Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-13 Thread Doug Barton

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

 Ok, but how do you generate megabits worth of traffic for which there is
 no return traffic? At some level, someone or something must be trying to
 do something _really hard_ but keep failing every time. It just doesn't
 make sense.

I could show you VOLUMES of name server logs for people doing things that
could never possibly succeed, over and over and over again. My favorite
are the people who try to use my authoritative name servers as resolvers.
No one at my company can recall a time that our auth. name servers EVER
allowed recursion.

My point is simply that we shouldn't underestimate the stupidity of the
masses, and anything that can be done to improve things, should be. Of
course, the problem in this thread is the varying definitions of


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-11 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:53:18 (-0400), Richard A Steenbergen wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)
  I'm sure we can all agree on at least the concept that sourcing packets
  from an address which cannot receive a reply is at least potentially
  useful, for example to avoid DoS against a critical piece of
  infrastructure. Would it make people feel better if there was a specific
  seperate non-routed address space reserved for router generated messages
  which don't want replies? Why?
 Why not just use!?!?!?!?

and thats different from rfc1918 because?

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-10 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 01:06:15AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 09 Oct 2002 23:05:59 BST, Stephen J. Wilcox said:
  On a related issue (pMTU) I recently discovered that using a link with MTU 
  1500 breaks a massive chunk of the net - specifically mail and webservers who
  block all inbound icmp.. the servers assume 1500, send out the packets with DF
 My personal pet peeve is the opposite - we'll try to use pMTU, some
 provider along the way sees fit to run it through a tunnel, so the MTU
 there is 1460 instead of 1500 - and the chuckleheads number the tunnel
 endpoints out of 1918 space - so the 'ICMP Frag Needed' gets tossed at
 our border routers, because we do both ingress and egress filtering.  
 It's bad enough when all the interfaces on the offending unit are
 1918-space, but it's really annoying when the critter has perfectly good
 non-1918 addresses it could use as the source... Argh...

Ok, I know how this manages to rile people up, but might I suggest that
you brought it upon yourself?

There is a time and a place for messages sourced from addresses to which
you cannot reply, and a time and place where those messages should not
exist. Obviously, a dns *QUERY* is not the place for a message which
cannot be returned. But what about an ICMP *RESPONSE*? Nothing depends
upon the source address of the IP header for operation, the original
headers which caused the problem are encoded in the ICMP message.

And yet people are so busy concerning themselves with this mythical thing
which might break from receiving ICMP overlapping existing internal 1918
space, the extra 0.4% of bandwidth which might be wasted, and the
righteous feeling that they have done something useful, that they don't
stop to realize *THEY* are the ones breaking PMTU-D.

I'm sure we can all agree on at least the concept that sourcing packets
from an address which cannot receive a reply is at least potentially
useful, for example to avoid DoS against a critical piece of
infrastructure. Would it make people feel better if there was a specific
seperate non-routed address space reserved for router generated messages
which don't want replies? Why?

Even Windows 2000+ includes blackhole detection which will eventually
remove the DF bit if packets aren't getting through and ICMP messages
aren't coming back, something many unixes lack. But the heart of the
problem is that people still push packets like every one must include the
maximum data the MTU can support. Do we have any idea how much network
suffering is being caused by that damn 1500 number right now? Aside from
the fact that it is one of the worst numbers possible for the data, it
throws a major monkey wrench in the use of tunnels, pppoe, etc. Eventually
we will realize the way to go is something like 4096 data octets, plus
some room for headers, on a 4470 MTU link. But if the best reason we can
come up with is ISIS, the IEEE will just keep laughing.


Richard A Steenbergen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key ID: 0x138EA177  (67 29 D7 BC E8 18 3E DA  B2 46 B3 D8 14 36 FE B6)

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-10 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:

 Even Windows 2000+ includes blackhole detection which will eventually
 remove the DF bit if packets aren't getting through and ICMP messages
 aren't coming back, something many unixes lack.

Wow, now I'm impressed. And what about the 1999 other versions of Windows?
This is hardly a new problem. Still, it's good that some people at least
make progress, even if very slowly.

 But the heart of the
 problem is that people still push packets like every one must include the
 maximum data the MTU can support.

And why not?

 Do we have any idea how much network
 suffering is being caused by that damn 1500 number right now? Aside from
 the fact that it is one of the worst numbers possible for the data, it
 throws a major monkey wrench in the use of tunnels, pppoe, etc.

So don't use those.

 we will realize the way to go is something like 4096 data octets, plus
 some room for headers, on a 4470 MTU link.

So what then if someone runs a secure tunnel over wireless over a PPPoE
over ADSL using mobile IPv6 that runs over a tunnel or two ad nauseum
until the headers get bigger than 374 bytes? Then you'll have your problem
right back. Might as well really solve it the first try.

One of the problems is that there is no generally agreed on and widely
available set of rules for this stuff. Setting the DF bit on all packets
isn't good, but it works. Using RFC1918 space to number your tunnel
routers isn't good, but it works. Filtering validating source addresses on
ingress is good, but hey, it doesn't work!

Making a good list of best practices (and then have people widely
implement them) might also go a long way towards showing concerned parties
such as the US administration that the network community consists of
responsible people that can work together for the common good.

 But if the best reason we can
 come up with is ISIS, the IEEE will just keep laughing.

Why is the IEEE laughing?

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-10 Thread Jared Mauch

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 06:36:33PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 So what then if someone runs a secure tunnel over wireless over a PPPoE
 over ADSL using mobile IPv6 that runs over a tunnel or two ad nauseum
 until the headers get bigger than 374 bytes? Then you'll have your problem
 right back. Might as well really solve it the first try.

This is a problem that would be solved by everyone being
responsible and doing pmtud properly.

 One of the problems is that there is no generally agreed on and widely
 available set of rules for this stuff. Setting the DF bit on all packets
 isn't good, but it works. Using RFC1918 space to number your tunnel
 routers isn't good, but it works. Filtering validating source addresses on
 ingress is good, but hey, it doesn't work!

I think we're starting to get at the heart of the problem
but let me stick my neck out and say it:

Registries (APNIC, ARIN, RIPE, usw) charge for ip addresses.
be it via a lease/registration fee, it's a per-ip charge that ISPs must
get via some means out of their subscribers.  (Unless people
don't care about money that is).  Back in the days, one could
obtain ip addresses from Internic saying i will not connect
to internet, i intend to connect at some later date in a
year or two .. (or similar), i intend to connect now.

People number out of 1918 space primarily for a few
reasons, be them good or not:

1) Internal use
2) Cost involved.. nobody else needs to telnet to my p2p
links but me, and i don't want to pay {regional_rir} for my
internal use to reduce costs
3) security of not being a publicly accessible

This can break many things, pmtu, multicast and various
streaming (multi)media applications.

With the past scare of we'll be out of ip addresses by 199x
still fresh in some peoples memories, they in their good consience decided
to also conserve ips via this method.

The problem is not everyone today that considers themselves
a network operator understands all the ramifications of their current
practices, be they good or bad.

Going into fantasy-land mode, if IPv6 addresses were instantly
used by everyone, people could once again obtain ips that could be
used for internal private use yet remain globally unique, therefore
allowing tracking back of who is leaking their own internal sources.

 Making a good list of best practices (and then have people widely
 implement them) might also go a long way towards showing concerned parties
 such as the US administration that the network community consists of
 responsible people that can work together for the common good.

I agree here, I personally think that numbering your internal
links out of 1918 space is not an acceptable solution unless it's
behind your natted network/firewall and does not leak out.

Perhaps some of those that are the better/brighter out there want
to start to write up a list of networking best practices.

Then test those book smart ccie/cne types with the information
to insure they understand the ramifications.  a few good whitepapers
about these might be good to include or quiz folks on.  i suspect
there's only a handful of people that actually understand the complete
end-to-end problem and all the ramifications involved as it is quite

  But if the best reason we can
  come up with is ISIS, the IEEE will just keep laughing.
 Why is the IEEE laughing?

The implication is that IEEE will not change the 802.x specs
to allow larger [default] link-local mtu due to legacy interop
issues.  imagine your circa 1989 ne2000 card attempting to process
a 4400 byte frame on your local lan.  a lot of the cheap ethernet
cards don't include enough buffering to handle such a large frame
let alone the legacy issues involved.. and remember the enterprise
networks have a far larger number of ethernet interfaces deployed
than the entire internet combined * 100 at least.  any change
to the spec would obviously affect them also.

- jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Donelan) writes:

 If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.
 Unfortunately, the only solutions I've seen involve considerable work and
 resources to implement and maintain all the exceptions needed to do 100%
 source address validation.

