graciously
agreed to share with the audience the Strongest Arguments for Public
Peering (Maurice Dean), and the Strongest Arguments for Private
Peering (Peter Cohen). Each side will have a few minutes to present
their case, then a few minutes to attack the claims made by the other
side and/or reinforce their own side of the argument as needed. We
will perhaps add a few minutes in the middle for a couple of limited
scope audience questions; those to help the speakers clarify a point
(no speeches or attacks here). Both sides will then summarize their
argument and the audience will be asked to vote for which side made
the more compelling case.

Audience Discussion
As we did last Peering BOF, we will open the floor to discussion,
focusing on points that one or both sides failed to make, or failed to
make strongly enough, that would have perhaps made a difference in the
audience vote.

I researched this issue with a subset of the Peering Coordinator
Community and shared the early results at the RIPE EIX WG meeting. If
the discussions there are any indicator, I think we are in for an
interesting and educational community discussion here.

Below is an excerpt of the public vs. private peering arguments I
heard from the Peering Coordinator Community and shared at the RIPE
EIX WG meeting.  I agree with the Peering Coordinators who believe the
answer for most ISPs is a hybrid of public and private peering.  I
also agree that perhaps there sometimes emerges a transition based
upon scale and strategic intent, but we will see what the community
comes up with at the BOF.


PS - I cut and pasted the text below from the The Great (Public vs.
Private Peering) Debate: Peering at 10G white paper that I am using
to document these debates as they relate to 10 Gigabit-per-second
Ethernet Peering.  I am still looking for reviewers to provide
feedback here BTW...If you are interested in this stuff and can spend
a little time to provide feedback, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
When I feel more comfortable that I have it right, I will make the
paper freely available to anyone who would like a copy.
The Top 4 Reasons Public Peering is better than Private Peering

1. Aggregation Benefits

a.   A network can easily aggregate a large number of relatively
small peering sessions across a single fixed-cost peering port, with
zero incremental cost per peer. (Private peering requires additional
cross connects and potentially an additional interface card, so there
are real costs associated with each incremental peering session.)
Small peering sessions often exhibit a high degree of variability in
their traffic levels, making them perfect for aggregation. Since not
all peers peak at the same time, multiple peers can be multiplexed
onto the shared peering fabric, with one peers peak traffic filling in
the valleys of another peer's traffic. This helps make peering very
cost effective: I can't afford to dedicate a whole gigE card to
private peering with this guy, but public peering is a no-brainer.

b.   Public peering ports usually have very large gradations of
bandwidth: 100Mbps Ethernet upgrades to 1Gbps Ethernet, which upgrades
to 10Gbps Ethernet. With such large gradations, it is easier for
smaller peers to maintain several times more capacity via public
peering than they are currently using, which reduces the likelihood of
congestion due to shifting traffic patterns, bursty traffic, or
uncontrolled Denial of Service attacks. Some peers aren't as
responsive to upgrading their peering infrastructure, nor are they of
similar mind with respect for the desire for peering bandwidth
headroom[1]. The 

DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Richard


We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone routers
CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the router just couldn't
handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade these routers. One criteria
is the ability to track which IP address is under attack and blackhole the
traffic quickly. Anyone can share your experience of what kind of router is
capable of doing this?

Also besides having a powerful router which can handle large volume of
traffic, is there any other things that we need to consider in selecting the


Re: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 01:35:06PM -1000, Richard wrote:
 We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone routers
 CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the router just couldn't
 handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade these routers. One criteria
 is the ability to track which IP address is under attack and blackhole the
 traffic quickly. Anyone can share your experience of what kind of router is
 capable of doing this?
 Also besides having a powerful router which can handle large volume of
 traffic, is there any other things that we need to consider in selecting the

I recently wrecked my car, totaling it and running down several small 
children on their way to sunday school in the process. I plan to upgrade 
my car, and one of the criteria is that it not crash and kill people. Can 
you share advice on what car is capable of doing this?

This example is about as descriptive and useful at solving the problem as 
your original post. Without any details it is impossible to make any 
useful recommendation even if we wanted to. What type and scale of DoS are 
you trying to protect against, what type and scale of traffic are you 
routing, what kind of interfaces and how many, basic things like that. 
Without details, the best that you're likely to get (now that Dean is gone 
:P) is something akin to go buy a volvo, namely go buy a Juniper.

Richard A Steenbergen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

On the importance of IP address allocation....

2005-05-09 Thread Fergie (Paul Ferguson)

Geoff Huston has done a great job of examining the issues
surrounding the ITU-T proposal on IPv6 address allocation to
national allocation registries.

Definately worth a read.

- ferg

Fergie, a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

Re: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Scott Weeks

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Richard wrote:

: We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone routers
: CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the router just couldn't
: handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade these routers. One criteria
: is the ability to track which IP address is under attack and blackhole the
: traffic quickly. Anyone can share your experience of what kind of router is
: capable of doing this?
: Also besides having a powerful router which can handle large volume of
: traffic, is there any other things that we need to consider in selecting the
: routers?

