Re: Off-Topic: N.Y. Buyout Firm Has Its Eye on MCI

2004-07-14 Thread Ben Browning
Jeff Aitken wrote:
On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 10:15:43PM -0400, Patrick W Gilmore wrote:
I forgot (and am not registered for the Washington Post).
See for help here.
If you are using Firefox, there is a BugMeNot extension you can install 
which will add a BugMeNot option to a context menu. Go to the page, 
right click, BugMeNot, and a popup appears with a username, PW, and two 
buttons- This Did Not Work will give you another(if they have another 
set) and Submit My Own will do the obvious.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-29 Thread Ben Browning
Steve Linford wrote:
The statement by Ben Browning: I know several businesses who have,
and a great many people who have blocked UUNet space from sending
them email ... by using ... the SBL is false, the SBL has never
blocked UUNet/MCI IP space that wasn't directly in the control of
spammers. If Mr Browning does indeed know several businesses and a
great many people whose UUNet/MCI IP space has been blocked by the
SBL, then Mr Browning knows several spam outfits and a great many
Let me rephrase: I know several businesses and a great many people who
block *parts* of UUNet by the SBL and *larger* parts of it by means of 
SPEWS,, et al.

Regardless, the SBL does block *some* UUNet space, much of 
which(according to responses here) no longer belongs to the spammers.

Sorry for any confusion my poor choice of words may have caused.
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

RE: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-25 Thread Ben Browning
At 04:00 PM 6/24/2004, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Ben Browning wrote:
 this discussion anyways, is access to the internet. When the
 actions of a
 downstream damage that product(IE more and more networks
 nullroute UUNet
[ Operations content: ] Do you know of any ISP's null routing AS701?
ISPs? Not of the top of my head. I know several businesses who have, and a 
great many people who have blocked UUNet space from sending them email, 
either by using SPEWS, the SBL, or .

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-24 Thread Ben Browning
At 11:16 AM 6/24/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 15:22:02 +0700, Dr. Jeffrey Race 

 Not at all.  You can terminate for actions prejudicial to the safety 
and security
 of the system.   Has nothing to do with anti-trust.

I suspect that the spammer can find a lawyer who is willing to argue the idea
that the safety and security of the AS701 backbone was not prejudiced by
the spammer's actions, unless AS701 is able to show mtrg graphs and the
like showing that the spammer was actually sending enough of a volume to
swamp their core routers
Likewise, I imagine MCI could argue that the damage is to their core 
product; namely, the trust of other ISPs and their willingness to exchange 
traffic with MCI.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-24 Thread Ben Browning
To start off, thank you for taking this issue seriously and investigating it.
At 08:05 PM 6/23/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
The sbl lists quite a few /32 entries, while this is nice for blocking
spam if you choose to use their RBL service I'm not sure it's a good
measure of 'spamhaus size'. I'm not sure I know of a way to take this
measurement, but given size and number if IPs that terminate inside AS701
there certainly are scope issues.
Netmasks aside, a spammer is a spammer. One spammer sending 100,000 emails 
from 4 machines is functionally equivalent to one sending 100,000 from 1 

All that said, I'm certainly not saying spam is good, I also believe
that over the last 4.5 years uunet's abuse group has done quite a few good
things with respect to the main spammers.
That's possible, I suppose, but the view from outside sees only the bad(and 
there's plenty).

 As an example, I see a posting that says was alive on in 2000. They aren't there any more... But now:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] telnet 25
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
Sure, customer of a customer we got kicked from their
original 'home' now they've moved off (probably several times since 2000)
to another customer. This happens to every ISP, each time they appear we
start the process to disconnect them. I'm checking on the current status
of their current home to see why we have either: 1) not gotten complaints
about them, 2) have not made progress kicking them again.
Excellent! I (and I am sure the rest of the antispam community) will be 
looking forward to hearing how all this pans out, and I am very glad I 
could bring some of this to your attention.

