Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread bmanning

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 07:45:08AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:
> Hi,
> >Wouldn't the holder of these keys be the only ones able to spoof  
> Yes.  This is an assumption of DNSSEC, regardless of who signs the  
> root.  The implication of this (and the fact that emergency key  
> rollover requires everyone on the planet with a validating resolver  
> to update the root trust key manually) is that protecting the root  
> key signing key is a bit important.
> Rgds,
> -drc

one important attribute of key roll would seem to be 
the lack of a "flag-day". ...  there are at least a 
couple of proposals that mitigate that particular risk.


Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Randy Bush

David Conrad wrote:
> the fact that emergency key rollover requires everyone on the planet
> with a validating resolver to update the root trust key manually

this, in itself, is infeasible and a showstopper.


Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread David Conrad


Wouldn't the holder of these keys be the only ones able to spoof  

Yes.  This is an assumption of DNSSEC, regardless of who signs the  
root.  The implication of this (and the fact that emergency key  
rollover requires everyone on the planet with a validating resolver  
to update the root trust key manually) is that protecting the root  
key signing key is a bit important.


Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Jerry Dixon

All, this was inaccurate reporting and no organizational entity has been 
specified to be the "master key" signer.  There has been much discussion 
about moving DNSsec forward by our S&T folks to increase the level of 
security provided but we've been very much a facilitating role through S&T's 
work in this space.

If Doug is lurking out there he can provide much more info or insight into 


- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 4:23 AM
Subject: RE: America takes over DNS

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ...
wants to have the key to sign the DNS root zone
solidly in the hands of the US government.
This ultimate master key would then allow
authorities to track DNS Security Extensions
(DNSSec) all the way back to the servers that
represent the name system's root zone on the
Internet. The "key-signing key" signs the zone
key, which is held by VeriSign.

Very interesting because it is the second story on the list this weekend
which highlights that DNS domain registries (and ultimately the root
zone) are a single point of failure on the Internet. Wouldn't the holder
of these keys be the only ones able to spoof DNSSEC? And if the criminal
community ever cracks DHS (through espionage or bribery) to acquire
these keys, what would be the result.

I just don't see how adding another single point of failure to the DNS
system, in the form of a master key, helps to strengthen the DNS
overall. It is probably time to start looking at alternative naming
systems. For instance, we have a much better understanding of P2P
technology these days and a P2P mesh could serve as the top level finder
in a naming system rather than having a fixed set of roots. We have a
better understanding of webs of trust that we could apply to such a

Given that the existing DNS is built around two disctinct classes of IP
address, i.e. stable ones that always lead to a root nameserver, and
unstable ones which lead to other Internet hosts, could we not design a
more flexible naming system around that concept? Could we not have more
than 13 stable IP addresses in the net? Could we not leverage something
like route servers in order to find the root of a local naming

Now that well-educated and technically sophisticated criminal groups are
attacking the DNS on multiple fronts, we need to be looking at
alternatives to DNS for naming hosts. We need to get such alternative
systems out into the wild where they can be tested. To date, we have
seen some small amount of innovative thinking around DNS that has been
tested. For instance, alternative roots which have failed in the wild
and anycasting which has been a great success. But these things do not
address the core technical problems of the whole DNS system.

--Michael Dillon

RE: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> > [unicity of names] does not exist in DNS unless you take an
> > extremely narrow technical view.
> I thought that NANOG was for extremely narrow technical
> discussions. For bold "We will replace the DNS and IP while we're at
> it" discussions, there are other forums :-)

Yes, I was suprised when you replied to that message.

In any case, NANOG definitely *IS* the right place to discuss replacing
IP, although I don't expect much discussion until there is more IPv6
implementation in the USA. And I never proposed replacing DNS and IP at
the same time. One transition at a time is enough to deal with.

As for "other forums", your claim would be more credible if you would
identify these other forums. As far as I know there is not currently any
forum that is seriously studying a replacement for the current DNS
architecture. If I'm wrong, please provide details.

-- Michael Dillon

RE: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> Problems I can see with this would be when someone on the P2P begins
> injecting false data into a stream. How would the mesh be 
> structured so
> as to avoid this. 

There is a lot of literature about P2P networking in its many
variations. The nice thing is that it is mostly freely available on the
net, unlike in some other scientific disciplines where more and more
research is locked away behind electronic journal providers which charge
atrociously high rates for a single article. Some Google searches to get
p2p small-world pdf
p2p chord pdf
p2p kademlia pdf
p2p dht pdf

Chances are, that one of the more mathematically oriented researchers
looking at graph theory and distributed hash tables, has already solved
the problem. All you have to do is find it and apply it to a root
replacement for a naming service hierarchy.

