Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-30 Thread bmanning

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 01:28:40PM -0500, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> >You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting to/from
> >an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code could
> >do its work and route the packets through some some other or renumbered
> >interface.
> So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

#ifconfig lo0 down
#ifconfig lo0 ::2
#ifconfig lo0 up

is one way...


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-30 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 23-nov-04, at 11:09, Elmar K. Bins wrote:
Well, suppose we know 212/8 is used in Europe. A network that is
present in say, North America and Europe then has the routers in 
that talk to the routers in America filter out all 212/8 more 
and only announce the aggregate instead. In the simple version this
only works if there is full interconnection for all 212/8 destination
in Europe.

And if everyone gives transit to anyone. Ideal world.
Actually everyone giving everyone transit is far from ideal. We've seen 
this happen in IPv6, with poor performance as a result. The trouble is 
that the destination of the traffic can do very little to improve this 
even if good connectivity is also present.

But that's not what I'm saying anyway. If aggregates are only used 
within ASes and not communicated to other ASes, the macro view will 
stay the same. We just remove information in places where it has no 
added value. For example, someone in Los Angeles really doesn't care 
whether a packet goes to Darmstadt or Hannover. All they care about is 
that the packets move to the east.

The correlation between network topology and geography doesn't have to 
be perfect. The number of routing table entries saved corresponds to 
the level of topology/geo correlation. Anything from 50% and up would 
be worthwhile, IMO.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-30 Thread Jeroen Massar
On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 18:02 -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
> > Instead of hacking the nice and working TCP we have now you should
> > move on to greener grass and use SCTP instead.  It does what you
> > want, at least in the specification.  I don't know how many implementors
> > have managed to code it properly.
> >
> Please point me to where I can get a version of SSH that uses SCTP instead
> of TCP and talks to the existing SSHD services using TCP with flow
> survivability. If the TCP library changes underneath SSH and provides this
> capability, it will get deployed.  If we need to completely rewrite all the
> applications to support TCP and SCTP in some sort of split-brained idea of
> how the world should work, then, adoption is less likely.

It is called *OPEN*ssh in most cases, use the code ;)

But as most people do not care about the openess of source there is an
easier method (yup I also asked about this before ;):

Quoting Sridhar Samudrala:
I don't see any need to hijack listen() or connect() calls to make
an existing TCP application to use SCTP. This can be done by trapping
the socket() call and replacing the protocol with IPPROTO_SCTP.
The lksctp-tools package does include a utility called 'withsctp' that
can used with most of the existing TCP applications to make them
use SCTP.

You can find it as part of the lksctp-tools-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm at

Oh and it works just fine, props to the SCTP implementors!


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> > It would have been nice to make sctp be the standard stream protocol
> > for ipv6.

yup.  or at any rate, SOME kind of improvement in this area.

> > For most nanog customers, there's still time.


> > Those places that have already seen significant ipv6 adoption may
> > need to upgrade again.  If we wait much longer, of course, the
> > opportunity will be lost.

that opportunity was lost when the preponderance of the iab and iesg was
refilled by folks who didn't know or care why TUBA hadn't been selected.

> > To argue that it's already too late, when ipv6 is a small fraction
> > of all traffic and an infinitesmal fraction of future traffic is,
> > imho, foolish.

and yet it is.  to declare that ipv6 will can have more than one flag day
is to declare that there could be more flag days which would have what
the law people call a "chilling effect".  that can't be allowed to happen.

this is why the decision to kill a6/dname was so evil.  not that it was
wrong, or made in a star chamber without consensus or transparency, but
that it was so perfectly timed to be irreversable.  it's "review-proof."

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
But old-style tcp apps don't work with ipv6 either.  So if you're going
to demand binary compatibility, all the mechanics need to get done below
the app anyway.
Actually, on some systems, the appear to work just fine, or, at least the
authors have already coded v6 support in.  In an ideal world, yes, the app.
shouldn't have to know anything below layer 4.
It would have been nice to make sctp be the standard stream protocol for
ipv6.  For most nanog customers, there's still time.  Those places that
have already seen significant ipv6 adoption may need to upgrade again.
If we wait much longer, of course, the opportunity will be lost.  To
argue that it's already too late, when ipv6 is a small fraction of all
traffic and an infinitesmal fraction of future traffic is, imho, foolish.
May not be too late, but, doesn't appear to be catching on well enough to
prevent it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Barney Wolff

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 06:02:48PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
> >
> Please point me to where I can get a version of SSH that uses SCTP instead
> of TCP and talks to the existing SSHD services using TCP with flow
> survivability.  If the TCP library changes underneath SSH and provides this
> capability, it will get deployed.  If we need to completely rewrite all the
> applications to support TCP and SCTP in some sort of split-brained idea of
> how the world should work, then, adoption is less likely.

But old-style tcp apps don't work with ipv6 either.  So if you're going
to demand binary compatibility, all the mechanics need to get done below
the app anyway.

It would have been nice to make sctp be the standard stream protocol for
ipv6.  For most nanog customers, there's still time.  Those places that
have already seen significant ipv6 adoption may need to upgrade again.
If we wait much longer, of course, the opportunity will be lost.  To
argue that it's already too late, when ipv6 is a small fraction of all
traffic and an infinitesmal fraction of future traffic is, imho, foolish.

Barney Wolff
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
Instead of hacking the nice and working TCP we have now you should
move on to greener grass and use SCTP instead.  It does what you
want, at least in the specification.  I don't know how many implementors
have managed to code it properly.
Please point me to where I can get a version of SSH that uses SCTP instead
of TCP and talks to the existing SSHD services using TCP with flow
survivability.  If the TCP library changes underneath SSH and provides this
capability, it will get deployed.  If we need to completely rewrite all the
applications to support TCP and SCTP in some sort of split-brained idea of
how the world should work, then, adoption is less likely.
Personally, I agree that TCP is the wrong place to solve this.  I think
instead of moving up the stack we need to move down the stack and solve this
entirely at layer 3 by recognizing that IP addresses as currently 
(both in v4 and v6) are better as endpoint identifiers and as such should be
migrated to layer 4 with layer three being built on a new series of 
that are topologically derived and do not need to remain consistent during
a session for the session to continue.