 On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Ben Browning wrote:
 Allow me to rephrase- I wanted it to be read and hoped someone would act on
 complaints. I have no doubt MCI is serious about stopping DDOS and other
 abusive traffic of that ilk- when it comes to proxy hijacking and spamming,
 though, abuse@ turns a blind eye. What other conclusion can I draw from the
This is not true, the action might not happen in the time you'd like, but
there are actions being taken. I'd be the first to admit that the
timelinees are lengthy :( but part of that is the large company process,
getting all the proper people to realize that this abuse is bad and the
offendors need to be dealt with.
A lengthy timeline for action to be taken, from the viewpoint of the 
attacked, is indistinguishable from tacit approval of the attacks. I don't 
imagine MCI has a lengthy timeline when replying to sales email or billing 

 200ish SBL entries under MCI's name? Why else would
 example) still be around despite their wholesale raping of misconfigured
emailtools will be around in one form or another, all the owner must do is
purchase 9$ virtual-hosting from some other poor ISP out there who needs
the money... they may not even know who emailtools is, if that ISP is a
uunet/mci customer then we'll have to deal with them as well, just like
their current home. you must realize you can't just snap your fingers and
make these things go away.
Omaha Steaks has been there for 3+ weeks (since being added to the SBL).
Scott Richter has likewise been spamming from there for a month. Do you 
need a permission slip to terminate him? Does it take a month to get one? I 
can snap my fingers many times in a month!

According to ARIN records, both of these are swipped space only one step 
below yours(IE not a customer-of-a-customer).

It's nice to say Oh well they move around and we can't stop them, but the 
point is that if they got terminated in a timely fashion (measured in hours 
or days at the most, *not* weeks and months) they would not keep moving 
around on your network; they would find another one to abuse instead. As it 
stands, they get a month to spam, then they have to move- that's pink gold 
in spammerland.

 All I want is a couple of straight-up answers. Why do complaints to uunet
 go unanswered and the abusers remain connected if, in fact, the complaints
I believe you do get an answer, if not the auto-acks are off still from a
previous mail flood ;(
An auto-ack is not an answer.
Please let me know if you are NOT getting ticket
numbers back. They might be connected still if there were:
1) not enough info in the complaints to take action on them
I've never been asked to furnish more info.
2) not enough complaints to terminate the account, but working with the
downstream to get the problem resolved
I've never been looped into this process either. What is the window you 
guys give your downstreams for ceasing such activities?

3) action is awaiting proper approvals.
What's the timeframe on these approvals happening? Do you need such 
approvals in the event of a DDOS or other abuse?

 are read? Why has MCI gone from 111 SBL listings as of January 1 to 190 as
I think the answer

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-24 Thread Ben Browning
At 11:34 PM 6/23/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
I'd also point out someting that any provider will tell you: Spammers
never pay their bills.
Yes, but this is not a problem for a large carrier, as the people that 
receive it sure do. In other words, the money you lose on the spammer is 
subsidized by all the people that pay you to receive it.

This is, in fact (for you nanae watchers), the
reason that most of them get canceled by us FASTER... Sadly, non-payment
is often a quicker and easier method to term a customer than 'abuse', less
checks since there is no 'percieved revenue' :(
A revenue check has no place in abuse terminations.
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-24 Thread Ben Browning
At 02:36 PM 6/24/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Ben Browning wrote:

 like showing that the spammer was actually sending enough of a volume to
 swamp their core routers

 Likewise, I imagine MCI could argue that the damage is to their core
 product; namely, the trust of other ISPs and their willingness to exchange
 traffic with MCI.
you mean the phone companies we do business with?
No, I mean the internet. (Hence, ISPs). Your product, in the context of 
this discussion anyways, is access to the internet. When the actions of a 
downstream damage that product(IE more and more networks nullroute UUNet 
traffic), I would assume that you have appropriate privilege to toss them 
overboard in the contracts.