--Michael Dillon

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 01:09:48PM +0200,
 Peter Dambier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 85 lines which said:

> The Racines Libres have failed?
> There are so many out there that we cannot count them any longer.

That's true. Dozens of first-year CS students have set up one and then
tried to impress a girlfriend by claiming "I am now independant from
the Evil ICANN".

> I have never seen a personal root-server attacked.

I can attack yours, if you want more credibility.

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 12:23:43PM +0100,
 a message of 58 lines which said:

> [unicity of names] does not exist in DNS unless you take an
> extremely narrow technical view.

I thought that NANOG was for extremely narrow technical
discussions. For bold "We will replace the DNS and IP while we're at
it" discussions, there are other forums :-)

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread J. Oquendo


Very interesting because it is the second story on the list this weekend
which highlights that DNS domain registries (and ultimately the root
zone) are a single point of failure on the Internet. Wouldn't the holder
of these keys be the only ones able to spoof DNSSEC? And if the criminal
community ever cracks DHS (through espionage or bribery) to acquire
these keys, what would be the result.

A single bodied government which holds the keys to this is quite possibly
a bigger problem than what we currently have. Way too much censorship if
you ask me. Not to get super political here, but there is far too much
going as it is concerning what can be said, shown, viewed by too many
organizations in power as is.

Given that the existing DNS is built around two disctinct classes of IP
address, i.e. stable ones that always lead to a root nameserver, and
unstable ones which lead to other Internet hosts, could we not design a
more flexible naming system around that concept? Could we not have more
than 13 stable IP addresses in the net? Could we not leverage something
like route servers in order to find the root of a local naming

Problems I can see with this would be when someone on the P2P begins
injecting false data into a stream. How would the mesh be structured so
as to avoid this. Perhaps using the same methods as ICANN, or NANOG, a
group of say 50 companies can be designated the task of maintaining
root servers on a revolving basis. The server could be configured in
secure fashion (whatever this means nowadays) with maybe checksums
and pass off the information to one another. E.g.:

Verified Lookup
User --> whois --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> I see at --> nameserver2
nameserver1 --> where do you see it nameserver2
nameserver2 --> I see it at --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> is at --> User

Problematic Lookup
User --> whois --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> I see at --> nameserver2
nameserver1 --> where do you see it nameserver2
nameserver2 --> I see it at --> nameserver1
nameserver2 --> where DO YOU SEE --> nameserver3
nameserver3 --> is at --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> After double checking go to --> user

Creating entries:
nameserver1: is at let's create a hash

# sample hashing using md5 and sha
$ echo ""|shasum
$ echo ""|md5

Both combined:

Enforced Lookup:
User --> whois --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> Let me check my entry...
nameserver1 --> 

nameserver1 --> After checking go to --> user

Re-enforced Lookup:
User --> whois --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> Let me check my entry...
nameserver1 --> 

nameserver1 --> Not what I have. What do you see --> namerserver2
nameserver2 --> 

nameserver2 --> Something fishy there --> nameserver1
nameserver1 --> Unresolved domain --> User

Any nameserver can now compare that kind of hash before it sends
out replies. If the hash matches, it's legit, if not, obviously
there's a problem. What I can see happening with something like
this would be DNS administrators having to recalculate hashes
whenever they renumber one of their machines.

Something like this would also deter "criminal gangs" from
fiddling with DNS since it would likely be too difficult to
counter. Hijackings could possibly cease, as well as the
possibility of reducing malware if done correctly.

My guess is load balancing, round robin DNS, etc., could affect
this, but I'm sure other engineers here can figure out something
better than allowing any government from intervening and trying
to maintain what's perhaps one of the most fragile functions on
the Internet. Maybe even multiple checksums for sites doing
above-mentioned (load balancing, etc.)


J. Oquendo
sil . infiltrated @ net 

The happiness of society is the end of government.
John Adams

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> > It is probably time to start looking at alternative naming
> > systems. For instance, we have a much better understanding of P2P
> > technology these days and a P2P mesh could serve as the top level
> > finder in a naming system rather than having a fixed set of roots.
> The only serious (?) proposal I've seen until now, CoDoNS
> (, uses
> DNSSEC, so it has the same dependency on the US government.