The further this thread goes, the more I am convinced that the telcos have
the key.  There are actually two phone numbers associated with each end of
any given call.  One is the endpoint identifier (Dialed Number/Billing
Number), the other is the routing identifier (I don't know the SS7 term for
this).  In most cases, it turns out that these are the same, but, that is
purely a matter of architectural convenience resulting mostly from the
prevalence of incumbent local carriers and geographic hierarchy.
There is no real need for any correlation between the two addressing schemes
even though they use the same address format and limitations.
Yea, but what is a surviving TCP good if you put your laptop to sleep
and wake it up somewhere else?  It can't pre-announce the next IP address
it will use.  Instead at the new location it will have to convince somehow
the remote host that he is he indeed.  No way without cryptography.  IPSEC
will break too.
There are lots of ways to solve this.  Simple X.509 certificate based
authentication over a separate stateless service among them.  However, if we
separate the routing identifier entirely from the endpoint identifier, then,
this question is moot except for the generic case of endpoint authentication
which we either don't bother with today (mostly) or, which we can use the
existing solutions for.
Oops, the remote end switched IP addresses too and you are lost.
Not if we separate endpoint identifier from routing identifier.  In that
case, we just need to learn the new mapping between the same endpoint
identifier and it's new routing identity.
The question is whether renumbering while moving active TCP sessions to
the new IP address is a problem at all other than a nice-to-have dream
of 'propellerhead' Paul? ;)
Well... If you want to get entirely away from PI space in v6 and preserve
hierarchical addressing as the primary goal (as stated by the IETF,
ICANN, and RIR policies), then, it is an absolute requirement.  If you
are willing to concede that given the existing implementations, this
goal shouldn't be the primary goal any more and there are tradeoffs
to be made to meet real world requirements, then, this can become
less important.
And the other, more serious, question is whether IP addresses are
that you only use temporarily or permanently?
Depends.  Endpoint Identifiers need to be something you can use permanently
in enough situations that as long as IP addresses are endpoint identifiers
I would say permanently (or at least nearly permanently).  If we can use
something else as endpoint identifiers and use IP addresses strictly as
routing identifiers, then, IP addresses can be temporary, and, it is the
other endpoint identifiers that must be permanent.
Nonetheless having a simple and easily implementable spec is key to
success and compatibility.  I know you can write, hmm, interesting
and complex code...
Have you read the SCTP spec?  It is not especially simple, and, I would 
not particularly easy to implement.  How many known interoperable
implementations of SCTP exist today?  How many can be put in place as a DSO
replacement for the existing TCP DSOs?  How much recoding is necessary at
the application level to get a daemon to listen for both SCTP and TCP
connections?  How much recoding is necessary at the application level to get
a client to attempt and SCTP and TCP connection and use the best one that
answers?  How much delay is introduced when connecting to an SCTP unaware
site that doesn't send back ICMP unreachables for SCTP?

Yep... There loses SCTP.
No, they don't mind just using the computer because you set up the
connection.  Have them call your favorite ADSL provider and order an ADSL
line and then have them set up some DSLWLAN thingie plus a printer
via e

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> Instead of hacking the nice and working TCP we have now you should
> move on to greener grass and use $xyzzy instead.  It does what you
> want, at least in the specification.  I don't know how many
> implementors have managed to code it properly.

i remember hearing folks tell vj and mk that when they wanted to speed
up tcp.  only the value of $xyzzy changes with time; the flat-earth
mentality of the enclosing community seems to be a constant.

> You see?

no, i think we're shouting past each other at this point, so let's stop.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Andre Oppermann
Paul Vixie wrote:
i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host
w/o killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a
layering violation.  tcp should be able to know about
endpoint-renumber events.
This is a layering violation and has endless security implications.
as i told someone in private e-mail earlier this morning, tcp's notion
of a flow-identifying tuple includes network addresses, and so, the
ability to change these on the fly will absolutely affect tcp.  when
you bind a session to an address, as tcp currently does, you cause the
community to waste ipv4 /32's or ipv6 /128's as loopback aliases just
to have something they can virtualize, manage, move around, play with.
let me put that another way, in case it's not clear enough as stated:
tcp's existing reference to network addresses are a layering violation,
and so anything we do to improve the situation will also be a layering
violation, but what of it?  deciding against making tcp "less pure" is
not going to meet the needs and demands of the community -- and those
needs and demands WILL be met, and probably in even less pure ways.
google for a product or feature called "3TCP" to see what i mean.
Instead of hacking the nice and working TCP we have now you should
move on to greener grass and use SCTP instead.  It does what you
want, at least in the specification.  I don't know how many implementors
have managed to code it properly.
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting
to/from an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing
code could do its work and route the packets through some some other
or renumbered interface.
see above.  we do that now.  however, it limits the scope of mobility to
"same autonomous system" and often "same campus" so it's not useful for
any wide area purpose.  the internet's target area is very wide indeed.
Yea, but what is a surviving TCP good if you put your laptop to sleep
and wake it up somewhere else?  It can't pre-announce the next IP address
it will use.  Instead at the new location it will have to convince somehow
the remote host that he is he indeed.  No way without cryptography.  IPSEC
will break too.
Oops, the remote end switched IP addresses too and you are lost.
The question is whether renumbering while moving active TCP sessions to
the new IP address is a problem at all other than a nice-to-have dream
of 'propellerhead' Paul? ;)
And the other, more serious, question is whether IP addresses are something
that you only use temporarily or permanently?
Try to get your TCP automatic renumbering stuff implemented from spec
by five different people in five different codebases in a compatible
way within two month time... No way.
where i come from that's called "the fallacy of the straw man" and is
not a well respected technique for debate or discussion.  the process
i'm thinking of would take years to reach deployability, and more years
to reach wide scale deployment.
Nonetheless having a simple and easily implementable spec is key to
success and compatibility.  I know you can write, hmm, interesting
and complex code...
Why is the telephone (POTS/Mobile) so popular?  Easy answer: Even the
most stupid person on earth capable of correctly reading digits is able
to punch in a number.  As simple as it gets.
i guess i was expecting smart people to write kernels and "lusers" to
just run working code.  this seems to work for apple and suse and redhat
and sun and microsoft.  or is this another straw man thing?  certainly
my kids think their mac/os/x machine is as easy to use as a telephone,
and if you asked them how the routing table worked they wouldn't care.
No, they don't mind just using the computer because you set up the internet
connection.  Have them call your favorite ADSL provider and order an ADSL
line and then have them set up some DSLWLAN thingie plus a printer connected
via ethernet.  And using the Apple offerings is cheating, take the average
cheap windooze stuff.
Because all this worked so well they want to run their own webserver on
their computer and others from the internet should be able to connect...
You see?

