Re: [uknof] Re: [members] Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-09 Thread Stephen Wilcox

[I have included the nanog list back here, as it was originally cross posted 
and there seem to now be divergent discussions in progress]

On Sat, Jun 09, 2007 at 10:13:11PM +0100, Vince Hoffman wrote:
> Ian Dickinson wrote:
> > John Ekins wrote:
> >> Some very big sites HAVE been on the list at times. This was clearly an
> >> issue we took into account. Our system coped.
> > 
> > Good for you.
> > 
> >> I can't believe this is news to Pipex. This has been discussed at the
> >> IWF and ISPA. And Pipex is a member of both. It has been discussed over
> >> and over. The fact is small ISPs (like Brightview - 60,000 ADSL) and big
> >> ISPs (BT, Virgin Media (NTL/Telewest) - millions) have implemented this.
> >> They had the same issues and found a way to make it work.
> > 
> > It's not news - I'm merely taking issue with your "zero-cost" stance, which 
> > I
> > think is *potentially* misleading.
> > 
> A colleague of mine informed me that receiving the IWF feed requires us
> to be a member, a not totally insignificant cost (about £5k for us,) is
> this correct? If so, combine it with colo, admin and hardware costs and
> its certainly not "zero-cost" for us

I think theres a bit too much focus being given to the implementation side of 
this problem. The Internet is currently a very cheap industry to set up in, 
compare to say becoming a telco in the 90s with large licensing fees and huge 
capex for startup. If the government says the Internet services need to provide 
X Y and Z at $ cost then so be it.

I think the real issue is the technology and the perception it has. It is being 
imposed on operators to violate routing strategies and add these /32s which 
cannot scale, additionally inserting web caches many years after web caches 
ceased to be defacto with all the issues and reduced service level they come 
with. And after doing all this we are blocking on a tiny hand managed list, 
this doesnt even compare to early spam blocking systems and look how 
ineffectual they were!

The scary part is this is being cited in parliamentary sessions as being the 
holy grail of child porn fighting. That is the real worry. Yes it is relatively 
expensive to implement, yes it can only be done through a series of hacks and 
violations to protocol and no it doesnt provide 1% of real protection or help 
to push forwards the anti child porn goals.

So why are so many ISPs keen to sign up? Well any number of reasons - PR, 
political pressure, fear of being branded pro-child porn by the media.

I think we as an industry can do so much better to find solutions to this 
problem without pandering to the first crazy idea that our PR mad government 
comes up with.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread alex

On Fri, 8 Jun 2007, Donald Stahl wrote:

> "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of 
> zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."
> -Judge Louis Brandeis

> I am not willing to give up any of my own liberties to protect children.  
> We already have laws that do that and judging by the number of people
> arrested they seem to work. You reach a point of diminishing returns.

Before *this* thread spins out of control, I would like to draw your
attention to NANOG-L AUP, available at ,
particularly #6: Postings of political, philosophical, and legal nature
are discouraged.

In other words, it is on-topic to discuss operational effect of filtering
- what the original post started with. It is on-topic to discuss how to
filter and comply with government or corporate mandates to filter. It is
on-topic to discuss existing logging/filtering solutions and their
operational impact.

It is "not so much" on topic to discuss legalities of filtering, but I
think most agree that it still belongs here.

It is clearly off-topic to discuss lists of british colonies, or civil
liberties or protection of children - there are better forums to do this.

Please follow any replies to this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-alex (acting mlc chair)

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Donald Stahl

This was a very curious experience. What they want to achieve is protecting 
children from abuse. This is of course a laudable goal. But they think they 
can do that by ridding the internet of images depicting said abuse. There are 
pretty strong laws against that in the Netherlands*, but this woman thought 
that wasn't enough: she felt it would be good to also outlaw _text_ 
describing child abuse. This is really scary. If these well-intentioned but 
extremely dangerous people get their way, someone can end up in jail for 
simply writing some text.
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of 
zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."

-Judge Louis Brandeis

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its 
victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber 
barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies, The robber baron's cruelty 
may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those 
who torment us for own good will torment us without end, for they do so 
with the approval of their own conscience.

- C.S. Lewis

I'm not one to give up my civil liberties without a struggle, but protecting 
kids may be important enough to make it worth giving up a few. But is it too 
much to ask for something that actually works in return?
"They that would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

"Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the 
government's purposes are beneficent."

-Judge Louis Brandeis

I am not willing to give up any of my own liberties to protect children. 
We already have laws that do that and judging by the number of people 
arrested they seem to work. You reach a point of diminishing returns.

At some point you have to accept that the world is a dangerous place and 
that bad things happen. There is a balancing point and a greater good to 
think about. Making everyone elses life less free does not balance out 
with the prospect of maybe saving a few kids. As the laws become more 
invasive they will eventually breed resentment and hatred for the 
government and fellow citizens. The end result will be civil unrest and 
fighting and that helps noone. Sadly it's already happening. Americans 
hate each other more than at any almost any other time in our history- and 
the hatred is becoming vicious.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007, Leigh Porter wrote:

> It is quite odd really that governments want to implement something to 
> prevent people from breaking a law. And some posts have been correct in 
> asking what's next? Automatic copyright/patent infringing filtering?

