BGP Update Report

2007-12-28 Thread cidr-report

BGP Update Report
Interval: 25-Nov-07 -to- 26-Dec-07 (32 days)
Observation Point: BGP Peering with AS2.0

TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS
Rank ASNUpds %  Upds/PfxAS-Name
 1 - AS9116   332851  4.0% 929.8 -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
 2 - AS17421  165303  2.0%4591.8 -- EMOME-TW Long Distance  Mobile 
Business Group,
 3 - AS8452   124431  1.5% 432.1 -- TEDATA TEDATA
 4 - AS16637  106652  1.3%1545.7 -- MTNNS-AS
 5 - AS886694208  1.1% 328.3 -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
 6 - AS949875648  0.9%  67.4 -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
 7 - AS958373331  0.9%  64.3 -- SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
 8 - AS381571289  0.9%   10184.1 -- AQUILA - Aquila BBS Inc.
 9 - AS346268381  0.8% 409.5 -- HINET Data Communication 
Business Group
10 - AS475561884  0.8%  40.8 -- VSNL-AS Videsh Sanchar Nigam 
Ltd. Autonomous System
11 - AS815159095  0.7%  36.7 -- Uninet S.A. de C.V.
12 - AS14390   59059  0.7% 937.4 -- CORENET - Coretel America, Inc.
13 - AS478257647  0.7%4117.6 -- GSNET Data Communication 
Business Group
14 - AS17974   51649  0.6% 116.9 -- TELKOMNET-AS2-AP PT 
Telekomunikasi Indonesia
15 - AS982946789  0.6%  41.3 -- BSNL-NIB National Internet 
16 - AS26829   42871  0.5%   42871.0 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
17 - AS702 41904  0.5%  41.7 -- AS702 Verizon Business EMEA - 
Commercial IP service provider in Europe
18 - AS912141638  0.5% 195.5 -- TTNET TTnet Autonomous System
19 - AS24731   39993  0.5% 833.2 -- ASN-NESMA National Engineering 
Services and Marketing Company Ltd. (NESMA)
20 - AS453838819  0.5%  19.6 -- ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education 
and Research Network Center

TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS (Updates per announced prefix)
Rank ASNUpds %  Upds/PfxAS-Name
 1 - AS26829   42871  0.5%   42871.0 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
 2 - AS40474   22298  0.3%   22298.0 -- ABML-2 - Advantage Business 
Media, LLC
 3 - AS22072   14025  0.2%   14025.0 -- DEFINITYHEALTH - Definity Health
 4 - AS33447   11995  0.1%   11995.0 -- RPTCO-ASN-1 - RPT Consulting, 
 5 - AS381571289  0.9%   10184.1 -- AQUILA - Aquila BBS Inc.
 6 - AS193347826  0.1%7826.0 -- SPORTLINE-DBC - SPORTLINE
 7 - AS617413563  0.2%6781.5 -- SPRINTLINK8 - Sprint
 8 - AS309295721  0.1%5721.0 -- HUTCB Hidrotechnical Faculty - 
Technical University
 9 - AS17421  165303  2.0%4591.8 -- EMOME-TW Long Distance  Mobile 
Business Group,
10 - AS241604407  0.1%4407.0 -- CHIMEI-AS Chi Mei Corporation
11 - AS236754382  0.1%4382.0 -- TSMCGDN-AS-AP Taiwan 
Semiconductor Manufactoring Company, Ltd.
12 - AS478257647  0.7%4117.6 -- GSNET Data Communication 
Business Group
13 - AS175404062  0.1%4062.0 -- MTL-AP Modern Terminals Limited
14 - AS184103069  0.0%3069.0 -- TW-104IT-AS 104 Information 
Technology Co., Ltd.
15 - AS10229   15113  0.2%3022.6 -- YAHOO-TPE Internet Content 
16 - AS24506   12048  0.1%3012.0 -- YAHOO-TP2-AP Yahoo! Taiwan Inc.,
17 - AS237122997  0.0%2997.0 -- ISC-TPE1 Internet Systems 
Consortium, Inc.
18 - AS195995070  0.1%2535.0 -- COPYRIGHT - COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE 
19 - AS139564808  0.1%2404.0 -- 
20 - AS402569550  0.1%2387.5 -- ACS-HCMS-ASN - Affiliated 
Computer Services, Inc.

TOP 20 Unstable Prefixes
Rank Prefix Upds % Origin AS -- AS Name
 1 -  57355  0.6%   AS14390 -- CORENET - Coretel America, Inc.
 2 -  0.6%   AS16637 -- MTNNS-AS
 3 -  0.6%   AS16637 -- MTNNS-AS
 4 -   42871  0.5%   AS26829 -- YKK-USA - YKK USA,INC
 5 -  0.4%   AS8866  -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
 6 -  0.4%   AS8866  -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
 7 -   28285  0.3%   AS9498  -- BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET LTD.
 8 -  0.3%   AS9116  -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
 9 -  0.3%   AS9116  -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
10 -  0.3%   AS9116  -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
11 -  0.3%   AS9116  -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
12 -   22508  0.2%   AS8866  -- BTC-AS Bulgarian 
Telecommunication Company Plc.
13 -  0.2%   AS9116  -- GOLDENLINES-ASN Golden Lines 
Main Autonomous System
14 -   22298  0.2%   

The Cidr Report

2007-12-28 Thread cidr-report

This report has been generated at Fri Dec 28 21:14:15 2007 AEST.
The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of AS2.0 router
and generates a report on aggregation potential within the table.

