Re: Fw: Re: ICANN - Formal Complaint re Verisign

2003-09-18 Thread Miles Fidelman

Somebody pointed out, on another list, that Verisign's move is essentially
a "man in the middle" attack.  Which leads to the question: are they in
violation of any Federal laws - such as, say, the Patriot Act?

Fw: Re: ICANN - Formal Complaint re Verisign

2003-09-18 Thread Jerry Eyers

 An interesting thought...
>One question - if I previously typed in an URL that was incorrect and would get the usual response from my OWN system, there would be not a real lot of data sent/received to pay for that mistake. Now that Verisign is doing their current thing, there is a lot more data being paid by ISPs across the world that shouldnt HAVE to be paid for.
>So is anyone thinking of banding together the ISPs in on this formal complaint citing loss of income >from this? The bigger the ISP - eg AOL - the bigger the new cost for Verisign advertising, paid at the >ISP's expense because of all this. A group of ISPs all complaining should get some action you would >think.
>I am posting this to you as if you can use it, feel free to post it to Nanog where I have no posting rights.
>Regards, Greg.