Obviously you've not paid much attention to what Youtube have been doing


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Alexander Harrowell

Well, it seems to be a standard operating procedure that anyone in a
high profile case gets accused of possessing "child porn" via
anonymous leaks from the police to the national press. (See the Forest
Gate incident - not only did they tear the guy's house apart looking
for nonexistent "chemical weapons", they "accidentally" shot him, then
they briefed the tabloids that his computer was riddled with evil
images of children. Naturally, he was never prosecuted for same.)

If any UK ISP is willing to NOT do this, you've got my business.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Leigh Porter

Why did they even go for him in the fist place?
Has anybody heard of operation Ore in the UK? It looks like a bit of a 
disaster, who would have thought that stolen credit Card details would 
have been used to buy illegal porn?


Alexander Harrowell wrote:

Well, it seems to be a standard operating procedure that anyone in a
high profile case gets accused of possessing "child porn" via
anonymous leaks from the police to the national press. (See the Forest
Gate incident - not only did they tear the guy's house apart looking
for nonexistent "chemical weapons", they "accidentally" shot him, then
they briefed the tabloids that his computer was riddled with evil
images of children. Naturally, he was never prosecuted for same.)

If any UK ISP is willing to NOT do this, you've got my business.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Donald Stahl

It is quite odd really that governments want to implement something to 
prevent people from breaking a law. And some posts have been correct in 
asking what's next? Automatic copyright/patent infringing filtering?
On that subject- we should probably change the language as well. Make it 
so that people can't even think of breaking the law because the words for 
such an action no longer exist. That would be doubleplusgood!


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Leigh Porter

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 8-jun-2007, at 12:01, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

In this case I would suggest that it is in ISPs best interests to get
involved with network content blocking, so that ISPs collectively become
deep experts on the subject. We are then in a position to modify these
activities in a way that is beneficial to ISPs and their customers (who
happen to be voters too).

Your assumption that blocking parts of the internet is a useful 
activity is flawed. The only positive effect that this has is that it 
protects users from accidentally running into stuff they'd rather not 
come into contact with. But this is much more effeciently and 
effictively done using commercially available filters.

I talked to some people from the Dutch equivalent to

This was a very curious experience. What they want to achieve is 
protecting children from abuse. This is of course a laudable goal. But 
they think they can do that by ridding the internet of images 
depicting said abuse. There are pretty strong laws against that in the 
Netherlands*, but this woman thought that wasn't enough: she felt it 
would be good to also outlaw _text_ describing child abuse. This is 
really scary. If these well-intentioned but extremely dangerous people 
get their way, someone can end up in jail for simply writing some text.

All the while, children in known dangerous situations go on a waiting 
list before they can be removed from the dangerous (home) environment. 
So apparently, it's more important to go after the results of child 
abuse in the past, and maybe even go after people who only fantasize 
about this stuff, rather than help kids that are in danger NOW. But 
hey, removing kids from abusive homes costs money and results in angry 
parents on the news. Strongarming ISPs into taking "voluntary" action 
on the other hand, is free and only results in angry threads on NANOG.

I'm not one to give up my civil liberties without a struggle, but 
protecting kids may be important enough to make it worth giving up a 
few. But is it too much to ask for something that actually works in 

* Not long ago, a man was convicted because he had 10 images of this 
kind on his computer. They were part of a 10 image porn 
collection. His claim that the 10 images were downloaded accidentally 
wasn't accepted by the judge: he should have been more careful.

I agree that it will not protect children at all. Presumably there are 
already a large number of images (I hear figures of people having n * 
thousand images) so there is already enough material for there not to be 
a reason to generate more which would of course involve abuse.

So what then is the aim of the filtering?

Is it just the latest political bandwagon

It is quite odd really that governments want to implement something to 
prevent people from breaking a law. And some posts have been correct in 
asking what's next? Automatic copyright/patent infringing filtering?


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-08 Thread Florian Weimer

* Jeroen Massar:

> I wonder how this solves the, from what I found out, common situation
> that people rent cheap "root servers" in a country like Germany where
> they VPN into and thus have full access to everything.

In Germany, the legal framework for filtering transit traffic already
exists, so if the UK precedent shows that it's technically and
economically feasible, this will be implemented over here, too.  I
doubt the situation is much different in most European countries.

Of course, when the blocking is pretty much universal, I don't really
see how the list maintainer verifies that the reason for blocking
still exists.  On the other hand, this might also provide an
opportunity to shut down some of the most egregious malware
distributors and controllers.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007, David Freedman wrote:
> Its too late, you've already admitted that the data exists and can be 
> captured.
> This is always where it starts...

The logging code in release versions of Squid is pretty horrible and
won't handle the loads modern ISPs will put under it. You have to
disable it to get any decent performance.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 8-jun-2007, at 12:01, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

In this case I would suggest that it is in ISPs best interests to get
involved with network content blocking, so that ISPs collectively  

deep experts on the subject. We are then in a position to modify these
activities in a way that is beneficial to ISPs and their customers  

happen to be voters too).

