Point of sale RAS hardware?

2003-11-12 Thread Jeffrey Paul

Does anyone know of a good RAS product that supports the fast train
times needed for point of sale terminals (specifically the ability to
turn off data compression, error detection, and speed negotiation)?
Most every one I've seen is aimed at serving as-fast-as-possible dialup
network access to normal modems, but I need something that will do
1200bps (or even better yet, v.22FC) with no frills.

Can anyone suggest a product or manufacturer?


Jeffrey Paul - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Network Administrator; CCNA, MCSE, BOFH
Diamond Financial Products - Southfield, MI
Cell: 877-748-3467
Desk: 248-331- x244
PGP Key: F8D0 E107 9913 A938 8521  5D01 17B1 D2A1 84E4 10FD

RE: Santa Fe city government computers knocked out by worm

2003-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Paul

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Mon, 2003-11-17 10:23
> To: Alex Yuriev
> Subject: Re: Santa Fe city government computers knocked out by worm 
> On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 06:26:50 EST, Alex Yuriev said:
> > Because for people outside our little industry the software 
> is a tool 
> > to get a JOB done, not the job itself.
> It doesn't take long for the average mechanic to learn that 
> buying cheap wrenches is a bad idea.

Which is probably why they end up buying the expensive, supported one
(like everyone else).  It's also why they get worms.


RE: AOL rejecting mail from IP's w/o reverse DNS ?

2003-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Paul

Perhaps I'm being naïve, but this seems like a very good way to cause spammers to 
suddenly start having valid PTR RRs.  Thoughts?


Jeffrey Paul - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (877) 748-3467
Senior Network Administrator, Diamond Financial Products

Wireless MAN product experiences?

2004-01-26 Thread Jeffrey Paul

We're looking to setup a point-to-point link between two buildings circa
1.5km apart.

Optical, RF, whatever.  This would be in the Detroit metro area
(Southfield, actually) so snow is to be expected at least part of the
year.  License-free would be ideal.

The devices, or at least the transcievers themselves if seperate, must
be weatherproof/ruggedized for outdoor use (obviously).  One endpoint
will go on a one-story building, the other can either be placed inside
our 10th floor suite (about 140' up) and go through a green-tinted glass
window, or on the roof (250' up).

100mbps is ideal, although if it's significantly cheaper to drop to 10,
that might be an option.  I was thinking that 54mbit 802.11g might be a
good price-performance mix, but I don't know of the other products
available out there.

Does anyone have experience with something like this?  Should we try
using WiFi and directional antennas, or is that insane?  What sort of
experience have you guys had with different vendors gear?

Please reply offlist and I'll summarize my findings to the list


Jeffrey Paul - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (877) 748-3467
Senior Network Administrator, Diamond Financial Products
"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which
can be made in a very narrow field."   -- Niels Bohr