Re: 10GE router resource

2008-03-26 Thread Andrew C Burnette

William Herrin wrote:

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Sargun Dhillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 from a viewpoint of hardware,
 x86 is a fairly decent platform. I can stuff 40 (4x10GigE multiplex with
 a switch) 1 GigE ports in it. Though, the way that Linux works, it
 cannot handle high packet rates.

Correction: The way DRAM works, it cannot handle high packet rates.
Also note that the PCI-X bus tops out in the 7 to 8 gbps range and
it's half-duplex.

Indeed. PCI-X is already an EOL'ed interface, if only cheap PCI-X cards 
were available. Once you add extensive ACL's, there's loads more 
[central] processing to be done than just packet routing (100k choices 
versus 2 to 4 interfaces). System throughput gets slammed rather 
quickly. Linux IPtables grumbles painfully at 100k line ACLs :) Not to 
mention the options of what to do with a packet are very limited.

The AMD chips with extra L1 cache perform better on *bsd platforms as 
the forwarding code is tight and likes to stay close to the CPU, and 
context switching kills packet processing performance (thus the small 
but notable increase in the multicore performance). The GP registers on 
the AMD platform are also easy to deal with (and in 64 bit mode, you get 
double the number for free) essentially working an end around a broken 
stack architecture from a few decades agoanyone recall the 
simplicity of assembly language of the 6800 or the 6502? :-)

getting the latency down low enough for HPC clusters is a major hassle, 
as the x86 PC design just doesn't have the bandwidth.

Of course, Intel makes some slick NPU's for custom work (e.g. If you like starting at bit 0. (isn't that like slot 
zero or port zero, it technically doesn't exist since zero is only a 
placeholder in larger numbers if you mean anything greater than none? I 
could swear back in the days of a SLC96, ports were 1-96, not 0-95 :-) )

too bad they [Intel] don't make a hypertransport capable version, or 
you'd have one helluva multicore multiNPU system with no glue logic 

Fun to play around though.


High-rate routers try to keep the packets in an SRAM queue and instead
of looking up destinations in a DRAM-based radix tree, they use a
special memory device called a TCAM.

Bill Herrin

Re: default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-23 Thread Andrew C Burnette

Thanks Randy, (seriously, I get questions such as those all the time)

I was beginning to think NANOG was still stuck in the 2002 or something 
:-)  You surely know the parable the shoemakers kids are the last to 
get shoes as my own 'lab' full of toys/stuff is the last to get 
upgraded and labeled.  would be an ideal place to place a 
link to the wiki.   (and yes, might be a nice DNS addition).

Best regards, and again, thanks for the pointer.


Randy Bush wrote:

Hey nanog committee, there's an idea. How about an operator's wiki?

centralization is not a core feature of the internet :)


Re: default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-22 Thread Andrew C Burnette




That's cute Valdis, but did the little girl and Einstein force thousands of
people around the world to read their correspondence?  I whole-heartily
encourage and thank anyone willing to take the time to help the original
poster.  Off-list.


Strange. I subscribed to numerous mailing lists. My mail reader's search 
function has been most enlightening when someone shared the answer with 
the group, which is often experienced by others, clueful or not, and 
honestly, easier to search than most mailing list archives. It's 
disingenuous to not share the answer, as anyone searching the archives 
will find the question unanwered and thus insurmountable, or they'll 
find a polite followup or pointer, and the benefit happens without 
additional email traffic

When did this become the debian support list anyway :-)  Or should we 
simply point folks to

To whomever started the thread with an actual question, don't be scared 
off. We're more like gentoo users than the other guys.  Here's a good 
general resource (I know there are better but some of my favorite links 
are lost in time, and encourage folks to share)

Hey nanog committee, there's an idea. How about an operator's wiki? looks a bit weak given the overall bundled 
IQ floating around these parts?  (even an email submission link for good 
stuff might be a start.nanog-support seems too general for such)

Best regards,

Re: US Gvt ipv6 change, associated agencies

2008-03-18 Thread Andrew C Burnette

Darden, Patrick S. wrote:

I'm looking for documentation on how the US Government IPv6 mandate affects 
associated agencies--e.g. healthcare providers, non-profits, or any company 
that depends on US Gvt. funding, record keeping, or financial reimbursement for 
services rendered (e.g. via Medicare).

Over the past 5 years most US Gvt--Assoc. Agencies communications have moved 
from modem/BBS type systems to Internet based systems.  With the mandate, IPv4 
will still be available, but I would bet it will be less and less supported as 
time moves on.  I would like to see what the Gvt. has planned

I've googled, read FAQs, and looked over the docs at without 
much luck.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

--Patrick Darden


the mandate (note, it is an *unfunded* mandate) comes from the OMB.

Search terms including OMB IPv6 mandate will point you to useful 
information.  Thus far, as with any such mandate, there will be loads 
of waivers in place, and providers wanting to do business with the US 
gov't may fall under such requirements. might also 
prove useful.