Your assumption that blocking parts of the internet is a useful  
activity is flawed. The only positive effect that this has is that it  
protects users from accidentally running into stuff they'd rather not  
come into contact with. But this is much more effeciently and  
effictively done using commercially available filters.

I talked to some people from the Dutch equivalent to http://

This was a very curious experience. What they want to achieve is  
protecting children from abuse. This is of course a laudable goal.  
But they think they can do that by ridding the internet of images  
depicting said abuse. There are pretty strong laws against that in  
the Netherlands*, but this woman thought that wasn't enough: she felt  
it would be good to also outlaw _text_ describing child abuse. This  
is really scary. If these well-intentioned but extremely dangerous  
people get their way, someone can end up in jail for simply writing  
some text.

All the while, children in known dangerous situations go on a waiting  
list before they can be removed from the dangerous (home)  
environment. So apparently, it's more important to go after the  
results of child abuse in the past, and maybe even go after people  
who only fantasize about this stuff, rather than help kids that are  
in danger NOW. But hey, removing kids from abusive homes costs money  
and results in angry parents on the news. Strongarming ISPs into  
taking "voluntary" action on the other hand, is free and only results  
in angry threads on NANOG.

I'm not one to give up my civil liberties without a struggle, but  
protecting kids may be important enough to make it worth giving up a  
few. But is it too much to ask for something that actually works in  

* Not long ago, a man was convicted because he had 10 images of this  
kind on his computer. They were part of a 10 image porn  
collection. His claim that the 10 images were downloaded accidentally  
wasn't accepted by the judge: he should have been more careful.

RE: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread michael.dillon

> Have you been asked by the Dibble for the squid's server log 
> yet? It's the obvious next step - if you had a URL request 
> blocked, obviously you were where you shouldn't have been. 
> You're either with us...or you're with the terrorists.

If this website blocking is voluntary and if your goal is to protect
your customers from inadvertently loading one of their pages, then you
would not want to log any details, would you? If you want to help the
police by reducing the number of spurious hits on this known illegal
website so that they have a higher chance of tracking real criminals
from the website hits, then you would not want to muddy the waters by
sending your useless data to them, would you?

Situations like this are always very complex and it does not help when
people throw around simplistic analyses that are not grounded in
reality. There was recent media coverage in the UK that indicates there
are far more pedophiles than was thought and that real pedophiles don't
fit the common stereotypes that people have of them. To me, this
indicates that the police are struggling with data explosion and need
help in reducing that data to increase their chances of catching SOME of
the criminals. 

It does not suggest that police want to catch ALL the criminals and some
number of innocent people as well. After all, any arrests will have to
be processed through the court system and when you throw lots of
innocent people and marginal cases into the courts, the cases drag on
for a long time and clog up the system. That would be counterproductive
wouldn't it?

The objections that I see from people in regard to things like website
blocking and network tapping, seem to assume that governments are very
narrowminded, very efficient and have evil intent. In my experience,
there is a lot more systems thinking in governments that you think, they
are not terribly efficient, and they do not collectively have evil
intent. They do make a lot of mistakes, but these get corrected. If
nothing else, governments have learned that it is very bad to cover up
mistakes, but you can make a lot of political hay by admitting them and
proposing the next bold new solution.

If you really don't like something that governments do, you are better
off not attacking it in a narrow way, but suggesting that it was a
mistake and pushing government into the next bold new initiative to fix
the mistake. This works especially well around election time, but it can
also be done between elections because even the party in power changes
tack from time to time.

In this case I would suggest that it is in ISPs best interests to get
involved with network content blocking, so that ISPs collectively become
deep experts on the subject. We are then in a position to modify these
activities in a way that is beneficial to ISPs and their customers (who
happen to be voters too). And we are in a position to advise government
on future actions as well. If ISPs choose not to get involved, then they
are less likely to be listened to by government partly because they have
less credibility and partly because they simply don't understand the
issue and therefore fail to communicate effectively.

Inter-ISP cooperation is a big problem that needs to be solved on a
global scale. Fortunately, there is a growing number of international
forums in which ISPs do get together to deal with specific flashpoints.
If your company has any part of your network in the UK, please do get
involved by contacting LINX as requested:

   We have 13 companies involved so far but really want to get as many
   ISP's together to make sure that people understand the implications
   the governments request.

   Whilst the intent is to focus the content on the technical side we
   keen to make sure that the all parts of the ISP industry are brought
   to date so may run multiple strands with different levels of
   content if we have the numbers.

   If you are interested please contact John Souter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
   Malcolm Hutty ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for more details.

--Michael Dillon

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Alexander Harrowell

On 6/8/07, Leigh Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I actually removed the code in Squid that logs so it's impossible to log
without significant development work ;-)

Leigh Porter

Internet governance by benevolent conspiracy:-)

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Leigh Porter


David Freedman wrote:
Its too late, you've already admitted that the data exists and can be 

This is always where it starts...