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Joe Abley

On 29 Nov 2004, at 13:50, Owen DeLong wrote:
Right... Well... The point of the loopback thingy was that you don't
renumber the loopback.
This is not any kind of answer to the problem of TCP session 
survivability across renumbering events; it's an answer to the 
non-problem of TCP session survivability when there are no renumbering 

[how to suck eggs]


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Petri Helenius
Paul Vixie wrote:
let me put that another way, in case it's not clear enough as stated:
tcp's existing reference to network addresses are a layering violation,
and so anything we do to improve the situation will also be a layering
violation, but what of it?  deciding against making tcp "less pure" is
not going to meet the needs and demands of the community -- and those
needs and demands WILL be met, and probably in even less pure ways.
google for a product or feature called "3TCP" to see what i mean.

But doesn't HIP fix that in a way that is already specified and it just 
needs to be pushed forward if the community feels it fixes the "next 
generation TCP" issue?


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
Right... Well... The point of the loopback thingy was that you don't
renumber the loopback.  The address assigned to the loopback is used
as the session endpoint identifier, while, the address assigned to
the network interface is used as the routing endpoint identifier.  So,
BGP takes care of deailing with the consequences of renumbering the
routing endpoint identifier, and, lo0 remains a consistent session endpoint
This will not scale, but, it does work (e.g. anycast).
--On Monday, November 29, 2004 1:39 PM -0500 Joe Abley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On 29 Nov 2004, at 13:36, Owen DeLong wrote:
ifconfig le0:1  netmask 
YMMV depending on your operating system.
If the old address is removed, then TCP sessions established with the old
address as an endpoint will break; hence plumbing TCP sessions to
loopback addresses is not a solution to TCP survival over renumbering
That was my point.
--On Monday, November 29, 2004 1:28 PM -0500 Joe Abley
On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting
an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code
do its work and route the packets through some some other or
So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Joe Abley

On 29 Nov 2004, at 13:36, Owen DeLong wrote:
ifconfig le0:1  netmask 
YMMV depending on your operating system.
If the old address is removed, then TCP sessions established with the 
old address as an endpoint will break; hence plumbing TCP sessions to 
loopback addresses is not a solution to TCP survival over renumbering 

That was my point.
--On Monday, November 29, 2004 1:28 PM -0500 Joe Abley 

On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting 
an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code 
do its work and route the packets through some some other or 
So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
ifconfig le0:1  netmask 
YMMV depending on your operating system.
--On Monday, November 29, 2004 1:28 PM -0500 Joe Abley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting to/from
an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code could
do its work and route the packets through some some other or renumbered
So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Joe Abley

On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting to/from
an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code could
do its work and route the packets through some some other or renumbered
So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> > i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host
> > w/o killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a
> > layering violation.  tcp should be able to know about
> > endpoint-renumber events.
> This is a layering violation and has endless security implications.

as i told someone in private e-mail earlier this morning, tcp's notion
of a flow-identifying tuple includes network addresses, and so, the
ability to change these on the fly will absolutely affect tcp.  when
you bind a session to an address, as tcp currently does, you cause the
community to waste ipv4 /32's or ipv6 /128's as loopback aliases just
to have something they can virtualize, manage, move around, play with.

let me put that another way, in case it's not clear enough as stated:

tcp's existing reference to network addresses are a layering violation,
and so anything we do to improve the situation will also be a layering
violation, but what of it?  deciding against making tcp "less pure" is
not going to meet the needs and demands of the community -- and those
needs and demands WILL be met, and probably in even less pure ways.
google for a product or feature called "3TCP" to see what i mean.

> You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting
> to/from an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing
> code could do its work and route the packets through some some other
> or renumbered interface.

see above.  we do that now.  however, it limits the scope of mobility to
"same autonomous system" and often "same campus" so it's not useful for
any wide area purpose.  the internet's target area is very wide indeed.

> Try to get your TCP automatic renumbering stuff implemented from spec
> by five different people in five different codebases in a compatible
> way within two month time... No way.

where i come from that's called "the fallacy of the straw man" and is
not a well respected technique for debate or discussion.  the process
i'm thinking of would take years to reach deployability, and more years
to reach wide scale deployment.

> Why is the telephone (POTS/Mobile) so popular?  Easy answer: Even the
> most stupid person on earth capable of correctly reading digits is able
> to punch in a number.  As simple as it gets.

i guess i was expecting smart people to write kernels and "lusers" to
just run working code.  this seems to work for apple and suse and redhat
and sun and microsoft.  or is this another straw man thing?  certainly
my kids think their mac/os/x machine is as easy to use as a telephone,
and if you asked them how the routing table worked they wouldn't care.
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> > i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host
> > w/o killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a
> > layering violation.  tcp should be able to know about
> > endpoint-renumber events.
> Unfortunately this sounds like a good target for people to mess up
> implementations and introduce huge security issues into TCP
> stacks. (along the theme of the one which started the recent MD5
> discussion)

of course.  and if endpoint-renumber were possible, it would also be
used in load-balancing handoffs (similar to the thing that goes under
the trade name "3TCP"), clustering, failover... plus things we havn't
even thought of yet.  of course there would be security problems, and
just knowing the current sequence numbers wouldn't be enough proof,
and there's an interesting question of whether both directions would
have to renumber at the same time.  this is a nec'y enabling technology
for so many things that calling it a layering violation is "outrageous."

> But obviously, implemeted properly that would be very useful.  The
> problem then becomes, how an ISP can signal a renumber.

as it turns out, there is no silver bullet -- no single thing that if
we could just to that then we'd be done, "roll credits."  same thing
for spam, as it turns out.  it's going to take a lot of little things,
which amounts to a lot of hard work by a lot of people, some of whom
won't even know eachother or about eachother's work, to get "ipng" done.
real time tcp session renumberability is on the list, but it's a big

what i DON'T like is having the future of "ipng" decided in star
chambers where things like A6/DNAME can be killed without transparency
or accountability.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Jeroen Massar
On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 16:58 +0100, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> Paul Vixie wrote:
> >>And please don't add any more layering violations.  It makes implementors
> >>life painful and kills any architectual cleaniess in operating systems.
> > 
> > i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host w/o
> > killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a layering
> > violation.  tcp should be able to know about endpoint-renumber events.
> This is a layering violation and has endless security implications.

Full Ack. IMHO SCTP and HIP are the way to go at the moment. Both
support both IPv4 and IPv6 btw. New technologies are required to solve
old problems, which is not that odd now is it ? :)

> Have you ever worked in luser techsupport?  I did for the fun of it.

