Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-23 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 22-aug-2005, at 17:14, David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks?

The answer is that delay is only one aspect of performance, another  
important one is packet loss. As link bandwidth increases, queuing  
delays decrease proportionally. So if you're using your 10 Mbps link  
with average 500 byte packets at 98% capacity, you'll generally have  
a 49-packet queue. (queue = utilization / (1 - utilization)) Our 500  
byte packets are transmitted at 0.4 ms intervals, so that makes for a  
19.6 ms queuing delay.

So now we increase our link speed to 100 Mbps, but for some strange  
reason this link is also used at 98%. So the average queue size is  
still 49 packets, but it now only takes 0.04 ms to transmit one  
packet, so the queuing delay is only 1.96 ms on average.

As you can see, as bandwidth increases, queuing delays become  
irrelevant. To achieve even 1 ms queuing delay (that's only 120 miles  
extra fiber) at 10 Gbps you need an average queue size of 833 even  
with 1500-byte packets. For this, you need a link utilization of  
almost 99.9%.

However, due to IP's bursty nature the queue size is quite variable.  
If there is enough buffer space to accommodate whatever queue size  
that may be required due to bursts, this means you get a lot of  
jitter. (And, at 10 Gbps, expensive routers, because this memory  
needs to be FAST.) On the other hand, if the buffer space fills up  
but packets keep coming in faster than they can be transmitted,  
packets will have to be dropped. As explained by others, this leads  
to undesired behavior such as TCP congestion synchronization when  
packets from different sessions are dropped and poor TCP performance  
when several packets from the same session are dropped. So it's  
important to avoid these "tail drops", hence the need for creative  
queuing techniques.

However, at high speeds you really don't want to think about this too  
much. In most cases, your best bet is RED (random early detect/drop)  
which gradually drops more and more packets as the queue fills up  
(important: you need to have enough buffer space or you still get  
excessive tail drops!) so TCP sessions are throttled back gradually  
rather than traumatically. Also, the most aggressive TCP sessions are  
the most likely to see dropped packets. With weighted RED some  
traffic gets a free pass up to a point, so that's nice if you need  
QoS "guarantees". (W)RED is great because it's not computationally  
expensive and only needs some enqueuing logic but no dequeuing logic.

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Robert E . Seastrom

"Howard, W. Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Do carrier ISPs classify their voice traffic as Really 
> Important, and everybody else's data as Best Effort?  This 
> isn't just selfishness, since We All Know voice is less
> tolerant of latency and jitter than TCP.

We do?

Try to keep a single-TCP-stream session over 500 mbit/sec of goodput
halfway across the country sometime.  Most of us who have VoIP boxes
have 20ms or better jitter playout buffers.  Ever (successfully) talk
to someone over a GSM handset when their coverage was a little
marginal?  The human ear is a marvelous tool compared to a TCP timer.

Apologies if "We All Know" was supposed to be a cue to sarcasm or irony...


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 01:58:02PM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> Most networks I have touched that have seen fit to deploy some kind  
> of "quality of service" mechanism have done so in order to  
> deliberately degrade service in inverse proportion to what people are  
> prepared to spend. This is somewhat contrary to the marketing  
> message, since "pay us more money and we'll wreck your performance  
> less!" is unlikely to win awards as a slogan, but it happens  
> nonetheless.

All QoS implies is some level of intelligence in determining who is going 
to get the boot first when the @#$% hits the fan. Pay us more money (or 
otherwise be considered more "important", perhaps be one of those lovely 
"tracerouute" or "ping" packets :P) and we'll make someone else's packets 
drop before yours.

It may not be pretty, but sometimes there are some packets that you are 
more willing to sacrifice than others. Of course it is probably better if 
you just manage to steer your @#$% clear of the fan (where QoS = Quantity 
of Service), and yes networks who spend a significant amount of time 
dropping packets rather than carrying them (even if find creative ways to 
do it so that noone notices) are worse than networks who have capacity. 
But @#$% does happen even to the best of us, my take is that there is no 
point being so macho about it that you won't use a little technology to 
reduce the pain when it does happen.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 11:41:31AM -0400, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> I think the key here is "when you are suffering congestion".
> RS said that queueing delay is irrelevant when the link was between  
> 60% and > 97% full, depending on the speed of the link.  If you have  
> a link which is more full than that, queueing techniques matter.
> Put another way, queueing techniques are irrelevant when the queue  
> size is almost always <= 1.