Leigh Porter wrote:

Alexander Harrowell wrote:

On 6/7/07, Leigh Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since only port 80 is passed through the filter then of course 
there are
all manor of things you could do to circumvent the filter and this 
of course always be the case as people will use whatever they can 
to get
what they want. After all, all yuo really need to do in order to 
get all

the dodgy material you want is to subscribe to a decent USENET service
and get it all from that.

For what it's worth though it works well for what it is and we 

get a few hits on it.

Have you been asked by the Dibble for the squid's server log yet? It's
the obvious next step - if you had a URL request blocked, obviously
you were where you shouldn't have been. You're either with us...or
you're with the terrorists.

I actually removed the code in Squid that logs so it's impossible to 
log without significant development work ;-)

Leigh Porter

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread David Freedman

Its too late, you've already admitted that the data exists and can be 

This is always where it starts...


Leigh Porter wrote:

Alexander Harrowell wrote:

On 6/7/07, Leigh Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since only port 80 is passed through the filter then of course there are
all manor of things you could do to circumvent the filter and this will
of course always be the case as people will use whatever they can to get
what they want. After all, all yuo really need to do in order to get all
the dodgy material you want is to subscribe to a decent USENET service
and get it all from that.

For what it's worth though it works well for what it is and we certainly
get a few hits on it.

Have you been asked by the Dibble for the squid's server log yet? It's
the obvious next step - if you had a URL request blocked, obviously
you were where you shouldn't have been. You're either with us...or
you're with the terrorists.

I actually removed the code in Squid that logs so it's impossible to log 
without significant development work ;-)

Leigh Porter

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-08 Thread Simon Waters

On Thursday 07 June 2007 23:15, Deepak Jain wrote:
>  I can't imagine this would fly in the US.

Such systems have already been ruled "unconstitutional" in the US.

> -- The Home Office Minister has already said he expects it in place,
> thats not far from a precondition of operation.

We are kind of use to the home office minister saying all sorts of cranky 
things. Chances are he'll be gone by the end of the month.

My personal dealing with the IWF (stop emailing me, we don't have any NNTP 
servers anymore) don't fill me with confidence.

If the government mandate this, they'll have to provide a list of images to 
block under a more accountable regime than some random "voluntary body", and 
they'll have to take responsibility when people point out the government is 
blocking access to specific sites that contain material that criticises them.

I think complying with a voluntary censorship regime is a bad idea all around.

I'm one of James's employers customers when I'm surfing at home.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Leigh Porter

Alexander Harrowell wrote:

On 6/7/07, Leigh Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since only port 80 is passed through the filter then of course there are
all manor of things you could do to circumvent the filter and this will
of course always be the case as people will use whatever they can to get
what they want. After all, all yuo really need to do in order to get all
the dodgy material you want is to subscribe to a decent USENET service
and get it all from that.

For what it's worth though it works well for what it is and we certainly
get a few hits on it.

Have you been asked by the Dibble for the squid's server log yet? It's
the obvious next step - if you had a URL request blocked, obviously
you were where you shouldn't have been. You're either with us...or
you're with the terrorists.

I actually removed the code in Squid that logs so it's impossible to log 
without significant development work ;-)

Leigh Porter

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-08 Thread Alexander Harrowell

On 6/7/07, Leigh Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since only port 80 is passed through the filter then of course there are
all manor of things you could do to circumvent the filter and this will
of course always be the case as people will use whatever they can to get
what they want. After all, all yuo really need to do in order to get all
the dodgy material you want is to subscribe to a decent USENET service
and get it all from that.

For what it's worth though it works well for what it is and we certainly
get a few hits on it.

Have you been asked by the Dibble for the squid's server log yet? It's
the obvious next step - if you had a URL request blocked, obviously
you were where you shouldn't have been. You're either with us...or
you're with the terrorists.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Matthew Palmer

On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 04:01:54PM +, Chris L. Morrow wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
> > I strongly recommend you read Richard Clayton's paper on how (among
> > other things) one could hack the Cleanfeed system to *find* the really
> > bad stuff. He and his colleagues at the Cambridge Computer Lab also
> yup, read it, which was part of the reason for the note I sent... these
> sorts of blocking mechanisms don't seem to achieve the goals expected, and
> even in many cases make the goals of the 'icky pict' crowd more achievable
> :(

"If a politician fixes a problem then he loses it as a campaign issue. But
if he makes the problem worse while heroically fighting against it, then
he's golden."
-- Rex Tincher

- Matt

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 7-jun-2007, at 23:29, William Allen Simpson wrote:

Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending  
content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea. I  
would think that if the content in question is legal, ISPs and the  
government shouldn't touch it, and if it isn't, law enforcement  
should do something about it.

"images of child abuse"

Obviously if you block access to the images the child abuse goes away.

Where can I sign up for my lobotomy so that government policy starts  
to make sense?

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Leigh Porter


On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 22:40:20 +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending  
content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea.