Most people would refuse it :)

> It's not pretty.  And that's why IPv6 is not going to fly.  It's broken
> by design in so many places that it's impossible to explain it by phone
> to Joe Average (with IQ100, I'm not even talking about the average US high
> school dropout flipping burger in your favorite fast food chain).

I am not flipping burgers, but did once work in a cheese factory (Gouda
cheese anyone? :), I am wondering how you could keep this piggie from
flying though. Could you elaborate or point me to a doc where you most
likely already did?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Andre Oppermann
Paul Vixie wrote:
And please don't add any more layering violations.  It makes implementors
life painful and kills any architectual cleaniess in operating systems.
i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host w/o
killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a layering
violation.  tcp should be able to know about endpoint-renumber events.
This is a layering violation and has endless security implications.
You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting to/from
an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code could
do its work and route the packets through some some other or renumbered
Try to get your TCP automatic renumbering stuff implemented from spec by
five different people in five different codebases in a compatible way
within two month time... No way.
Why is the telephone (POTS/Mobile) so popular?  Easy answer: Even the
most stupid person on earth capable of correctly reading digits is able
to punch in a number.  As simple as it gets.
Have you ever worked in luser techsupport?  I did for the fun of it.
It's not pretty.  And that's why IPv6 is not going to fly.  It's broken
by design in so many places that it's impossible to explain it by phone
to Joe Average (with IQ100, I'm not even talking about the average US high
school dropout flipping burger in your favorite fast food chain).

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Petri Helenius
Paul Vixie wrote:
And please don't add any more layering violations.  It makes implementors
life painful and kills any architectual cleaniess in operating systems.

i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host w/o
killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a layering
violation.  tcp should be able to know about endpoint-renumber events.

Unfortunately this sounds like a good target for people to mess up 
implementations and introduce huge security issues into TCP stacks. 
(along the theme of the one which started the recent MD5 discussion)

But obviously, implemeted properly that would be very useful. The 
problem then becomes, how an ISP can signal a renumber.


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Paul Vixie

> And please don't add any more layering violations.  It makes implementors
> life painful and kills any architectual cleaniess in operating systems.

i have long wished for and sometimes needed a way to renumber a host w/o
killing or restarting its active tcp flows.  this isn't a layering
violation.  tcp should be able to know about endpoint-renumber events.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Andre Oppermann
Paul Vixie wrote:
(catching up)
(you missed some stuff.)
On 2004-11-22, at 18.52, Paul Vixie wrote:
(let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of
complexity, and it was simpler than this.)
I am not convinced A6/DNAME would have solved all problems, not even
all of the ones you pointed out.
the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect ISP1.
the DNAME was expected to be inside your own zone.  presto, no lock-in.
my theory at the time, bitter and twisted i admit, was that we had too
many ISP employees in positions of power inside IETF, and that A6/DNAME
was seen as shifting too much power to the endsystems.  i've since learned
that it was just another case of FID (fear, ignorance, and doubt).
naturally this presumed that you could add and delete ipv6 supernets from
a LAN, which appeared to be the case at that time, though now with dhcp6
and static addressing making a comeback that's no longer clear.  in any
case there was a need for a TCP option for endpoint-renumber, which was
killed in a committee somewhere (i don't know which one, or where or when.)
As someone actively working on maintaining an TCP stack (FreeBSD 5.x and
6.x) I can tell you this is a blessing.  Throwing more stuff into TCP is
only making matter worse and leads to lots of really buggy and non-working
implementations.  TCP is pretty complex already and only a few people are
really up to it.
given that ipv6 is now somewhat deployed without rapid renumbering, and
that rapid renumbering could have required logic in "both endpoints" of
every flow, but that there are now a lot of "other endpoints" without any
such logic, it seems to me that MULTI6's only option is to make NAT work,
even if you call it "site local addressing" or even "ULA's".  (show me.)
If you want that, then go for SCTP.
And please don't add any more layering violations.  It makes implementors
life painful and kills any architectual cleaniess in operating systems.

Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong

--On Sunday, November 28, 2004 11:35 PM -0800 "william(at)" 

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Pekka Savola wrote:
6.  Acknowledgments
Some took it on themselves to convince the authors that the concept
of network renumbering as a normal or frequent procedure is daft.
[Note: check spell error - "draft" not "daft"]
No, I think "daft" is the word intended in this case.  It is a synonym
for "incompetent" or "stupid".
I don't happen to agree with it, but, I think that is what was intended.
If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
I suspect that it is now time to agree to disagree.
I have said before and will say again:
1.  IPv4 is fundamentally flawed in that we are using a single
resource as both an end-point identifier and a routing
identifier.  The phone companies figured out that these
must be separate years ago.
2.  IPv6 took some steps to solve this by making this division
somewhat artificially through the use of A6/DNAME, but,
later backed off from this practice.
3.  IPv6 then completely failed to address issue 1 in any other
way, and, so, we have, as near as I can tell, essentially
come full circle to TUBA which we initially rejected largely
because of issues like number 1 above.
To further paraphrase Randy: 'Swamp:  do not drink.'
--On Monday, November 29, 2004 8:53 AM +0200 Pekka Savola 

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Owen DeLong wrote:
Except that A6/DNAME also supported your upstream being able to initiate
prefix renumbering without having to involve the end customer...
Sure.  But draft-ietf-v6ops-renumbering-procedure-03.txt says it IMHO
6.  Acknowledgments
Some took it on themselves to convince the authors that the concept
of network renumbering as a normal or frequent procedure is daft.
Their comments, if they result in improved address management
practices in networks, may be the best contribution this note has to
The main thrust of A6/DNAME is adding hooks for handling so-called 'rapid
renumbering' and 'not-user-initiated-renumbering' scenarios. That seems
unfeasible and unreasonable.
Renumbering cannot be prevented.  And we should take all the reasonable
actions to make sure it's manageable, because otherwise we'll end up with
PI/ULAs and NATs.  But AFAICS, obtaining a level of 'manageability'
should be sufficient.  We don't necessarily want or need to solve the
most tricky renumbering problems here (e.g., rapid renumbering, automatic
renumbering or large sites without any actions from the administrators,
To paraphrase Randy from a couple of years ago: 'Ocean: do not drain.'
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-29 Thread Owen DeLong
the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect
This makes some sense, however, how does the client system know which
address it should use? what lets the client know that the path from
client->server-address-ATT is better/worse/same as the path from
client->server-address-MFN or client->server-address-uu ? I would think
that the 'best' solution for all parties would be 'one' address for an end
system, or one path to the end system.
Because when it matters, the administrator of the zone has the option of
removing the DNAME records for the provider that is sucking at the moment.
Not a panacea, but, at least help.
Single address may or may not be the best solution.  One path to end system
is definitely NOT the right answer for everyone.  More paths is less 

