Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-13 Thread Jack Bates
The network itself is the primary contact information
for a domain. Every nameserver has an IP address
whose connectivity can be tracked through the network.
Same thing for mail servers and anything else with
an A record. This means that operationally it is
far more important for the RIR whois directory to
have working technical contacts.
A few weeks ago, we had a customer contact us regarding issues 
communicating with a domain. Investigation revealed that the domain 
handled it's own primary DNS server and the secondary DNS was pointed to 
another provider which had restricted outside queries to that particular 
server (and wasn't authoritative for the domain in the first place). The 
problem was that the TTL's on the NS RRs were different by 2 days and 
the remaining NS in cache was refusing queries.

IP addresses weren't registered to the responsible party. Domain wasn't 
registered to responsible party. We had to relay the information in a 
"best effort" approach through three different organizations in the 
hopes that the responsible person would get informed and fix the 
problem. This is not the ideal method of contact and wasted man hours in 
multiple organizations due to inaccurate information. The primary use of 
whois is still valid and anonymous/inaccurate records waste time and 
money for legitimate purposes.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-13 Thread Robert E . Seastrom


> Interesting how many companies are "parked" at a lawyers office,
> i.e. the official address of the company is that of it's legal
> firm. One wonders why an abuse organization would not use this same
> tactic and register a legal firm as the administrative contact.

How much do you suppose the law firm would charge you for handling the
email influx if you got joe-jobbed?  Sysadmin time is cheaper than
lawyer time, last I checked.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-13 Thread Michael . Dillon

> So my view of it is the same as current practice and laws (at least in 
> which require business (including DBA) registrations in county/state 
> registrar and requirying and making public corporate records, including 
> address of the company and list of its officers.

Interesting how many companies are "parked" at a lawyers
office, i.e. the official address of the company
is that of it's legal firm. One wonders why an abuse
organization would not use this same tactic and
register a legal firm as the administrative contact.

This is entirely separate from the operational issue
of who controls the nameservice for the domain and
who controls the routers and servers referenced
by A records in the domain. That is not something
that a registry can help with. Granted, it would
be good to have a real technical contact for every
domain that gets you to the same people who control
nameservice etc. However, that will always be
secondary information.

The network itself is the primary contact information
for a domain. Every nameserver has an IP address
whose connectivity can be tracked through the network.
Same thing for mail servers and anything else with
an A record. This means that operationally it is
far more important for the RIR whois directory to
have working technical contacts.

Fortunately, the RIRs do regularly put some effort 
into keeping their whois listings up to date. If more
people would speak up coherently on this issue then
perhaps we will see the day when only accurate
contact info exists in the RIR whois directories.
As for domain name registries, they are not
terribly relevant for operations, just for serving
legal documents.

--Michael Dillon

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Steve Gibbard

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Janet Sullivan wrote:

> I'm confused.  You never try to contact the owners of a domain which
> appears to be the source of abuse, but insist that domains can't be
> anonymous?

All rhetoric aside, this appears to be a question of what it means to have
a domain.

Once upon a time, domain names were (somewhat) hard to get, and were given
to organizations important enough to merit Internet connectivity (which
was also somewhat hard to get).  If you saw abuse coming from somewhere,
you could look at the host the abuse was coming from, find the contact
information for their domain, and contact their employer's or university's
IT department to complain.  To make matters even easier, the Internet was
small enough at that point that dealing with such complaints wasn't all
that overwhelming.

That was ten or fifteen years ago.  Now, domain names can be gotten by
anybody with a few dollars, and having your own domain name is required if
you want to be able to take your e-mail address with you when switching
e-mail providers.  Since lots of people want their e-mail addresses to be
portable, there are lots of domains out there.  I don't have actual stats
on this, but I'm guessing that the percentage of domains that have hosts
in them, and are therefore capable of being the source of abuse, is
probably pretty small.  A domain name is therefore now more like a phone
number.  Perhaps this is a mistake.  Perhaps domain names are far too
important to be wasted on individual conveninece.  But if so, we're
several years too late for that argument to be very useful.

At this point, IP addresses tend to be a much better identifier of the
party responsible for a network user than their domain name.  If you're
looking for a useful contact to talk to about a network problem, rather
than some poor end user to harrass, you're probably much better off
contacting the ISP or organization and that contact information is far
more likely to be associated with the IP address than the domain name.
Of course, there's also the question about whether the listed contact
information on a static IP address should be the ISP's or the end user's,
but that's much better discussed on the ARIN public policy mailing list
and its equivalents than here.

My question at this point is whether contact information for domains (or
at least, for domains which aren't themselves criticial infrastructure)
has any useful purpose at all.  Domains without hosts in them aren't going
to have technical problems (unless the lack of hosts is itself a technical
problem) or abuse problems (except in terms of forgeries, which are really
somebody else's problem).  Domains with only an MX record strike me as the
responsibility of whoever is providing the MX or DNS service.  Domains
with actual hosts in them are probably the most similar to the domains of
a decade ago, but even there the IP addresses involved may be a better
indicator of who to talk to about things.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Janet Sullivan
Rich Kulawiec wrote:
And the other side of it is: I don't think an Internet with anonymous people
controlling operational resources is workable.

OK, how many anonymous domains (ala domainsbyproxy) have you been unable 
to contact? 

I *never* attempt to contact the owners of a domain which appears to be the
source of abuse, anonymous or otherwise.
I'm confused.  You never try to contact the owners of a domain which 
appears to be the source of abuse, but insist that domains can't be 

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine



You have an opinion, but I'm unable to detect a basis for that

Allocations of string-space do not give rise to control over any
resource other than (conditionally) the string.