Well, the reality is that there is no such thing as a "50% used" circuit. 
A circuit is either 0% used (not transmitting) or 100% used (transmitting) 
at any given moment, what we are really measuring is the percentage of 
times the circuit was being utilized over a given time period (as in 
"bits per second").

If you want to send a packet, and the circuit is being utilized, you get 
shoved into a queue. If the circuit is so slow that serialization delays 
are massive (aka 500ms until your packet gets transmitted), you're going 
to notice it. If the serialization delay is microseconds, you're probably 
not going to care, as the packet is going to be on its merry way "soon 

Now say you've got a packet coming in and waiting to be transmitted out an 
interface. Below "50% utilized", the odds are pretty low that you're going 
to hit much of anything in the queue at all. Between around "60% utilized" 
to "97% utilized" the chances of hitting something in the queue start to 
creep up there, but on a reasonably fast circuit this is still barely 
noticable (less than a milisecond of jitter), not enough to get noticed in 
any actual application. As you start to get above that magic "97% 
utilized" number (or whatever it actually is, I forget offhand) the odds 
of hitting something in the queue before you start becoming really really 
good. At that point, the queue starts growing very quickly, and the 
latency induced by the queueing delays starts skyrocketing. This continues 
until either a) you exhaust your queue and drop packets (called "tail 
drop", when you blindly drop whatever there isn't room for in the queue), 
or b) otherwise force the flow control mechanisms of the higher level 
protocols (like TCP) to slow down.

Plenty of folks who enjoy math have done lots of research on the subject, 
and there are lots of pretty graphs out there. Perhaps someone will come 
up with a link to one. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Joe Abley

On 22-Aug-2005, at 11:14, David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
of touch with reality?

Most networks I have touched that have seen fit to deploy some kind  
of "quality of service" mechanism have done so in order to  
deliberately degrade service in inverse proportion to what people are  
prepared to spend. This is somewhat contrary to the marketing  
message, since "pay us more money and we'll wreck your performance  
less!" is unlikely to win awards as a slogan, but it happens  

Examples are DSL users who are rate-limited down to modem speeds  
after their leeching budget for the month has been exhausted, and  
gigabit-attached customers whose traffic is squeezed as it is carried  
over expensive bits of network (e.g. bits that cross oceans). These  
may be more common in regions with expensive external paths that are  
used by a high proportion of traffic (e.g. small, English-speaking  
countries in the Pacific rim) than it is in North America.

In North America, the usual contention I have seen in backbones is a  
lack of external capacity towards particular peers; the answer there  
is usually traffic engineering rather than queue management, although  
I've seen WRED turned on as a short-term measure to make the helpdesk  
phone ring less while more OC12s are turned up.

One last wave of the hands: just because the backbone is clear and  
free, and rarely needing to queue a packet, doesn't mean that one  
edge or another of a flow (or both) isn't competing with other  
traffic as part of a multi-access wireless network, oversubscribed  
back-haul from a DSLAM or a CATV network at 4pm in the winter when  
the neighbourhood kids come back from school.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 11:14:04AM -0400, David Hagel wrote:
> This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
> queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
> components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
> extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
> (including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
> today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
> in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
> of touch with reality?

Queueing only matters if you are a) congested, or b) have a really slow 

On a 33.6k modem, the delay to serialize a 1500 byte packet is something 
like 450ms. During the transmission, the pipe is effectively locked, 
causing an instantaneous congestion. You can not transmit anything else 
until that block of data is completed, even a small/quick packet like say 
an interactive SSH session. This makes interactive sessions (or chatty 
protocols) painfully slow. 

During this time, there are more packets piling up in the queue, including 
potentially more large packets which will lock the pipe up for even 
longer. Intelligent queueing can transmit the smaller/quicker packets 
already in the queue first, optimizing your interactive sessions in the 
face of high serialization and queueing delays.

This is still fairly noticable on a T1, but up much above that it becomes 
pretty insignificant. If you have a good eye and a good internal timer on 
your OS you can spot the difference between a FastE and a GigE on your 
local network ping times (usually around 0.2 to 0.3ms difference). By the 
time you get to GigE and beyond we're talking microseconds.

