Re: An Attempt at Economically Rational Pricing: Time Warner Trial

2008-01-20 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 03:02:15PM -0500, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
   As long as the companies convince people that the cap is large
   enough to be essentially the same as unmetered then most people
   care and will take the savings.
 I don't agree.
 When we sold boatloads of dialup in the mid to late 90's, people did not
 like caps, no matter how high they were. We sold a product early on for
 $20/month which gave you 240 hours/month -- that was an average of 8
 hours/day. However, most users never used more than 20 to 30 minutes a
 day -- but we often got told they were moving to other providers because
 they were 'unlimited.'
 So, we adapted.
 In any event, I've been watching this thread, and I'd have to say that
 going down the road of metered pricing will only cause other providers
 not to do this, and then market against TW. In fact, I'd bet on it. 
 Am I the only one here who thinks that the major portion of the cost of
 having a customer is *not* the bandwidth they use?

If we define customer to be an average user of the provided service, and
bandwidth to be transit pipe cost, then no, bandwidth is not the major cost
of their service.  However, if you're advertising an 'unlimited' service and
want to keep your promises, you can't plan your network around the average
user -- there will be people who will want to hold you to your 'unlimited'
promise.  If you also call 'bandwidth cost' to include all the
infrastructure costs required to provide that unlimited service, then yes,
bandwidth cost would be a pretty major part of that customer's cost.

(My point of view is Australia rather than the US, but I don't think 14Mbps
of dedicated transit is $50/month even in the US).

- Matt

Re: Using Mobile Phone email addys for monitoring

2007-09-06 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 01:46:18PM -0700, Rick Kunkel wrote:
 For instance, if an application fails to contact a certain service on a
 certain server, it sends an email (through it's own SMTP service, to avoid
 a chicken-and-egg prob if/when our main SMTP service fails) to


 Is SMTP to a mobile phone a fundamentally flawed way to do this?

 Anyone else have any issues, past or present, with this kind of thing?

Consider what other points of failure there are for your notification
e-mails, other than your main SMTP server.  I've got:

* Failure of your Internet link
* DNS failure at your end
* SMTP failure at the other end
* Failure of *their* Internet link
* Some sort of SMTP blacklisting at their end

There's probably some I've missed there, too.

Notification of outages needs to be as robust as possible, and SMTP to an
off-site location is about as fragile as they come these days.  The only
thing I spec for SMS notifications is a GSM modem physically connected to
the monitoring box.  There's still points of failure, but they're a lot
fewer than SMTP to some third party.

True paranoids (as we all should be) monitor their monitoring box, and it
might be permissible to use an SMTP to SMS gateway for that monitoring, as
long as you're monitoring all the appropriate things so that wide-scale
failures (such as power loss) still get to you via your GSM modem (mmm,
local UPSen).

- Matt
Professional Paranoid

Re: Using Mobile Phone email addys for monitoring

2007-09-06 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 02:22:10PM -0700, matthew zeier wrote:
 Ken Simpson wrote:
 It's more effective to spend the money on SMS messages. Mobile
 providers are forced to use very aggressive anti spam measures, which
 can add significant delays in message delivery.
 Recommendations on software and modems?

We use Intercel modems with the bog-stock smstools package, and it works

- Matt

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 04:01:54PM +, Chris L. Morrow wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
  I strongly recommend you read Richard Clayton's paper on how (among
  other things) one could hack the Cleanfeed system to *find* the really
  bad stuff. He and his colleagues at the Cambridge Computer Lab also
 yup, read it, which was part of the reason for the note I sent... these
 sorts of blocking mechanisms don't seem to achieve the goals expected, and
 even in many cases make the goals of the 'icky pict' crowd more achievable

If a politician fixes a problem then he loses it as a campaign issue. But
if he makes the problem worse while heroically fighting against it, then
he's golden.
-- Rex Tincher

- Matt

Re: Security gain from NAT: Top 5

2007-06-06 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 08:49:21PM -0700, Roger Marquis wrote:
 Problem is that NAT will not go away or even become less common in
 IPv6 networks for a number of reasons.
   #1 NAT advantage: it protects consumers from vendor
 Consider the advantage of globally unique public addressing to ISPs
 and telcos.  Without NAT they have a very effective vendor lock-in.
 Want to change ISPs?  It's only as easy as reconfiguring every device
 and/or DHCP server on your internal network.  With NAT you only need
 to reconfigure a single device, sometimes not even that.