I had no idea this was so hard.  I guess the people who maintain AS3557 (or
AS6461 for that matter) do such a job of making this _look_ easy that I just
naturally thought it _was_ easy.  Forgive my simple minded approach, if it
really is simple minded, but... any given interface or peering session or
whatever is either customer facing, peer/transit facing, or a trunk which
leads ultimately to more customer AND more peer/transit facing interfaces
elsewhere in the network.  On customer-facing connections, there's a short
list of things they should be allowed to say as IP source addresses.  (They
might be multihomed but chances are low that you want them giving transit
to other parts of the network through you, no matter whether you do usage
sensitive billing or not.)  On transit/peer facing connections, there's a
short list of things they should NOT be allowed to send from (your own
customers, chiefly) and a short list of things you should NOT be allowed to
send them from (RFC1918 being the big example.)

Because F-root's network operator was filtering out inbound RFC1918-sourced
packets, I could only see them at C-root.  Now, F-root can also see them, so
I can once again collect stats from (and complain about stats from) both.

RFC1918 routes are allowed to float around inside AS3557, by the way, since
customers use them for VPN purposes.  So we don't filter out ingress 1918
from customer-facing interfaces; instead we filter out egress 1918 toward
our peers/transits.

Like I said, I had no idea this was generally thought to be so complicated.
Paul Vixie

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Donelan) writes:

 If provider did this, they wouldn't see any RFC1918
 traffic because it would be dropped at their provider's border routers.

Right.  But then I wouldn't be able to measure it, which would be bad.

 If provider's peer did this, again
 provider wouldn't see the rfc1918 packets.

This is the single case where not being able to measure/complain would be OK,
because the problem wouldn't be in the core, it would be (correctly) stopped
at the source-AS.

 So why doesn't provider or its peers implement this
 simple solution?  Its not a rhetorical question.  If it was so simple,
 I assume they would have done it already.

C-root's provider is also C-root's owner, and they have offerred to shut this
traffic off further upstream, as F-root's network operators were doing until
yesterday, but I asked that it not be filtered anywhere except C-root itself
(where I can measure it) or distant source-AS's (which is where it makes
Paul Vixie

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, John M. Brown wrote:
 Simulation models I've been running show that an average of 12 to 18 percent
 of a providers traffic would disappear if they filtered RFC-1918 sourced
 packets.   The percentage ranges scale with the size of the provider.
 Smaller providers, less impact, larger providers more impact.

 In addition to the bandwidth savings, there is also a support cost
 reduction and together, I believe backbone providers can see this
 on the bottom line of their balance sheets.

Testing a couple of years ago on a widely used router vendor's
implementation of uRPF showed in certain pathalogical cases a 50%
throughput hit when uRPF was turned on.  Even a single line access
list permit ip any any had a throughput hit on certain platforms.

Whether this is still true, the legend lives on.  A 20% throughput hit
won't be offset by a 12 to 18 percent bandwidth savings.  Especially on
heavily loaded circuits.  Some network engineers are reluctant to do any
type of packet filtering (uRPF or ACL based) because of the belief it will
hurt performance (latency, throughput, etc).

While I think its a good idea, and generally do it on any network I design
from scratch; so far you really haven't given me much ammo to convince
people to change what is already working for them.

Going back to the IBM/Ahmdal mainframe days, the traditional requirement
to get people to change was it needed to be 30% cheaper or 30% better.
Anything less, and it was usually wasn't worth the effort of making the
change, especially if the current system didn't have a visible problem.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

 [ On Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at 22:34:51 (+0100), Stephen J. Wilcox wrote: ]
  Subject: Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)
  So I guess you may argue block RFC1918 tcp inbound but icmp and udp .. you start
  to break things, perhaps that is why large providers dont do this on backbone
 Such things REALLY _NEEED_ to be broken, and the sooner the better as
 then perhaps the offenders will fix such things sooner too, because they
 are by definition already broken and in violation of RFC 1918 and good
 common sense.

Ok but real world calling. I have tried this and when customers find something
doesnt work on your network but it does on your competitor you make it work even
if that means breaking rules.

You've snipped the other comments from my email which goes on to say take any
RFC for a protocol eg POP, SMTP etc and look at whats actually being done with
it, most commonly look at how Microsoft have implemented it or what the big ISPs
are doing on their servers etc and you either tow the line or your service


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Joe Abley

On Wednesday, Oct 9, 2002, at 11:36 Canada/Eastern, Stephen J. Wilcox 

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

 Such things REALLY _NEEED_ to be broken, and the sooner the better as
 then perhaps the offenders will fix such things sooner too, because 
 are by definition already broken and in violation of RFC 1918 and good
 common sense.

 Ok but real world calling. I have tried this and when customers find 
 doesnt work on your network but it does on your competitor you make it 
 work even
 if that means breaking rules.

What services require transport of packets with RFC1918 source 
addresses across the public network?

I can think of esoteric examples of things it would be possible to do, 
but nothing that a real-world user might need (or have occasion to 
complain about).

Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It 
would be interesting to hear details.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread David Schwartz

Ok but real world calling. I have tried this and when customers find
doesnt work on your network but it does on your competitor you make it
work even
if that means breaking rules.

What services require transport of packets with RFC1918 source
addresses across the public network?

I can think of esoteric examples of things it would be possible to do,
but nothing that a real-world user might need (or have occasion to
complain about).

Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It
would be interesting to hear details.

Loss of ICMP packets generated by links with endpoints numbered in RFC1918
space. Holes in traceroutes, broken PMTU detection.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Sean Donelan

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:
 What services require transport of packets with RFC1918 source
 addresses across the public network?

 I can think of esoteric examples of things it would be possible to do,
 but nothing that a real-world user might need (or have occasion to
 complain about).

 Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It
 would be interesting to hear details.

Check the archives, its been covered every time this issue has come up...

   a. Intra-provider links using RFC1918 addresses and MTU changes/PMTU
   b. Traceroutes TTL exceeded packets across RFC1918 intra-provider links

People used to have lots of problems with Home customers trying to access
their websites if their filtered RFC1918 addresses using large MTU
connected servers (i.e. non-ethernet).  Ok, so Home is out of business,
but I'm sure there are other similar cases which would break.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Stephen Stuart

 Loss of ICMP packets generated by links with endpoints numbered in RFC1918 
 space. Holes in traceroutes, broken PMTU detection.

Sherman, set the Way-Back Machine for August:

To: David Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NSPs filter? 
In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 08 Aug 2002 17:57:35 PDT.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@whenever 
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 18:45:17 -0700
From: Stephen Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In August you said it this way:

   One thing that sometimes comes up is that people do number links using 
 RFC1918 address space which occasionally results in an ICMP 'fragmentation 
 needed but DF bit set' packet with an RFC1918 source address. Filtering out 
 this packet could result in TCP breaking.

I still say this:

That can be accomodated; behold, all the joy of PMTUD, with none of
the other crap from designated special-use address space:

firewall {
family inet {
filter external-filter {
term allow-icmp-unreach {
from {
protocol icmp;
icmp-type unreachable;
icmp-code fragmentation-needed;
then {
count allow-icmp-need-frag;
term allow-icmp-timxceed {
from {
protocol icmp;
icmp-type time-exceeded;
icmp-code [ ttl-eq-zero-during-transit 
ttl-eq-zero-during-reassembly ];
then {
count allow-icmp-timxceed;
term deny-rfc1918 {
from {
source-address {;;;
then {
count deny-rfc1918;
term deny-test {
from {
source-address {;
then {
count deny-test-net;
term deny-autoconfig {
from {
source-address {;
then {
count deny-autoconfig;
term LAST {
then accept;

Application is left as an exercise to the reader.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread alex

 Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It
 would be interesting to hear details.
   Loss of ICMP packets generated by links with endpoints numbered in RFC1918
 space. Holes in traceroutes, broken PMTU detection.

Why do those links have endpoints in RFC1918 space to begin with?


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Paul Vixie

 Just out of interest how do you co-ordinate use of RFC 1918 addresses
 and routes amongst your customers?  Do you run a registry for them, or
 do you just let them fight it out and the one with the biggest packets
 wins or something like that?

there's a registry.  we also maintain IN-ADDR zones for them and 
encourage the use of stub zones in customer name servers in order
to direct their queries toward the local RFC1918 registry.

now, i'll admit that it took almost two hours to get this working
initially, and almost a week for it to settle down, and that the
network is small -- only about 50 customers.  but for the last
few years no RFC1918-sourced traffic, nor any RFC1918-IN-ADDR DNS
query, has egressed from this network.  it can't be THAT hard.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:

 On Wednesday, Oct 9, 2002, at 11:36 Canada/Eastern, Stephen J. Wilcox 
  On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:
  Such things REALLY _NEEED_ to be broken, and the sooner the better as
  then perhaps the offenders will fix such things sooner too, because 
  are by definition already broken and in violation of RFC 1918 and good
  common sense.
  Ok but real world calling. I have tried this and when customers find 
  doesnt work on your network but it does on your competitor you make it 
  work even
  if that means breaking rules.
 What services require transport of packets with RFC1918 source 
 addresses across the public network?

