The Cidr Report

2007-11-02 Thread cidr-report

This report has been generated at Fri Nov  2 21:14:08 2007 AEST.
The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of AS2.0 router
and generates a report on aggregation potential within the table.

Check for a current version of this report.

Recent Table History
Date  PrefixesCIDR Agg
26-10-07241073  156242
27-10-07241387  156495
27-10-07241270  156525
29-10-07241409  153107
30-10-07241696  153808
31-10-07241744  154357
01-11-07241847  155263
02-11-07242331  155771

AS Summary
 26707  Number of ASes in routing system
 11271  Number of ASes announcing only one prefix
  1962  Largest number of prefixes announced by an AS
AS4538 : ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education and Research Network 
  89032704  Largest address span announced by an AS (/32s)
AS721  : DISA-ASNBLK - DoD Network Information Center

Aggregation Summary
The algorithm used in this report proposes aggregation only
when there is a precise match using the AS path, so as 
to preserve traffic transit policies. Aggregation is also
proposed across non-advertised address space ('holes').

 --- 02Nov07 ---
ASnumNetsNow NetsAggr  NetGain   % Gain   Description

Table 242576   1557898678735.8%   All ASes

AS4538  1962  717 124563.5%   ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education
   and Research Network Center
AS4755  1479  443 103670.0%   VSNL-AS Videsh Sanchar Nigam
   Ltd. Autonomous System
AS9498  1017   71  94693.0%   BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET
AS4323  1356  415  94169.4%   TWTC - Time Warner Telecom,
AS18566 1028   88  94091.4%   COVAD - Covad Communications
AS4134  1098  338  76069.2%   CHINANET-BACKBONE
   No.31,Jin-rong Street
AS11492 1160  418  74264.0%   CABLEONE - CABLE ONE
AS6478  1121  397  72464.6%   ATT-INTERNET3 - ATT WorldNet
AS8151  1162  440  72262.1%   Uninet S.A. de C.V.
AS22773  803   97  70687.9%   CCINET-2 - Cox Communications
AS17488  874  252  62271.2%   HATHWAY-NET-AP Hathway IP Over
   Cable Internet
AS15270  607   56  55190.8%   AS-PAETEC-NET - PaeTec
   Communications, Inc.
AS18101  609   67  54289.0%   RIL-IDC Reliance Infocom Ltd
   Internet Data Centre,
AS19262  796  288  50863.8%   VZGNI-TRANSIT - Verizon
   Internet Services Inc.
AS7018  1526 1026  50032.8%   ATT-INTERNET4 - ATT WorldNet
AS7545   725  231  49468.1%   TPG-INTERNET-AP TPG Internet
   Pty Ltd
AS2386  1250  774  47638.1%   INS-AS - ATT Data
   Communications Services
AS19916  569  102  46782.1%   ASTRUM-0001 - OLM LLC
AS17676  504   64  44087.3%   GIGAINFRA BB TECHNOLOGY Corp.
AS6197  1031  596  43542.2%   BATI-ATL - BellSouth Network
   Solutions, Inc
AS4766   815  384  43152.9%   KIXS-AS-KR Korea Telecom
AS4812   524  116  40877.9%   CHINANET-SH-AP China Telecom
AS4808   499  124  37575.2%   CHINA169-BJ CNCGROUP IP
   network China169 Beijing
   Province Network
AS9443   451   78  37382.7%   INTERNETPRIMUS-AS-AP Primus
AS3356   790  429  36145.7%   LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications
AS4668   520  169  35167.5%   LGNET-AS-KR LG CNS
AS9583  1107  762  34531.2%   SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
AS7011   979  636  34335.0%   FRONTIER-AND-CITIZENS -
   Frontier Communications of
   America, Inc.
AS3602   412   76  33681.6%   AS3602-RTI - Rogers Telecom
AS5668   658  322  33651.1%   AS-5668 

BGP Update Report

2007-11-02 Thread cidr-report

BGP Update Report
Interval: 01-Oct-07 -to- 01-Nov-07 (32 days)
Observation Point: BGP Peering with AS2.0

TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS
Rank ASNUpds %  Upds/PfxAS-Name
 1 - AS9583   376365  4.7% 320.6 -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
 2 - AS16637  171683  2.1%3901.9 -- MTNNS-AS
 3 - AS9498   109852  1.4% 104.6 -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
 4 - AS886671237  0.9% 255.3 -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
 5 - AS815166950  0.8%  50.7 -- Uninet S.A. de C.V.
 6 - AS462165522  0.8% 442.7 -- UNSPECIFIED UNINET-TH
 7 - AS845262140  0.8% 188.3 -- TEDATA TEDATA
 8 - AS15611   59876  0.7% 617.3 -- Iranian Research Organisation
 9 - AS475051354  0.6% 229.3 -- CSLOXINFO-ISP-AS-AP CSLOXINFO 
Public Company Limited.
10 - AS983548969  0.6% 385.6 -- GITS-TH-AS-AP Government 
Information Technology Services
11 - AS14390   48826  0.6% 887.7 -- CORENET - Coretel America, Inc.
12 - AS26829   43170  0.5%   43170.0 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
13 - AS24731   42413  0.5% 883.6 -- ASN-NESMA National Engineering 
Services and Marketing Company Ltd. (NESMA)
14 - AS12975   42391  0.5% 529.9 -- PALTEL-AS PALTEL Autonomous 
15 - AS702 41732  0.5%  65.7 -- AS702 Verizon Business EMEA - 
Commercial IP service provider in Europe
16 - AS28885   38009  0.5%1407.7 -- OMANTEL-NAP-AS OmanTel NAP
17 - AS17974   37966  0.5%  80.4 -- TELKOMNET-AS2-AP PT 
18 - AS43403   37629  0.5%   18814.5 -- SVIAZ-PLUS-AS LLC Sviaz Plus
19 - AS10275   36020  0.5%   18010.0 -- AS-UNITEDNETWORK - ABS-CBN 
20 - AS17540   34990  0.4%   34990.0 -- MTL-AP Modern Terminals Limited

TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS (Updates per announced prefix)
Rank ASNUpds %  Upds/PfxAS-Name
 1 - AS26829   43170  0.5%   43170.0 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
 2 - AS17540   34990  0.4%   34990.0 -- MTL-AP Modern Terminals Limited
 3 - AS43403   37629  0.5%   18814.5 -- SVIAZ-PLUS-AS LLC Sviaz Plus
 4 - AS10275   36020  0.5%   18010.0 -- AS-UNITEDNETWORK - ABS-CBN 
 5 - AS43830   19734  0.2%9867.0 -- ADECCO-ASN Adecco IT Services
 6 - AS343829404  0.1%9404.0 -- ASSYRUS-SRL-AS Assyrus Srl 
 7 - AS36011   10218  0.1%5109.0 -- AHSYS-ASN - Atlantic Health 
 8 - AS427044945  0.1%4945.0 -- ELITENETWORK-AS SC Elite 
Network Communications SRL
 9 - AS30707   14583  0.2%4861.0 -- 
10 - AS220724475  0.1%4475.0 -- DEFINITYHEALTH - Definity Health
11 - AS382404367  0.1%4367.0 -- CALYONFINANCIAL-AS-JP Calyon 
Financial, Inc.
12 - AS16637  171683  2.1%3901.9 -- MTNNS-AS
13 - AS382423342  0.0%3342.0 -- FORTIS-AU-AS Fortis Clearing 
14 - AS288132984  0.0%2984.0 -- VECERNJI-AS Vecernji list d.d.
15 - AS316712834  0.0%2834.0 -- AKTINFOSYS AKT 
Informationssysteme AG
16 - AS6174 5061  0.1%2530.5 -- SPRINTLINK8 - Sprint
17 - AS31596   14034  0.2%2339.0 -- WPPS-AS WPP Service GmbH  Co. 
KG Frankfurt AS
18 - AS172168381  0.1%2095.2 -- VERITECT-EAST - Veritect
19 - AS219983970  0.1%1985.0 -- SETA - SETA
20 - AS22203   11419  0.1%1903.2 -- NAVITAIRE - Navitaire, Inc.

TOP 20 Unstable Prefixes
Rank Prefix Upds % Origin AS -- AS Name
 1 -  1.0%   AS16637 -- MTNNS-AS
 2 -  1.0%   AS16637 -- MTNNS-AS
 3 -   51979  0.6%   AS8866  -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
 4 -   48982  0.6%   AS9583  -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
 5 -  0.6%   AS9583  -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
 6 -  47801  0.6%   AS9583  -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
 7 -  47678  0.5%   AS14390 -- CORENET - Coretel America, Inc.
 8 -   43170  0.5%   AS26829 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
 9 -   35619  0.4%   AS9498  -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
10 -   34990  0.4%   AS17540 -- MTL-AP Modern Terminals Limited
11 -   25265  0.3%   AS9498  -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
12 -  24066  0.3%   AS9583  -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
13 -   19822  0.2%   AS9498  -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
14 -   18985  0.2%   AS18747 -- IFX-NW - IFX Communication 
Ventures, Inc.
15 -  0.2%   AS43403 -- SVIAZ-PLUS-AS LLC Sviaz Plus
16 -   18727  0.2%   AS43403 -- SVIAZ-PLUS-AS LLC Sviaz Plus
17 -  18010  0.2%   AS10275 -- AS-UNITEDNETWORK - ABS-CBN 
18 -  18010  0.2%   AS10275 --