Of course the other reason for queue management technologies, like RED, is 
to provide better handling in the face of congestion. On a large circuit 
with many thousands of TCP flows going across of it, each acting 
independantly, tail drop in the face of congestion will tend to cause the 
TCP flows to synchronize their congestion control attempts, resulting in 
periods where they will all detect congestion and dive off, then attempt 
to scale back up and all beat the hell out of the circuit simultaniously, 
rinse wash repeat.

Obviously this is all bad, and a little application of technology can help 
you squeeze a bit more life out of a congested pipe (preventing the queue 
and thus the latency from shooting skyward and/or bouncing around all over 
the place as soon as the pipe starts to get congested), but it really has 
nothing to do with what you perceive as "latency" on a normal-state, 
modern, non-congested, long-distance Internet backbone network. Of course, 
your congested cable modem with 30ms of jitter even during "normal" 
operation trying to get to you from down the street doesn't fit the same 
model. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Andre Oppermann

Tony Finch wrote:

On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Petri Helenius wrote:

David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
of touch with reality?

Co-operative congestion control is like many other things where you're better
off without it if most of "somebody else" is using it. TCP does not give you
optimal performance but tries to make sure everybody gets along.

TCP performs much better if queueing delays are short, because that
means it gets feedback from packet drops more promptly, and its RTT
measurements are more accurate so the retransmission timeout doesn't get
artificially inflated.

A combination of WRED and friends doing tail- and head-drop would seem
to be ideal for this.

OTOH you rather want some queueing delays instead of packet drops if
your RTT is high.  Recovering from packet loss at >100ms is far slower
than having 10ms added to the RTT.


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Petri Helenius

Tony Finch wrote:

TCP performs much better if queueing delays are short, because that
means it gets feedback from packet drops more promptly, and its RTT
measurements are more accurate so the retransmission timeout doesn't get
artificially inflated.

Sure, but sending speculative duplicate ack's if you're competing 
seriously of transit bandwidth works even better...

Not sure how to set the evil bit on the packets though...


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Tony Finch

On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Petri Helenius wrote:
> David Hagel wrote:
> > This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
> > queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
> > components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
> > extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
> > (including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
> > today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
> > in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
> > of touch with reality?
> Co-operative congestion control is like many other things where you're better
> off without it if most of "somebody else" is using it. TCP does not give you
> optimal performance but tries to make sure everybody gets along.

TCP performs much better if queueing delays are short, because that
means it gets feedback from packet drops more promptly, and its RTT
measurements are more accurate so the retransmission timeout doesn't get
artificially inflated.

f.a.n.finch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Eric A. Hall

On 8/22/2005 11:14 AM, David Hagel wrote:
> This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
> queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
> components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
> extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
> (including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
> today's backbone networks?

Latency is cumulative. Knocking a little time off Part A will still act to
shorten total time, regardless of the time occupied by Part B

Queuing behaviors are also significant when you are suffering congestion,
apart from the delay factors

Eric A. Hall
Internet Core Protocols

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Andre Oppermann

David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
of touch with reality?

Queueing is only ever being used when there is something to queue.
In the optical backbones of today this is seldomly the case and all
operators are busy telling you there is always excessive bandwidth
available on theirs.  It gets used whenever a downward speedchange
happens: 1Gig -> 100M for example.


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Patrick W. Gilmore

On Aug 22, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Eric A. Hall wrote:

On 8/22/2005 11:14 AM, David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed  

components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the  
context of

today's backbone networks?

Latency is cumulative. Knocking a little time off Part A will still  
act to

shorten total time, regardless of the time occupied by Part B

Queuing behaviors are also significant when you are suffering  

apart from the delay factors

I think the key here is "when you are suffering congestion".

RS said that queueing delay is irrelevant when the link was between  
60% and > 97% full, depending on the speed of the link.  If you have  
a link which is more full than that, queueing techniques matter.

Put another way, queueing techniques are irrelevant when the queue  
size is almost always <= 1.


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread Petri Helenius

David Hagel wrote:

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
of touch with reality?

Co-operative congestion control is like many other things where you're 
better off without it if most of "somebody else" is using it. TCP does 
not give you optimal performance but tries to make sure everybody gets 


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-22 Thread David Hagel

This is interesting. This may sound like a naive question. But if
queuing delays are so insignificant in comparison to other fixed delay
components then what does it say about the usefulness of all the
extensive techniques for queue management and congestion control
(including TCP congestion control, RED and so forth) in the context of
today's backbone networks? Any thoughts? What do the people out there
in the field observe? Are all the congestion control researchers out
of touch with reality?

