Re: Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs

2002-09-11 Thread John Angelmo

blitz wrote:

 And you think the terresterial sources are hard to shut down
 Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs

 By Graeme Wearden
 Special to CNET
 September 6, 2002, 10:14 AM PT

 LONDON--The proliferation of insecure corporate wireless networks is
 fueling the growth of drive-by spamming, a security expert warned on

I must be honest, I havn't heard of any reports here in Sweden (or 
anywhere else) that this is a real problem, are there any true incidents 
that this has happend?


Re: Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs

2002-09-11 Thread John Angelmo

Neil J. McRae wrote:
I must be honest, I havn't heard of any reports here in Sweden (or 
anywhere else) that this is a real problem, are there any true incidents 
that this has happend?
 Yes. If you sit with your laptop in the park across from our office
 you can see 3 unprotected wireless domains. There was an article [although
 I can't remember what publication] featuring a few people driving through
 the City of London [London's financial community area] they found 
 serveral unprotected LANs.

Just cause there are unprotected WLANs dosn't imply that spammers use 
them (perhaps its to hard for the spammers ;)).
Corporations should protect ther WLANs but saying that spamming is a 
great threat is to overdo it.


Re: Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs

2002-09-11 Thread John Angelmo

Neil J. McRae wrote:
Just cause there are unprotected WLANs dosn't imply that spammers use 
them (perhaps its to hard for the spammers ;)).
Corporations should protect ther WLANs but saying that spamming is a 
great threat is to overdo it.
 I agree, but people said that the spammers wouldn't be able to
 deal with BGP route advertisement but there was cases of spammers
 injecting routes sending out spam then removing those routes. Wlan is

Yes you are right, but I think that the article on dosn't 
contain any valuable information but are just there to scare ppl.

It isn't so hard to make admins secure the open hotspots, the problem is 
how to handle ppl who buy hour access at a café. (IMHO)


Re: Drive-by spam hits wireless LANs

2002-09-11 Thread John Angelmo

Jared Mauch wrote:

   Imagine a few of the following scenarios:
   1) You wok for an ISP and have access through them.  One large
 enough that they apply their AUP to their own people.  You have ISDN/DSL
 or some other connection w/ reverse-dns for your personal domain  home.
 Someone drives by your place, finds your unprotected lan, sends spam, hacks,
 etc..  complaints come in, you lose job because you were a spammer and
 your employer needs to stop, etc.
   2) You are a small company, someone does this, and you get
 blacklisted as a spamhaus.  you are unable to get internet access.
   3) you have a cable modem as your only high-speed connectivity.
 you have one of the linksys/whatever nat+802.11a/b boxen.  you
 get used, you get blacklisted and can not get high-speed pr0n again.
   While these seem like minor annoyances in some cases, they
 can be quite dramatic to the person on the receiving end.  I wish
 the wireless vendors would use a somewhat more inteligent approach and
 turn WEP on by default when shipping their units and at the cost of
 a few cents more they can print a sticker on the box that can be
 removed later that has the uniqe WEP key for that unit.  Similar to
 the way when you go to the hardware store you can play match-up to get
 the same key for multiple locks.


In some way you are right, but still I think it's even worse to use WEP 
cause then the admins might think it's safe, it takes about 15 minutes 
to crack a wepkey, so instead of drive-by spamming you could call it 
drive-by, have a bagle, start spamming.
The most hardware/software indipendent solution I have seen so far is 
the use of VPN, simply place the WLAN outside your own LAN.