Publication of association(s) between strings and addresses, as
well as the formation of an association subject to a publication
policy, involves zero or more parties other than a "registrant",
and there are several orders of magnitude fewer entities other
than "registrants" that participate in address association and
association publication.


  It wouldn't hurt you to read our spec, if only for the nomenclature.
  If you read some EU data directives, so much the better.

  You may want to look at the whois policies of the RIRs and some of the
  ccTLD operators. 

  See also
  and rfc3912


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Rich Kulawiec

I'm going to try to keep this short, hence it's incomplete/choppy.  Maybe
we should take it to off-list mail with those interested.

On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 10:06:10PM -0700, Janet Sullivan wrote:
> Great!  So, if you are a vulnerable minority, don't use the internet. 

I said precisely the opposite.

This _in no way_ prevents anyone from doing things
anonymously on the Internet: it just means that they can't
control an operational resource, because that way lies madness.

And anyone who *is* a vulnerable minority should avoid doing this (that
is, deliberately exposing themselves by controlling an operational
resource) at all costs, because it self-identifies and instantly
compromises the very privacy they seek/need/want.

This doesn't stop anybody from doing anything they want online --
*except* controlling those resources, which is, like I said earlier,
is one of the very last things they should want to do if they're truly
concerned about their privacy.

And the other side of it is: I don't think an Internet with anonymous people
controlling operational resources is workable.

> OK, how many anonymous domains (ala domainsbyproxy) have you been unable 
> to contact? 

I *never* attempt to contact the owners of a domain which appears to be the
source of abuse, anonymous or otherwise.   It's a complete waste of time.
I use the means at my disposal to ascertain whether it's really them (which,
99% of the time, is blindingly obvious) and then act accordingly.  In the
remaining 1% of the cases, where substantial doubt remains, I note it and
await further developments.  Sometimes those further developments include
reports/claims of joe-jobs; sometimes they include clinching proof (either
way) that eluded me; sometimes they're not forthcoming for a very long time.

  So be it.  But I learned long ago that (modulo some very rare cases)
the only thing that can come out of contacting said domain owners is possible
disclosure of the means by which the abuse was detected, and the fact that
it _has_ been detected, and that's not a good thing.

> But, I get less spam, and MUCH less snail mail, with anonymous registrations.

Today, perhaps.  Do you really think it's going to stay that way?  Surely
you must know that eventually the spammers WILL get their hands on your
"private" domain registration data, WILL use it to spam -- and oh-by-the-way
will also make a tidy profit doing a side business in selling it to anyone
with cash-in-hand?

C'mon, these are people with bags of money to spend.  Do you *really* think
that the underpaid clerk at J. Random Registrar is going to turn down $50K
in tax-free income in exchange for a freshly-burned CD?  And of course, once
the data's in the wild, it's not like those who are selling it will balk at
providing it to customers who have serious axes to grind.

Or if you want to believe in the fiction of 100% trustworthy registrars,
what happens when one of their [key] systems is zombie'd?  Or when somone
figures out how to hijack one of the data feeds and snarf all the brand-new
domain data as soon as it's created?

There is a market for this data.  Therefore it will be acquired and sold.

And attempts to maintain the pretense that it's otherwise -- while no doubt
inflating the profits of those peddling "anonymous" registration -- are
disengenuous, and in the long run, potentially very damaging, with the extent
of the damage perhaps proportional to the degree on which people rely on it.
(More bluntly: some people are going to be burned very badly by this.  And
the subsequent inevitable litigation won't undo it.)

> I agree.  But why should it matter if you know the name of the person 
> controlling an operational resource if they are responsible net citizens?

Maybe, but I think where we differ is that I strongly believe that 
(for operational resources) _requires_ public identification.

[ Oh: please note: content is not an operational resource.  F'instance, I have
no problem, for instance, with someone running a blog anonymously.  I have a
serious problem with someone running a network anonymously. ]


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Alex Bligh

--On 11 December 2004 12:07 -0500 Rich Kulawiec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't want to turn this into a domain policy discussion,
Ditto. I'd add one thing though: allowing anonymous registration is not
necessarily the same thing as allowing all details of registration to be
publicly queryable under all circumstances. In any case (whether happily or
sadly) local laws can often get in the way of total openness.
The operational aspect of this I think is as follows: if an operator had a
problem with a network endpoint in 1995, then there was a good chance whois
 would reach someone clueful, as the majority of network
endpoints were clueful (for some reading thereof); hence whois 
was useful for network debugging. In 2004, I'd suggest the wider
penetration of the internet means whois  on its own is not a
useful operational tool any more. Even whois -h rir  is becoming
less useful, and to an extent whois . The argument for people not
wanting to put personal information up on domain name registrations is I'd
have to say a little similar to the reason some providers don't like having
their (true) NOC number on whois ; i.e. they don't want junk
calls. Which leaves you in essence with hop-by-hop debugging according to
peering agreements. Or "is anyone here from $provider" messages.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread william(at)

On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Janet Sullivan wrote:

> william(at) wrote:
> > It matters if we're talking about Tom, John or Susan working for some 
> > commercial company and contacting me as part of the activity of that
> > entity, in that case I'd like to know about the domain and don't want
> > to see its whois data hidden. 
> I find it somewhat amusing that the whois record for refers to 
> a hostmaster role account and a P.O. Box.  ;-)

That PO Box is registered to the company and as such you can request
from USPS a copy of the registration and will find current office address
and contact name. Note that if PO Box is used by individual than the 
address and name are kept confidential unless that individual indicated 
he's going to use PO Box for business activities. The rules about privacy 
of information on PO Boxes pretty much supports what I wrote, so thank 
you for giving me a chance to show our own practical example :)

> I do agree that a "one size fits all" rule rarely fits all situations. 
> Do I support anonymous registrations for non-commercial sites as long as 
> they can still be contacted?  Yes.  Do I support them for large 
> corporations?  Not necessarily.  Do I support the right of end users to 
> filter their mail any way they choose?  Sure.  Do I support the right of 
> a provider to filter their user's mail any way they choose?  Not 
> necessarily.