- Dave

On 8/22/05, Robert E. Seastrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Hagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Would there be any data out there on what fraction from this 60ms to
> > 80ms RTT is raw propagation delay and what fraction is typical packet
> > queuing delay at intermediate switches? Does queuing delay play much
> > of a role at all these days? Or is it all just propagation delay?
> With any kind of reasonably fast circuit and modern routers, you may
> safely ignore queuing delay.  The two following rules of thumb apply:
> Queueing delay (time the packet sits in memory waiting to get clocked
> out the port) is insignificant when the circuit is not more than "kind
> of full".  The cutoff point for "kind of full" ranges from 60% to >97%
> full as circuit speed increases from DS1 to OC48.
> Clocking delay (time it takes to put the packet on the wire) takes 7
> milliseconds for a 1500 byte packet on a DS1, 266 microseconds on a
> DS3, and correspondingly less on faster circuits.  Again,
> insignificant in the context of a transcontinental link.
> You may find Peter Lothberg's presentation at NANOG 22 enlightening.
> Check out the slides at
> especially the queueing delay graphs starting at 9:30 into the
> presentation.
> ---Rob

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-21 Thread Robert E . Seastrom

David Hagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would there be any data out there on what fraction from this 60ms to
> 80ms RTT is raw propagation delay and what fraction is typical packet
> queuing delay at intermediate switches? Does queuing delay play much
> of a role at all these days? Or is it all just propagation delay?

With any kind of reasonably fast circuit and modern routers, you may
safely ignore queuing delay.  The two following rules of thumb apply:

Queueing delay (time the packet sits in memory waiting to get clocked
out the port) is insignificant when the circuit is not more than "kind
of full".  The cutoff point for "kind of full" ranges from 60% to >97%
full as circuit speed increases from DS1 to OC48.

Clocking delay (time it takes to put the packet on the wire) takes 7
milliseconds for a 1500 byte packet on a DS1, 266 microseconds on a
DS3, and correspondingly less on faster circuits.  Again,
insignificant in the context of a transcontinental link.

You may find Peter Lothberg's presentation at NANOG 22 enlightening.
Check out the slides at
especially the queueing delay graphs starting at 9:30 into the


Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-21 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 18:38:32 PDT, David Hagel said:

> Would there be any data out there on what fraction from this 60ms to
> 80ms RTT is raw propagation delay and what fraction is typical packet
> queuing delay at intermediate switches? Does queuing delay play much
> of a role at all these days? Or is it all just propagation delay?

Measure the distance, figure the signal is moving at 60% of the speed
of light, and anything over that is queueing/switching delay.

This of course assumes that you have some idea how the cable runs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-21 Thread David Hagel


Thanks for the highly informative answer.

Would there be any data out there on what fraction from this 60ms to
80ms RTT is raw propagation delay and what fraction is typical packet
queuing delay at intermediate switches? Does queuing delay play much
of a role at all these days? Or is it all just propagation delay?