Quoting the article

"At present, the government does not propose to require UK ISPs to block
content and our policy is to pursue a self-regulatory approach wherever
possible. However, our legislation as drafted provides the flexibility to
accomodate a change in Government policy should the need ever arise."

Lot of different ways to read that depending on your paranoia level.  The
phrase "Slippery Slope" does come to mind, however...

Well indeed, it'll be "terrorist" sites and "Fundamentalist religious" 
sites and "Sites that contain material that may incite religious hatred" 
or some other such nonsense. And then who decides what does and does not 
constitute these sites and *BANG* you have the great firewall of Britain 
or America or wherever.

And since all these things are largely operated by para-government 
organisations and civil servants your vote makes little difference.

But the reality is that right now the four hoursemen are a lovely 
political hot topic and either networks in the UK do somethin g about it 
themselves (i.e. filtering, not matter how ineffective it is) or some 
idiot who can't tell Internet Explorer from Excel will do it for us.

Everybody knows it's really quite dumb, but it's less dumb than the 
dumbness that will be legislated if nothing gets done.

So we'll all have odd boxes that inject a thousand or so routes into BGP 
(nowhere neat that many actually) and filters a bit of port 80 and 
everybody's happy for a while.

Perhaps it'll even go away.

Leigh Porter

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Deepak Jain

Ok. I'll chime in.

William Allen Simpson wrote:

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending 
content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea. I 
would think that if the content in question is legal, ISPs and the 
government shouldn't touch it, and if it isn't, law enforcement should 
do something about it.

It was in

"images of child abuse"

"voluntary" "co-operation"

"At present, the government does not propose to require UK ISPs to block
content and our policy is to pursue a self-regulatory approach wherever

"However, 90 per cent. of connections is not enough"

I find these two lines to be the most interesting "..we are setting a 
target that by the end of 2007, all ISPs offering broadband internet 
connectivity to the UK general public put in place technical measures 
that prevent their customers accessing websites containing illegal 
images of child abuse identified by the IWF."


"“At present, the government does not propose to require UK ISPs to 
block content and our policy is to pursue a self-regulatory approach 
wherever possible. However, our legislation as drafted provides the 
flexibility to accomodate a change in Government policy should the need 
ever arise. “

The last line being most significant. I read it as, "We will threaten 
you with a law to do the work, but since we don't want it challenged 
[like we would with the US legal system] we are going to threaten 
it...even if it might not pass."

And this is for anyone "selling broadband to the general public" -- 
however that is defined. Are commercial connections the general public? 
or just residential?

While I can't wait until web hosts/operators have to debug screwy 
performance and Squid bugs for sites passed through "untouched" by these 
proxies just because they share an IP address

While offering this as a service, or a free service is interesting (and 
in the spirit of voluntary cooperation) where users could opt in or out 
for it might be interesting... I can't imagine this would fly in the US.

Britain's moves to become a police state notwithstanding, I wonder how 
this insidious door-opener for censorship will rear its head as it 
effects the general Internet. Google's "voluntarily" censoring itself in 
China as a precondition of operating there. I am sure this "voluntary" 
policy in Britain will make getting various permits or approvals 
impossible even if they don't create a law to expressly mandate its use 
-- The Home Office Minister has already said he expects it in place, 
thats not far from a precondition of operation.

On the positive side, this will spark all kinds of innovation and give 
the conspiracy theorists all sorts of fun filled evenings.

Deepak Jain

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread William Allen Simpson

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending 
content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea. I would 
think that if the content in question is legal, ISPs and the government 
shouldn't touch it, and if it isn't, law enforcement should do something 
about it.

It was in

"images of child abuse"

"voluntary" "co-operation"

"At present, the government does not propose to require UK ISPs to block
content and our policy is to pursue a self-regulatory approach wherever

"However, 90 per cent. of connections is not enough"

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 22:40:20 +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

> Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending  
> content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea.

Quoting the article

"At present, the government does not propose to require UK ISPs to block
content and our policy is to pursue a self-regulatory approach wherever
possible. However, our legislation as drafted provides the flexibility to
accomodate a change in Government policy should the need ever arise."

Lot of different ways to read that depending on your paranoia level.  The
phrase "Slippery Slope" does come to mind, however...

Description: PGP signature

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 7-jun-2007, at 22:05, Sean Donelan wrote:

That's a cool way to implement monitoring of traffic towards  
random parts of the internet.

There are much easier, cheaper ways to do that.

Easier and cheaper? Can't think of any... This method nicely gets  
around the need to tap and process numerous (10) gigabit links, which  
isn't particularly easy and certainly not all that cheap.

Interestingly, nobody has mentioned on the list what the offending  
content is yet. Or why this would even remotely be a good idea. I  
would think that if the content in question is legal, ISPs and the  
government shouldn't touch it, and if it isn't, law enforcement  
should do something about it.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Sean Donelan

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a re-route 
on a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the 
application/URL pattern.

That's a cool way to implement monitoring of traffic towards random parts of 
the internet.

There are much easier, cheaper ways to do that.

And as another person pointed out, the IWF method is not very 
surreptitious so the bad guys can tell someone found them and

can improve their methods.