The last one is same as previous one - you have chosen your provider and
as such there is a contractual relationship for getting these services
if you do not believe the services meet your needs, you find another 
provider, So its all the same and is basicly the right of the user to 
choose how his/hers email would be filters and that maybe direct choice
of exactly which mail filters are to be used or it maybe a choice of which
company would filter the email or all of that maybe outsourced to ISP.

> Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect way to tell if a site is commercial 
> or not by it's domain name. 

If somebody sends me an email with morgage offer, I consider it to be
a commercial email and expect to come registered mrtgage broker with
publickly known address. Same for almost all other offers you receive
by unsolicited email.

> To me, a false positive is worse than spam getting through. I realize 
> other people have other opinions.  I just don't want to see wide spread 
> filtering of mail from anonymous (ala domainsbyproxy) whois records.

I note that I did not suggest that nor do I see any easy way to implement
it (because godaddy has one of the most stict rules about limiting access 
to whois by automated means). 

My current project goal is to only use use internic whois data (which 
means no registrant's or contact names or addresses) and only use it to 
stop use of domains where registrar has put a hold status on it or where 
the domain registrations it too new to be in whois (and email would not 
be denied but simply postponed until more information is known about the 
registrant and registrar had a chance to decide if their new domain and 
its use are in violation of their policies or not). The goal is to combat 
through-away domains and force spammers to use well known names that can 
be traced to them and their business activities. Then legal and other
pressure can be applied to those known business entities to stop their
abuse of email infrastructure.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread Janet Sullivan
william(at) wrote:
It matters if we're talking about Tom, John or Susan working for some 
commercial company and contacting me as part of the activity of that
entity, in that case I'd like to know about the domain and don't want
to see its whois data hidden. 
I find it somewhat amusing that the whois record for refers to 
a hostmaster role account and a P.O. Box.  ;-)

I do agree that a "one size fits all" rule rarely fits all situations. 
Do I support anonymous registrations for non-commercial sites as long as 
they can still be contacted?  Yes.  Do I support them for large 
corporations?  Not necessarily.  Do I support the right of end users to 
filter their mail any way they choose?  Sure.  Do I support the right of 
a provider to filter their user's mail any way they choose?  Not 

Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect way to tell if a site is commercial 
or not by it's domain name.  To me, a false positive is worse than spam 
getting through.  I realize other people have other opinions.  I just 
don't want to see wide spread filtering of mail from anonymous (ala 
domainsbyproxy) whois records.  I feel it damages an important part of 
the internet with little long term benefit.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-12 Thread william(at)

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Janet Sullivan wrote:

> Rich Kulawiec wrote:
>   > 1. Anyone controlling an operational resource (such as a domain) can't
> > be anonymous.  This _in no way_ prevents anyone from doing things
> > anonymously on the Internet: it just means that they can't control an
> > operational resource, because that way lies madness.
> As long as that person is contactable, why should it matter if they are 
> anonymous?  If you get a quick response to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], does it REALLY matter to you if the 
> person's name is Tom, John, or Susan?
> There seem to be two definitions of "anonymous" floating around here. 
> One seems to equal "no working contact information", and one seems to 
> equal "private registration ala".  I can understand 
> why people might want to take non-existent whois records into account, 
> but I just don't see the argument against anonymous records. 

It matters if we're talking about Tom, John or Susan working for some 
commercial company and contacting me as part of the activity of that
entity, in that case I'd like to know about the domain and don't want
to see its whois data hidden. Same goes for ip block data used by
commercial companies - I do not agree with having this data be hidden
or not listing use/allocation of the ip block to some company.

So my view of it is the same as current practice and laws (at least in US)
which require business (including DBA) registrations in county/state 
registrar and requirying and making public corporate records, including 
address of the company and list of its officers.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-11 Thread Janet Sullivan
Rich Kulawiec wrote:
 > 1. Anyone controlling an operational resource (such as a domain) can't
be anonymous.  This _in no way_ prevents anyone from doing things
anonymously on the Internet: it just means that they can't control an
operational resource, because that way lies madness.
As long as that person is contactable, why should it matter if they are 
anonymous?  If you get a quick response to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], does it REALLY matter to you if the 
person's name is Tom, John, or Susan?

There seem to be two definitions of "anonymous" floating around here. 
One seems to equal "no working contact information", and one seems to 
equal "private registration ala".  I can understand 
why people might want to take non-existent whois records into account, 
but I just don't see the argument against anonymous records.

Killing anonymous records won't stop spammers.  It can however harm a 
vulnerable section of the Internet.

2. If someone wants to remain anonymous -- say, as in the example Janet
cited, of sexual abuse victims -- then one of the very LAST things they
should do is register a domain.  Doing so creates a record (in the
registrar's billing department if nowhere else) that clearly traces
back to them.  Further, an anonymously-registered domain isn't much
good without services such as DNS and web hosting: and those, of course,
represent still more potential information leaks.
There are layers of privacy.  Let's say a person has a restraining order 
against an ex-husband, ex-girlfriend, etc.  That person has moved and 
doesn't want to be easily found.  Now, which will be easier for the ex - 
typing in whois, or somehow getting the billing records from the registrar?