IANAL, though.
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Unplugging spamming PCs

2004-06-23 Thread Ben Browning
At 10:07 AM 6/23/2004, Sam Hayes Merritt, III wrote:
That is still reactive (first the abuse has to occur, then you try and
filter anymore from occuring), at least they might be now be doing
something that everyone else has been doing for years.
To me, this smacks of an intent to continue ignoring the root cause of the 
problem(the box is 0wnz0r3d) and just shoving it under the rug. When these 
customers move to another provider, they will still have the problem, and 
the cost of educating the customer (w/r/t spam, virii, etc) gets shunted to 
the next ISP the customer moves to.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-23 Thread Ben Browning
At 10:45 PM 6/22/2004, Tim Thorne wrote:
Not so long ago I took a long look at the SBL for MCI and I came to
the conclusion that the data is mostly out of date and therefore
inaccurate. The folks at the SBL posting in NANAE said this may be the
case, but its up to the MCI folks to clean up the SBL database.
MCI does not want to legitimize blacklists by helping clean up their own 

Any company or network that afraid of accountability obviously must have 
its reasons. I am sure they have seen the many many times some provider has 
said We removed Spammer A and the antispam community has responded with 
Great, how about spammers B through Z?. That's a question they don't and 
won't answer beyond the token Email to abuse@ does get read. Maybe it 
does- I am not MCI, so I don't know. Regardless of whether the mail does 
get read, the spammers remain connected. Why? One can only come to the 
conclusion that it is either due to technical ineptitude or protection of 
their revenue stream.  Likewise, they have no doubt noticed that providers 
that lie about canning spammers are quickly outed, and their blocklist 
listings(and no doubt private firewall rules, which are much harder to 
escape) tend to expand greatly. So, MCI has (correctly) identified that 
their options as A) clean up their network B) try to lie or C) do nothing. 
Given that A involves loss of revenue and a (short term) increase in labor 
and B will cause them even more problems, C is their obvious recourse.

As an example, I see a posting that says was alive on in 2000. They aren't there any more... But now: aren't spammers, but they sell spamware. That subtle
difference is enough to keep them on the MCI network.
This may be true, but Atriks is still there, and they are one of the most 
technically malicious spammers in the game today. Spam support is spam 
support, whether you are hosting the website, DNS, proxy mining operation, 
or a drop-box. Any provider that is OK with hosting software that does this:

Email Marketing 98 is our high-end email marketing tool. It is one of the 
best extractors on the market while remaining price competitive. At the 
push of a button, Email Marketing 98 will retrieve Email addresses of all 
the posters on an Internet news group or a series of groups. Then it will 
send your Email message to any or all of those addresses.

may as well be sending the spam themselves, IMO.
If you want rid
of sites like this that are based in Florida, then you best get
Florida to change their laws.
Wouldn't *that* be lovely.
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-21 Thread Ben Browning
(apologies to NANOG for only quasi-operational content of this message - I 
only post this here due to the fact that I am sure it is a problem on many 
of your networks)

Attention UUNet,
Regarding your continued unabated spam support, when do you plan to address 
the *189* issues outlined in the Spamhaus SBL 
( - ISPs in the United States - )? Here's part of your AUP:

Sending unsolicited mail messages, including, without limitation, 
commercial advertising and informational announcements, is explicitly 
prohibited. A user shall not use another site's mail server to relay mail 
without the express permission of the site.

What does your ethics department say about your blatant disregard for the 
internet in general and your complete and willful ignorance of your stated 
policies and procedures? Does UUNet *ever* plan on enforcing this AUP?

I can't help but notice that several of these spammers are career hard-line 
operations- including Eddy Marin, G-Force Marketing, and Atriks to name a 
few. Are these customers operating under some form of undisclosed Special 
Customer Agreement ( If so, how much 
do they pay for their pink contract?

At this point I am just curious what the answers to these questions are. I 
have not (yet) widely blocklisted uunet, but if things don't change I fear 
such a measure may be the only way to stop the abuse spewing from your 
networks. Seeing such a large (and once-respected) network go as completely 
black-hat rogue as UUNet has is a sad thing.