Isn't this the problem that router advertisements are meant to solve?  Do
you have operational experience which suggests that they aren't a sufficient

   #2  NAT advantage: it protects consumers from add-on
   fees for addresses space.
 Given the 100 to 10,000% mark-ups many telcos and ISPs already charge
 for more than a /29 it should come as no surprise they would be
 opposed to NAT.

I was under the impression that each end-user of an IPv6 ISP got a /64
assigned to them when they connected.

   #3  NAT advantage: it prevents upstreams from limiting
   consumers' internal address space.
 Even after full implementation of IPv6 the trend of technology will
 continue to require more address space.  Businesses will continue to
 grow and households will continue to acquire new IP-enabled devices.
 Without NAT consumers will be forced to request new netblocks from
 their upstream, often resulting in non-contiguous networks. Not
 surprisingly, often incurring additional fees as well.

By my calculations, the /64 of address space given to each connection will
provide about 18446744073709551616 addresses.  Is that an insufficient
quantity for the average user of an ISP?

   #4  NAT advantage: it requires new protocols to adhere to
   the ISO seven layer model.
 H.323, SIP and other badly designed protocols imbed the local address
 in the data portion of IP packets.  This trend is somewhat discouraged
 by the layer-isolation requirements of NAT.

NAT doesn't seem to have stopped the designers of these protocols from
actually deploying their designs, though.

   #5  NAT advantage: it does not require replacement security
   measures to protect against netscans, portscans, broadcasts
   (particularly microsoft's netbios), and other malicious
   inbound traffic.
 The vendors of non-NAT devices would love to have you believe that
 their stateful inspection and filtering is a good substitute for the
 inspection and filtering required by NAT devices. Problem is the
 non-NAT devices all cost more, many are less secure in their default
 configurations, and the larger rulesets they are almost always
 configured with are less security than the equivalent NAT device.

Haven't we already had this thread killed by the mailing list team today?

- Matt

If only more employers realized that people join companies, but leave
bosses. A boss should be an insulator, not a conductor or an amplifier.
-- Geoff Kinnel, in the Monastery

Re: Cacti 0.8.6j Released (fwd)

2007-05-08 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 08:10:56PM -0700, matthew zeier wrote:
 more to the point how the whole shebang (I'm using net-snmpd) is
 typically used.
 Agent on device provides values, management app(s) collect data by polling
 (and possibly via traps), sysadmin gets to go home on time for once.
 I have yet to see this work in practice however.

Yeah, I misread 'typically' as 'theoretically'.  Practical experience is
more like:

Agent on device lies about it's values, management apps collect lies (and
ignore/lose traps), and the sysadmin has yet more software to swear at. 

- Matt

I'm seriously considering getting one of those bright-orange prison
overalls and stencilling PASSENGER on the back.  Along with the paper
slippers, I ought to be able to walk right through security.  Not.
-- Brian Kantor, in the Monastery

Re: Cable-Tying with Waxed Twine

2007-01-24 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 07:30:06PM -0500, Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
 Upon leaving a router at telx and asking one of their techs to plug in the 
 equipment for me, I came back to find all my cat5 cables neatly tied with 
 some sort of waxed twine, using an interesting looping knot pattern that 
 repeated every six inches or so using a single piece of string.  For some 
 reason, I found this trick really cool.
 I have tried googling for the method, (it's apparently standard, I've seen 
 it in play elsewhere), and for the type of twine, but had little luck.  I 
 was wondering if any of the gurus out there would care to share what this 
 knot-pattern is actually called, and/or if there's a (illustrated) howto 

From your description, it sounds like you might be describing a series of
half hitches.  I don't know if it has a more specific title than that.  If
you wanted to create it on (say) a vertical bundle, you just pass the line
around the back of the bundle then put the working end between the line and
the bundle, and tighten by pulling away from the knots you've already tied. 
Repeat this over and over up (or down) the bundle to get your nice pattern

A benefit of this knot is that if you pull the working end towards the knots
you've already tied, the knot will slide back, so you can tie each knot
quickly then pull it back to the right position, so you get a nice even run
of loops.