None afaik which is why they should be blocked - on ingress from customer links.
Dont get me wrong, I'm just sharing experience not ethics and saying we should
all adhere to the RFC but if you apply filters that assume others are also doing
so you may be surprised..

Without repeating myself or list archives its all very well strictly following
all the RFC guidelines and saying to tell the planet its Microsoft or Home's
fault its not working but the customers really dont buy it and they will go
elsewhere and it mightnt be about corporate $$$s but those same $$$s pay your
wages and then it starts to hurt!

 I can think of esoteric examples of things it would be possible to do, 
 but nothing that a real-world user might need (or have occasion to 
 complain about).

On a related issue (pMTU) I recently discovered that using a link with MTU 
1500 breaks a massive chunk of the net - specifically mail and webservers who
block all inbound icmp.. the servers assume 1500, send out the packets with DF
set, they hit the link generating an icmp frag, icmp is filtered and data
stops. Culprits included several major ISP/Telcos ... I'd love to tell the
customer the link is fine its the rest of the Internet at fault but in the end I
just forced the DF bit clear as a temp workaround before finally swapping out to
MTU 1500!

 Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It 
 would be interesting to hear details.

I did attempt strict ingress filtering at borders after a DoS some time ago, I
figured I'd disallow any non public addresses. I took it off within a day after
a number of customers found a whole bunch of things had stopped working...

Unfortunately I cant give you an example as this was a while back and I dont
have the details to hand. 

But if anyone with an appreciable sized customer base wants to try implementing
such filters feel free to forward the customer issues to the list as references!


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread David Schwartz

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 15:53:40 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you have experience of such breakage from your own customers? It
would be interesting to hear details.

Loss of ICMP packets generated by links with endpoints numbered in
space. Holes in traceroutes, broken PMTU detection.

Why do those links have endpoints in RFC1918 space to begin with?


Because some administrators are ignorant, clueless, or malicious. We don't
all have the luxury of saying, It doesn't work on our network and it does on
our competitor's, and we could fix it if we wanted to at no significant harm
to us, but we won't because we are in the right.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread alex

 would be interesting to hear details.
 Loss of ICMP packets generated by links with endpoints numbered in
 space. Holes in traceroutes, broken PMTU detection.
 Why do those links have endpoints in RFC1918 space to begin with?
   Because some administrators are ignorant, clueless, or malicious. We don't
 all have the luxury of saying, It doesn't work on our network and it does on
 our competitor's, and we could fix it if we wanted to at no significant harm
 to us, but we won't because we are in the right.

In that case you should not complain about 1918 space being used for say..
attacking you either. After all, it does work on the network of your


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Stephen Gill

the docs arent indexed in the web search tool yet, JUNOS 5.5 adds the
ability to perform loose uRPF now.

[edit int name unit 0 family

set rpf-check mode loose

for wrapping



 8 Oct 2002 12:29:48

Jared Mauch

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re:
what's that smell?)

 Oct 08, 2002 at 10:15:28AM
-0600, Danny McPherson wrote:

 reachable-via any means you're only going to drop the packet
if you

 don't have *ANY* route back to them. 

What's a route? An
IP RIB instance? A BGP Loc-RIB instance?

IP prefix entry?
A BGP Adj-RIB-In instance?

I think you mean if you don't have *ANY* **FIB** entry for the 

 source address.

If I peer with two large providers on the same router and both 

have prefix D.1 behind them and advertise the prefix to me, it's

likely that only one of those two paths is going to
make it into 

the BGP Loc-RIB (and subsequently, the IP RIB then

If I use ANY FIB entry as proof that it's a valid source then 

that only addresses RFC1918ish space and only suggest
that I 

first need to generate an invalid BGP route for the
prefix, then 

spoof the packets. This doesn't fix
spoofing with global IP


If I use only entries that occur in the RIB and associate them 

with the receiving interface and receive a packet with
an SA of 

D.1 from the peer whose path wasn't installed in the BGP 

Loc-RIB then I'll drop it. (And
there's nothing broken with 

this configuration -- it's why we have routers with 1

BGP paths but only 150K routes/fib entries, as I'm sure you 


If you're going to do source address validation then you need 

to associated all potential valid paths for a given
prefix with 

the associated ingress interface, else it's mostly

 Yes, but if i continue in my ideal situation of people

(mostly) filter their bgp
customers, so they won't announce the

1918 space, or similar. even the large
peers filter out each other

they don't pick up 1918 announcements.
Plus people use Robs 

IOS Template to drop extraneous bgp
announcements for

space (from IANA).

 I'm not
purporting this as a solution to all problems on

internet, but if one walks before one runs this is a reasonable

step in
the correct direction. Or at least a nice bandaid (duct tape?)

help keep the network in a bit more sensible shape. And if everyone

it, it would help with the orignal problem/statistics
posted about

much 1918 space was hitting one specific root server.

 I am interested
in hearing other solutions to the problem

extra validations such as the above, but those aren't

today and what i'm suggesting is in the 12.0S and

IOS images and probally

 - Jared


 Mauch |
pgp key available via finger from

clue++; | My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Wed, 09 Oct 2002 23:05:59 BST, Stephen J. Wilcox said:

 On a related issue (pMTU) I recently discovered that using a link with MTU 
 1500 breaks a massive chunk of the net - specifically mail and webservers who
 block all inbound icmp.. the servers assume 1500, send out the packets with DF

My personal pet peeve is the opposite - we'll try to use pMTU, some provider
along the way sees fit to run it through a tunnel, so the MTU there is 1460
instead of 1500 - and the chuckleheads number the tunnel endpoints out of
1918 space - so the 'ICMP Frag Needed' gets tossed at our border routers,
because we do both ingress and egress filtering.  It's bad enough when all
the interfaces on the offending unit are 1918-space, but it's really annoying
when the critter has perfectly good non-1918 addresses it could use as
the source... Argh...
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-09 Thread Steve Francis

 My personal pet peeve is the opposite - we'll try to use pMTU, some
 along the way sees fit to run it through a tunnel, so the MTU there is
 instead of 1500 - and the chuckleheads number the tunnel endpoints out
 1918 space - so the 'ICMP Frag Needed' gets tossed at our border
 because we do both ingress and egress filtering.  
That's not terribly hard to overcome - allow icmp unreachables (from any 
source) in your acl,  then deny all traffic from RFC 1918 addresses, 
then the rest of the ACL.

Combined with CAR (or CatOS QoS rate limiting) on icmp's, you end up 
with all the functionality, and almost none of the bogus traffic.

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

 FWIW, almost nobody filters rfc1918 packets outbound and a good
 percentage of ISP customers bleed these something terrible

Actually, that's a good thing. This makes it trivial to detect which peers
aren't doing egress filtering. If people just filtered RFC 1918 space,
everything would just look better, but the underlying problem wouldn't be
solved: it would still be possible to launch very hard to trace or stop
denial of service attacks from those networks.

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Kelly J. Cooper

Nope.  As previously established, there are ISPs out there using RFC1918
networks in their infrastructure.  Also, egress filtering is NOT easy, so
even those ISPs doing it may not be able to do it universally.  Plus, lots
of attacks these days are mixing spoofed and legit traffic, or doing
limited spoofing (i.e. picking random addresses on the LAN where they
originate to make it past filters).

Kelly J.

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

  FWIW, almost nobody filters rfc1918 packets outbound and a good
  percentage of ISP customers bleed these something terrible

 Actually, that's a good thing. This makes it trivial to detect which peers
 aren't doing egress filtering. If people just filtered RFC 1918 space,
 everything would just look better, but the underlying problem wouldn't be
 solved: it would still be possible to launch very hard to trace or stop
 denial of service attacks from those networks.

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Kelly J. Cooper wrote:

 Also, egress filtering is NOT easy,

I don't care. And it doesn't have to be egress filtering as such,
filtering packets you receive from your customers will work just as well.

 Plus, lots of attacks these days are mixing spoofed and legit traffic,
 or doing limited spoofing (i.e. picking random addresses on the LAN
 where they originate to make it past filters).

What's your point? That because someone can do bad thing #1 that can't be
prevented, we should allow them to do bad thing #2 that can?

If they use (semi-) legitmate addresses, at the very least I can track
them and with some effort I can filter them. If they spoof then I can't do
anything. This is not acceptable.

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Mike Tancsa

At 10:34 AM 08/10/2002 -0400, Joe Abley wrote:

What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses 
before they leave your network?

I kind of assumed that people weren't doing it because they were lazy.

I am sure thats part of it.  Also, it might be a CPU issue as well.


RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Al Rowland


There're multiple answers depending on what you mean by DNS server one

Whois on the domain will list the DNS servers of record. Some domains
also spread load over RNS servers so a dig, per a previous answer, will
give more specific announced servers currently in the zone files.

If you're using a current Windows box ipconfig /all at a command prompt
will show the actual DNS your machine is caching. There are similar *nix
commands but I'm not at home right now...

Best regards,
Alan Rowland

-Original Message-
Jason Lixfeld
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 4:15 PM
To: 'Dan Hollis'
Cc: 'Stephen J. Wilcox'; 'Paul Vixie'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: what's that smell?

Hope this doesn't come across as DNS-101, but is there some way to tell
what DNS server one uses?  Kinda like telnetting to port 80 or 25?  I
know if it is possible, it's just as possible for them to change the
output, but chances are the brainiacs of the world who don't filter
probably aren't smart enough to change what their DNS server 'appears'
to be either.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dan Hollis
 Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 7:11 PM
 To: Jason Lixfeld
 Cc: 'Stephen J. Wilcox'; 'Paul Vixie'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: what's that smell?
 On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
  And to that end, I wonder how many of the bad queries are
 coming from MS
  DNS servers.
 to that end, i wonder how many of the bad queries are coming
 directly from 
 microsoft campus.
 [-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:

 Also, egress filtering is NOT easy,

 What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses
 before they leave your network?

But what's the point?

That's like complaining that the door isn't locked while the house has no

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Petri Helenius

 I am sure thats part of it.  Also, it might be a CPU issue as well.
Unicast RPF is affordable CPU-wise even in the most mediocre 
boxes people tend to have.


Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Joe Abley

On Tuesday, Oct 8, 2002, at 10:45 Canada/Eastern, Iljitsch van Beijnum 

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:

 Also, egress filtering is NOT easy,

 What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 
 before they leave your network?

 But what's the point?

Politeness, I guess. Seems rude to send traffic to peers when you 
absolutely know that the source address is inaccurate.

 That's like complaining that the door isn't locked while the house has 

Right. The no walls problem is far more usefully tackled by filtering 
inbound at the edge, not outbound.


Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:

  What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918
  addresses before they leave your network?

  But what's the point?

 Politeness, I guess. Seems rude to send traffic to peers when you
 absolutely know that the source address is inaccurate.

Politeness is good, truthfulness is usually better. If a peer isn't
properly filtering, I'd rather find out sooner (some RFC 1918 packets)
than later (DoS attack).

  That's like complaining that the door isn't locked while the house has
  no walls.

 Right. The no walls problem is far more usefully tackled by filtering
 inbound at the edge, not outbound.

No complaints from me if that is what people do.

Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Sean Donelan

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:
 What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses
 before they leave your network?

 I kind of assumed that people weren't doing it because they were lazy.

I've checked the marketing stuff of several backbones, as far as I could
tell only one makes the blanket statement about source address
validation on their entire network.

   ATT has also implemented security features directly into the backbone.
   IP Source Address Assurance is implemented at every customer
   point-of-entry to guard against hackers. ATT examines the source
   address of every inbound packet coming from customer connections to
   ensure it matches the IP address we expect to see on that packet. This
   means that the ATT IP Backbone is RFC2267-compliant.

What backbones do 100% source address validation?  And how much of it is
real, and how much is marketing? On single-homed or few-homed stub
networks its easy.  But even a moderately complex transit network it
becomes difficult.  Yes, I know about uRPF-like stuff, but the router
vendors are still tweaking it.

If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.
Unfortunately, the only solutions I've seen involve considerable work and
resources to implement and maintain all the exceptions needed to do 100%
source address validation.

Heck, the phone network still has trouble getting the correct Caller-ID

RE: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Mark Borchers

IMHO, it's not too bad if you do it at your edges.  Explicit
permits for valid source addrs is a well-known defense against
source spoofing which of course also addresses the RFC1918
leakage issue to some degree.  It's not that hard to incorporate
this into customer installation and support processes.

A lot more difficult to manage at the borders.

 -Original Message-
 Sean Donelan
 Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 10:09 AM
 To: Joe Abley
 Cc: Kelly J. Cooper; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:
  What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses
  before they leave your network?
  I kind of assumed that people weren't doing it because they were lazy.

 I've checked the marketing stuff of several backbones, as far as I could
 tell only one makes the blanket statement about source address
 validation on their entire network.

ATT has also implemented security features directly into the backbone.
IP Source Address Assurance is implemented at every customer
point-of-entry to guard against hackers. ATT examines the source
address of every inbound packet coming from customer connections to
ensure it matches the IP address we expect to see on that packet. This
means that the ATT IP Backbone is RFC2267-compliant.

 What backbones do 100% source address validation?  And how much of it is
 real, and how much is marketing? On single-homed or few-homed stub
 networks its easy.  But even a moderately complex transit network it
 becomes difficult.  Yes, I know about uRPF-like stuff, but the router
 vendors are still tweaking it.

 If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.
 Unfortunately, the only solutions I've seen involve considerable work and
 resources to implement and maintain all the exceptions needed to do 100%
 source address validation.

 Heck, the phone network still has trouble getting the correct Caller-ID

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Jared Mauch

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 11:09:10AM -0400, Sean Donelan wrote:
 If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.

to drop the rfc1918 space, there is a close to magic

install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:

ip verify unicast source reachable-via any

This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
have a way to return them in your routing table.

 Unfortunately, the only solutions I've seen involve considerable work and
 resources to implement and maintain all the exceptions needed to do 100%
 source address validation.

Juniper has a somewhat viable solution to the 100% source
validation for bgp customers.  they will consider non-best
paths in their unicast-rpf check on the customer interface.  This
means that even if is best returned via your
peer instead of via the provider the packet came in, but they
are advertizing the prefix to you, you will not drop the packet.

 Heck, the phone network still has trouble getting the correct Caller-ID

Uh, this is because it costs another 1/2 a cent a minute (or more)
to provision a caller-id capable trunk (long distance) and people just
don't want to pay the extra money and it's cheaper to not identify
oneself.  (This is why most telemarketers don't generate caller-id
or if they can, they supress it).

- jared
Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

 If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.

I strongly doubt any of the large providers perform dataplane source 
address validation from peers.  Heck, I doubt any perform explicit 
route filtering on routes learned from peers at the control plane.

Ideally, one would first employ some mechanism to generate 
*explicit* ingress BGP route filters.  With BGP Route Refresh 
the largest offshoot (manual session reset or bouncing the
route) is no longer necessary.

From there, you could either use BGP's Adj-RIBs-In in some 
uRPFish thing, or employ the same set of BGP route filters 
for source address filters.

Of course, then the lack of registry route object integrity, 
secure update mechanism, etc.., etc... comes to question.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

   install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
 interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:
 ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
   This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
 have a way to return them in your routing table.

Of course, this is the IP RIB and may not include all the 
potential paths in the BGP Adj-RIBs-In, right?  As such, 
you've still got the potential for asymmetric routing to 
break things.
   Juniper has a somewhat viable solution to the 100% source
 validation for bgp customers.  they will consider non-best
 paths in their unicast-rpf check on the customer interface.  This
 means that even if is best returned via your
 peer instead of via the provider the packet came in, but they
 are advertizing the prefix to you, you will not drop the packet.

What's a bgp customer?  Can they support 500K+ uRPF entries here?


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Jared Mauch

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:34:19AM -0600, Danny McPherson wrote:
  install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
  interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:
  ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
  This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
  have a way to return them in your routing table.
 Of course, this is the IP RIB and may not include all the 
 potential paths in the BGP Adj-RIBs-In, right?  As such, 
 you've still got the potential for asymmetric routing to 
 break things.

No, this is if i have a path in fib back to this source,
transmit else drop;

It does not validate that it is reachable via that interface, just
reachable at all.

so as long as you aren't null routing 1918 space in your network
to drop packets destined for 1918 space, it will determine there is no
route (back) and drop it.

  Juniper has a somewhat viable solution to the 100% source
  validation for bgp customers.  they will consider non-best
  paths in their unicast-rpf check on the customer interface.  This
  means that even if is best returned via your
  peer instead of via the provider the packet came in, but they
  are advertizing the prefix to you, you will not drop the packet.
 What's a bgp customer?  Can they support 500K+ uRPF entries here?

I'm not sure what the hardware limitations on the Juniper
router are with this unicast rpf.  It was introduced
recently (I think in 5.3?) and i personally have not done a
significant amount of testing with it.  I'm just offering it as
general knowledge for those that aren't aware that Juniper
has unicast rpf, and that it is somewhat different from
the cisco per-interface model as well as offering a different
type of check that may address some peoples design issues.

(this uses the bgp adj-rib-in info), not the cisco check i
describe above.

- jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 11:09:10 EDT, Sean Donelan said:
ATT has also implemented security features directly into the backbone.
IP Source Address Assurance is implemented at every customer
point-of-entry to guard against hackers. ATT examines the source
address of every inbound packet coming from customer connections to
ensure it matches the IP address we expect to see on that packet. This
means that the ATT IP Backbone is RFC2267-compliant.

Thank you, ATT.

Description: PGP signature

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Jason Lixfeld

  I am sure thats part of it.  Also, it might be a CPU issue as well.
 Unicast RPF is affordable CPU-wise even in the most mediocre 
 boxes people tend to have.

In more cases than not, especially now adays with lots of networks
peering all over gods creation, RPF can have some pretty detrimental
effects if your routing is somewhat asymmetrical.

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Jared Mauch

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 11:52:27AM -0400, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
   I am sure thats part of it.  Also, it might be a CPU issue as well.
  Unicast RPF is affordable CPU-wise even in the most mediocre 
  boxes people tend to have.
 In more cases than not, especially now adays with lots of networks
 peering all over gods creation, RPF can have some pretty detrimental
 effects if your routing is somewhat asymmetrical.

A strict rpf can be detrimental in these cases, yes, that is a
well known fact.

The problem is when people do not apply the safe checks and leak
these 1918 space out (as Paul originally pointed out how much traffic
he is observing improperly sourced that they can't return).

This is not complicated to enable the any check and you will
not lose any valid traffic.

I've seen at a public exchange point a significant amount
of traffic that has been dropped that came from invalid/unreachable

(sh ip int x/y output)
  IP verify source reachable-via ANY
   707032454 verification drops

- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Jeff Aitken

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 11:49:41AM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
  Of course, this is the IP RIB and may not include all the 
  potential paths in the BGP Adj-RIBs-In, right?  As such, 
  you've still got the potential for asymmetric routing to 
  break things.
   No, this is if i have a path in fib back to this source,
 transmit else drop;

Unless I'm missing something, that's what he said; fib == loc-rib
for the purposes of this discussion, and loc-rib is built from the
various adj-ribs-in.

That said, I'm curious to know how asymmetric routing can break
this.  As long as someone is sending (and you are installing) a
prefix that includes the source address this check will pass. 
If you don't have a route back to the source at all, that isn't
asymmetric routing, it's network partitioning, assuming the source
is legitimate.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Jared Mauch

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 12:09:56PM -0400, Jeff Aitken wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 11:49:41AM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
   Of course, this is the IP RIB and may not include all the 
   potential paths in the BGP Adj-RIBs-In, right?  As such, 
   you've still got the potential for asymmetric routing to 
   break things.
  No, this is if i have a path in fib back to this source,
  transmit else drop;
 Unless I'm missing something, that's what he said; fib == loc-rib
 for the purposes of this discussion, and loc-rib is built from the
 various adj-ribs-in.

Correct, but it is not doing a check to see if it's returnable
via the interface it came in, just if it's returnable at all.

As the fib/rib is built off of the adj-rib-in (minus filtering
and local policy), and the check on the cisco validates against
the CEF (fib) table on the Linecard (or centralized CPU in the
case of non-[fully-]distributed platforms) i wanted to clarify the
check that is performed.

 That said, I'm curious to know how asymmetric routing can break
 this.  As long as someone is sending (and you are installing) a
 prefix that includes the source address this check will pass. 
 If you don't have a route back to the source at all, that isn't
 asymmetric routing, it's network partitioning, assuming the source
 is legitimate.

Exactly.  If I can't reach you, I don't want to
have my hosts or routers spend more time than is necessary
dealing with your requests.

- Jared
Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

 reachable-via any means you're only going to drop the packet if you
 don't have *ANY* route back to them. 

What's a route?  An IP RIB instance?  A BGP Loc-RIB instance?  An IGP LSDB
IP prefix entry?  A BGP Adj-RIB-In instance?

I think you mean if you don't have *ANY* **FIB** entry for the 
source address.

If I peer with two large providers on the same router and both 
have prefix D.1 behind them and advertise the prefix to me, it's
likely that only one of those two paths is going to make it into 
the BGP Loc-RIB (and subsequently, the IP RIB then FIB).  

If I use ANY FIB entry as proof that it's a valid source then 
that only addresses RFC1918ish space and only suggest that I 
first need to generate an invalid BGP route for the prefix, then 
spoof the packets.  This doesn't fix spoofing with global IP

If I use only entries that occur in the RIB and associate them 
with the receiving interface and receive a packet with an SA of 
D.1 from the peer whose path wasn't installed in the BGP 
Loc-RIB then I'll drop it.  (And there's nothing broken with 
this configuration -- it's why we have routers with 1 million 
BGP paths but only 150K routes/fib entries, as I'm sure you 

If you're going to do source address validation then you need 
to associated all potential valid paths for a given prefix with 
the associated ingress interface, else it's mostly useless.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

There are two separate issues:

1. Making sure packets with falsified source addresses don't leave your

This can be done by having customer-specific filters on all
customer-facing interfaces. (And on interfaces connecting to any type of
hosts in case those are compromised.) Or use the plain and simple version
of uRPF, with just one caveat: when a BGP customer announces a route just
for backup, they can't use this route for outbound packets either until
their outer route disappears.

2. Making sure packets with falsified source addresses don't enter your

2a. Customers

See 1.

2b. Transit

Can't be done. (Well, you could filter traffic with source addresses from
peers that comes in over transit.)

2c. Peers

This is the part where straight uRPF doesn't work because of asymmetric
routing. However, it is possible to make this work by making every border
router always prefer its own external routes. This is easily accomplished
on Cisco routers by setting a higher weight for EBGP sessions.

No, it's not painless, and yes, it will break some weird stuff (one way
links, people legitimately sourcing packets but for strange reasons not
announcing the accompanying routes), but don't tell me it can't be done.

The catch-22 is that if you refuse to peer with people who don't do type 1
filtering so you don't have to implement 2c, you end up with the garbage
coming in over transit, where you can't filter it.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Jared Mauch

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 10:15:28AM -0600, Danny McPherson wrote:
  reachable-via any means you're only going to drop the packet if you
  don't have *ANY* route back to them. 
 What's a route?  An IP RIB instance?  A BGP Loc-RIB instance?  An IGP LSDB
 IP prefix entry?  A BGP Adj-RIB-In instance?
 I think you mean if you don't have *ANY* **FIB** entry for the 
 source address.
 If I peer with two large providers on the same router and both 
 have prefix D.1 behind them and advertise the prefix to me, it's
 likely that only one of those two paths is going to make it into 
 the BGP Loc-RIB (and subsequently, the IP RIB then FIB).  
 If I use ANY FIB entry as proof that it's a valid source then 
 that only addresses RFC1918ish space and only suggest that I 
 first need to generate an invalid BGP route for the prefix, then 
 spoof the packets.  This doesn't fix spoofing with global IP
 If I use only entries that occur in the RIB and associate them 
 with the receiving interface and receive a packet with an SA of 
 D.1 from the peer whose path wasn't installed in the BGP 
 Loc-RIB then I'll drop it.  (And there's nothing broken with 
 this configuration -- it's why we have routers with 1 million 
 BGP paths but only 150K routes/fib entries, as I'm sure you 
 If you're going to do source address validation then you need 
 to associated all potential valid paths for a given prefix with 
 the associated ingress interface, else it's mostly useless.

Yes, but if i continue in my ideal situation of people
(mostly) filter their bgp customers, so they won't announce the
1918 space, or similar.  even the large peers filter out each other
so they don't pick up 1918 announcements.  Plus people use Robs 
Secure IOS Template to drop extraneous bgp announcements for
unregistered/unassigned space (from IANA).

I'm not purporting this as a solution to all problems on
the internet, but if one walks before one runs this is a reasonable
step in the correct direction.  Or at least a nice bandaid (duct tape?)
to help keep the network in a bit more sensible shape.  And if everyone
did it, it would help with the orignal problem/statistics posted about
how much 1918 space was hitting one specific root server.

I am interested in hearing other solutions to the problem
including extra validations such as the above, but those aren't
avalable today and what i'm suggesting is in the 12.0S and 12.1E
IOS images and probally others.

- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;  |  My statements are only mine.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Danny McPherson

   Yes, but if i continue in my ideal situation of people
 (mostly) filter their bgp customers, so they won't announce the
 1918 space, or similar.  even the large peers filter out each other
 so they don't pick up 1918 announcements.  Plus people use Robs 
 Secure IOS Template to drop extraneous bgp announcements for
 unregistered/unassigned space (from IANA).

What you're doing makes plenty of sense, we agree 
on that.  I just wanted to be sure folks understood 
it doesn't validate valid sources. 


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Sean Donelan

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jared Mauch wrote:
   install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
 interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:

 ip verify unicast source reachable-via any

   This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
 have a way to return them in your routing table.

Once again, which providers do this?

