Talked with Cogent IP Engineering today, was doing my own
prepending in the meantime.  I received a number of replies
on and off list with quite a bit of conflicting info from
Cogent doesn't support any communities other than do not
announce to they support this or that to references of RIPE
and RADb both of whom seem to have some outdated info.
It turns out they do support a bunch of communities,
including path prepending of one, two and three times which
are what I was looking for, and for at least the US market,
they're all in the customer user guide which I hadn't
received; no I really didn't receive it not just didn't
read it. :-)

The person I spoke with was going to have someone update
RADb with current information as what's there is about
eight months old I think.  I ended up having to clear
the peer session hard but then my community was applied
and is functioning as intended.  Only thing missing that
would be really nice would be something like Level 3
where you can selectively prepend to a specific peer AS
of theirs. :-)  But they were very responsive as soon as
got in touch with the right group.


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