As for DNS & web hosting - there are sites out there that offer 
anonymous hosting & DNS to groups like abuse survivors, etc.

It's much better, if anonymity is the goal, not to begin by causing
this data to exist.
Great!  So, if you are a vulnerable minority, don't use the internet. 
Don't have political free speech in your country?  Don't talk.  You have 
an abusive ex?  Sorry, can't help you.  Whistle blower?  The hell with 
you. Pissed off a drug dealer by turning them in?  Good for you!  Sorry, 
we have to take away your internet access now.

100% Anonymity is not possible, true.  Neither is 100% security.  But 
does that mean you give up running any kind of firewall?

3. Anonymous domain registration, like free email services, is an
abuse magnet.  [Almost] nobody offering either has yet demonstrated the
ability to properly deal with the ensuing abuse: they've simply forced
the costs of doing so onto the entire rest of the Internet.
OK, how many anonymous domains (ala domainsbyproxy) have you been unable 
to contact?  Real numbers, please.  I'm not talking about missing or 
false whois records.

It's thus not surprising that a pretty good working hypothesis is to
presume that any domain which either (a) has anonymous registration or
(b) has contact addresses at freemail providers is owned by people
intent on abusing the Internet.  No, it's not always true, but as a
first-cut approximation it works quite well. 
I'm sorry, I guess I'm still one of those "innocent until proven guilty" 
folks.  Yes, it means first run spammers get me.  That's a price I'm 
willing to pay.  If, as an end user, you want more aggressive filtering, 
that should be up to you.  I have no problem with that.

If decisions start impacting innocents on the Internet at large, THAT's 
a problem.

4. Spammers have a myriad of ways of "harvesting" mail addresses that
yield the same data but without requiring WHOIS output.
Yes, they do.  But, I get less spam, and MUCH less snail mail, with 
anonymous registrations.

6. Spam is a problem for everyone, and so it's everyone's responsibility
to fight it.  Those who want the privilege of controlling operational
resources must also accept the responsibility of doing their part.
I agree.  But why should it matter if you know the name of the person 
controlling an operational resource if they are responsible net citizens?

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-11 Thread Rich Kulawiec

I don't want to turn this into a domain policy discussion, but
here are a few comments (in some semblance of order) which relate
to the operational aspects.

1. Anyone controlling an operational resource (such as a domain) can't
be anonymous.  This _in no way_ prevents anyone from doing things
anonymously on the Internet: it just means that they can't control an
operational resource, because that way lies madness.

2. If someone wants to remain anonymous -- say, as in the example Janet
cited, of sexual abuse victims -- then one of the very LAST things they
should do is register a domain.  Doing so creates a record (in the
registrar's billing department if nowhere else) that clearly traces
back to them.  Further, an anonymously-registered domain isn't much
good without services such as DNS and web hosting: and those, of course,
represent still more potential information leaks.

Anyone who thinks their "anonymous" registration is truly anonymous
is in for a rude awakening: if the data isn't already in the wild,
it will be as soon as the spammers find it useful to make it so.

It's much better, if anonymity is the goal, not to begin by causing
this data to exist.

3. Anonymous domain registration, like free email services, is an
abuse magnet.  [Almost] nobody offering either has yet demonstrated the
ability to properly deal with the ensuing abuse: they've simply forced
the costs of doing so onto the entire rest of the Internet.

It's thus not surprising that a pretty good working hypothesis is to
presume that any domain which either (a) has anonymous registration or
(b) has contact addresses at freemail providers is owned by people
intent on abusing the Internet.  No, it's not always true, but as a
first-cut approximation it works quite well.  Doubly so if the domain
is in a TLD known to be spammer-infested (e.g., ".biz") and triply so
if the domain name itself screams "spam" (e.g. ""). 

4. Spammers have a myriad of ways of "harvesting" mail addresses that
yield the same data but without requiring WHOIS output.  For example, some
of the malware they've released prowls through all the sent/received mail
on infected systems...which means that if anyone using their brand-new
anonymously-registered domain happens to send a single message to someone
else -- who is already or subsequently infected -- then the address in
question will shortly be in the wild, bought and sold and used by spammers.

Note that some of the infected systems are mail servers, so even if the
sender and recipient are secure from infection, the address in question
may still be acquired.  And no doubt some of them are inside registrars
and DNS hosts and web hosts, just like they're [nearly] everywhere else.

And this is just one way that addresses are harvested.

5. Spam is about far more than than merely SMTP these days.  SPIM (IM
spam) and SPIT (VOIP spam) and adware and all kinds of other things
are being used -- and by _the same people_, e.g. Spamford, to do exactly
the same thing: put content in front of eyeballs.  Even if we could throw
a switch and cut off all SMTP spam, the respite would only be temporary.
So just trying to hide from SMTP spam, although it might provide the
comfortable illusion of accomplishing something in the short term,
is useless in the long term.

6. Spam is a problem for everyone, and so it's everyone's responsibility
to fight it.  Those who want the privilege of controlling operational
resources must also accept the responsibility of doing their part.


[1] To save you the trouble of looking it up:

Domain ID:   D3193600-BIZ
Sponsoring Registrar:DOTSTER
Domain Status:   ok
Registrant ID:   DOTS-1025016423
Registrant Name: N K
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Address1: -
Registrant Address2: n/a
Registrant City: -
Registrant State/Province:   -
Registrant Postal Code:  -
Registrant Country:  United States
Registrant Country Code: US
Registrant Phone Number: +1.311212
Registrant Facsimile Number: +1.311212
Registrant Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and so on.  A 200-foot-high billboard would only be slightly more obvious.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread william(at)

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, kent crispin wrote:

> > I disagree, I think this may be ok, but its specifically because its
> > for .com/.net whois (not ok for general TLD). Reasons are:
> >  1. / CRSNIC whois has no limit set on number of queries
> > client from particular ip can make before queries are denied (or
> > it may have limit but its set very high) and its data is almost
> > always available and quite fast (but there were some outages).
> Only works for .com and .net.