My message was not an encoded support message for any specific product
or implementation. If anything, it was a call for research help. I
realize is not a short term fix, but a problem like this needs to be
attacked on many fronts at once.

> > better understanding of webs of trust that we could apply to such a
> > mesh. 
> You mix up *resolution* of names (which could be done by a P2P mesh
> like CoDoNS, replacing the root name servers) and *registration* of
> names, which have to be hierarchical if you want to preserve unicity
> of names. And this is the important point of control (the root name
> servers are not controlled by the US government, unlike the
> registration root).

If there is a P2P mesh holding pointers to servers which provide
namespace resolution, then you have a trust issue. How do you know that
you can trust the part of the P2P mesh that you are talking to? How do
the mesh members trust each other? This is where the web-of-trust
approach is useful. Once such a mesh is in place, you no longer need the
root of the hierarchy to be rigidly controlled by a single entity. It
could be managed by some sort of confederation, rather like IP
addressing is controlled by the RIRs, IANA and the NRO. It is the rigid
control of the root if the naming hierarchy that leads to the single
point of failure issue.

And in fact, unicity of names is an illusion. It certainly does not
exist in the real world and it does not exist in DNS unless you take an
extremely narrow technical view. For instance, what about all those
tasting domains that contain amazon or ebay in the name? Or in Russia
where Cyrillic domain names are sometimes transliterated to ASCII
characters using a French-based system (e.g. Iouri) or transliterated to
ASCII using and English-based system (e.g. Yuri) or translated to
English (e.g. George). But in the .ru registry, three independent
entities could register,, and Not to mention
the fact that Russian domain names are often printed as .py in
advertising which happens to be the TLD for Paraguay.
> So, you've not solved the problem.

I never claimed to have solved any problem. In fact, I think my message
was more a statement of requirements than a solution.

If the researchers manage to come up with a workable system for multiple
namespaces as a result, then so much the better. DNS may not be forever.

--Michael Dillon. 

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Peter Dambier

The Racines Libres have failed?

There are so many out there that we cannot count them any longer.

I think the only failure is the "single point of failure root".

They have failed to be trustworthy.

It is so easy, get a copy of a trustworthy root-zone and run
your own root. From time to time compare your root to the
others and fix any diffs.

Better take the authoritative servers and fix your root-zone.

I have never seen a personal root-server attacked.
The single point of failure root gets attacked once per hour,
because every hour it is 8 o'clock in the morning on some place
and all those windows boxes get switched on.

Peter and Karin Dambier


The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ...
wants to have the key to sign the DNS root zone
solidly in the hands of the US government.
This ultimate master key would then allow
authorities to track DNS Security Extensions
(DNSSec) all the way back to the servers that
represent the name system's root zone on the
Internet. The "key-signing key" signs the zone
key, which is held by VeriSign.

Very interesting because it is the second story on the list this weekend
which highlights that DNS domain registries (and ultimately the root
zone) are a single point of failure on the Internet. Wouldn't the holder
of these keys be the only ones able to spoof DNSSEC? And if the criminal
community ever cracks DHS (through espionage or bribery) to acquire
these keys, what would be the result.

I just don't see how adding another single point of failure to the DNS
system, in the form of a master key, helps to strengthen the DNS
overall. It is probably time to start looking at alternative naming
systems. For instance, we have a much better understanding of P2P
technology these days and a P2P mesh could serve as the top level finder
in a naming system rather than having a fixed set of roots. We have a
better understanding of webs of trust that we could apply to such a

Given that the existing DNS is built around two disctinct classes of IP
address, i.e. stable ones that always lead to a root nameserver, and
unstable ones which lead to other Internet hosts, could we not design a
more flexible naming system around that concept? Could we not have more
than 13 stable IP addresses in the net? Could we not leverage something
like route servers in order to find the root of a local naming

Now that well-educated and technically sophisticated criminal groups are
attacking the DNS on multiple fronts, we need to be looking at
alternatives to DNS for naming hosts. We need to get such alternative
systems out into the wild where they can be tested. To date, we have
seen some small amount of innovative thinking around DNS that has been
tested. For instance, alternative roots which have failed in the wild
and anycasting which has been a great success. But these things do not
address the core technical problems of the whole DNS system.

--Michael Dillon

Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP:

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 09:23:32AM +0100,
 a message of 46 lines which said:

> It is probably time to start looking at alternative naming
> systems. For instance, we have a much better understanding of P2P
> technology these days and a P2P mesh could serve as the top level
> finder in a naming system rather than having a fixed set of roots.