And did I mention the false positive problem of click-fraud and
embedded IMG URLs accessing those sites too.  Yes, your computer
may have been recorded accessing a bad site when you read a
spam mail.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Leigh Porter

Sean Donelan wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:

Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

oh, so null routes? I got the impression it was application-aware, or
atleast port-aware... If it's proxying or doing anything more than
port-level blocking it's likely it sees content as well, or COULD.

Either way, it's not like it's effective for anything except the m ost
casual of users :(

Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a 
re-route on a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols 
the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the 
application/URL pattern.

So IWF can block only one part of a sub-tree of a popular shared 
webhosting site *IF* is one of a few application protocols.

Sorry, clicked send before finishing.

BUT the important thing is the network operator and routers don't 
actually look at the content.  If the same bad content (picture, 
video, whatever) appears somewhere else that isn't on the IWF list, it 
won't be blocked.

And likewise if the content at the source/destination changes/removed, 
e.g. the picture disappears, the destination will continue to be 
blocked until IWF updates their bad list even though nothing bad still 
at the destination.

But this is OK as it's unlikely that something good and wholesome will 
be on http://n.n.n.n/foobardodgypr0n.html

Also the lists are actually updated fairly regularly.

Leigh Porter

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK) for people who cant be bothered to read the article..

2007-06-07 Thread Leigh Porter

Sean Donelan wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:

Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

oh, so null routes? I got the impression it was application-aware, or
atleast port-aware... If it's proxying or doing anything more than
port-level blocking it's likely it sees content as well, or COULD.

Either way, it's not like it's effective for anything except the m ost
casual of users :(

Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a 
re-route on a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols 
the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the 
application/URL pattern.

So IWF can block only one part of a sub-tree of a popular shared 
webhosting site *IF* is one of a few application protocols.

What we have is a box that takes the IWF feed of dodgy sites and 
resolves the entries to IP addresses. These are then injected into the 
network with Quagga's bgpd. The network then obviously routes anything 
to these IP addresses and therefore those websites to the filter box.

(but not a bad idea)The filter box runs Squid with the URL list from 
the IWF. Port 80 traffic is directed through squid and anything 
appearing on the IWF list that is accessed by anybody returns a page 
telling them to go away. We thought about the error page stuff but what 
the heck, it's obvious its being filtered anyway so you may as well put 
some google ads on the page you return (Joke ;-) In fact you could run 
upside-down-ternet on it, there's no end to the things you could do to 
screw with people's heads.

Anything on a virtual host whos URL is not explicitly in the IWF list is 
passed through squid without being touched.

Since only port 80 is passed through the filter then of course there are 
all manor of things you could do to circumvent the filter and this will 
of course always be the case as people will use whatever they can to get 
what they want. After all, all yuo really need to do in order to get all 
the dodgy material you want is to subscribe to a decent USENET service 
and get it all from that.

For what it's worth though it works well for what it is and we certainly 
get a few hits on it.

Leigh Porter

RE: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread michael.dillon

> Anyway, how does BT's cleanfeed work? How are British 3G 
> operators doing equivalent blocking? I'd be interested in 
> learning about the implementation.

Well, first of all Cleanfeed's not perfect. And it's not that secret

--Michael Dillon

P.S. Although I work for BT, I have no involvement with the group that
is repsonsible for Cleanfeed. All that I know about it, I learned via

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Sean Donelan

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:

Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

oh, so null routes? I got the impression it was application-aware, or
atleast port-aware... If it's proxying or doing anything more than
port-level blocking it's likely it sees content as well, or COULD.

Either way, it's not like it's effective for anything except the m ost
casual of users :(

Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a re-route on 
a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the 
application/URL pattern.

So IWF can block only one part of a sub-tree of a popular shared webhosting 
site *IF* is one of a few application protocols.

Sorry, clicked send before finishing.

BUT the important thing is the network operator and routers don't actually 
look at the content.  If the same bad content (picture, video, whatever) 
appears somewhere else that isn't on the IWF list, it won't be blocked.

And likewise if the content at the source/destination changes/removed, 
e.g. the picture disappears, the destination will continue to be blocked 
until IWF updates their bad list even though nothing bad still at the 

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 7-jun-2007, at 20:46, Sean Donelan wrote:

Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a re- 
route on a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols  
the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the  
application/URL pattern.

That's a cool way to implement monitoring of traffic towards random  
parts of the internet.

RE: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread michael.dillon

> There are no British colonies in North America...are there?  
> Or are the red coats coming again?

In fact, there are several British colonies now squatting in North
America in that great British squatter tradition. One of them occupies a
corner of the NANOG list which is why the meeting was mentioned on this
list. Another can be found hoarding a chunk of MySpace. And so on.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. If you didn't get that bit about squatter tradition, check this

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Sean Donelan

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:

Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

oh, so null routes? I got the impression it was application-aware, or
atleast port-aware... If it's proxying or doing anything more than
port-level blocking it's likely it sees content as well, or COULD.

