Could this be relate to the fact that Microsoft nixed the Passport service
back in January?


On 3/21/05 10:10 PM, "william(at)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to investigate strange timeout problems with microsoft passport.
> The problem is that trying to get to any website that uses passport (tried
>, does not work and times out and going
> directly to causes redirect to where browser
> waits some time and then also times out (happens with both explorer and
> firefox).
> I would have considered it to be unique problems with particular install
> except that I have confirmed that it happens on multiple computers and I
> do not see any pattern either in subnet or in their config. I'm also
> unsure when this started as none of the computers are regularly used to
> access webistes that use passport.
> So if somebody ran into something like this before and knows of any
> network-related issue that could cause this, please let me know
> (possibly dns or specific filter could cause it?).

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