You'll need to secure each end of the line with something that can stand
tension at a sharp angle.  A quick examination of pikiwedia's knots list
suggests something like an icicle hitch or rolling hitch, but they might be
a bit tricky to tie in tight spaces.  I've just tried two half hitches on a
broomstick and it doesn't hold too badly, but I wouldn't guarantee it'll be
safe long term.

As to the line to use, I'd imagine that an office supplies store would
probably have a range of possibilities.

- Matt

I have a cat, so I know that when she digs her very sharp claws into my
chest or stomach it's really a sign of affection, but I don't see any reason
for programming languages to show affection with pain.
-- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

Why is RFC1918 space in public DNS evil?

2006-09-18 Thread Matthew Palmer

I've been directed to put all of the internal hosts and such into the public
DNS zone for a client.  My typical policy is to have a subdomain of the zone
served internally, and leave only the publically-reachable hosts in the
public zone.  But this client, having a large number of hosts on RFC1918
space and a VPN for external people to get to it, is pushing against this
somewhat.  Their reasoning is that there's no guarantee that forwarding DNS
down the VPN will work nicely, and it's overhead.

I know the common wisdom is that putting 192.168 addresses in a public
zonefile is right up there with kicking babies who have just had their candy
stolen, but I'm really struggling to come up with anything more
authoritative than just because, now eat your brussel sprouts.  My
Google-fu isn't working, and none of the reasons I can come up with myself
sound particularly convincing.  Can someone give a lucid technical
explanation, or a link, that explains it to me so I can explain it to Those
In Power?

- Matt

Re: Open Source NMS Software

2006-07-22 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Sat, Jul 22, 2006 at 12:16:28PM -0400, Gary T. Giesen wrote:
 I'm looking at depolying an open source-based NMS solution, and I'm

Define what you want in your NMS -- not even the vendors can manage to
agree on a meaning.

 looking at a couple products, mostly OpenNMS (

What is OpenNMS makes it sound like Nagios and nothing more.  They also
insist on mentioning enterprise-grade and open source before listing
features, which suggests their priorities might be a bit bass-ackwards.

 and Zenoss ( I like the looks of Zenoss, but

It's written in Zope, and depends on half the Python world besides.  I have
a severe allergic reaction to anything involving Zope, since it's a mammoth
pile of incomprehensible Python that only seems to produce shite that nobody
wants to maintain (cf. Plone -- offlist if you want the full story on that).

 Even better would be someone who's used both products and could give
 me a quick comparison. I'd also welcome suggestions of another product
 (as long as it's not bb, nagios, or hobbit) that I should be looking

Honestly, I find it hard to go past the combination of Nagios and Cacti.
Perhaps that's just familiarity blinding me to the worst excesses of Nagios,
(although I can give you the hit list of what's horribly wrong with it)
normally by the time I've worked around the warts of whatever's being pushed
as an alternative, it would have been less effort just to stick with what I
know and tolerate.

If you can identify what it is you can't stand about Nagios, and what
features, exactly, you're looking for in your NMS, somebody can no doubt
point you in the direction of your perfect dream-tool.

- Matt

And Jesus said unto them, And whom do you say that I am?  They replied,
You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the
ontological foundation of the context of our very selfhood revealed. And
Jesus replied, What?  -- Seen on the 'net

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: Xen

2006-04-03 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 12:05:25PM -0700, Eric Frazier wrote:
 machine for stuff I know could lead to problems like that. But that brings 
 up another question, how far isolated are different instances from each 
 other really?

Fairly well -- a lot better than (eg) vservers, and almost certainly better
than UMLs.  To get into the host, you'd need to subvert one of the backend
drivers via the guest in such a way that you got the ability to run some
sort of subversive command in the host.  The possibility of a DoS (crash) is
much higher than a take-over compromise, but even then it's not something
I'd be inclined to worry about deeply.

