Re: AS41961 not seen in many networks

2007-01-04 Thread Josh Cheney

Sebastian Rusek wrote:

Dnia czwartek 04 stycznia 2007 15:06, napisałeś:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sebastian Rusek) wrote:

Since November 2006 we announce our 3 new prefixes:

from new AS41961.

It seems that somewhere our announcements are blocked probably due to
bogon lists.

To make it easier for everyone - could you provide hosts in each
network that are pingable?

now pingable addresses are:

They should be accessible via LambdaNET. Routes inside LambdaNET can be 
diffrent to each address.

From one location, things die as soon as they hit ATT, another 
location things work perfectly.

From AS29979

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jcheney $ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1 (  0.689 ms  0.703 ms  0.607 ms
 2 (  7.160 ms  7.948 ms  7.620 ms
 3 (  9.630 ms !H *  10.049 ms !H

Josh Cheney

Re: [offtopic] Topicality debate [my 2 bits]

2006-09-23 Thread Josh Cheney

John Underhill wrote:
 There is the issue of sustaining readership. If window of acceptable
 subject matter is too narrow, appeal will decline, and with it some of
 the readership that we need to remain active will leave the list, hence
 we need some [reasonable] measure of flexibility allowed for in
 guidelines, [think: discretion]. 

I would like to interject my two bits as well, if permissible. As a
student of the Network Administration, I joined this list to get a
better understanding of the trade as a whole, and I can say that without
reservation I have learned an enormous amount. That said, if the list
became subject to a strict set of posting rules, the value that I derive
from lurking here diminishes greatly, as I will no longer be seeing
Network Operations as a whole, but some subset thereof that has been
artificially imposed.

I think that the best way for the list to remain at least somewhat
focused is very simple: ignore it. If you think that a post is offtopic,
don't respond at all. If an argument gets out of hand, ignore it. Don't
post saying Don't feed the troll, don't say How is this related to
Network Operations? If you and everyone else feels that it is offtopic,
and ignore it, that one message will remain one message, rather than
becoming several hundred, and eventually the trolls and OT posters will
leave, because they are no longer generating the response that they had
hoped. If the behavior becomes bad enough, I believe that there is an
oversight committee who is quite capable of running a couple of
'unsubscribes' through the system to maintain some semblance of order.

Again, just my 2 (student) bits.

Josh Cheney

Re: data center space

2006-04-25 Thread Josh Cheney

 You have to take a balanced approach to continuity planning.
 Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt long before there is 
 any big catastrophe.
 Also, I would say that expecting a terror act to knock
 out a 65 square mile area is being a bit over pessimistic.
 Pessimal pessimism at its optimal.
 --Michael Dillon

If any of you have not done so, I would highly recommend reading Bruce
Schneier's book 'Beyond Fear'. The particular scenario that is being
described here is what he would call a movie plot scenario, in that
while it would make a very good movie, it is not at all likely to
happen, and is almost impossible to defend against in any sort of a
reasonable fashion.

Josh Cheney

Re: Backbone Monitoring Tools

2006-03-28 Thread Josh Cheney

I have had a decent amount of success with Nagios. It is not trivial to
setup, but once it is up and running, it has always handled our
dependencies and such very well. Additionally, because it calls external
programs to do the checks, it is pretty simple to write a script that
measures whatever value you would like to monitor. As I said before, it
is a pain to set up initially, but after getting it set up, I couldn't
be happier with it.

Ashe Canvar wrote:
 Hi All,
 I want a simple backbone monitor for my 5 datacenters. My backbone
 consists of  redundant IPSEC/GRE tunnnels.
 At the very least I want to ping, traceroute and transfer a small file
 every few minutes over all IPSEC links. I am sure there are products
 that do this already, but I am having a hard time finding any.
 The display format should be noc-friendly. A basic grid with green/red
 status indicators at the least. Geographical maps a plus.
 Do most of you use a home grown tool for this monitoring and alerting ?

Josh Cheney