Either way, it's not like it's effective for anything except the m ost
casual of users :(

Its more than null routes, but not much more.  The router does a re-route 
on a list of network/IP address, and then for the protocols the redirector
box understands (i.e. pretty much only HTTP) it matches part of the 
application/URL pattern.

So IWF can block only one part of a sub-tree of a popular shared 
webhosting site *IF* is one of a few application protocols.

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Chris L. Morrow

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, James Blessing wrote:
> > 1. Revocation of mere conduit status; by inspecting certain content and
> > preventing access to it the ISP is doing more that just passing packets
> > and is getting involved in the content.
> Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

oh, so null routes? I got the impression it was application-aware, or
atleast port-aware... If it's proxying or doing anything more than
port-level blocking it's likely it sees content as well, or COULD.

Either way, it's not like it's effective for anything except the m ost
casual of users :(

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Leigh Porter

Alexander Harrowell wrote:

I strongly recommend you read Richard Clayton's paper on how (among
other things) one could hack the Cleanfeed system to *find* the really
bad stuff. He and his colleagues at the Cambridge Computer Lab also
have a fine blog -

I don't understand why this is a problem. So they find it, but look, 
they can't get to it because it's been "cleanfeeded" anyway. Also they 
only get to know the IP adddress so if the site is a virtual host it's 
pretty useless to them.


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Chris L. Morrow

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Alexander Harrowell wrote:

> I strongly recommend you read Richard Clayton's paper on how (among
> other things) one could hack the Cleanfeed system to *find* the really
> bad stuff. He and his colleagues at the Cambridge Computer Lab also

yup, read it, which was part of the reason for the note I sent... these
sorts of blocking mechanisms don't seem to achieve the goals expected, and
even in many cases make the goals of the 'icky pict' crowd more achievable

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Sean Donelan

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, James Blessing wrote:

1. Revocation of mere conduit status; by inspecting certain content and
preventing access to it the ISP is doing more that just passing packets
and is getting involved in the content.

Its not "content" blocking, its source/destination blocking.

While IWF may decide to list a particular source/destination based on its 
view of content, the network doesn't know look at or know what the 
content is and blocks anything at that source/destination address.  The 
"address" may be an application layer "address," i.e. a URL part rather 
than a network layer address.  But if the "address" is dynamically 
generated or changed, it may not have the same content.

Some cellular networks still have walled gardens, which only allow 
access to "approved" source/destinations. Again not based on content, but

based on business relationships with the cellular network operator.

Once you understand its the network isn't blocking "content" but rather 
an ever expanding list of sources/destinations, the real question is how 
can you be certain the bad stuff and good stuff will stay in separate 
places.  Or will the bad stuff continue to migrate elsewhere until you've

blocked most of the Internet, and only "approved" sources/destinations

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Alexander Harrowell

I strongly recommend you read Richard Clayton's paper on how (among
other things) one could hack the Cleanfeed system to *find* the really
bad stuff. He and his colleagues at the Cambridge Computer Lab also
have a fine blog -

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Chris L. Morrow

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> The only thing that this 'content blocking' solves is that pops&moms who
> don't have any clue about the Internet at all will be deprived from some
> freedom, that the government can look into everything claiming that
> everything on the Internet is p0rn (which is not so far from the truth
> according to some :).

actually it keeps heat off the politicians that passed the law/dictate...
I suspect that what happened is the gov't folks involved got into a
situation where they couldn't say: "no" without also basically saying:
"long live icky content!" :(

> All the folks who really want to access icky pictures will do so any way
> by using something very simple called HTTPS or any other form of
> encrypted access and work arounds like VPN's, Tor, Open proxies and the
> myriad of other ways that are possible.

what's also 'nice' is that once the 'service' goes into effect the folks
trafficing in 'icky picts' will know when their content has been 'found'
so they can move it around to another location :( Making
prosecution/protection actually HARDER for the gov't folks involved :(
it's perverse, but it's mostly true :(


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Jeroen Massar
Joe Abley wrote:
> Anyway, how does BT's cleanfeed work? How are British 3G operators doing
> equivalent blocking? I'd be interested in learning about the
> implementation.

I wonder how this solves the, from what I found out, common situation
that people rent cheap "root servers" in a country like Germany where
they VPN into and thus have full access to everything.

Or for that matter any form of VPN or other remote access.

The only thing that this 'content blocking' solves is that pops&moms who
don't have any clue about the Internet at all will be deprived from some
freedom, that the government can look into everything claiming that
everything on the Internet is p0rn (which is not so far from the truth
according to some :).

All the folks who really want to access icky pictures will do so any way
by using something very simple called HTTPS or any other form of
encrypted access and work arounds like VPN's, Tor, Open proxies and the
myriad of other ways that are possible.

Takes a little bit of effort, but hey, does it matter, you at least get
to get your daily feed of icky stuff and you can say to the government
"oh I thought it was okay as it was not blocked by your filter".

Btw, the 90% quote given is of course a marvelous thing when you have a
single organization which has almost a monopoly ;)

I wonder which companies are going to provide the 'solutions' to this
problem and how well they sponsored various people of the government.