- Matt

Re: OT: Xen

2006-04-03 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 08:50:51AM -0700, Eric Frazier wrote:
 Xen can be.  So one thing I am wondering, with Zones you can setup a new 
 instance that is a copy of another pretty much instantly. Does Xen offer 
 the same thing? Or do you still have to go through an install process for 
 example? I am esp wondering about this with something like XP..

Xen itself: no.  But LVM is a wonderful thing.

- Matt

Re: optics pricing (Re: Weird GigE Media Converter Behavior)

2004-08-30 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 07:17:22AM +1200, Simon Lyall wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Mark Borchers wrote:
  Peter Galbavy wrote:
   On the other hand, the use of patent licenses (like those
   that say free if
   you don't claim against us) for things like VRRP do worry me.
  Everybody's entitled to their opinion, but this excerpt from does not seem to me
  to portend predatory pricing:
 However it does make an open source (and certainly a free) implimentation
 very difficult to do.
 A license of $1000 per machine is reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms
 for $100k routers but not for a something that I want to download and run
 on a few Linux boxes.

In that case the $1000/machine licence discriminates against OSS
implementations, and isn't reasonable and nondiscriminatory.  grin

- Matt

Description: Digital signature

Re: AOL fixing Microsoft default settings

2003-10-27 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:

b. Disable file/printer sharing

That roots MSDE, and it's not an even vaguely obvious connection between the
two.  That's one of the problems with fiddling with Windows - screwing with
one thing often breaks something apparently totally unrelated.

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

Re: NANOG 29 hotels

2003-10-09 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:

 I have a twin room in the Marriott 18th-22nd (no ARIN), and am happy to
 share for half the cost with anyone who knows me.

Do they have to know you *before* you share the room?  Because they
certainly will afterwards, but you didn't specify prior knowledge... grin

- Matt

Re: What do you want your ISP to block today?

2003-08-31 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:

 Which Microsoft protocols should ISP's break today?  Microsoft Exchange?
 Microsoft file sharing?  Microsoft Plug  Play?  Microsoft SQL/MSDE?
 Microsoft IIS?

All of the above.  g

  He added that ISPs have the view and ability to prevent en-masse
  attacks. All these attacks traverse their networks before they reach
  you and me. If they would simply stop attack traffic that has been
  identified and accepted as such, we'd all sleep better, Cooper said.

Bwahahaha.  Ghod I love a good comedian.

Having recently pulped my head against the wall of a network provider too
clueless to provision decent IP connectivity, the last thing I want is to
have the ISP unilaterally decide what they're going to do with my packets.

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

Re: What if it doesn't affect the ISP? (was Re: What do you wantyour ISP to block today?)

2003-08-31 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Sat, 30 Aug 2003, Sean Donelan wrote:

 The recurring theme is: I don't want my ISP to block anything I do, but
 ISPs should block other people from doing things I don't think they
 should do.

That's about my position, I guess.  g  There's a difference between
naively blocking ports or screwing with packets, though, and blocking known
dodgy behaviour (spoofed source addresses, for one).  Yes, port 135 is a
known vector, and so is  now, but they have their legitimate uses.  If
you have evidence that someone is doing something dodgy with them, then you
should shut them down.  But spanking everyone because some people
can't/won't take responsibility for their systems reeks of schoolroom
justice (We're all going to sit here until the guilty party owns up).

 So how long is reasonable for an ISP to give a customer to fix an
 infected computer; when you have cases like Slammer where it takes only
 a few minutes to infect the entire Internet?  Do you wait 72 hours?
 or until the next business day? or block the traffic immediately?

Immediately.  The ISP is, IMO, responsible for the traffic of those they
connect to the Internet.  Maybe I'm just showing my old-fashioned
values there, though.

 Or some major ISPs seem to have the practice of letting the infected
 computers continuing attacking as long as it doesn't hurt their

Welcome to my null0, O provider of loose morals.

#include disclaimer.h
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence