Re: nanog 43 draft agenda posted

2008-04-10 Thread Patrick W.Gilmore

On Apr 9, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Todd Underwood wrote:

the program committee is excited about both the content that has
already been selected and how early we have been able to get this
announcement out to the community.  we have received feedback
indicating that announcing most of the agenda early significantly
improves attendees' ability to obtain travel approvals and make travel

OUTSTANDING JOB!  I think (or at least I hope) I speak for the entire  
community when I say thank you to the program committee for your time  
and effort getting this done, and done early.

But - and please don't take this the wrong way - but I liked the  
original agenda posted a week or two ago better



Re: Looking for geo-directional DNS service

2008-01-15 Thread Patrick W.Gilmore

On Jan 15, 2008, at 3:03 PM, Joe Greco wrote:

Except Hank is asking for true topological distance (latency /
throughput / packetloss).

Anycast gives you BGP distance, not topological distance.

Say I'm in Ashburn and peer directly with someone in Korea where he
has a node (1 AS hop), but I get to his node in Ashburn through my
transit provider (2 AS hops), guess which node anycast will pick?

Ashburn and other major network meet points are oddities in a very  
network.  It would be fair to note that anycast is likely to be  
effective if deployed in a manner that was mindful of the overall  

architecture, and made allowances for such things.

You are not disagreeing with me.  I was responding to Woody who said:

On Jan 15, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Bill Woodcock wrote:

Yes, and that's how anycast works: it directs traffic to the
_topologically nearest_ server.


If you're doing things on the Internet, instead of the physical world,
topological distance is presumably of much greater interest than  

geographic proximity may coincidentally obtain.

Unless you define topologically nearest as what BGP picks, that is  
incorrect.  And even if you do define topology to be equivalent to  
BGP, that is not what is of the greatest interest.   
Goodput (latency, packet loss, throughput) is far more important.   

If you don't like my example, then ignore Ashburn and take a random,  
medium-sized network.  Now assume an anycast node which is  
topologically (i.e. latency, bit-miles, throughput, whatever your  
definition) closer through transit, compared to a node topologically  
farther away through peering.  Which is chosen?  And this is not even  
close to an unusual situation.

This in no way means anycast sux.  It just means anycast is not, by a  
long shot, guaranteed to give you the closest node by any reasonable  
definition.  (Sorry, I don't think node BGP picks is reasonable.   
You are welcome to disagree, but the point still stands that other  
definitions of reasonable are not satisfied.)

In general, anycast is better than not-anycast, and can be optimized  
to be better than non-anycast for nearly all user by someone with  
enough clue + money + time.  This is not in question.  It is  
essentially impossible to guarantee anycast is better than any other  
solution for all applications and all end users, especially over time  
as the Internet changes.  This is not in question either.


Anycast by itself probably isn't entirely desirable in any case, and  
ideally be paired up with other technologies to fix problems like  

I haven't seen many easy ways to roll-your-own geo-DNS service.  The  
I've done in the past simply built in knowledge of the networks in  
and where such information wasn't available, took best guess and  
then may
have done a little research after the fact for future queries.  This  

as comprehensive as doing actual latency / throughput / pl checking.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance  
[and] then I
won't contact you again. - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e- 
mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too  
many apples.

Re: Content Delivery Networks

2007-08-07 Thread Patrick W.Gilmore

On Aug 7, 2007, at 10:05 AM, Michal Krsek wrote:

5) User redirection
- You have to implement a scalable mechanisms that redirects  
users  to the closes POP. You can use application redirect (fast,  
but not  so much scalable), DNS redirect (scalable, but not so  
fast) or  anycasting (this needs cooperation with ISP).

What is slow about handing back different answers to the same  
query  via DNS, especially when they are pre-calculated?  Seems  
very fast to  me.

Yes DNS-based redirection scales very pretty.

But there are two problems:
1) Client may not be in same network as DNS server (I'm using my  
home DNS server even if I'm at IETF or I2 meeting on other side of  

This has been discussed.  Operational experience posted here by Owen  
shows  10% of users are far from their recursive NS.

You are the tiny minority.  (Don't feel bad, so am I. :)  Most  
users either use the NS handed out by their local DHCP server, or  
they are VPN'ing anyway.

2) DNS TTL makes realtime traffic management inpossible. Remember  
you may not distribute network traffic, but sometimes also server  
load. If one server/POP fails or is overloaded, you need to  
redirect users to another one in realtime.

Define real time?  To do it in 1 second or less is nigh  
impossible.  But I challenge you to fail anything over in 1 second  
when IP communication with end users not on your LAN is involved.

I've seen TTLs as low as 20s, giving you a mean fail-over time of 10  
seconds.  That's more than fast enough for most applications these days.