On August 2, 2005, the OMB Office of E-Gov and IT issued OMB Memorandum 
05-22, “Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6),” 
directing all Federal government agencies to transition their network 
backbones to the next generation of the Internet Protocol Version 6 
(IPv6), by June 30, 2008. The memorandum identifies several key 
milestones and requirements for all Federal government agencies in 
support of the June 30, 2008 target date.

The existing protocol supporting the Internet today - Internet Protocol 
Version 4 (IPv4) – supports only 4 billion IP addresses, limiting the 
number of devices that can be given a unique, globally routable location 
on the Internet. This has constrained the growth of the Internet 
worldwide, and has limited the number of computers and other devices 
that can be connected to one another via the Internet. In contrast to 
IPv4, IPv6 provides an almost unlimited number of IP addresses, and 
offers enhanced mobility, security, and network management features. 
IPv6 supports the continued growth of the Internet and development of 
new business capabilities leveraging mobile, Internet connectivity.

The CIO Council will issue guidance to assist agencies with transition 

Re: FCC Issues Second Order Mandating Internet Wiretapping Standards

2006-05-19 Thread Andrew C Burnette

Fergie wrote:
 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a second order 
 reaffirming its decision to require that broadband and certain VoIP services 
 be designed to make government wiretapping easier. This new order was issued 
 despite the fact that a federal appeals court is considering a legal 
 challenge to the FCC's initial decision to extend the Communications 
 Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) to the Internet.
 In its second order, the FCC imposed new compliance deadlines, but refused to 
 clarify exactly what service providers must do. CDT has led the appeals court 
 challenge, which if successful will overrule the FCC order.
 EPIC statement:
 Second FCC CALEA order:
 Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
 - ferg
 Fergie, a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
  Engineering Architecture for the Internet
  ferg's tech blog:

The FBI has been shopping around for outside plant training and
basically has said everyone (a.k.a. NSPs) has told them go do it

Nothing in the law says anyone has to make anything easy. When presented
with a warrant, read it. Often times it's wrong and has incorrect info
(I had that happen, told them to go do their homework as a 30 second
internet search would have given them the proper info) and to come back
when they had done their homework. They left, came back with the correct
docs, and proceeded lawfully.

In short, I play by the rules down to the last darned letter, and they
have far greater obligation to do so. I'm not one to argue with *lawful*
enforcement, but I just hope that if I was such a target, the person at
the door would take 3 minutes to make sure they're not stuffing my
rights in the round file


Re: Presumed RF Interference

2006-03-08 Thread Andrew C Burnette

Ian Mason wrote:

On 6 Mar 2006, at 15:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 09:49:39AM -0500, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 21:17:17 +1100
Matthew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(In the
UK where I served my apprenticeship, we were required to provide  earth
bonding to the copper plumbing system, additional bonding at every
exposed fitting - this caused a few issues when plumbers first  

using PVC pipes)...

The US National Electrical Code (which has no national force of law;
it's a model code voluntarily adopted by many jurisdictions) now bars
grounding to pipes except within (as I recall) six feet of where the
pipe enters the building, for precisely that reason.

The use in modern times of teflon tape at joints in copper
piping makes them unuseable for earth grounds even near the entry
point to the building. A long (e.g. 2-3 meters) copper stake must be
driven for a proper earth ground, or else a large copper mesh mat if
the ground is rocky -- unless you are certain that the copper piping
that you want to use extends a significant distance underground and

The purpose here is not to use the piping *as* a ground, but to  ensure 
that the piping *is* at ground potential. Otherwise, if an  electrical 
failure causes the pipe to reach a dangerous potential  then so does the 
water in it, then so do the hands you're washing in  that water. Thus if 
there's an electrical discontinuity in the piping  it is even more 
important to earth bond any conductive piping/taps  etc. that are on the 
non-earth side of that discontinuity. The same  applies too to gas 
piping except here the principal risk is static,  sparks and the 
subsequent explosion.

I think it is also important to note that NEC 250.52(B) prohibits gas 
piping as a grounding electrode(1990 or so). The gas pipe ceased as a 
grounding electrode due to the dielectric fitting at the meter. The gas 
company did not want a bond around the meter because it defeated the 
isolation fitting.

The presence of gas is not relevant, IIRC.

In the old days, it was a big no no (at least according to the hourly 
wage fellows who actually do the work) to hook the gas line as ground 
other than any incidental grounding which ocurs in a gas furnace as an 

Good place for resources is in the forums. 
Decent community of knowledgeable folk there.

Good luck, and no do not use your body/fingers/arms/etc to connect 
various pieces of equipment to see if a voltage exists:-) That's best 
left to close friends who stand near electric fences.

I had problems in the mid 1990's in an older home where the galvanized 
water supply pipe was the primary ground. Over time, corrosion of the 
pipe reduced conductivity, and lightening storms toasted a few expensive 
items (e.g. ISDN gear, sun workstation, etc) before finally driving a 
few grounding bars into the soil in the basement.