If provider did this, they wouldn't see any RFC1918
traffic because it would be dropped at their provider's border routers.
If provider's peer did this, again
provider wouldn't see the rfc1918 packets.

So why doesn't provider or its peers implement this
simple solution?  Its not a rhetorical question.  If it was so simple,
I assume they would have done it already.  PSI wrote one of the original
peering agreements that almost everyone else copied.  If it was a
concern, I imagine PSI could have included the requirement,  most of
their peers would have signed it 10 years ago.  But they didn't.

Does ATT? Yes
Does UUNET? ?
Does Cable  Wireless? ?
Does Level 3? ?
Does Qwest? ?
Does Genuity? ?
Does Sprint? ?

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Dan Hollis

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
 In more cases than not, especially now adays with lots of networks
 peering all over gods creation, RPF can have some pretty detrimental
 effects if your routing is somewhat asymmetrical.

actually RPF is extremely effective especially where its highly 
asymmetrical, eg at the edge. theres virtually no reason not to RPF 
dialup/isdn/cable/dsl/etc customers for example.

[-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Jason Lixfeld

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
  In more cases than not, especially now adays with lots of networks
  peering all over gods creation, RPF can have some pretty detrimental
  effects if your routing is somewhat asymmetrical.
 actually RPF is extremely effective especially where its highly 
 asymmetrical, eg at the edge. theres virtually no reason not to RPF 
 dialup/isdn/cable/dsl/etc customers for example.

Sure, but to RPF so many customer facing edge ports in comparison to the
far fewer number of egress ports makes the implementation procedure
quite extensive.  The more configuration, the more room for errors or
oops, forgot to configure that there, not to mention change

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread John M. Brown

It seems to reason that if people started filtering RFC-1918 on 
their edge, we would see a noticable amount of traffic go away.

Simulation models I've been running show that an average of 12 to 18 percent
of a providers traffic would disappear if they filtered RFC-1918 sourced
packets.   The percentage ranges scale with the size of the provider.
Smaller providers, less impact, larger providers more impact.

In addition to the bandwidth savings, there is also a support cost
reduction and together, I believe backbone providers can see this
on the bottom line of their balance sheets.

We have to start someplace.  There is no magic answer for all cases.

RFC-1918 is easy to admin, and easy to deploy, in relative terms compared
to uRPF or similar methods.

For large and small alike it can be a positive marketing tool, if properly

john brown

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 11:09:10AM -0400, Sean Donelan wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joe Abley wrote:
  What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses
  before they leave your network?
  I kind of assumed that people weren't doing it because they were lazy.
 I've checked the marketing stuff of several backbones, as far as I could
 tell only one makes the blanket statement about source address
 validation on their entire network.
ATT has also implemented security features directly into the backbone.
IP Source Address Assurance is implemented at every customer
point-of-entry to guard against hackers. ATT examines the source
address of every inbound packet coming from customer connections to
ensure it matches the IP address we expect to see on that packet. This
means that the ATT IP Backbone is RFC2267-compliant.
 What backbones do 100% source address validation?  And how much of it is
 real, and how much is marketing? On single-homed or few-homed stub
 networks its easy.  But even a moderately complex transit network it
 becomes difficult.  Yes, I know about uRPF-like stuff, but the router
 vendors are still tweaking it.
 If there is a magic solution, I would love to hear about it.
 Unfortunately, the only solutions I've seen involve considerable work and
 resources to implement and maintain all the exceptions needed to do 100%
 source address validation.
 Heck, the phone network still has trouble getting the correct Caller-ID

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread John M. Brown

Those are reasons against.

We in the technical community need to develop or modify our tools to
make those tasks easier.

Hire a lazy but smart admin! :)

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 02:45:22PM -0400, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
  On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
   In more cases than not, especially now adays with lots of networks
   peering all over gods creation, RPF can have some pretty detrimental
   effects if your routing is somewhat asymmetrical.
  actually RPF is extremely effective especially where its highly 
  asymmetrical, eg at the edge. theres virtually no reason not to RPF 
  dialup/isdn/cable/dsl/etc customers for example.
 Sure, but to RPF so many customer facing edge ports in comparison to the
 far fewer number of egress ports makes the implementation procedure
 quite extensive.  The more configuration, the more room for errors or
 oops, forgot to configure that there, not to mention change

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Dan Hollis

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
 Sure, but to RPF so many customer facing edge ports in comparison to the
 far fewer number of egress ports makes the implementation procedure
 quite extensive.  The more configuration, the more room for errors or
 oops, forgot to configure that there, not to mention change

For most RASen and routers its a single configuration statement, and far 
less complex than most all other RASen and router configurations. In many 
cases RPF is enabled by default (and imho should be enabled by default 
by many more vendors).

Your job as a good netizen is not to allow shit to be injected at your 
edges into the backbones. As untraceable and RFC1918 packets increase, 
expect the community to become less and less tolerant of bad netizens.

[-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread bdragon

 So why doesn't provider or its peers implement this
 simple solution?  Its not a rhetorical question.  If it was so simple,
 I assume they would have done it already.  PSI wrote one of the original
 peering agreements that almost everyone else copied.  If it was a
 concern, I imagine PSI could have included the requirement,  most of
 their peers would have signed it 10 years ago.  But they didn't.

My guess would be inertia. It tends to take quite some time to get
people off their butts to do something.

It is also a feature which protects others more than it protects you,
and there are serious psychological hurdles many providers (cf peering)
have to doing anything which might benefit someone else more than
it benefits them, even if it will benefit everyone over the long term.

Was uRPF even available 10 years ago?

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, John M. Brown wrote:

 It seems to reason that if people started filtering RFC-1918 on
 their edge, we would see a noticable amount of traffic go away.

 Simulation models I've been running show that an average of 12 to 18 percent
 of a providers traffic would disappear if they filtered RFC-1918 sourced

That is hard very to believe, unless you are referring to the load on the
root nameservers. Since they obviously don't receive a reply, these
resolvers will keep coming back.

 In addition to the bandwidth savings, there is also a support cost
 reduction and together, I believe backbone providers can see this
 on the bottom line of their balance sheets.

 We have to start someplace.  There is no magic answer for all cases.

 RFC-1918 is easy to admin, and easy to deploy, in relative terms compared
 to uRPF or similar methods.

uRPF is easier: one configuration command per interface. A filter for RFC
1918 space is also one configuration command per interface, and some
command to create the filter.

 For large and small alike it can be a positive marketing tool, if properly

Sure. We can't be bothered to do proper filtering, but since filter
0.39% of what we should, we are cool.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread John M. Brown

Why is it hard to believe that a large amount of RFC-1918 sourced
traffic is floating around the net?

Root name servers are just one victim of this trash.  DOS, DDOS and
other just stupid configurations contribute to the pile.

My data is from various core servers, and various clients of ours
We look at the ingres traffic and see these kinds of numbers.

In the day of the InternetBoom (growth period)  people wanted to see
traffic and capacity used up.  It helped fuel the need for more fiber
growth, and thus spending.

Now that we are in more realistic times, providers need to save money
and reduce costs.

Costs can be reduced in several areas:

1. Egress filtering, don't let RFC-1918 packets out of your network.
2. Spoof filtering.
3. Better tools to mitigate DOS/DDOS attacks.  The technology exists
   for say, cable providers to reduce port scans and DOS type attacks.

If 1 and 2 are done, this will reduce complaint calls from non-customers,
which reduces man hour cycles.

john brown

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:17:46PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, John M. Brown wrote:
  It seems to reason that if people started filtering RFC-1918 on
  their edge, we would see a noticable amount of traffic go away.
  Simulation models I've been running show that an average of 12 to 18 percent
  of a providers traffic would disappear if they filtered RFC-1918 sourced
 That is hard very to believe, unless you are referring to the load on the
 root nameservers. Since they obviously don't receive a reply, these
 resolvers will keep coming back.
  In addition to the bandwidth savings, there is also a support cost
  reduction and together, I believe backbone providers can see this
  on the bottom line of their balance sheets.
  We have to start someplace.  There is no magic answer for all cases.
  RFC-1918 is easy to admin, and easy to deploy, in relative terms compared
  to uRPF or similar methods.
 uRPF is easier: one configuration command per interface. A filter for RFC
 1918 space is also one configuration command per interface, and some
 command to create the filter.
  For large and small alike it can be a positive marketing tool, if properly
 Sure. We can't be bothered to do proper filtering, but since filter
 0.39% of what we should, we are cool.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread alex

 In addition to the bandwidth savings, there is also a support cost
 reduction and together, I believe backbone providers can see this
 on the bottom line of their balance sheets.