You shouldn't buy a bigger router just to handle DOS attacks.  THere're
many ways to address these types of issues using routers and/or servers.
What is your normal CPU usage when there is no DOS attack?  What does your
capacity look like on the router interface where the DOS is coming in on?
We need more info.


Re: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Will Yardley

On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 01:35:06PM -1000, Richard wrote:

 We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone
 routers CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the
 router just couldn't handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade
 these routers.

What kind of routers? We had problems like this with Cisco 7206VXRs
with NPE-300s at my last job because they just couldn't handle the
high volume of packets-per-second from certain types of attack.

 One criteria is the ability to track which IP address is under
 attack and blackhole the traffic quickly. Anyone can share your
 experience of what kind of router is capable of doing this?

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on this stuff, and it's possible
(likely) that others on the list may have some other and / or better

Generally, I've seen this done by exporting flow data to another box,
and then analyzing this data. I've used ehnt (extremely happy netflow
tool) ( to capture the flow data and
export it to an easily machine-parsable feed, then used a Perl script
to capture information on the top source / destination addresses. If
there's interest, I could see whether it's possible to get this code
and put it up somewhere (on an as-is basis) - the code was written by
Kenytt Avery at Willing Minds (

We were keeping an ongoing log of such data, in case the router itself
took a crap.

On a Cisco router, you can also look at the raw cache flow data (sh ip
cache flow), which has some summary data at the top, and then data on
each flow. By rshing into the device and capturing this output, you have
access to some other data to futz around with in some sort of script.

So I'm not sure if there are any vendors which make it easy to figure
this out while logged into the device itself (or whether this is a
practical thing to do at all or something vendors are working on
implementing), but it is possible to do using tools like netflow.


RE: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Richard

 On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 01:35:06PM -1000, Richard wrote:
  We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone
  routers CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the
  router just couldn't handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade
  these routers.
 What kind of routers? We had problems like this with Cisco 7206VXRs
 with NPE-300s at my last job because they just couldn't handle the
 high volume of packets-per-second from certain types of attack.
Oh... I guess that it would a known issue then... we have the exactly same
type of routers. Our routers normally run at 35% CPU. What sucks is that the
traffic volume doesn't have to be very high to bring down the router.

 On a Cisco router, you can also look at the raw cache flow data (sh ip
 cache flow), which has some summary data at the top, and then data on
 each flow. By rshing into the device and capturing this output, you have
 access to some other data to futz around with in some sort of script.
 So I'm not sure if there are any vendors which make it easy to figure
 this out while logged into the device itself (or whether this is a
 practical thing to do at all or something vendors are working on
 implementing), but it is possible to do using tools like netflow.
So far we manually login to the router and use 'sh ip cache flow' on the
router. It is ok, but not very effective. First when the router is slow to a
halt, it is not even possible to the run the command most of the time.
Secondly reading through the output and figuring out what's going on is not
an easy task. I will definitely look into the tools to automate this
process. Appreciate your suggestion. Just wonder if any router vendor has
any built-in tools.


RE: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Scott Weeks

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Richard wrote:

:   We recently experienced several DOS attacks which drove our backbone
:   routers CPU to 100%. The routers are not under attack, but the
:   router just couldn't handle the traffic. There is a plan to upgrade

: type of routers. Our routers normally run at 35% CPU. What sucks is that the
: traffic volume doesn't have to be very high to bring down the router.

That's because it's the number of packets per time period that it can't
handle, not the traffic level.  At this point it seems most likely that
it's a simple UDP flood.  If your CPU usually runs at 35% you definitely
don't need a bigger router unless you're expecting a growth spurt.  You
might want to put an RRDTool or MRTG graph on the CPU usage to be sure.

Depending on the size of your network you also might put a server at a
good place where you can mirror the traffic to it and use NTop on the
server.  The software is free and will show a huge amount of detail if the
server has the brawn to handle the load.  More detail means more server
brawn.  You'll definitely see where the DOS is going.


Re: On the importance of IP address allocation....

2005-05-09 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian

I do wish circleid supported threading, or some other form of cross referencing

Anyway most of those articles follow each other in quick succession.
Look for all the articles by Paul Wilson, Geoff Huston and Tom Vest
there.  Yeah ok - the first few articles in their IP addressing and
beyond category -


On 5/10/05, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Geoff Huston has done a great job of examining the issues
 surrounding the ITU-T proposal on IPv6 address allocation to
 national allocation registries.
 Definately worth a read.