Which is exactly what I said :)

Nevertheless majority of the domains used (including very large number of 
spammer registered domains) are in .com/.net which is why I think this 
would be usefull greylisting technique (note that its not good idea for
blacklisting unless data other then from whois is available!).

I'm going to explore this weekend what it would take to take some of
the code I have and make into the kind of library I described (this will 
require addition of specialized caching database, etc) and then if others 
are interested I'd like to get together with MTA and/or greylisting 
spamfilter developers to finish this all up.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine

In an earlier episode I pointed out to the list-resident VGRS person that
the dynamic properties introduced for one marketing purpose would have a
consequence in another problem domain, but no point revisiting that issue.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Corlett) wrote:

> There's some awful tinpot domain registrars out there where you have
> to wonder if their whois server is on the end of a dialup link, but
> fortunately I'm not attempting to access those.

The ICANN Registrar agreement has no transactional temporal property
for :43 queries. In fact, quite a few registrars associated with one of
several outsource business models, e.g., the Tucows HRS customers (complete),
the Pool thead customers (partial addr allocation), etc., use common :43

I've tried to work this problem, but it appears to require cooperation
between isps and registrars, and that's just not happening, and agreement
that persistent (hours or longer) name-to-address associations factor into
the prevelant economic spam business models, and that's just not happening
either as spam-presentation (to the user or the interposing device) is the
problem of choice.  Schemes to exhaust the dotted quad space, or exhaust
the dotted string space (*lists generally) just don't help identify one
asset economic spam schemes appear to require to extract value from the
spam-presentation instances -- a return path that works.

So, call the small registrars names as long as you want, and as long as
you don't want to pay for a service, and spend your money elsewhere on
something that works better, for some value of better.

<{registry,registrar,isp}_hat = "off">

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Suresh Ramasubramanian
Peter Corlett wrote:
There's some awful tinpot domain registrars out there where you have
to wonder if their whois server is on the end of a dialup link, but
fortunately I'm not attempting to access those. Connectivity from here
to the CRSNIC server is good and no worse than to any other server I
may wish to query for purposes of black- or greylisting.
Doing live queries of domain names like that, on the fly - even if you 
cache lookup data - will lead to your IP getting rate limited or even 
blocked by most whois servers, unless you register your IP with them for 
doing bulk whois lookups.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Peter Corlett

Elmar K. Bins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Corlett) wrote:
>> This tempts me to hack something into Exim that does a whois on
>> previously-unseen sender domains, and give a deferral if the whois
>> denies existence of the domain. Is this likely to have any
>> meaningful effect?

> No. It depends too much on
> (a) the registry and registrar for the domain
> (b) overall whois availability to that TLD (not everybody uses whois)
> (c) your connectivity to the whois servers involved (possibly more
> than one)

You have a point if I were attempting to do this for all TLDs, but at
least for a first cut, I'm only interested in .com/.net. A single
query of (and not bothering to follow referrals)
would be sufficient to determine the existence of the domain in whois.

There's some awful tinpot domain registrars out there where you have
to wonder if their whois server is on the end of a dialup link, but
fortunately I'm not attempting to access those. Connectivity from here
to the CRSNIC server is good and no worse than to any other server I
may wish to query for purposes of black- or greylisting.

The advice given me about Maglites is to hold it out sideways from yourself
but at shoulder height, this makes the opponent think you are standing 3
foot to one side of reality.
- Rob Adams in the Monastery

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread william(at)

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Elmar K. Bins wrote:

> > william(at) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [...]
> > > Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within
> > > about 10 minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz)
> > > while whois data is still updated once or twice a day. That means if
> > > spammer registers new domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and
> > > it'll not yet show up in whois (and so not be immediatly
> > > identifiable to spam reporting tools) - and spammers are in fact
> > > using this "feature" more and more!
> > 
> > This tempts me to hack something into Exim that does a whois on
> > previously-unseen sender domains, and give a deferral if the whois
> > denies existence of the domain. Is this likely to have any meaningful
> > effect?
> No. It depends too much on
>   (a) the registry and registrar for the domain
>   (b) overall whois availability to that TLD (not everybody uses whois)
>   (c) your connectivity to the whois servers involved (possibly more 
> than one)

I disagree, I think this may be ok, but its specifically because its
for .com/.net whois (not ok for general TLD). Reasons are:
 1. / CRSNIC whois has no limit set on number of queries
client from particular ip can make before queries are denied (or
it may have limit but its set very high) and its data is almost
always available and quite fast (but there were some outages).
 2. data is very brief listing only when domain was
registered and which registrar and status 
 3. If there is a problem getting whois data at the moment, SMTP
connection would not be denied but only deferred

I think what should be done based on data is:
 1. Check creation data and if the domain is very new (not even in
whois or in whois but registration date is today or yesterday)
then defer it for 48 hours but count the connection and report
to some central system. If after one day from that new domain
came way too many attempts to send email, then it maybe assumed
fairly safely the domain is being setup by spammer. Additionally
if there are spam reports that came about the domain then a 
responsible registrar (like godaddy) would put it on hold and this 
would be reflected in the domain status. I'll also note that 
registar has 72 hours in which they can delete newly registered
domain if they believe the registration was fraudelent (i.e. stolen
credit card) and not have to pay registrar for it - in fact that is 
quite often what happens to spammer used domains.
 2. You probably should not accept email from domains that have any kind
of HOLD status (this is the same as domain not deligated in dns) but
again this should not be outright denial but deferral (in case its
just that somebody forgot to pay registration feee).
 3. By checking Internic whois you get a name of the registrar (i.e. 
opensrs, enom, etc) and can decide that if the registrar is too
"dirty" you do not want to accept email from domain. If enough
people do it, this may cause registrar to become more responsible
towards who they let register domains.