- Dave

On 8/21/05, Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 07:13:39PM -0400, David Hagel wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering what are the typical coast-to-coast propagation and
> > queuing delays observed by today's backbone networks in North America.
> > Is there any data/study which provides a breakdown of different
> > components of such end-to-end delays in today's backbone networks?
> Well that all depends on the routes in question doesn't it. Propagation is
> the key factor on longhaul networks, but there are many economic and
> technological decisions that tend to work against laying fiber in straight
> lines, such as the need to hit as many large cities along the way, those
> pesky right-of-ways, and the cost of optimized routes with lower capacity
> vs less optimized routes with most capacity.
> Lets take one major example, the "cross country" path between the two most
> important Internet locations in the US, the San Jose area in California,
> and the northern Virginia area near Washington DC.
> The best path out there seems to be a nearly direct route from Sprint,
> coming in at around 61-62ms rtt. This is a relatively rare route however,
> not taken by most networks. The "much more common" optimized version is
> around 67-68ms, which tends to route via paths like DC or Philadelphia,
> via Cleveland, Chicago, (St. Louis or the northern loop through
> Minneapolis), Kansas City, Denver, Sacramento, San Francisco...
> The path gets worse when there is no direct route between the mid-atlantic
> and Chicago, usually resulting in DC, New York, Boston, Buffalo,
> Cleveland... This tends to kick it up to around 72ms on the good side,
> 75ms on the bad side. It can also get worse when the direct path between
> Denver and California (Sacramento often) does not exist, resulting in
> paths via Los Angeles or Seattle, and around 78ms-80ms rtt.
> Above 80ms it stops becoming acceptable, and is only doable by a network
> which is missing some key route that most people seem to have. Of course
> is is also possible to come in with a better southern crosscountry path,
> via something like DC, Atlanta, (New Orleans and Houston, or paths via
> Arkansas), Phoenix, and Los Angeles. A reasonably optimized version of
> this route tends to weigh in at around 61-62ms, plus another 9-10ms from
> Los Angeles to San Jose.
> If you take a detailed look at fiber routes from the big 3 (Level 3, WCG,
> and the GX/Qwest builds) you can get a pretty good idea of what paths are
> out there, and the differences between them. Of course if someone were to
> come along and combine optimal segments from all of them you would end up
> with a network far superior to anything currently available, but the
> practical cost under current economical conditions would just be absurd.
> Ironically, the cost of linking the different carriers who are in
> different buildings within the same metro area in all the cities necessary
> is probably right up there with the cost of the longhaul itself. :)
> Bottom line about latency, gamers don't pay the bills.
> --
> Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Re: Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-21 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 07:13:39PM -0400, David Hagel wrote:
> I was wondering what are the typical coast-to-coast propagation and
> queuing delays observed by today's backbone networks in North America.
> Is there any data/study which provides a breakdown of different
> components of such end-to-end delays in today's backbone networks?

Well that all depends on the routes in question doesn't it. Propagation is 
the key factor on longhaul networks, but there are many economic and 
technological decisions that tend to work against laying fiber in straight 
lines, such as the need to hit as many large cities along the way, those 
pesky right-of-ways, and the cost of optimized routes with lower capacity 
vs less optimized routes with most capacity.

Lets take one major example, the "cross country" path between the two most 
important Internet locations in the US, the San Jose area in California, 
and the northern Virginia area near Washington DC.

The best path out there seems to be a nearly direct route from Sprint, 
coming in at around 61-62ms rtt. This is a relatively rare route however, 
not taken by most networks. The "much more common" optimized version is 
around 67-68ms, which tends to route via paths like DC or Philadelphia, 
via Cleveland, Chicago, (St. Louis or the northern loop through 
Minneapolis), Kansas City, Denver, Sacramento, San Francisco...

The path gets worse when there is no direct route between the mid-atlantic 
and Chicago, usually resulting in DC, New York, Boston, Buffalo, 
Cleveland... This tends to kick it up to around 72ms on the good side, 
75ms on the bad side. It can also get worse when the direct path between 
Denver and California (Sacramento often) does not exist, resulting in 
paths via Los Angeles or Seattle, and around 78ms-80ms rtt.

Above 80ms it stops becoming acceptable, and is only doable by a network 
which is missing some key route that most people seem to have. Of course 
is is also possible to come in with a better southern crosscountry path, 
via something like DC, Atlanta, (New Orleans and Houston, or paths via 
Arkansas), Phoenix, and Los Angeles. A reasonably optimized version of 
this route tends to weigh in at around 61-62ms, plus another 9-10ms from 
Los Angeles to San Jose.

If you take a detailed look at fiber routes from the big 3 (Level 3, WCG, 
and the GX/Qwest builds) you can get a pretty good idea of what paths are 
out there, and the differences between them. Of course if someone were to 
come along and combine optimal segments from all of them you would end up 
with a network far superior to anything currently available, but the 
practical cost under current economical conditions would just be absurd. 
Ironically, the cost of linking the different carriers who are in 
different buildings within the same metro area in all the cities necessary 
is probably right up there with the cost of the longhaul itself. :)

Bottom line about latency, gamers don't pay the bills.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Question about propagation and queuing delays

2005-08-21 Thread David Hagel

I was wondering what are the typical coast-to-coast propagation and
queuing delays observed by today's backbone networks in North America.
Is there any data/study which provides a breakdown of different
components of such end-to-end delays in today's backbone networks?