If the backbone providers bill their customers for traffic, then filtering
out those packets would let them bill less. Since their costs are fixed, and
the amount of billable traffic decreases, the break-even price per meg goes
up, not down. They wont filter up until it would be more expensive not to


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, John M. Brown wrote:

 Why is it hard to believe that a large amount of RFC-1918 sourced
 traffic is floating around the net?

Because if 20% of all people generate this crap (which is a huge number)
it must be 90% of their traffic to get at 18%. How can someone generate so
much useless traffic and keep doing it, too?

 Root name servers are just one victim of this trash.  DOS, DDOS and
 other just stupid configurations contribute to the pile.

So only allow proper source addresses, that's the first step towards
getting rid of DoS.

 Costs can be reduced in several areas:

 1. Egress filtering, don't let RFC-1918 packets out of your network.

I'm not convinced this is (in general) a substantial amount of traffic.

 2. Spoof filtering.
 3. Better tools to mitigate DOS/DDOS attacks.  The technology exists
for say, cable providers to reduce port scans and DOS type attacks.

I would happily kick anyone doing anything that is conclusively abusive
off the net. But access providers aren't going to do this because it costs
them money. Being a good netizen doesn't do them any good. I'm reminded of
the two guys walking over the Serengeti, and they spot a lion. One guy
bends down to tie his shoe laces, and the other says: what are you doing,
you can't outrun a lion! The first guy says: I don't have to, as long as I
can outrun you. People aren't in any hurry to protect the common good,
they just want to keep one step ahead of those who get in trouble for not
doing enough.

 If 1 and 2 are done, this will reduce complaint calls from non-customers,
 which reduces man hour cycles.

Don't count on it. Some people start calling when they're pinged.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Dan Hollis

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They wont filter up until it would be more expensive not to filter.

Gross/Willfull negligence lawsuits? Im sure one of these days a large 
corporation like ebay/m$/etc will be annoyed enough at backbone providers 
spoof-DOSing them to file a lawsuit. Then it will suddenly become more 
expensive not to filter. Im rather suprised such lawsuits havent already 

[-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

RE: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Mark Borchers

  2. Spoof filtering.
  3. Better tools to mitigate DOS/DDOS attacks.  The technology exists
 for say, cable providers to reduce port scans and DOS type attacks.

 I would happily kick anyone doing anything that is conclusively abusive
 off the net. But access providers aren't going to do this because it costs
 them money. Being a good netizen doesn't do them any good. I'm reminded of
 the two guys walking over the Serengeti, and they spot a lion. One guy
 bends down to tie his shoe laces, and the other says: what are you doing,
 you can't outrun a lion! The first guy says: I don't have to, as long as I
 can outrun you. People aren't in any hurry to protect the common good,
 they just want to keep one step ahead of those who get in trouble for not
 doing enough.

I guess you are describing the result of the bean counters' vision
of an Ideal World colliding with the engineer's concept of poor technical

I can't buy the above reasoning, though, for two reasons.

First, I just don't think there are bean counters clueful enough to
sit around calculating return-on-investment (or lack thereof) on source-
address filtering.  And insofar as that is true, it is a mighty good
thing, as it prolongs the time when engineering practice is still within
the purview of engineers.

Second, I think there are still enough people around who remember how
Agis was hounded out of business for being spam-friendly.  Nobody wants
the same thing to happen to them, and to avoid it, will avoid even the
perception of irresponsible operation.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 22:06:12 +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

 Because if 20% of all people generate this crap (which is a huge number)
 it must be 90% of their traffic to get at 18%. How can someone generate so
 much useless traffic and keep doing it, too?

How much you want to bet that *all* the internal backbone traffic from these
sites is pouring out into the Internet, and they've had to upgrade from a T1 to
a DS3 and are looking at a OC3, and the service provider is keeping their mouth
shut because they can just catch an OC3's worth of packets and drop most of
them on the floor (because they don't have a route to the 1918 destination
address - only the random stuff with actual valid destinations like a root
nameserver gets forwarded).  Oh, and since 90% of their traffic is dropped on
the floor, they can provision an OC3 to the customer and still only need to
provision a DS3 upstream.  If 20% of your customers do this, you can just label
it cash cow.. ;)

If you thought there was disincentive for people selling transit to filter,
this is even worse... ;)
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Barb Dijker

At 11:51 AM 10/8/02 -0700, John M. Brown wrote:

We in the technical community need to develop or modify our tools to
make those tasks easier.

So right. I don't know what the fuss is all about.  Not that our little ISP 
matters in the grand scheme of things... but we've always blocked RFC1918 
sources the old fashioned way, even though it appears to be less than .05% 
(by packet) of our border traffic:

Extended IP access list 101
 deny ip any
 deny ip any (110170 matches)
 deny ip any
 deny ip any (130473 matches)
 permit ip any any (530422134 matches)

We get just as much (.05%) RFC1918 coming _into_ our podunk network (that 
we also block).  If that much is coming down my insignificant alley, I have 
no problem believing your 12-18% numbers at tier 1.  Those packets are by 
definition junk or malicious junk packets.  They have no business being on 
any pipe that is not a leaf enterprise.

(incoming - abbreviated)
Extended IP access list 100
 deny ip any (111 matches)
 deny ip any (105016 matches)
 deny ip any (27671 matches)
 deny ip any (66627 matches)
 permit ip any any (475732704 matches)

The big guys apparently have so much bandwidth to spare that these and 
other unverifiable, unrepliable packets don't matter to them.  If DoS and 
other activity hurt them as much as it hurt folks like us, there would be 
fewer excuses and more solutions and implementations.

ISPs bill customers for traffic on the edge.  If you filter one hop from 
the edge (interior of the edge router - fewer interfaces that way too) or 
at your border, then you can have your cake (money from the customer) and 
eat it too (filter RFC1918).  Of course you would then be charging 
customers for packets you don't pass.  They'll never know, and I never met 
a bean counter that cared about such details anyway... if bean counters are 
making routing policies.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Because if 20% of all people generate this crap (which is a huge number)
  it must be 90% of their traffic to get at 18%. How can someone generate so
  much useless traffic and keep doing it, too?

 How much you want to bet that *all* the internal backbone traffic from these
 sites is pouring out into the Internet, and they've had to upgrade from a T1 to
 a DS3 and are looking at a OC3, and the service provider is keeping their mouth
 shut because they can just catch an OC3's worth of packets and drop most of
 them on the floor

Ok, but how do you generate megabits worth of traffic for which there is
no return traffic? At some level, someone or something must be trying to
do something _really hard_ but keep failing every time. It just doesn't
make sense.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Dan Hollis

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 Ok, but how do you generate megabits worth of traffic for which there is
 no return traffic?

spammers... smurfers... attackers...

 At some level, someone or something must be trying to do something 
 _really hard_ but keep failing every time.

spammers... smurfers... attackers...

 It just doesn't make sense.

Yes, it doesnt make sense to not filter.

[-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 22:57:42 +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

 Ok, but how do you generate megabits worth of traffic for which there is
 no return traffic? At some level, someone or something must be trying to
 do something _really hard_ but keep failing every time. It just doesn't
 make sense.

Imagine if you will the following config:

(pipe to ISP)  +--+  DMZ 10.1.1/24 +-+  internal 192.68.1/22
===|router|| NAT |---

Now give the router a default route to the ISP - and then screw the NAT
config up so 198.68.1 packets show up on the DMZ.  Or have something catch
a broken RIP announcement.. or any number of stupid things.  Whoosh, instant
money for the ISP.. ;)

Last April (2001), while worrying about the NTP buffer overflow, we ran
a trace to see where NTP packets were going.  In a 10 minute span, we
caught no less than 6 packets looking for an address that had been a
stratum-2 server - 11 years previously.

They've probably generated megabits of data for so long that they don't
even realize there's a problem.  The perpetrators have retired or moved on,
and the incumbent admins don't see anything anomalous since it's always been
that way.  Remember - the sort of admin that's not clued enough to get his
NAT to behave is probably the sort that wouldn't know how to run a network
monitor on his outbound pipe either.  Lots of unclued admins out there...
Valdis Kletnieks
Computer Systems Senior Engineer
Virginia Tech

Description: PGP signature

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Sean Donelan wrote:

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jared Mauch wrote:
  install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
  interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:
  ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
  This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
  have a way to return them in your routing table.
 Once again, which providers do this?
 If provider did this, they wouldn't see any RFC1918
 traffic because it would be dropped at their provider's border routers.
 If provider's peer did this, again
 provider wouldn't see the rfc1918 packets.
 So why doesn't provider or its peers implement this
 simple solution?  Its not a rhetorical question.  If it was so simple,
 I assume they would have done it already.  PSI wrote one of the original
 peering agreements that almost everyone else copied.  If it was a
 concern, I imagine PSI could have included the requirement,  most of
 their peers would have signed it 10 years ago.  But they didn't.

If you do it on ingress from customers then this is probably a good thing and
makes your network compliant to RfC1918.