It maybe quite good if several of us come together and create a project
to create such whois filtering library for SMTP. This library can then
be called from extensions for Sendmail, Postfix, Exim and other popular 
mailers. I certainly will be willing to help with my whois programming 
skills but I have no experience (yet) writing extensions for MTAs.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Ken Gilmour

Captain's Log, stardate Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:10:14 -0500, from the fingers of 
Daniel Senie came the words:

> We have clients complaining about the junk email, junk faxes and
> junk postal mail that results from these listings.

I agree,

Even the .ie domain registry doesn't add personal information by default. For 
example, one of the domains I've registered has only the registrant name and 
the DNS host's name. This is our full .ie whois info:

domain: blah
descr: BLAH
descr: Body Corporate (Ltd,PLC,Company)
descr: Registered Business Name
admin-c: ABA822-IEDR
tech-c: IBH1-IEDR
source: IEDR

person: Ken Gilmour
nic-hdl: ABA822-IEDR
source: IEDR

person: Irish Broadband Hostmaster
nic-hdl: IBH1-IEDR
source: IEDR

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Elmar K. Bins

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Corlett) wrote:

> william(at) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within
> > about 10 minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz)
> > while whois data is still updated once or twice a day. That means if
> > spammer registers new domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and
> > it'll not yet show up in whois (and so not be immediatly
> > identifiable to spam reporting tools) - and spammers are in fact
> > using this "feature" more and more!
> This tempts me to hack something into Exim that does a whois on
> previously-unseen sender domains, and give a deferral if the whois
> denies existence of the domain. Is this likely to have any meaningful
> effect?

No. It depends too much on

  (a) the registry and registrar for the domain
  (b) overall whois availability to that TLD (not everybody uses whois)
  (c) your connectivity to the whois servers involved (possibly more than one)



"Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren."
  (PLemken, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

--[ ELMI-RIPE ]---

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-10 Thread Peter Corlett

william(at) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within
> about 10 minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz)
> while whois data is still updated once or twice a day. That means if
> spammer registers new domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and
> it'll not yet show up in whois (and so not be immediatly
> identifiable to spam reporting tools) - and spammers are in fact
> using this "feature" more and more!

This tempts me to hack something into Exim that does a whois on
previously-unseen sender domains, and give a deferral if the whois
denies existence of the domain. Is this likely to have any meaningful

Just last week, someone called every morning to speak to President Gore. By
Friday, the operator was flustered, and finally snapped, "You call every day
asking that, and every day I tell you that Mr. Gore lost the election. Why?"
"I just like hearing that. It's a great start for the day!"

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 10:32 PM 09/12/2004, Janet Sullivan wrote:
I wonder what % of domains that have their whois info hidden or "private" 
are throwaway spam domains...  Some number approaching 100% I would 
bet.  It would be nice to somehow incorporate this into a SpamAssassin 
check somehow.
Please don't, there are legitimate reasons to have private domain 
names.  One of the main reasons my domains are private is I got tired of 
the spam and direct snail mail I got to the contact addresses.
The internet is a public space.  If your domain is being abused / misused, 
how are people supposed to contact the domain holder or registrar if there 
is no whois record for the domain OR the registrar ?Remember, I am 
talking about domains that whois servers says does not exist, but for whose 
DNS is active in the root name servers.  In this case, I was talking about 
the domain which was registered this AM, and by the time 
it shows up in the whois records 24hrs later, is thrown away by the spammer 
after blasting out their spam

Anyways, its there now
   Registrar: BIZCN.COM, INC.
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: NS1.KRONUNA.BIZ
   Name Server: NS2.KRONUNA.BIZ
   Updated Date: 09-dec-2004
   Creation Date: 09-dec-2004
   Expiration Date: 09-dec-2005

Registrant Contact:
   Uno More
   haun nito [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   371-6352202 fax: 371-6352202
   Briezha 5-6
   Riga Riga LV 1021
 Yeah, one more throwaway spam domain

Also, some people, like incest survivors, feel better not having their 
name out there as an owner of a related support site.
... Roll account/PO Box

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Janet Sullivan

I wonder what % of domains that have their whois info hidden or 
"private" are throwaway spam domains...  Some number approaching 100% I 
would bet.  It would be nice to somehow incorporate this into a 
SpamAssassin check somehow.
Please don't, there are legitimate reasons to have private domain names. 
 One of the main reasons my domains are private is I got tired of the 
spam and direct snail mail I got to the contact addresses.  Also, some 
people, like incest survivors, feel better not having their name out 
there as an owner of a related support site.