Check for a current version of this report.

Recent Table History
Date  PrefixesCIDR Agg
21-12-07245508  156578
22-12-07245531  156715
23-12-07245473  156873
24-12-07245543  157727
25-12-07247101  158121
26-12-07247141  159056
27-12-07247406  159052
28-12-07247174  159393

AS Summary
 27071  Number of ASes in routing system
 11417  Number of ASes announcing only one prefix
  1971  Largest number of prefixes announced by an AS
AS4538 : ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education and Research Network 
  88895744  Largest address span announced by an AS (/32s)
AS721  : DISA-ASNBLK - DoD Network Information Center

Aggregation Summary
The algorithm used in this report proposes aggregation only
when there is a precise match using the AS path, so as 
to preserve traffic transit policies. Aggregation is also
proposed across non-advertised address space ('holes').

 --- 28Dec07 ---
ASnumNetsNow NetsAggr  NetGain   % Gain   Description

Table 246898   1590118788735.6%   All ASes

AS4538  1971  722 124963.4%   ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education
   and Research Network Center
AS9498  1065   65 100093.9%   BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET
AS4323  1382  427  95569.1%   TWTC - Time Warner Telecom,
AS4755  1508  587  92161.1%   VSNL-AS Videsh Sanchar Nigam
   Ltd. Autonomous System
AS18566 1036  120  91688.4%   COVAD - Covad Communications
AS11492 1201  415  78665.4%   CABLEONE - CABLE ONE
AS22773  834   77  75790.8%   CCINET-2 - Cox Communications
AS8151  1146  427  71962.7%   Uninet S.A. de C.V.
AS19262  865  177  68879.5%   VZGNI-TRANSIT - Verizon
   Internet Services Inc.
AS6478  1090  411  67962.3%   ATT-INTERNET3 - ATT WorldNet
AS17488  932  293  63968.6%   HATHWAY-NET-AP Hathway IP Over
   Cable Internet
AS15270  595   45  55092.4%   AS-PAETEC-NET - PaeTec
   Communications, Inc.
AS18101  611   79  53287.1%   RIL-IDC Reliance Infocom Ltd
   Internet Data Centre,
AS2386  1343  832  51138.0%   INS-AS - ATT Data
   Communications Services
AS6197  1027  546  48146.8%   BATI-ATL - BellSouth Network
   Solutions, Inc
AS7018  1507 1031  47631.6%   ATT-INTERNET4 - ATT WorldNet
AS4766   829  382  44753.9%   KIXS-AS-KR Korea Telecom
AS4812   529   93  43682.4%   CHINANET-SH-AP China Telecom
AS7011  1008  588  42041.7%   FRONTIER-AND-CITIZENS -
   Frontier Communications of
   America, Inc.
AS17676  505   90  41582.2%   GIGAINFRA BB TECHNOLOGY Corp.
AS7545   595  188  40768.4%   TPG-INTERNET-AP TPG Internet
   Pty Ltd
AS3356   834  433  40148.1%   LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications
AS4134   978  582  39640.5%   CHINANET-BACKBONE
   No.31,Jin-rong Street
AS4808   517  124  39376.0%   CHINA169-BJ CNCGROUP IP
   network China169 Beijing
   Province Network
AS19916  563  180  38368.0%   ASTRUM-0001 - OLM LLC
AS9443   450   76  37483.1%   INTERNETPRIMUS-AS-AP Primus
AS4668   520  169  35167.5%   LGNET-AS-KR LG CNS
AS5668   659  313  34652.5%   AS-5668 - CenturyTel Internet
   Holdings, Inc.
AS3602   399   76  32381.0%   AS3602-RTI - Rogers Telecom

Re: South America Peering

2007-12-28 Thread Nicolas Antoniello

Hi Adam,

I work for a Telecom Company (AS 6057) here in Uruguay (South America). May be, 
the main
site you should consider if you want peering with S.A. is the NAP at Miami 
(wich in fact
is operated by Terremark).
There you'll find some ISP such as us, some from Argentina, some from Brazil, 

If you want, we may follow this thread out-NANOG list.


Robert Boyle wrote:
 At 07:39 PM 12/27/2007, AD wrote:

  does anyone have any experience with peering in S. America?  I am
 looking to move a lot of data between NewYork/LA and a few south
 american countries and looking for some ISPs that have reliable
 peering into those countries.

  Any recommendations would be appreciated.  The one i did find was
 Terremark, but no others yet.
 If you want connectivity to Latin America (inc. S. America) from the US
 (LA  NY),  then you probably want to be at NOA in Miami. That is a
 Terremark facility, but lots of carriers are there. Look at their
 carrier customer list and you will see all of the carriers connected to
 them in Miami:
 We have a few connections which go through NOA and we have found the
 pricing to get high speed circuits to NY and LA from Miami to be very
 reasonable. Good luck with your project.
 Tellurian Networks - Global Hosting Solutions Since 1995 | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
 Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin

Re: v6 subnet size for DSL leased line customers

2007-12-28 Thread Joel Jaeggli

Randy Bush wrote:
 vendors, like everyone else, will do what is in their best interests.
 as i am an operator, not a vendor, that is often not what is in my best
 interest, marketing literature aside.  i believe it benefits the ops
 community to be honest when the two do not seem to coincide.
 If the ops community doesn't provide enough addresses and a way to use
 them then the vendors will do the same thing they did in v4.
 i presume you mean nat v6/v6.  this would be a real mess and i don't
 think anyone is contending it is desirable.  but this discussion is
 ostensibly operators trying to understand what is actually appropriate
 and useful for a class of customers, i believe those of the consumer,
 soho, and similar scale.
 to summarize the positions i think i have heard
   o one /64 subnet per device, but the proponent gave no estimate of the
 number of devices
   o /48
   o /56
   o /64

It plausible that if one were to assign a single /64 and reserve a 56 to
delegate per customer that you could number about 16 million customers
per /32 with a few hundred thousand /64s remaining for infrastrucuture.
size of an agregate for a pop might be /48 (~250 customers) to /40 (65k
customers) to /36 (1 million customers)

A large retail isp might under those circumstances be able to get away
with order of /28 to /30 in total.

 the latter three all assuming that the allocation would be different if
 the site had actual need and justification.
 personally, i do not see an end site needing more than 256 subnets *by
 default*, though i can certainly believe a small minority of them need
 more and would use the escape clause.  so, if we, for the moment, stick
 to the one /64 per subnet religion, than a /56 seems sufficient for the
 default allocation.
 personally, i have a hard time thinking that any but a teensie minority,
 who can use the escape clause, need more than 256.  hence, i just don't
 buy the /48 position.

Carrier Hotels in Chicago

2007-12-28 Thread Robert Boyle

Hello all,

I located our new midwest datacenter site, but I'm going to need 
connectivity to Chicago. At which other middle of the country places 
should we connect? We will obviously connect back to our network in 
New York and Los Angeles, but I'm not familiar with other carrier 
hotels or IXs in the middle of the US. What is in Dallas? Does anyone 
have any strong feelings about Telx in, 
IL @ 350 E. Cermak Road or 
S. Federal Street? Are those the best places in the midwest? Any 
other suggestions? I am asking here because I am looking for a 
carrier and ISP perspective. I am going to colocate core and edge 
routers and I need connectivity to a large pool of carriers and no 
MRC on cross connections. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Tellurian Networks - Global Hosting Solutions Since 1995 | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin

Re: v6 subnet size for DSL leased line customers

2007-12-28 Thread Randy Bush

 It plausible that if one were to assign a single /64 and reserve a 56 to
 delegate per customer

as a provider, where is the win in this for me?  the space is 'lost',
i.e. committed, and i increase provisioning hassles, though maybe mildly
if i am skillful.  if/when the rirs sober up about ipv6 justification, i
will have a hard time showing an hd ratio without a lot of zeros to the
immediate right of the decimal point.

or would you suggest that i recover the committed space if unused?
under what conditions?  after how long?  and, when i recover, do i
allocate the second (or 42nd) /64 to a new customer, leaving them a
smaller cushion than the first user of that /56 received?

no easy answers.  but yes, giving them a /56 off the bat feels a bit
reminiscent of giving them a /24 in ipv4.


Re: v6 subnet size for DSL leased line customers

2007-12-28 Thread Mark Smith

On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:01 -0500
Robert E. Seastrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Leo Bicknell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'd really, really, really like to have DHCP6 on the Mac.  Autoconfig
 is not sufficient for this task unless there is some kind of trick you
 can do to make the eui-64 come out the same for both interfaces (don't
 think so).

Don't know if Mac's can do bridging, but under Linux, all you'd need to
do would be create bridge instance, assign the two or more interfaces to the
bridge, and have DHCPv6 use the bridge virtual interface.



Sheep are slow and tasty, and therefore must remain constantly
   - Bruce Schneier, Beyond Fear

New Years Eve

2007-12-28 Thread Martin Hannigan

Ok folks, what's the plan? I think we should opt to join each others
company at either Brasserie Jo's, or Blu. I can't speak for Jo's NYE,
but Blu NYE has optional fireworks viewing on their deck facing the
common. Should be pretty awesome. $99 bux.

Significant others invited, of course, and anyone else who may be
straggling on NYE.

Let's do something together. It's long overdue.