Any reply at all would be most welcome.
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-21 Thread Ben Browning
At 11:42 AM 6/21/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
curious, why did you not send this to the abuse@ alias?
I wanted it to get read.
 Did you include
any logs or other relevant data about the problems you are reporting?
These problems are systemic and internet-wide. I can likely drudge up a 
great many examples if someone from UUNet can assure me they will be read 
and acted on.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

2004-06-21 Thread Ben Browning
At 12:28 PM 6/21/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
the ethics office doesn't need to see your complaints, they don't really
deal with these anyway.
I am quite sure that the ethics department does not deal with spam 
complaints. My complaint is that your stated policy is clearly not being 
followed. MCI is currently the Number 1 spam source on many lists- 
certainly, your overall size skews that figure somewhat, but the listings I 
see (on the SBL anyway, I do not have the many hours needed to read all the 
documentation SPEWS has to offer) have reports that are at least 6 months 
old and are still alive...

As an example, I see a posting that says was alive on in 2000. They aren't there any more... But now:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Merak 5.1.5; Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:55:20 -0400
221 2.0.0 closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] whois `dnsip`
UUNET Technologies, Inc. UUNET65 (NET-65-192-0-0-1) -
MTI SOFTWARE UU-65-210-168-32-D9 (NET-65-210-168-32-1) -
I can furnish as many examples as needed of cases where UUNet has 
demonstrably ignored complaints. Alternately, you could go ask any major 
anti-spam community(NANAE for example) or entity (SpamCop, etc) how they 
feel your abuse@ response has been. If this sounds like a pain, I will 
gladly collect such stories and send them to whoever there can effect 
changes in these policies.

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Ben Browning wrote:
 At 11:42 AM 6/21/2004, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
 curious, why did you not send this to the abuse@ alias?

 I wanted it to get read.
messages to abuse@ do infact get read...
Allow me to rephrase- I wanted it to be read and hoped someone would act on 
complaints. I have no doubt MCI is serious about stopping DDOS and other 
abusive traffic of that ilk- when it comes to proxy hijacking and spamming, 
though, abuse@ turns a blind eye. What other conclusion can I draw from the 
200ish SBL entries under MCI's name? Why else would 
example) still be around despite their wholesale raping of misconfigured 

All I want is a couple of straight-up answers. Why do complaints to uunet 
go unanswered and the abusers remain connected if, in fact, the complaints 
are read? Why has MCI gone from 111 SBL listings as of January 1 to 190 as 
of today? To whom does the anti-spam community turn when it becomes obvious 
a tier-1 provider is ignoring complaints?

If I am a kook and an idiot for wanting a cleaner internet, well then I 
guess I am a kook and an idiot.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

PING: admin at ATT

2004-02-11 Thread Ben Browning
The following is an autoresponse I have been forced to make in my email 
client. I get, on average, 1-2 emails per week since I originally posted 
here asking for help with my own blacklisting woes. That was in 
*August*. I posted this here once before, in hopes that perhaps it would 
get as widespread in Google as my original post has been. Today alone I 
have received 3 emails about this issue. I would highly appreciate an 
offlist email telling me what you are doing to document your blacklist and 
the procedure ISPs must follow to get removed. Alternately, ATT payroll 
may contact me and we can discuss my consulting rates, should you wish me 
to continue being your only source of documentation and support for this 


---begin autoresponse---

Here's a post I posted to NANOG and, as I have 
gotten a lot of replies abut this.

Subject: ATTN: Anyone with RBL clue at
Something must be highly broken at ATT. I have been receiving tons of 
emails in response to a Usenet posting I made months ago asking if anyone 
knew how to get out of's private RBL.

The procedure:

What I did:

Called the contact in the whois record...
   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
  3324 Hollenberg
  Bridgeton, MO 63044
  314-264-9672 fax: 281-664-9975
Asked for their abuse department. Kept asking and calling back and leaving 
messages, etc, until finally I got a response. It took me several days.

ATT - please document the removal procedures on your website immediately. 
You are apparently doing some very heavyhanded blocking and professionalism 
demands you at least give admins some recourse to figure out why they are 
blocked and how to fix their problems.