The only serious (?) proposal I've seen until now, CoDoNS
(, uses
DNSSEC, so it has the same dependency on the US government.

> better understanding of webs of trust that we could apply to such a
> mesh. 

You mix up *resolution* of names (which could be done by a P2P mesh
like CoDoNS, replacing the root name servers) and *registration* of
names, which have to be hierarchical if you want to preserve unicity
of names. And this is the important point of control (the root name
servers are not controlled by the US government, unlike the
registration root).

So, you've not solved the problem.

RE: America takes over DNS

2007-04-02 Thread michael.dillon

> The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ...
> wants to have the key to sign the DNS root zone
> solidly in the hands of the US government.
> This ultimate master key would then allow
> authorities to track DNS Security Extensions
> (DNSSec) all the way back to the servers that
> represent the name system's root zone on the
> Internet. The "key-signing key" signs the zone
> key, which is held by VeriSign.

Very interesting because it is the second story on the list this weekend
which highlights that DNS domain registries (and ultimately the root
zone) are a single point of failure on the Internet. Wouldn't the holder
of these keys be the only ones able to spoof DNSSEC? And if the criminal
community ever cracks DHS (through espionage or bribery) to acquire
these keys, what would be the result.

I just don't see how adding another single point of failure to the DNS
system, in the form of a master key, helps to strengthen the DNS
overall. It is probably time to start looking at alternative naming
systems. For instance, we have a much better understanding of P2P
technology these days and a P2P mesh could serve as the top level finder
in a naming system rather than having a fixed set of roots. We have a
better understanding of webs of trust that we could apply to such a

Given that the existing DNS is built around two disctinct classes of IP
address, i.e. stable ones that always lead to a root nameserver, and
unstable ones which lead to other Internet hosts, could we not design a
more flexible naming system around that concept? Could we not have more
than 13 stable IP addresses in the net? Could we not leverage something
like route servers in order to find the root of a local naming

Now that well-educated and technically sophisticated criminal groups are
attacking the DNS on multiple fronts, we need to be looking at
alternatives to DNS for naming hosts. We need to get such alternative
systems out into the wild where they can be tested. To date, we have
seen some small amount of innovative thinking around DNS that has been
tested. For instance, alternative roots which have failed in the wild
and anycasting which has been a great success. But these things do not
address the core technical problems of the whole DNS system.

--Michael Dillon

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-01 Thread Gadi Evron

On Sun, 1 Apr 2007, David Conrad wrote:
> Hi,
> On Apr 1, 2007, at 6:54 AM, J. Oquendo wrote:
> > Summary:
> Confusion resulting from hearsay and extrapolations.
> > The "key-signing key" signs the zone key, which is held by VeriSign.
> Except that the root zone hasn't been signed and there are no plans I  
> am aware of do so (and I think I'd probably know).  In one possible  
> scenario, VeriSign would hold the zone signing key which would be  
> signed by the key signing key.  Who holds the KSK hasn't been  
> established.
> However, in reality, nothing would change.  Even if the root were to  
> be signed, who signs it doesn't really matter -- the USG already must  
> approve any changes made to the root zone.

And of course, it can only approve "Willing changes".

> Rgds,
> -drc

Re: America takes over DNS

2007-04-01 Thread David Conrad


On Apr 1, 2007, at 6:54 AM, J. Oquendo wrote:


Confusion resulting from hearsay and extrapolations.

The "key-signing key" signs the zone key, which is held by VeriSign.

Except that the root zone hasn't been signed and there are no plans I  
am aware of do so (and I think I'd probably know).  In one possible  
scenario, VeriSign would hold the zone signing key which would be  
signed by the key signing key.  Who holds the KSK hasn't been  

However, in reality, nothing would change.  Even if the root were to  
be signed, who signs it doesn't really matter -- the USG already must  
approve any changes made to the root zone.


America takes over DNS (re: On-going Internet Emergency and Domain Names)

2007-04-01 Thread J. Oquendo


The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ...
wants to have the key to sign the DNS root zone
solidly in the hands of the US government.
This ultimate master key would then allow
authorities to track DNS Security Extensions
(DNSSec) all the way back to the servers that
represent the name system's root zone on the
Internet. The "key-signing key" signs the zone
key, which is held by VeriSign.

J. Oquendo
echo @infiltrated|sed 's/^/sil/g;s/$/.net/g'

"How a man plays the game shows something of his
character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey