Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-12 Thread Randy Bush

> i must have misspoken.  when i asked "what if 20,000 sites decreased their
> cache utilization by 1% due to a general lowering of TTL's inspired by
> MIT's paper" i was wondering if anyone thought that the result would be a
> straight across-the-board increase in traffic at the root servers.  there
> are theories that say yes.  other theories say it'll be higher.  others,
> lower.  any study that fails to address these questions is worse than
> useless.

no.  it may happen to be studying things other than the root servers.
and that's ok and often useful


Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-12 Thread Paul Vixie

> > At root and gTLD servers I assume DNS traffic occupies significantly
> > more than 3% of all traffic there.  Still, a 1% increase remains 1%.
>Sure, but the ratio still plays out.  ...

i must have misspoken.  when i asked "what if 20,000 sites decreased their
cache utilization by 1% due to a general lowering of TTL's inspired by MIT's
paper" i was wondering if anyone thought that the result would be a straight
across-the-board increase in traffic at the root servers.  there are theories
that say yes.  other theories say it'll be higher.  others, lower.  any study
that fails to address these questions is worse than useless.
Paul Vixie

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-12 Thread David G. Andersen

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 01:35:36PM +0200, Niels Bakker scribed:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David G. Andersen) [Thu 12 Aug 2004, 02:55 CEST]:
> > Global impact is greatest when the resulting load changes are
> > concentrated in one place.  The most clear example of that is changes
> > that impact the root servers.  When a 1% increase in total traffic
> > is instead spread among hundreds of thousands of different, relatively
> > unloaded DNS servers, the impact on any one DNS server is minimal.
> > And since we're talking about a protocol that variously occupies less than
> > 3% of all Internet traffic, the packet count / byte count impact is
> > negligible (unless it's concentrated, as happens at root and
> > gtld servers).
> This doesn't make sense to me.  You're saying here that a 1% increase in
> average traffic is a 1% average increase in traffic.  What's your point?
> if a load change is concentrated in one place how can the impact be
> global?

  Because that point could be "critical infrastructure" (to abuse
the buzzword).  If a 1% increase in DNS traffic is 100,000 requests
per second (this number is not indicative of anything, just an
illustration), that could represent an extra request per second per
nameserver -- or 7,000 more requests per second at the root.
One of these is pretty trivial, and the other could be

> At root and gTLD servers I assume DNS traffic occupies significantly
> more than 3% of all traffic there.  Still, a 1% increase remains 1%.

   Sure, but the ratio still plays out.  If your total traffic due
to DNS is small, then even a large (percentage) increase in DNS traffic
doesn't affect your overall traffic volume, though it might hurt
your nameservers.  If you're a root server, doubling the DNS traffic
nearly doubles total traffic volume, so in addition to DNS-specific
issues, you'll also start looking at full pipes.


  MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-12 Thread William Allen Simpson

I was reminded about rfc1537.

Been a long time since I read that, so a good reminder.  But it only 
deals with SOA records.  And it's 11 years old (closer to 12).

The topic at hand was NS records.  Any other guidance?
William Allen Simpson
Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-12 Thread Niels Bakker


* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David G. Andersen) [Thu 12 Aug 2004, 02:55 CEST]:
> Global impact is greatest when the resulting load changes are
> concentrated in one place.  The most clear example of that is changes
> that impact the root servers.  When a 1% increase in total traffic
> is instead spread among hundreds of thousands of different, relatively
> unloaded DNS servers, the impact on any one DNS server is minimal.
> And since we're talking about a protocol that variously occupies less than
> 3% of all Internet traffic, the packet count / byte count impact is
> negligible (unless it's concentrated, as happens at root and
> gtld servers).

This doesn't make sense to me.  You're saying here that a 1% increase in
average traffic is a 1% average increase in traffic.  What's your point?

if a load change is concentrated in one place how can the impact be

How can a 1% load increase in one specific place have anything but
minimal impact?

At root and gTLD servers I assume DNS traffic occupies significantly
more than 3% of all traffic there.  Still, a 1% increase remains 1%.

-- Niels.

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-11 Thread William Allen Simpson

Paul Vixie wrote:
> (what if a general decline in TTL's resulted from publication of That
> MIT Paper?)
It's an academic paper.  The best antedote would be to publish a nicely 
researched reply paper.

Meanwhile, I'm probably one of those guilty of too large a reduction of 
TTLs.  I remember when the example file had a TTL of 99 for NS.  

What's the best practice? 

Currently, we're using (dig result, criticism appreciated): IN (
2004081002  ; serial
4h33m20s; refresh
10M ; retry
1d12h   ; expiry
1H ); minimum IN MX10 IN A IN IN IN IN IN

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:   1H IN A   15h29m10s IN A   15h29m10s IN A IN A   15h29m10s IN A IN A

William Allen Simpson
Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-11 Thread Randy Bush

there are many sites and isps like mit and kaist.  there are few
root servers.  while i care about the root servers, i presume that
they are run by competent folk and certainly they are measured to
death (which is rather boring from the pov of most of us).  i care
about isp and user site measurements.  i think the study by the mit
crew, which i have read a number of times, was a real service to
the community.


Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-11 Thread David G. Andersen

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 04:49:18PM +, Paul Vixie scribed:
> what i meant by "act globally, think locally" in connection with That
> MIT Paper is that the caching effects seen at mit are at best
> representative of that part of mit's campus for that week, and that

  Totally agreed.  The paper was based upon two traces, one from
MIT LCS, and one from KAIST in Korea.  I think that the authors
understood that they were only looking at two sites, but their
numbers have a very interesting story to tell -- and I think that
they're actually fairly generalizable.  For instance, the rather
poorly-behaving example from your f-root snapshot is rather consistent
with one of the findings in the paper:

  [Regarding root and gTLD server lookups] "...It is likely that
many of these are automatically generated by incorrectly implemented
or configured resolvers;  for example, the most common error 'loopback'
is unlikely to be entered by a user"

> even a variance of 1% in caching effectiveness at MIT that's due to
> generally high or low TTL's (on A, or MX, or any other kind of data)
> becomes a huge factor in f-root's load, since MIT's load is only one

  But remember - the only TTLs that the paper was suggesting could be
reduced were non-nameserver A records.  You could drop those all to zero
and not affect f-root's load one bit.  In fairness, I think this is
jumbled together with NS record caching in the paper, since most
responses from the root/gTLD servers include both NS records and
A records in an additional section.

Global impact is greatest when the resulting load changes are
concentrated in one place.  The most clear example of that is changes
that impact the root servers.  When a 1% increase in total traffic
is instead spread among hundreds of thousands of different, relatively
unloaded DNS servers, the impact on any one DNS server is minimal.
And since we're talking about a protocol that variously occupies less than
3% of all Internet traffic, the packet count / byte count impact is
negligible (unless it's concentrated, as happens at root and
gtld servers).

The other questions you raise, such as:

> how much of the measured traffic was due to bad logic in 
> caching/forwarding servers, or in clients?  how
> will high and low ttl's affect bad logic that's known to be in wide
> deployment? 

are equally important questions to ask, but .. there are only so many
questions that a single paper can answer.  This one provides valuable
insight into client behavior and when and why DNS caching is effective.
There have been other papers in the past (for instance, Danzig's 1992
study) that examined questions closer to those you pose.  The results from
those papers were useful in an entirely different way (namely, that almost
all root server traffic was totally bogus because of client errors).

It's clear that from the perspective of a root name server operator,
the latter questions are probably more important.  But from the
perspective of, say, an Akamai or a Yahoo (or joe-random dot com),
the former insights are equally valuable.


  MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-11 Thread Paul Vixie

what i meant by "act globally, think locally" in connection with That
MIT Paper is that the caching effects seen at mit are at best
representative of that part of mit's campus for that week, and that
even a variance of 1% in caching effectiveness at MIT that's due to
generally high or low TTL's (on A, or MX, or any other kind of data)
becomes a huge factor in f-root's load, since MIT's load is only one
drop in a larger ocean.  see duane's paper, which is more of a "think
globally, act locally" kind of thing.  how much of the measured traffic
was due to bad logic in caching/forwarding servers, or in clients?  how
will high and low ttl's affect bad logic that's known to be in wide
deployment?  what if 20,000 enterprise networks the size of MIT all
saw a 1% decrease in caching effectiveness due to generally low TTL's?
(what if a general decline in TTL's resulted from publication of That
MIT Paper?)

here's a snapshot of f-root's life.  That MIT Paper not only fails to
address it, and fails to take it into account, it fails to identify
the global characteristic of the variables under study.  caching
performance is not simply a local issue.  everyone connected to the
internet acts globally.  it is wildly foolish to think locally.

16:44:35.118922 >  16218 ? H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.121171 >  10080 A6? H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.124668 >  1902 ? C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.127544 >  10098 ? G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.130185 >  6010 A6? C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.133828 >  1920 A6? G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.136286 >  12169 ? F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.139433 >  3988 A6? F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.142324 >  10140 A6? B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.145453 >  14244 ? B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.149344 >  16297 A6? J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 
16:44:35.151674 >  1968 ? J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-10 Thread Siegbert Marschall


> But, to my understanding a too short TTL will do harm to cache server
> performance
> esp. the amount of RR cached is so large that BIND have to wait for
> swapping I/O
> and re-fetching those timeout RR again.
I think you missed the main point of the report, it does not say that
low TTLs are a good idea in general.

What it does say is that the stability and performance of the DNS is
mainyl based on a rather high TTL for NS records, which distrubutes
the query load among a larger number of servers and avoid therefore
SPFs and Bootlenecks.

Compared to that the overall performance and load impact of lowering
the TTL for A records down to a few 100 seconds is not an issue, mostly
because the large number of queries for A records vom clients happen
in very short intervals of time, just look at what your webbrowser is
doing when you are surfing and therefore will be cached after the first
query by the local nameserver anyway. The important thing here is that
this nameserver does not have to go throught the same chain od DNS servers
again to find the one who gives him the right answer a few hours or days
later, but instead can just ask this server directly from his cached NS

Parts of this I can also verify from my own experience. Although a nicely
tuned cascade of nameservers might add some measurable performance to DNS
resolution on client side, when surfing, the most noticeable performance
improvement is having a decent DNS server in your local lan which you can
reach within a few µS.

So in short:
LOW TTL A Records, will not affect stability and perfomance of DNS much.
LOW TTL NS Records, bad bad Idea.

Bye, Siggi.

Re: That MIT paper

2004-08-10 Thread Joe Shen


>The paper doesn't pass any judgement on types of lookups, but obviously
>not all DNS lookups are equal from the end user perspective.

In our observation, looking for IP address consists 70% of our cache server load,
MX consists of 14% and PTR only occupies 5%. And, on the other hand, the coarse
analysis of our network traffic shows, Web traffic occupies only 8% while 
stream meadia occupies the most part of traffic. So, the authors the conclusion
may be correct as viewing film online does not rely on DNS so much as 
browsing web pages.

But, to my understanding a too short TTL will do harm to cache server performance
esp. the amount of RR cached is so large that BIND have to wait for swapping I/O
and re-fetching those timeout RR again.

>"In our follow-up measurement study, [we found] that DNSBL related
> DNS lookups at CSAIL in February 2004 account for 14% of all DNS
> lookups. In comparison, DNSBL related traffic accounted for merely
> 0.4% of all DNS lookups at CSAIL in December 2000."

Is these work published or available publicly? Any work done with performance tuning
with cache server?

> 1. almost nobody has time to invest in reading this kind of paper.
> 2. almost everybody is willing to form a strong opinion regardless of that.
> 3. people from #2 use the paper they didn't read in #1 to justify an opinion.

people rely on their experience, but science tries to find on basis of analysis.
Usually, we met problems which is caused by people replace scientific conclusion with  
their experience. 


 Introducing Spymac MailPro:

Re: that MIT paper again

2004-08-09 Thread David G. Andersen

Regarding both Paul's message below and Simon Walter's earlier message on
this topic...

Simon Walters scribed:

> I'm slightly concerned that the authors think web traffic is the big
> source of DNS, they may well be right (especially given one of the
> authors is talking about his own network), but my quick glance at the

Two things - first, the paper breaks down the DNS traffic by the
protocol that generated it - see section III C, which notes 
"a small percentage of these lookups are related to reverse
bloack-lists such as" -- but
remember that the study was published in 2001 based upon
measurements made in January and December of 2000.  RBL traffic
wasn't nearly the proportion of DNS queries that it is today.  As
the person responsible for our group's spam filtering (one mailserver
among many that were measured as a part of the study), we didn't
start using spamassassin until late 2001, and I believe we were
one of the more aggressive spam filtering groups in our lab.
Also note that they found that about 20% of the TCP connections were
FTP connections, mostly to/from mirror sites hosted in our lab.

Sendmail of five years ago also wasn't as aggressive about performing
reverse verification of sender addresses.

I asked Jaeyeon about this (we share an office), and she
noted that:

"In our follow-up measurement study, [we found] that DNSBL related
 DNS lookups at CSAIL in February 2004 account for 14% of all DNS
 lookups. In comparison, DNSBL related traffic accounted for merely
 0.4% of all DNS lookups at CSAIL in December 2000."

Your question was right on the money for contemporary DNS data.

> The abstract doesn't mention that the TTL on NS records is found to be 
> important for scalability of the DNS. Probably the main point Paul 
> wants us to note. Just because the DNS in insensitive to slight 
> changes in A record TTL doesn't mean TTL doesn't matter on other 
> records.

This is a key observation, and seems like it's definitely missing
from the abstract (alas, space constraints...).  They're not talking
about the NS records, and they're not talking about the associated
A records for _nameservers_.

On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 04:55:00PM +, Paul Vixie scribed:
> here's what i've learned by watching nanog's reaction to this paper, and
> by re-reading the paper itself.
> 1. almost nobody has time to invest in reading this kind of paper.
> 2. almost everybody is willing to form a strong opinion regardless of that.
> 3. people from #2 use the paper they didn't read in #1 to justify an opinion.

  :)  human nature.

> 4. folks who need academic credit will write strong self-consistent papers.
> 5. those papers do not have to be inclusive or objective to get published.
> 6. on the internet, many folks by nature "think locally and act globally".
> 7. #6 includes manufacturers, operators, endusers, spammers, and researchers.
> 8. the confluence of bad science and disinterested operators is disheartening.
> 9. good "actual policy" must often fly in the face of "accepted mantra".

I'm not quite sure how to respond to this part (because I'm not
quite sure what you meant...).  It's possible that the data analyzed
in the paper may not be representative of, say, commercial Internet
traffic, but how is the objectivity in question?  The conclusions
of the paper are actually pretty consistent with what informed
intuition might suggest.  First:

"If NS records had lower TTL values, essentially all of the DNS lookup
 traffic observed in our trace would have gone to a root or gTLLD server, which
 would have increased the load on them by a factor of about five.  Good
 NS-record caching is therefore critical to DNS scalability."

and second:

"Most of the benefit of caching [of A records] is achieved with TTL
 values of only a small number of minutes.  This is because most cache
 hits are produced by single clients looking up the same server multiple
 times in quick succession [...]"

As most operational experience can confirm, operating a nameserver
for joe-random-domain is utterly trivial -- we used to (primary) a
couple thousand domains on a p90 with bind 4..  As your own experience
can confirm, running a root nameserver is considerably less trivial.
The paper confirms the need for good TTL and caching management to
reduce the load on root nameservers, but once you're outside that
sphere of ~100 critical servers, the hugely distributed and
heavy-tailed nature of DNS lookups renders caching a bit less
effective except in those cases where client access patterns cause
intense temporal correlations.


  MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

Re: that MIT paper again

2004-08-07 Thread Paul Vixie

i wrote:

> wrt the mit paper on why small ttl's are harmless, i recommend that
> y'all actually read it, the whole thing, plus some of the references,
> rather than assuming that the abstract is well supported by the body.

here's what i've learned by watching nanog's reaction to this paper, and
by re-reading the paper itself.

1. almost nobody has time to invest in reading this kind of paper.
2. almost everybody is willing to form a strong opinion regardless of that.
3. people from #2 use the paper they didn't read in #1 to justify an opinion.

4. folks who need academic credit will write strong self-consistent papers.
5. those papers do not have to be inclusive or objective to get published.
6. on the internet, many folks by nature "think locally and act globally".

7. #6 includes manufacturers, operators, endusers, spammers, and researchers.
8. the confluence of bad science and disinterested operators is disheartening.
9. good "actual policy" must often fly in the face of "accepted mantra".

we now return control of your television set to you.

Re: that MIT paper again (Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in .com/.net ) (longish)

2004-07-24 Thread Daniel Karrenberg

On 23.07 22:30, Simon Waters wrote:
> The abstract doesn't mention that the TTL on NS records is found to be
> important for scalability of the DNS. 


And it is the *child* TTL that counts for most implementations.

Re: that MIT paper again (Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in .com/.net ) (longish)

2004-07-23 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 22:30:46 BST, Simon Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> I think relying on accurate DNS information to distinguish spammers from
> genuine senders is at best shakey currently, the only people I can think
> would suffer with making it easier and quicker to create new domains
> would be people relying on something like SPF, but I think that just
> reveals issues with SPF, and the design flaws of SPF shouldn't influence
> how we should manage the DNS.