Taking away the usefulness of private registrations won't stop the 
spammers.  It will just impact the privacy of the regular folks.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Peter John Hill
More fun...
Mike Tancsa wrote:
1M IN MX10 www

inetnum: 200.124.64/19
responsible: GoldToe International Inc.
address: 60 Market Square, 0, 0
address: 0 - Belize - 0
country: BZ
nic-hdl: PDL
person:  GoldToe International Inc.
address: Box CB13039, 1956,
address: 11946 - Nassau -
country: BS
a   1M IN A
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ gwhois
GeekTools Whois Proxy v5.0.4 Ready.
Checking access for ok.
Final results obtained from
inetnum: -
netname:  CNCGROUP-CQ
descr:CNC Group Chongqing province network
descr:China Network Communications Group Corporation
descr:No.156,Fu-Xing-Men-Nei Street,
descr:Beijing 100031
country:  CN

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 07:49 PM 09/12/2004, Peter John Hill wrote:
Jeff Rosowski wrote:

shell1% whois
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
What gives ?  How can their be no whois info anywhere ?
How about the following... (note that just because someone is using 
someone as their authoritative name server doesn't mean that the other 
people (in this case have anything to do with it...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ dig ns

;; ANSWER SECTION:  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS
I dont follow ?   It seems to me they do answer for the domain.
granite# dig
;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: IN A200.124.75.9 IN A219.154.96.29
granite# dig axfr @
; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> axfr @
; (1 server found)
@   1M IN SOA   @ root (
240420115   ; serial
8H  ; refresh
1M  ; retry
1W  ; expiry
1H ); minimum
1M IN MX10 www
*   1M IN A
a   1M IN A
*.a 1M IN A
a6  1M IN A
*.a61M IN A
e   1M IN A
*.e 1M IN A
g   1M IN A
*.g 1M IN A
i   1M IN A
*.i 1M IN A
m   1M IN A
*.m 1M IN A
mail1M IN CNAME @
www 1M IN CNAME @
@   1M IN SOA   @ root (
240420115   ; serial
8H  ; refresh
1M  ; retry
1W  ; expiry
1H ); minimum
;; Received 1 answer (21 records).
;; WHEN: Thu Dec  9 20:00:30 2004

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Raymond Dijkxhoorn
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ dig ns

;; ANSWER SECTION:  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS
Domain Name: KRONUNA.BIZ
Domain ID:   D8290016-BIZ
Sponsoring Registrar:TUCOWS INC.
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID:69
There are like a gazillion spam sites on that server. Its a spamnest.
Nameserver(s) are inside SBL also.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Peter John Hill
Jeff Rosowski wrote:

shell1% whois
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
What gives ?  How can their be no whois info anywhere ?
How about the following... (note that just because someone is using 
someone as their authoritative name server doesn't mean that the other 
people (in this case have anything to do with it...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ dig ns

;; ANSWER SECTION:  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS
Domain Name: KRONUNA.BIZ
Domain ID:   D8290016-BIZ
Sponsoring Registrar:TUCOWS INC.
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID:69
Domain Status:   ok
Registrant Name: domain administrator
Registrant Organization: Tehillimzeiger Pushkaya
Registrant Address1: Suite M-242, Christamar 43-B
Registrant Address2: Avda. De las Naciones Unidas
Registrant City: Puerto Banus - Marbella
Registrant State/Province:   Malaga
Registrant Postal Code:  29660
Registrant Country:  Spain
Registrant Country Code: ES
Registrant Phone Number: +371.7338359
Registrant Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within 
about 10
minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz) while whois data
is still updated once or twice a day. That means if spammer registers new
domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and it'll not yet show up in
whois (and so not be immediatly identifiable to spam reporting tools) -
and spammers are in fact using this "feature" more and more!

You can also make whois information private, usually for an additional fee.

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 03:10 PM 09/12/2004, Daniel Senie wrote:
The WHOIS data is there to ensure there's someone to contact. As long as 
the data listed can be used to reach the domain holder for legitimate 
purposes (technical problems, etc.), why should you care if the listed 
address is a Care Of address, the email address goes through a redirect or 
is handled by an agent trusted by the domain holder?

Yes, I agree.  I am talking about not having *ANY* whois info. I dont see 
how any of your arguments justify

% whois
Whois Server Version 1.3
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to
for detailed information.
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
Hopefully this is just a case of the whois info not catching up with the 
registration There should always be some way to contact the domain 
holder, or registrar.  Right now, there is none for this domain which is 
wrong IMO.


RE: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Hannigan, Martin

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Tancsa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 3:00 PM
> To: Hannigan, Martin; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: no whois info ?
> At 02:44 PM 09/12/2004, Hannigan, Martin wrote:

> There has to be a balance between expectations to privacy when 
> participating in a public space (the internet).  Putting your 
> name and 
> address behind a domain is not unreasonable in my mind.  You 
> are afterall 
> publishing DNS info, so its not a case of total privacy.
> I use RBLs to score messages, not reject them.

I don't think privacy should be compromised for scoring. I'd
rather cripple the RBL. That's just a personal opinion.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Daniel Senie
At 02:33 PM 12/9/2004, Mike Tancsa wrote:
At 01:50 PM 09/12/2004, Jeff Rosowski wrote:
shell1% whois
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
What gives ?  How can there be no whois info anywhere ?
You can also make whois information private, usually for an additional fee.
I wonder what % of domains that have their whois info hidden or "private" 
are throwaway spam domains...  Some number approaching 100% I would bet.
I would doubt that.
We have started hiding the information for clients who request it for a 
simple reason: use of WHOIS data for marketing.

Anyone want to guess how many credit cards have been offered to "Host 
Master" and "Master Host" addressed to our Technical contact address?

We have clients complaining about the junk email, junk faxes and junk 
postal mail that results from these listings.

Then there's the folks who send out offers to "renew" domains, but in the 
very fine print say "this is not a bill" and are really an attempt to 
transfer the domain name to another provider. We've had customers fall for 
these, thinking the invoices were from us, and in cases where the customer 
didn't have their domain locked against transfers, have their web sites go 

 It would be nice to somehow incorporate this into a SpamAssassin check 
Your basic assumption is faulty.
The WHOIS data is there to ensure there's someone to contact. As long as 
the data listed can be used to reach the domain holder for legitimate 
purposes (technical problems, etc.), why should you care if the listed 
address is a Care Of address, the email address goes through a redirect or 
is handled by an agent trusted by the domain holder?

