Joe Abley is coordinating a set of PGP key signing parties throughout
the NANOG 35 meeting.  I know Joe has his hands full with program and
steering committee responsibilities and could use help from others to
ensure keysignings go smoothly.

If you'll be attending any part of the meeting, have a PGP key and are
interested in exchanging signatures with other attendees the least you
should do is add your public key to the keyring located on Biglumber:


If you already have a login to biglumber then you probably know what
to do, otherwise, just paste a copy of your public key in the text
box and click the submit button.

Look for keysignings during the last 15 minutes of morning and lunch
breaks as was done in Seattle.

For additional information, the NANOG 35 PGP keysigning page is here:


Joe's Seattle meeting presentation detailing the NANOG process:


I'm going to try to be one of the folks that attends most if not all
the keysignings, but having others do so and ensuring a hard copy of
the keyring is available for each would be great.


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