Ahh.. but if SPF (complete with issues and design flaws) is widely deployed, we
may not have any choice regarding whether its issues and flaws dictate the DNS

Remember that we've seen this before - RFC2052 didn't specify a '_', RFC2782
does.  And we all know where BIND's "delegation-only" came from

Description: PGP signature

Re: that MIT paper again (Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in .com/.net ) (longish)

2004-07-23 Thread Simon Waters
Hash: SHA1
| Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 17:01:54 +
| From: Paul Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: that MIT paper again (Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in
.com/.net )
|>>wrt the mit paper on why small ttl's are harmless, i recommend that
|>>y'all actually read it, the whole thing, plus some of the references,
|>>rather than assuming that the abstract is well supported by the body.
I think most people are probably way too busy. I'll comment, and Paul
can tell me where I am wrong or incomplete ;)
I'm slightly concerned that the authors think web traffic is the big
source of DNS, they may well be right (especially given one of the
authors is talking about his own network), but my quick glance at the
type of queries shouts to me that SMTP (and email related traffic,
RBL's, etc) generate a disproportionate amount of wide area DNS traffic
byte for byte of data. I would think this is one that is pretty easy to
settle for specific networks. In particular I see a lot of retries
generated by email servers for UBE and virus dross (in our case for upto
5 days), when human surfers have famously given up the domain as dead
after the first 8 seconds. Perhaps if most people preview HTML in
emails, surfing and email access to novel URI are one and the same.
They conclude that the great bulk of benefit from sharing a DNS cache is
obtained in the first 10 to 20 clients. Although they scale this only to
1000+ clients, maybe some NANOG members can comment if they have scaled
DNS caches much bigger than this, but I suspect a lot of the scaling
issues are driven by maintainance costs and reliability, since DNS
doesn't generate much WAN traffic in comparison to HTTP for most people
here (let's face it the root/tld owners are probably the only people who
even think about bandwidth of DNS traffic).
They conclude the TTL on A records isn't so crucial.
The abstract doesn't mention that the TTL on NS records is found to be
important for scalability of the DNS. Probably the main point Paul wants
us to note. Just because the DNS in insensitive to slight changes in A
record TTL doesn't mean TTL doesn't matter on other records.
The paper leaves a lot of hanging question about "poor performance",
the number of unanswered queries, and poor latency, which I'm sure can
be pinned down to the generally poor state of the DNS (both forward and
especially reverse), and a few bad applications.
The big difference between the places/times studied, suggests to me how
the DNS performs depends a lot on what mix of questions you ask it.
They suggest not passing on unqualified names would lose a lot of fluff
(me I still think big caches could zone transfer "." and save both
traffic and, more importantly for the end users, latency, but that goes
further than their proposal). Remember resolvers do various interesting
things with unqualified names depending who coded them and when.
The paper doesn't pass any judgement on types of lookups, but obviously
not all DNS lookups are equal from the end user perspective. For example
reverse DNS from HTTP server is typically done off the critical path
(asynchronously), where as the same reverse lookup may be in the
critical path for deciding whether to accept an email message (not that
most people regard email as that time critical). Be nice to do a study
classifying them along the lines of "DNS lookups you wait for", "DNS
lookups that slow things down", "DNS lookups that have to be done by
Friday for the weekly statistics".
Some *nix vendor(s?) should make sure loghost is in /etc/hosts or not in
/etc/syslog.conf by default by the sound of it ;)
As regards rapid update by Verisign - bring it on - I'm always
embarassed to tell clients they may have to wait upto 12 hours for a new
website in this day and age. And any errors that gets made in the
initial setup takes too long to fix, I don't want to be setting up a
site 3PM Friday, and having to check it Monday morning to discover some
typo means it is Tuesday before it works, when in a sane world one TTL +
5 minutes is long enough.
I think relying on accurate DNS information to distinguish spammers from
genuine senders is at best shakey currently, the only people I can think
would suffer with making it easier and quicker to create new domains
would be people relying on something like SPF, but I think that just
reveals issues with SPF, and the design flaws of SPF shouldn't influence
how we should manage the DNS.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian -

that MIT paper again (Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in .com/.net )

2004-07-23 Thread Paul Vixie

i'd said:

> > wrt the mit paper on why small ttl's are harmless, i recommend that
> > y'all actually read it, the whole thing, plus some of the references,
> > rather than assuming that the abstract is well supported by the body.

someone asked me:

> Would you happen to have the URL for the MIT paper?  I meant to keep it
> to read at a latertime, but it seems I deleted the message.