Yes, I understand the concern that spammers might use the mechanism to 
hide. I'm concerned about that too, but not enough to override my concern 
about the marketing use of the data, often in campaigns that border on scams.

RE: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 02:44 PM 09/12/2004, Hannigan, Martin wrote:

Perhaps 100% of spammers hide their registration data when possible,
but I wouldn't say that 100% of hidden registrations are spammers.
An RBL option of this type of data would probably mean forced
elimination of a benefit to the public - privacy.
There has to be a balance between expectations to privacy when 
participating in a public space (the internet).  Putting your name and 
address behind a domain is not unreasonable in my mind.  You are afterall 
publishing DNS info, so its not a case of total privacy.

I use RBLs to score messages, not reject them.

RE: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Hannigan, Martin

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 2:33 PM
> Subject: Re: no whois info ?
> At 01:50 PM 09/12/2004, Jeff Rosowski wrote:
> >>>shell1% whois
> >>...
> >>>No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
> >>>What gives ?  How can there be no whois info anywhere ?
> >
> >You can also make whois information private, usually for an 
> additional fee.
> I wonder what % of domains that have their whois info hidden 
> or "private" 
> are throwaway spam domains...  Some number approaching 100% I would 
> bet.  It would be nice to somehow incorporate this into a 
> SpamAssassin 
> check somehow.

Perhaps 100% of spammers hide their registration data when possible,
but I wouldn't say that 100% of hidden registrations are spammers.

An RBL option of this type of data would probably mean forced 
elimination of a benefit to the public - privacy. 


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 01:50 PM 09/12/2004, Jeff Rosowski wrote:
shell1% whois
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
What gives ?  How can there be no whois info anywhere ?
You can also make whois information private, usually for an additional fee.
I wonder what % of domains that have their whois info hidden or "private" 
are throwaway spam domains...  Some number approaching 100% I would 
bet.  It would be nice to somehow incorporate this into a SpamAssassin 
check somehow.


Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Jeff Rosowski

shell1% whois
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
What gives ?  How can their be no whois info anywhere ?
Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within about 10
minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz) while whois data
is still updated once or twice a day. That means if spammer registers new
domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and it'll not yet show up in
whois (and so not be immediatly identifiable to spam reporting tools) -
and spammers are in fact using this "feature" more and more!
You can also make whois information private, usually for an additional 

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
At 11:17 AM 09/12/2004, william(at) wrote:
Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within about 10
minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz)
Yes, I was aware of that.

while whois data
is still updated once or twice a day.
I (wrongly) assumed that the initial whois data would be immediately there 
to be seen at registration time

That means if spammer registers new
domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and it'll not yet show up in
whois (and so not be immediatly identifiable to spam reporting tools) -
and spammers are in fact using this "feature" more and more!
What a lovely well thought out feature

Re: no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread william(at)

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Mike Tancsa wrote:

> While doing a quick sample of my spam to see where spamvertized web sites 
> were hosted and registered, I came across the domain
> shell1% whois
> No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
> What gives ?  How can their be no whois info anywhere ?

Read NANOG archives - Verisign now allows immediate (well, within about 10 
minutes) updates of .com/.net zones (also same for .biz) while whois data 
is still updated once or twice a day. That means if spammer registers new
domain he'll be able to use it immediatly and it'll not yet show up in
whois (and so not be immediatly identifiable to spam reporting tools) - 
and spammers are in fact using this "feature" more and more!

Now it so happens that I've long ago added internal dns resolver code 
into completewhois engine to find list of nameservers (because whois 
for some CCtld was not showing it and sometimes even for internic it
was wrong) and now this is done by default on ALL domains (no matter
if they show up in whois or not) and if nameservers from whois are 
available they are compared to the list of the nameservers reported
from dns and both are shown. For your domain I see the following
(which nicely explains it to those who are surprised about not
 seeing real whois):

$ whois -h
Elan Completewhois.Com Whois Server, Version 0.91a16, compiled on Dec 7, 2004
Please see for command-line options
Use of this server and any information obtained here is allowed only
if you follow our policies at

[DOMAIN whois information for VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM ]
   Namespace: ICANN Unsponsored Generic TLD -
   TLD Info: See IANA Whois -
   Registry: VeriSign, Inc. -
   Registrar: Whois data parsing problem, no registrar information found
   Whois Server:
   Name Server[from dns, dns ip]: NS2.KRONUNA.BIZ
   Name Server[from dns, dns ip]: NS1.KRONUNA.BIZ

Domain VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM not found in registry whois server.
But this domain appears to be deligated in dns. This is either an error 
with registrar whois database or it is possible this domain was recently 
registered and whois data is not yet available. Completewhois domain 
information above should list current nameservers as has been found in 
dns, for more information regarding this domain, please do whois lookup on 
these nameservers or ips

P.S. If you're going to do whois on nameserver ips next, then you can
do the following combined lookup:
 $ whois -h "nsips"

But so you don't all overwhelm the engine with same query, I saved you the
results, you can retreive with "whois -h R#75944680" or at

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

no whois info ?

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Tancsa
While doing a quick sample of my spam to see where spamvertized web sites 
were hosted and registered, I came across the domain

shell1% whois
Whois Server Version 1.3
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to
for detailed information.
No match for "VESTIGIAL3HAD.COM".
shell1% host -tns name server name server
What gives ?  How can their be no whois info anywhere ?

Mike Tancsa,  tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Providing Internet since
Cambridge, Ontario Canada