Perhaps this is just 'normal' technology acceptance process, and perhaps
I'm missing a great many things in 'the v6-way', but if the multihoming
can't be worked out in a sane manner I can't see rollout and acceptance of
v6 coming any time soon.
Apparently, you are, because, the whole DNAME/A6 thing was deprecated and
we were lamenting that it's existence would have made this somewhat simpler
to administer.
there are, and will be in the future, folks that WANT NAT, regardless of
the perceived 'badness' of it...
Why?  You still have yet to justify this position.
If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

Hash: SHA1


On 2004-11-28, at 17.47, Paul Vixie wrote:

>> (catching up)
> (you missed some stuff.)

Yes, I have had lot's of fun reading through almost a week of Nanog...

> the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its 
> intrinsic
> multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams 
> to
> N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
> switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, 
> then
> add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect 
> ISP1.

Somehow I must be confused. AFAIK DANME/A6 is/would be/could have been 
of great help with the name to number mapping when renumbering. But the 
main problem is the actual renumbering of the HOSTs. And I fail to see 
how A6/DNAME would help. As a matter of fact the problems that was 
brought to multi6 are a lot more than what you have listed A6/DNAME to 
address. See RFC3582 and draft-lear-multi6-things-to-think-about-03.txt 
for an overview.

> given that ipv6 is now somewhat deployed without rapid renumbering, and
> that rapid renumbering could have required logic in "both endpoints" of
> every flow, but that there are now a lot of "other endpoints" without 
> any
> such logic, it seems to me that MULTI6's only option is to make NAT 
> work,
> even if you call it "site local addressing" or even "ULA's".  (show 
> me.)

ULAs are not a product of multi6.

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.1


Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-28 Thread william(at)

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Pekka Savola wrote:

> 6.  Acknowledgments
> [...]
> Some took it on themselves to convince the authors that the concept
> of network renumbering as a normal or frequent procedure is daft.
[Note: check spell error - "draft" not "daft"]

> Their comments, if they result in improved address management
> practices in networks, may be the best contribution this note has to
> offer.

Oh? Is that "Acknolidgement" the only contribution IETF has to offer in
regards to renumbering? How pathetic!

> To paraphrase Randy from a couple of years ago: 'Ocean: do not drain.'

Is that the same as "Ocean: do not cross"? I guess we're lucky Columbus
did not have same attitude to life as Randy...

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-28 Thread Pekka Savola
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Owen DeLong wrote:
Except that A6/DNAME also supported your upstream being able to initiate
prefix renumbering without having to involve the end customer...
Sure.  But draft-ietf-v6ops-renumbering-procedure-03.txt says it IMHO 

6.  Acknowledgments
   Some took it on themselves to convince the authors that the concept
   of network renumbering as a normal or frequent procedure is daft.
   Their comments, if they result in improved address management
   practices in networks, may be the best contribution this note has to
The main thrust of A6/DNAME is adding hooks for handling so-called 
'rapid renumbering' and 'not-user-initiated-renumbering' scenarios. 
That seems unfeasible and unreasonable.

Renumbering cannot be prevented.  And we should take all the 
reasonable actions to make sure it's manageable, because otherwise 
we'll end up with PI/ULAs and NATs.  But AFAICS, obtaining a level of 
'manageability' should be sufficient.  We don't necessarily want or 
need to solve the most tricky renumbering problems here (e.g., rapid 
renumbering, automatic renumbering or large sites without any actions 
from the administrators, etc.).

To paraphrase Randy from a couple of years ago: 'Ocean: do not drain.'
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Paul Vixie

> > ..., it seems to me that MULTI6's only option is to make NAT work,
> > even if you call it "site local addressing" or even "ULA's".  ...
> there are, and will be in the future, folks that WANT NAT, regardless of
> the perceived 'badness' of it...

i know.  i've met some.  i've been one.  please join me in trying to get
some of them onto the IAB so that, like prometheus, they can carry the
secret of fire to those in need.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Christopher L. Morrow

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Paul Vixie wrote:

> > (catching up)
> (you missed some stuff.)

eh, so must I have, atleast about multi-homing :) I'll ask below.
(and yes, I'm still behind on the ipv6 reading I was supposed to do)

> > On 2004-11-22, at 18.52, Paul Vixie wrote:
> >
> > > (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of
> > > complexity, and it was simpler than this.)
> >
> > I am not convinced A6/DNAME would have solved all problems, not even
> > all of the ones you pointed out.
> the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
> multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
> N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
> switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
> add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect ISP1.

This makes some sense, however, how does the client system know which
address it should use? what lets the client know that the path from
client->server-address-ATT is better/worse/same as the path from
client->server-address-MFN or client->server-address-uu ? I would think
that the 'best' solution for all parties would be 'one' address for an end
system, or one path to the end system.

There are all sorts of reasons, from a client side, why ipv6 seems like a
huge mess, this is but one of them. It seems to me that other things like
outage detection toward the provider specific addresses (uu is down and
att is up, too bad I tried to get to the uu address) might also be a

>From the server side things also seem extra-messy in v6:
1) forcing N DNS updates for each system address change (uu-forward,
mfn-forward, att-forward... and reverses if you care about that as well)
2) 'extra' server resources to serve extra zones with the same
3) forcing urpf-like routing of traffic: uu out uu, att out att and mfn
out mfn off diverse routers upstream from the local LAN.

The world has been pushed toward multihoming of critical resources
(critical at multiple levels) over the last 10 years, forcing extra
complexity into v6 such that multihoming is now 'very difficult' (maybe
not for Paul or Mr. Rosen, but for many folks still) will delay the
rollout of v6 and it's acceptance.

Perhaps this is just 'normal' technology acceptance process, and perhaps
I'm missing a great many things in 'the v6-way', but if the multihoming
can't be worked out in a sane manner I can't see rollout and acceptance of
v6 coming any time soon.

> such logic, it seems to me that MULTI6's only option is to make NAT work,
> even if you call it "site local addressing" or even "ULA's".  (show me.)

there are, and will be in the future, folks that WANT NAT, regardless of
the perceived 'badness' of it...


Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-28 Thread Owen DeLong
Except that A6/DNAME also supported your upstream being able to initiate
prefix renumbering without having to involve the end customer...
As I understand it:   IN  A6  MYISP1 ::4321:53ef
MYSIP1  IN  DNAME   10 ::dead:beef::
Then, in ISP1's zone file
prefix1 IN  DNAME   100 feed:beef::
This way, if ISP1 needed to renumber for some reason (turning in old /32 in
trade for /30, for example), they could go through the following steps:
prefix1 IN  DNAME   200 feed:beef::
prefix1 IN  DNAME   100 2314:5124::
Wait a few days for everyone to catch on to the new DNAME, then,
prefix1 IN  DNAME   100 2314:5124::
Voila, painless ISP renumber without substantial end-user headache.
Sure, there are other issues (like bone-headed ACLs that accept/deny host
based on 128 bit address), but, this at least solved part of that problem.
--On Sunday, November 28, 2004 8:51 PM +0200 Pekka Savola 

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Paul Vixie wrote:
the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect
the DNAME was expected to be inside your own zone.  presto, no lock-in.
my theory at the time, bitter and twisted i admit, was that we had too
many ISP employees in positions of power inside IETF, and that A6/DNAME
was seen as shifting too much power to the endsystems.  i've since
learned that it was just another case of FID (fear, ignorance, and
Isn't about the same achievable with about two or three lines of
scripting (or a new zone parsing option for bind ;) with a lot less
protocol complexity?
As you note, A6/DNAME wasn't a panacea.  A lot additional stuff is needed
to achieve the goal.  It seems to me that actually the A6/DNAME part is a
relatively simple one to achieve using current mechanisms.
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-28 Thread Paul Vixie

> [...]
> Isn't about the same achievable with about two or three lines of
> scripting (or a new zone parsing option for bind ;) with a lot less
> protocol complexity?

only if you can tolerate short TTL's on all your 's.  in the A6/DNAME
model, your A6's could have long TTL's whereas your DNAME's could have
short(er) ones.

> As you note, A6/DNAME wasn't a panacea.  A lot additional stuff is
> needed to achieve the goal.  It seems to me that actually the A6/DNAME
> part is a relatively simple one to achieve using current mechanisms.

the other issue is multihoming.  someone who got done traversing the maze
of A6 and DNAME RRs that it took to find your addresses would pretty much
know that you were supernetting at the LAN level and that they should use
a very short timeout when connecting to each address.  when someone gets
back multiple 's for you, then you might be multihomed, and folks will
do just what they do with multiple A's, which doesn't support rapid

A6/DNAME not needed for v6 renumbering [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-28 Thread Pekka Savola
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004, Paul Vixie wrote:
the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect ISP1.
the DNAME was expected to be inside your own zone.  presto, no lock-in.
my theory at the time, bitter and twisted i admit, was that we had too
many ISP employees in positions of power inside IETF, and that A6/DNAME
was seen as shifting too much power to the endsystems.  i've since learned
that it was just another case of FID (fear, ignorance, and doubt).
Isn't about the same achievable with about two or three lines of 
scripting (or a new zone parsing option for bind ;) with a lot less 
protocol complexity?

As you note, A6/DNAME wasn't a panacea.  A lot additional stuff is 
needed to achieve the goal.  It seems to me that actually the A6/DNAME 
part is a relatively simple one to achieve using current mechanisms.

Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Paul Vixie

> (catching up)

(you missed some stuff.)

> On 2004-11-22, at 18.52, Paul Vixie wrote:
> > (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of
> > complexity, and it was simpler than this.)
> I am not convinced A6/DNAME would have solved all problems, not even
> all of the ones you pointed out.

the property of a6/dname that wasn't widely understood was its intrinsic
multihoming support.  the idea was that you could go from N upstreams to
N+1 (or N-1) merely by adding/deleting DNAME RRs.  so if you wanted to
switch from ISP1 to ISP2 you'd start by adding a connection to ISP2, then
add a DNAME for ISP2, then delete the DNAME for ISP1, then disconnect ISP1.

the DNAME was expected to be inside your own zone.  presto, no lock-in.
my theory at the time, bitter and twisted i admit, was that we had too
many ISP employees in positions of power inside IETF, and that A6/DNAME
was seen as shifting too much power to the endsystems.  i've since learned
that it was just another case of FID (fear, ignorance, and doubt).

naturally this presumed that you could add and delete ipv6 supernets from
a LAN, which appeared to be the case at that time, though now with dhcp6
and static addressing making a comeback that's no longer clear.  in any
case there was a need for a TCP option for endpoint-renumber, which was
killed in a committee somewhere (i don't know which one, or where or when.)

given that ipv6 is now somewhat deployed without rapid renumbering, and
that rapid renumbering could have required logic in "both endpoints" of
every flow, but that there are now a lot of "other endpoints" without any
such logic, it seems to me that MULTI6's only option is to make NAT work,
even if you call it "site local addressing" or even "ULA's".  (show me.)

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

Hash: SHA1

On 2004-11-22, at 19.29, william(at) wrote:

>  What is bad however is that IETF instead of pursuing it as
>one effort has several of them including MULTI6, HIP, etc.

I don't see this as really true. MUTLI& is tasked with solving the 
problem of scalable site-multihoming for IPv6. HIP is tasked with 
defining the experimental protocol HIP. They are not mutually 
exclusive. I would actually like to argue that they are more 

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.1


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-28 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

Hash: SHA1

(catching up)

On 2004-11-22, at 18.52, Paul Vixie wrote:

>>> none of those three things is acceptable, not even as a compromise.
>> The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one 
>> moves
>> the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:
>> HIP: Host Identity Protocol:
> this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be 
> universal.
> (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of complexity, 
> and
> it was simpler than this.)

I am not convinced A6/DNAME would have solved all problems, not even 
all of the ones you pointed out.

- - kurtis -

Version: PGP 8.1


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-26 Thread Owen DeLong
It would probably also help if the ICANN directs all registries that glue
records towards ULA space aren't allowed.
Or cause people to start providing copies of the v6 equivalent of
that contain RIR pointers and glue for ULA.


If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-26 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 25-nov-04, at 21:16, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute to the
global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

There is an issue of uniqueness.  Those hosts that can't reach the 
typically can talk to other hosts that can, and even multiple private
networks often link to each other.  At a minimum, statistical 
uniqueness is
necessary to avoid collisions between business partners even on a 
disconnected network.
Yes, this is why we need ULAs.
ULAs do not contribute to the global routing table unless ISPs allow 
them to in violation of the draft's wording and intent.
Well, seeing how difficult it is to get legitimate address space routed 
(see bogon thread) I don't see how all ISPs in the world are going to 
route this space unless some significant blackmail is involved (such as 
the likes of Google using this address space exclusively).

And don't forget that this is IPv6. Today, and for the forseeable 
future, you can filter out all IPv6 routes that you don't like without 
breaking any connectivity as everything is reachable over IPv4 anyway. 
So people who don't want to see the ULAs in their routing table can 
just filter them out. (Although it works both ways: people can choose 
to do IPv6 using ULAs only without having to suffer unreachability.)

The WG welcomes input on how to prevent this from occurring without 
invoking restraint of trade concerns.
How about this: we all start announcing a few hundred random ULAs. This 
will make the v6 table too large to carry without filtering ULAs. I 
don't expect ISPs who aren't opposed to carrying ULAs for other ISP's 
customers to be willing to create filters that only let these specific 
ones through but not the background noise.

It would probably also help if the ICANN directs all registries that 
glue records towards ULA space aren't allowed.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-25 Thread bmanning

> ULAs do not contribute to the global routing table unless ISPs allow them to
> in violation of the draft's wording and intent.  The WG welcomes input on
> how to prevent this from occurring without invoking restraint of trade
> concerns.

just like RFC 1918 space hum...


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-25 Thread bmanning

> Sure, sooner or later two networks will happen to generate the same prefix.
> When that happens -- and assuming those networks want to talk to each other,
> one of them simply generates a new prefix and renumbers.  This is a
> significantly better situation than with RFC1918 (or SLAs) where a collision
> is _guaranteed_.

unmanaged delegations _will_ create collisions.  and the problem
is not when these sites want to talk w/ each other, its when your
packets go to  (one) of the other places using the identical

> > and then there is the nasty delusion of "Internet"...  protestations
> > to the contrary, the VSNL view of the "Internet" is vastly different
> > than the US DOD view of the "Internet", is vastly different than the
> > GE view, is different than the AS 701 view, is different than the
> > Chinese R&E Network (CERN) view  which one(s) count?  Policy
> > routing dictates that there is no such thing as a "global" routing
> > table...
> There are clearly many parts of the Internet that are "private" and one
> large part in the middle that is clearly "public".  ULAs are intended to
> only be used within the "private" parts or even totally disconnected IP
> networks.

that model -might- have been accurate once, but has not been
an accurate representation for several years. there is no middle,

> > For me, as long as I have IP reachability to those folks whom I want
> > or need to talk to, I could care less about the "rest" of the folks
> > using IP to move datagrams about ...
> Exactly.  However, the scope of who you want/need to talk to dictates what
> sort of addresses you need (with the current routing architecture) and where
> you get them.

the "scope" of who I want to talk to varies over time.
just because the list of folks I want to talk to does not
intersect w/ yours does not give you the right to tell me
that I must use "private" or ULA or site-local addresses.
we should each be able to be delegated address space which 
has -zero- chance of collison w/o a means to arbitrate.

ULAs have no defined arbitration technique defined, other than
through the legal system.  RIR managed space has the arbitration
technique as an intergral component of the delegation process.

roughly -  ULA == the lawless west
   RIR == civilized society

-IF- ula space is ever approved, my advice to all transit providers
is to never filter it.
> S
> Stephen Sprunk"Stupid people surround themselves with smart
> CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
> K5SSS smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-25 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake "Iljitsch van Beijnum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 21-nov-04, at 20:12, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> >> The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are
> >> sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over
> >> dial up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter
> >> line) let alone less.
> > That assumes the company wants their employees using web or
> > email, or that there are even humans at a site to begin with.
> No it doesn't, but if this is not the case, then this clause kicks in:
> >> if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute to the
> >> global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

There is an issue of uniqueness.  Those hosts that can't reach the Internet
typically can talk to other hosts that can, and even multiple private
networks often link to each other.  At a minimum, statistical uniqueness is
necessary to avoid collisions between business partners even on a totally
disconnected network.

ULAs do not contribute to the global routing table unless ISPs allow them to
in violation of the draft's wording and intent.  The WG welcomes input on
how to prevent this from occurring without invoking restraint of trade

> No, that's not what I'm interested in. What I'd like to know is how
> many big organizations backhaul their internet traffic to one or a few
> central sites, and how many connect to one or more ISPs locally at
> different sites.

I personally know of several dozen, and based on information I can't
disclose, I'd say that at least half if not two thirds of the Fortune 1000
backhaul their Internet traffic -- many of them via IPsec VPNs over the


Stephen Sprunk"Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-25 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > No connectivity to the internet? -> use ULA, quick, easy, cheap.
> ULA leaves a bad taste for a number of reasons, some of which
> have seen some discussion.  What has not occured, and seems to
> be a major tenent of the ULA zelots, is how conflict resolution
> is to be done.
> if ULA is sufficent, in and of itself, then why do we need to
> have all the rest of the 128bits of space?

You need some bits at the top to denote the ULA portion of the address
space, you need bits at the bottom for the host address, and you need bits
in the middle for internal network structure.  Consensus was that 40 bits
was enough for the "unique" portion of the prefix.

ULAs were not intended to solve all problems, just like neither link-local,
PA, or PI addresses do not solve all problems by themselves.

> if ULA users ever have a conflict (and yes, they will) how will
> the conflict be resolved?

There is negligible chance of conflict between any two parties thanks to the
40-bit prefix space, and the odds of collision are still neglibigble even
when hundreds of networks are interconnected.

Sure, sooner or later two networks will happen to generate the same prefix.
When that happens -- and assuming those networks want to talk to each other,
one of them simply generates a new prefix and renumbers.  This is a
significantly better situation than with RFC1918 (or SLAs) where a collision
is _guaranteed_.

> and then there is the nasty delusion of "Internet"...  protestations
> to the contrary, the VSNL view of the "Internet" is vastly different
> than the US DOD view of the "Internet", is vastly different than the
> GE view, is different than the AS 701 view, is different than the
> Chinese R&E Network (CERN) view  which one(s) count?  Policy
> routing dictates that there is no such thing as a "global" routing
> table...

There are clearly many parts of the Internet that are "private" and one
large part in the middle that is clearly "public".  ULAs are intended to
only be used within the "private" parts or even totally disconnected IP

> For me, as long as I have IP reachability to those folks whom I want
> or need to talk to, I could care less about the "rest" of the folks
> using IP to move datagrams about ...