RE: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Steve Gibbard
On Mon, 9 May 2005, Scott Weeks wrote:
On Mon, 9 May 2005, Richard wrote:
: type of routers. Our routers normally run at 35% CPU. What sucks is that the
: traffic volume doesn't have to be very high to bring down the router.
That's because it's the number of packets per time period that it can't
handle, not the traffic level.  At this point it seems most likely that
it's a simple UDP flood.  If your CPU usually runs at 35% you definitely
don't need a bigger router unless you're expecting a growth spurt.  You
might want to put an RRDTool or MRTG graph on the CPU usage to be sure.
I'll disagree here.
When you're engineering a network, what you generally need to care about 
is peak traffic, not average traffic.  While DOS attack traffic is 
presumably traffic you'd rather not have, it tends to be part of the 

This is somewhat of an arms race, and no router will protect you from all 
conceivable DOS attacks.  That said, designing your network around the 
size of attack you typically see (plus some room for growth) raises the 
bar, and turns attacks of the size you've designed for into non-events 
that you don't need to wake up in the middle of the night for.

Remember, the real goal in dealing with DOS attacks is to get to the point 
where you don't notice them, rather than just being able to explain why 
your network is down.

For those attacks that go beyond the capacity you can afford, being able 
to divert the traffic is a good thing.  The Riverhead system (now known as 
Cisco Guard, I think) does reasonably well at protecting networks 
downstream from it without being a big point of failure, but the network 
upstream from it still needs to be able to take the load.  And being 
better able to characterize the attack traffic may help you ask your 
upstreams to block it for you.  This can be done with some of the tools 
others have mentioned, including your router's flow cache *if your router 
hasn't already fallen over and died*.

A rather dated paper on my experiences dealing with this sort of thing is 


RE: DOS attack tracing

2005-05-09 Thread Scott Weeks

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Steve Gibbard wrote:
: On Mon, 9 May 2005, Scott Weeks wrote:
:  On Mon, 9 May 2005, Richard wrote:
:  : type of routers. Our routers normally run at 35% CPU. What sucks is that 
:  : traffic volume doesn't have to be very high to bring down the router.
:  That's because it's the number of packets per time period that it can't
:  handle, not the traffic level.  At this point it seems most likely that
:  it's a simple UDP flood.  If your CPU usually runs at 35% you definitely
:  don't need a bigger router unless you're expecting a growth spurt.  You
:  might want to put an RRDTool or MRTG graph on the CPU usage to be sure.
: I'll disagree here.

Cool!  Good 'ol operations discussion...  :-)

I took things out of order from your email, but kept the context.


Nice paper.   However, you still say what I was saying, just in a
different sort of way.  Instead of NTop and RRDTool/MRTG, you use Cricket.
RRDTool/MRTG alerts you to the problem and NTop directs you to the source
of the problem.  Once you get the procedure down pat, it can go pretty

As far as puttimg something in front of the core router(s) (such as
Riverhead), I assumed there was nothing there for Richard; just raw
router interface(s) to the upstream and not enough budget to afford those
nice-but-expensive boxes.  I was going to mention things like Riverhead or
Packeteer later in the posts if appropriate.

: When you're engineering a network, what you generally need to care about
: is peak traffic, not average traffic.  While DOS attack traffic is
: presumably traffic you'd rather not have, it tends to be part of the
: environment.
: This is somewhat of an arms race, and no router will protect you from all
: conceivable DOS attacks.  That said, designing your network around the
: size of attack you typically see (plus some room for growth) raises the
: bar, and turns attacks of the size you've designed for into non-events
: that you don't need to wake up in the middle of the night for.

This is what I was getting at.  Engineering the network.  That's more
than buying a Bigger Badder Router and Fatter Pipes(BBRFP).  If your
router is running at 35% during the normal peak traffic flow, you don't
need a BBRFP.  All you need to do is design the network (and train the
monkeys, as randy terms it... :-) to deal with extraordinary peaks.

: Remember, the real goal in dealing with DOS attacks is to get to the point
: where you don't notice them, rather than just being able to explain why
: your network is down.

Yes, but a BBRFP isn't the way to deal with this unless you've got the
big budget.  I know that a bigger hammer is better if you've got the
money, but if you don't engineering finesse can work well.


NYT: Internet attack called broad and long lasting

2005-05-09 Thread Sean Donelan

Internet Attack Called Broad and Long Lasting by Investigators

Published: May 10, 2005

SAN FRANCISCO, May 9 - The incident seemed alarming enough: a breach of a
Cisco Systems network in which an intruder seized programming instructions
for many of the computers that control the flow of the Internet.

See the New York Times for the rest of the story.

Internet Attack Called Broad and Long Lasting by Investigators

2005-05-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

SAN FRANCISCO, May 9 - The incident seemed alarming enough: a breach
of a Cisco Systems network in which an intruder seized programming
instructions for many of the computers that control the flow of
the Internet.

Now federal officials and computer security investigators have
acknowledged that the Cisco break-in last year was only part of a
more extensive operation - involving a single intruder or a small
band, apparently based in Europe - in which thousands of computer
systems were similarly penetrated.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,