Long live VPN's!


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread James Blessing

Joe Abley wrote:

> Anyway, how does BT's cleanfeed work? How are British 3G operators doing
> equivalent blocking? I'd be interested in learning about the
> implementation.

There is an excellent paper on the failures of clean feed here:


Entanet International
T: 0870 770 9580

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Joe Abley

On 7-Jun-2007, at 10:47, Jon Lewis wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, James Blessing wrote:

Sorry for the cross posting to a number of lists but this is an
important topic for many of you (especially if you get multiple  

As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.

There are no British colonies in North America...are there?

[On the mainland, not since Belize's independence in 1981. There are  
British Overseas Territories in the Caribbean (Anguilla, Bermuda,  
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and  
Caicos Islands) which are in North America according to at least some  
definitions of the phrase.

However, to answer the question you were really asking, there are  
surely North American companies on this list who do business in the  
UK, and certainly no reason to think that North American politicians,  
given an example to follow, would never do so in this continent. So  
it's not obvious to me that this is off-topic here, speaking as one  
single subscriber.]

Anyway, how does BT's cleanfeed work? How are British 3G operators  
doing equivalent blocking? I'd be interested in learning about the  


RE: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Neil J. McRae

> There are no British colonies in North America...are there?  Or are the 
> red coats coming again?

No, but there are a large number of American operators that
have networks in the UK and this +will+ affect them. There is
also the fear that once this is deployed in one country that
others might follow suit. 


Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Jon Lewis

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, James Blessing wrote:

Sorry for the cross posting to a number of lists but this is an
important topic for many of you (especially if you get multiple copies).

As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.

There are no British colonies in North America...are there?  Or are the 
red coats coming again?

 Jon Lewis   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net|
_ for PGP public key_

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread James Blessing

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> [trimmed other lists, not sure if they'd appreciate nanog volumes]
> On 7-jun-2007, at 11:06, James Blessing wrote:
>> As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
>> broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
>> specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.
> Where is this list, what type of stuff is on it and how do you translate
> from the real-world identification of that which is to be blocked into
> some kind of restriction in the network?

Please see for more details


Entanet International
T: 0870 770 9580

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jun 7, 2007, at 6:44 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

[trimmed other lists, not sure if they'd appreciate nanog volumes]

On 7-jun-2007, at 11:06, James Blessing wrote:

As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.

Where is this list, what type of stuff is on it and how do you  
translate from the real-world identification of that which is to be  
blocked into some kind of restriction in the network?

Whose expectation is it?  If it is not a LAW, then, ISPs should reset
the expectation and go back to the real problems
of running a network.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

[trimmed other lists, not sure if they'd appreciate nanog volumes]

On 7-jun-2007, at 11:06, James Blessing wrote:

As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.

Where is this list, what type of stuff is on it and how do you  
translate from the real-world identification of that which is to be  
blocked into some kind of restriction in the network?

Network Level Content Blocking (UK)

2007-06-07 Thread James Blessing

Hi all,

Sorry for the cross posting to a number of lists but this is an
important topic for many of you (especially if you get multiple copies).

As many people are aware there is an 'expectation' that 'consumer'
broadband providers introduce network level content blocking for
specified content on the IWF list before the end of 07.

Whilst this is seen by many as a honorable political crusade to 'protect
the innocent' many with a strong technical background are concerned that
the long term impact on network development will lead to major
'breakages' within the internet.

So far the only debate has revolved around the legal concerns that the
introduction of this technology imposes to problems on the ISP:

1. Revocation of mere conduit status; by inspecting certain content and
preventing access to it the ISP is doing more that just passing packets
and is getting involved in the content.

2. Thin end of the wedge; if we can block Child Abuse Content then we
can block copyright infringement

3. Increased liability; by blocking the content at a network level
outside of the control of the user the ISP is potentially opening it
self to a lawsuit should content leak through the block (although many
are saying that this is not going to be enforcable it could still tie up
people in court going through the arguments with no guarantee of a win
cf mere conduit issue above).

LINX (the London Internet Exchange) and ISPA are looking to arrange a
day to address the technical issues of placing such a block in the
network. The topics are expected to include:

1. Implementation - how do you put this into place
2. Scalability - how do you provide a non-degrading service
3. Circumvention - how do you stop people getting round the block
4. Reverse Engineering - how do you hide the block (should you hide it?)
5. Messaging - what do you tell the person about what you just done
6. Legality - what is the legal impact of this
7. Security - who should have access to what
8. Sanity Checking - how to prevent poisoning of the block list
9. Testing - how do you make sure that the block is working
10. Reality - is this actually the best way to do this

We have 13 companies involved so far but really want to get as many
ISP's together to make sure that people understand the implications of
the governments request.

Whilst the intent is to focus the content on the technical side we are
keen to make sure that the all parts of the ISP industry are brought up
to date so may run multiple strands with different levels of technical
content if we have the numbers.

If you are interested please contact John Souter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Malcolm Hutty ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for more details.


Entanet International
T: 0870 770 9580