But you need to accept the internet isnt RFC1918 compliant in the same way that
we implement hacks in all kinds of applications to enable compatibility with
other non-RFC compliant implementations. You try running an RFC822 compliant
mail server as an example and see how many microsoft users complain they cant
send email!

Not all IP packets require a return, indeed only TCP requires it. It is quite
possible to send data over the internet on UDP or ICMP with RFC1918 source
addresses and for their to be no issue. Examples of this might be icmp fragments
or UDP syslog which altho shouldnt according to RFC1918 be on these source
addresses might be and if you block these on major backbone routes you may break

So I guess you may argue block RFC1918 tcp inbound but icmp and udp .. you start
to break things, perhaps that is why large providers dont do this on backbone


 Does ATT? Yes
 Does UUNET? ?
 Does Cable  Wireless? ?
 Does Level 3? ?
 Does Qwest? ?
 Does Genuity? ?
 Does Sprint? ?

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Randy Bush

 What is difficult about dropping packets sourced from RFC1918 addresses
 before they leave your network?
 But what's the point?

rfc 1918 sec 3

   Because private addresses have no global meaning, routing information
   about private networks shall not be propagated on inter-enterprise
   links, and packets with private source or destination addresses
   should not be forwarded across such links.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Barb Dijker

At 10:34 PM 10/8/02 +0100, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
Not all IP packets require a return, indeed only TCP requires it. It is quite
possible to send data over the internet on UDP or ICMP with RFC1918 source
addresses and for their to be no issue. Examples of this might be icmp 
or UDP syslog which altho shouldnt according to RFC1918 be on these source
addresses might be and if you block these on major backbone routes you may 

No.  Filtering RFC1918 doesn't break anything.  It merely shows you what 
was already broken and you didn't know it.  If you have a box that is 
putting an RFC1918 source address in its packets destined for external 
nets, and it doesn't get NAT'd, your net config is broken.


Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread Randy Bush

 Why is it hard to believe that a large amount of RFC-1918 sourced
 traffic is floating around the net?
 Because if 20% of all people generate this crap (which is a huge number)
 it must be 90% of their traffic to get at 18%. How can someone generate so
 much useless traffic and keep doing it, too?

funny question from someone who reads this mailing list :-)

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-08 Thread Jim Hickstein

--On Tuesday, October 8, 2002 2:56 PM -0600 Barb Dijker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ISPs bill customers for traffic on the edge.  If you filter one hop from
 the edge (interior of the edge router - fewer interfaces that way too) or
 at your border, then you can have your cake (money from the customer) and
 eat it too (filter RFC1918).  Of course you would then be charging
 customers for packets you don't pass.  They'll never know, and I never
 met a bean counter that cared about such details anyway... if bean
 counters are making routing policies.

I count both packets and beans, and as a customer (though not Barb's), I 
think such a charge is entirely within reason -- because it is under my 
control.  Have some more cake.

Re: Who does source address validation? (was Re: what's that smell?)

2002-10-08 Thread John M. Brown

I believe the RFC states

SHALL NOT  propigate these out to the global net.


On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 10:34:51PM +0100, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Sean Donelan wrote:
  On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Jared Mauch wrote:
 install this on all your internal, upstream, downstream
   interfaces (cisco router) [cef required]:
   ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
 This will drop all packets on the interface that do not
   have a way to return them in your routing table.
  Once again, which providers do this?
  If provider did this, they wouldn't see any RFC1918
  traffic because it would be dropped at their provider's border routers.
  If provider's peer did this, again
  provider wouldn't see the rfc1918 packets.
  So why doesn't provider or its peers implement this
  simple solution?  Its not a rhetorical question.  If it was so simple,
  I assume they would have done it already.  PSI wrote one of the original
  peering agreements that almost everyone else copied.  If it was a
  concern, I imagine PSI could have included the requirement,  most of
  their peers would have signed it 10 years ago.  But they didn't.
 If you do it on ingress from customers then this is probably a good thing and
 makes your network compliant to RfC1918.
 But you need to accept the internet isnt RFC1918 compliant in the same way that
 we implement hacks in all kinds of applications to enable compatibility with
 other non-RFC compliant implementations. You try running an RFC822 compliant
 mail server as an example and see how many microsoft users complain they cant
 send email!
 Not all IP packets require a return, indeed only TCP requires it. It is quite
 possible to send data over the internet on UDP or ICMP with RFC1918 source
 addresses and for their to be no issue. Examples of this might be icmp fragments
 or UDP syslog which altho shouldnt according to RFC1918 be on these source
 addresses might be and if you block these on major backbone routes you may break
 So I guess you may argue block RFC1918 tcp inbound but icmp and udp .. you start
 to break things, perhaps that is why large providers dont do this on backbone
  Does ATT? Yes
  Does UUNET? ?
  Does Cable  Wireless? ?
  Does Level 3? ?
  Does Qwest? ?
  Does Genuity? ?
  Does Sprint? ?

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-07 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

to that end why doesnt bind ship with default zone files for rfc1918 space as
well as ?


On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Paul Vixie wrote:

 since the last time we cleared the firewall statistics on,
 1895GB of udp/53 input has led to 6687GB of udp/53 output, but, and this is
 the important part now so pay attention, 185GB of input was dropped due to an
 RFC1918 source address.
 who needs DDOS when most network operators aren't filtering RFC1918 on output?
 (there's only been 4.2GB of udp/2002 and other wormy traffic, by comparison.)
 current winners of the sustained input traffic over 100KBits/sec award are,, and  c-root keeps on ignoring
 you, but you just never give up.  congradulations, or something.
 (note that c-root's network operator has offered to filter RFC1918 on
 input from other AS's, but it's actually useful to keep on measuring it.)

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-07 Thread Jason Lixfeld

And to that end, I wonder how many of the bad queries are coming from MS
DNS servers.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Stephen J. Wilcox
 Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 7:05 PM
 To: Paul Vixie
 Subject: Re: what's that smell?
 to that end why doesnt bind ship with default zone files for 
 rfc1918 space as
 well as ?
 On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Paul Vixie wrote:
  since the last time we cleared the firewall statistics on,
  1895GB of udp/53 input has led to 6687GB of udp/53 output, 
 but, and this is
  the important part now so pay attention, 185GB of input was 
 dropped due to an
  RFC1918 source address.
  who needs DDOS when most network operators aren't filtering 
 RFC1918 on output?
  (there's only been 4.2GB of udp/2002 and other wormy 
 traffic, by comparison.)
  current winners of the sustained input traffic over 
 100KBits/sec award are,, and  c-root 
 keeps on ignoring
  you, but you just never give up.  congradulations, or something.
  (note that c-root's network operator has offered to filter 
 RFC1918 on
  input from other AS's, but it's actually useful to keep on 
 measuring it.)

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-07 Thread Dan Hollis

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
 And to that end, I wonder how many of the bad queries are coming from MS
 DNS servers.

to that end, i wonder how many of the bad queries are coming directly from 
microsoft campus.

[-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

RE: what's that smell?

2002-10-07 Thread Jason Lixfeld

Hope this doesn't come across as DNS-101, but is there some way to tell
what DNS server one uses?  Kinda like telnetting to port 80 or 25?  I
know if it is possible, it's just as possible for them to change the
output, but chances are the brainiacs of the world who don't filter
probably aren't smart enough to change what their DNS server 'appears'
to be either.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dan Hollis
 Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 7:11 PM
 To: Jason Lixfeld
 Cc: 'Stephen J. Wilcox'; 'Paul Vixie'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: what's that smell?
 On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
  And to that end, I wonder how many of the bad queries are 
 coming from MS
  DNS servers.
 to that end, i wonder how many of the bad queries are coming 
 directly from 
 microsoft campus.
 [-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]

Re: what's that smell?

2002-10-07 Thread Allan Liska

Hash: MD5

Hello Jason,

Monday, October 7, 2002, 7:14:41 PM, you wrote:

JL Hope this doesn't come across as DNS-101, but is there some way to tell
JL what DNS server one uses?  Kinda like telnetting to port 80 or 25?  I
JL know if it is possible, it's just as possible for them to change the
JL output, but chances are the brainiacs of the world who don't filter
JL probably aren't smart enough to change what their DNS server 'appears'
JL to be either.

This will work:

dig @nameserver.tld chaos txt version.bind

For BIND nameservers, but it is not a standard convention so it is not
supported by all nameservers, and most administrators disable the
output from the command at this point: /home/allan#dig chaos txt version.bind

;  DiG 8.3 chaos txt version.bind
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;;  version.bind, type = TXT, class = CHAOS

VERSION.BIND.   0S CHAOS TXTDNS, we aint got no stinkin DNS

;; Total query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Oct  7 17:37:39 2002
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 30  rcvd: 86

- --
Allan Liska

Version: 2.6