(I speak for myself here)
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

ATTN: Anyone with RBL clue at

2003-09-30 Thread Ben Browning
Something must be highly broken at ATT. I have been receiving tons of 
emails in response to a Usenet posting I made months ago asking if anyone 
knew how to get out of's private RBL.

The procedure:

What I did:

Called the contact in the whois record...
   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
  3324 Hollenberg
  Bridgeton, MO 63044
  314-264-9672 fax: 281-664-9975
Asked for their abuse department. Kept asking and calling back and leaving 
messages, etc, until finally I got a response. It took me several days.

ATT - please document the removal procedures on your website immediately. 
You are apparently doing some very heavyhanded blocking and professionalism 
demands you at least give admins some recourse to figure out why they are 
blocked and how to fix their problems.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: Worst design decisions?

2003-09-18 Thread Ben Browning

 Was doing some upgrades on a UBR7246 (to a VXR), and I got to thinking
 about short sighted design considerations.  I was curious if any of you
 had some pet peeves from a design perspective to rant about.  I'll start
 with a couple.
Here are a few of mine:

The little clippy widgets (looks kind of like @) on some oldschool racks, 
that hold the nut in place for the hex-head bolt. Why these were considered 
desirable is beyond me.

The slimline DS3 patch panels. God help you should you need to do something 
with the two innermost wires on the back end of that- there's barely room 
for pliers, much less fingers.

Procurve switch management interface. Archaic, arcane, insane, unusable.

Cisco V-notched power cables - Design feature geared around getting 
suckers to buy a power cable for 45USD.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

Re: What *are* they smoking?

2003-09-16 Thread Ben Browning
At 12:07 PM 9/16/2003, Rich Braun wrote:
VeriSign stands to gain financially, take a look at this excerpt from an AP
news blurb published yesterday:

Anyone find out any details of the contracts which VeriSign has apparently
signed to profit from this little venture?
No, but check this out:
Not that I am shocked.


   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager
1-877-88-RIVER private blacklist

2003-08-14 Thread Ben Browning

We have somehow fallen into the private blackhole list maintained by at

I have tried for the last two days to approach ATT via phone and email with 
no response whatsoever. [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], and several 
addresses pulled from ARIN and NetSol lookups have not yielded any 
response. The calls I have placed have resulted in me leaving a message 
that was never returned and several instances of Try [EMAIL PROTECTED]. 
None of these are working at all. On top of that, there is no page or FAQ 
pertaining to
 (at least, not one that is readily apparent to myself or Google).

If there are any admins here, or someone that may have some contact 
information of said admins, I would appreciate an email or a call.


   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 WA Operations Manager

[OT] Anyone have clueful AOL postmaster contacts?

2002-11-20 Thread Ben Browning

I have been wrestling with their Postmaster contact staff (via phone, and 
the email black holes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for over a 
week now. I need some sort of resolution, or anything other than Your case 
is open. Someone somewhere will do something. Someday.

If anyone has any contacts inside AOL, I would greatly appreciate an 
off-list email.

   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 Network Operations

Re: DNS issues various

2002-10-24 Thread Ben Browning

At 02:44 PM 10/24/2002, Barry Shein wrote:

That sounds to me more like considering the use of sonic repellants
rather than rat poison to keep the vermin out of the relays and
providing latex gloves for removing the dead rats, rather than
designing out the relays the rodents get into entirely.

Given time, rats can chew through concrete. They are smart enough to trip 
traps before eating the cheese, or to lick the cheese off triggers rather 
than pulling or chewing, so as not to cross the alarm threshold. They breed 
faster than you can keep up with them, which not only ensures a generous 
supply of them but also ensures that they adapt to new environments 
quickly. They have been known to become resistant to poisons that killed 
rats a few years before.

In short, your rats versus script kiddies analogy is perfect, but I think 
you are forgetting that we still have rats everywhere.

(who speaks for himself alone here)
   Ben Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The River Internet Access Co.
 Network Operations