Exactly.  However, the scope of who you want/need to talk to dictates what
sort of addresses you need (with the current routing architecture) and where
you get them.


Stephen Sprunk"Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-24 Thread William Allen Simpson
Paul Vixie wrote:
i do.  see, that is.  because rapid renumbering wasn't a bilateral protocol
requirement from day 1, renumbering will always be a crock of swill in ipv6
just as it is in ipv4.

Ahem.  On Day 1 -- that is SIP, for (Steve's) "Simpler IP" and my PIPE
"Practical IP Extentions" [later BIP for (Bill's) "Better IP"] --
rapid renumbering *was* a protocol requirement!  As was IP Mobility
for those long-lived TCP connections. 

However, prefixes were always explicitly PI (provider independent). 
And multi-site enterprises had multiple prefixes within them.

We talked about competition where providers could be switched on time of
day with massive competition.  Providers hated it (massive competition)
and got another model adopted some years later.  That model is a crock
of swill
10 or so years after IPv4 deployment we started IPng.  It's been
another decade, past time for IPngng, although IPv6 sure hasn't had the
deployment success of IPv4, has it ;-) 

Have we learned anything in 10+ years?
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-23 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Iljitsch van Beijnum) writes:

> I'm going to try to make this my last message on this subject...


> In addition to portable address space being harmful, I also believe 
> it's not really necessary. Renumbering client-only systems is NOT a 
> problem with DHCP or IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration. (With the 
> latter, it's even completely transparent to the user. I've tried it.)

as long as you don't have any long running tcp sessions open at the time,
or the ones you're running will gracefully restart, you'll get transparency.

> With some tools managing the DNS during renumbering also isn't a real
> issue.  Reconfiguring routers and other network infrastructure isn't
> entirely trivial at this point, but this is being worked on.  I don't see
> why this shouldn't be solved to a satisfactory degree in the future.

i do.  see, that is.  because rapid renumbering wasn't a bilateral protocol
requirement from day 1, renumbering will always be a crock of swill in ipv6
just as it is in ipv4.

> If organizations with PA space want to peer, this shouldn't be a problem:
> they just announce their /48 to their peers.  Obviously if people are
> interested in peering, they'll be willing to carry the more specifics in
> their routing tables.  The difference with PI is that if they filter the
> route out, there is no loss of connectivity.

this assumes that the provider who assigned the /48 allows cutouts.  (hint.)

> Remember that IPv4 still has a few good years in it so there is time to 
> fix problems with IPv6 so we get to do it right from the start rather 
> than have the same mess we have now with larger addresses.

in the spirit of making lemonade, sure, let's treat the connectionless ip
networking model as not having been stateless enough, and with ipv6 where
we have a lot more addresses, let's just do away with ever having any one
address used by any one endpoint for very long.  i guess i understand that,
even though it makes no sense.  sort of a catch-22 thing, right?
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-23 Thread Jeroen Massar
On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 11:32 +0100, Elmar K. Bins wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeroen Massar) wrote:
> > > > The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one moves
> > > > the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:
> > > > 
> > > > HIP: Host Identity Protocol:
> > > >
> > > 
> > > this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be universal.
> > 
> > It depends all on what one wants, either one gets a lot of routes and
> > thus what we currently have in IPv4 or it is done completely different,
> > like that.
> That's the point of view of an Internet technician (ok, who's on this list,
> after all...). It is not the point of a user, a manager or a corporation.

I am actually a user, though I tend to try to solve the problems I come
across when wanting to do something from a variety of perspectives, all
of which you mentioned above and probably a lot more.

> HIP is too complicated, it relies on too many parts. It will never be used
> widely, unless someone find a way to _entirely_ hide it from the end-user.
> I cannot see a way to do that, starting with the certificates and for a
> long time not ending with server and client implementations.

Does Jane Doe even know that DNS exists? No, they go to wall-mart or so,
get themselves a computer ("expensive toy with a lo of buttons"),
because that, just like a phone, is used to communicate to other people,
or a tv to look at pretty things ("Tell Sell made interactive!"), they
plug it into that cable coming out of the wall, or most of the time let
some 'engineer' ("that creepy fellow that came only after I called them
a lot of times when they finally came around") 'install' it. Then Jane
can press that round button and using that thing they call a mouse ("I
have to press the eyes and the tail is on the wrong side"). MSN or
whatever that came pre-installed pops up and gives them some default
links. Most of them don't even know they can *type* url's let alone
that they are called url's or that they form a hierarchy... they really
don't care about DNS and they also do not want to know.

As for your 'certificates' part, never used ? :)
They come pre-installed. 25 years ago you didn't get a computer with a
pre-installed browser (they didn't exist), that might take time, but it
will come hopefully.

That something at this moment doesn't look viable or far in the future
doesn't mean one must simply throw it away...

Btw... the funniest part about most people who say they 'multihome' is
always that they have quite a number of SPOF's in their 'network' ;)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-23 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 23-nov-04, at 6:49, Patrick W Gilmore wrote:
If all active ASes did this we'd have a 400k routing table. So please 
no PI in IPv6, not even for large enterprises.

Why is an ISP more "worthy" or PI space than a large enterprise.  In 
fact, ISPs are responsible for far, far more table pollution than 
enterprises.  Pot-Kettle-Black?

Besides that, please remember the Internet is a business, not a 
research tool or a toy for those with enable.  Business have business 
needs.  If the Internet cannot satisfy them, then the Internet will 
not be paid for its services.  This ain't 1999 no more, you need your 
I'm going to try to make this my last message on this subject...
It's very simple. If the routing tables get too big too fast, very bad 
things start to happen. The Apple example (along with some ISPs who 
announce dozens or hundreds of aggregatable blocks unaggregated) shows 
that we can't rely on good internet citizenship to manage the problem. 
Just to make sure everyone understands: according to the latest CIDR 
report there are 149080 prefixes in the global routing table, sourced 
by 18398 ASes. That's 8.1 prefixes per AS. If we subtract the 7506 
one-prefix ASes from both figures we're at 13 prefixes per AS. Apple 
sources 22 prefixes from their AS. That's 70% more than the average, 
with the average including the largest ISPs in the world.

So why is it reasonable to give even quite small ISPs a portable block 
but not the largest enterprises? Two reasons. First of all, the number 
of ISPs world wide is low enough that with the allocation policies in 
IPv6 ISPs alone aren't going to blow up the global routing table. The 
second is, that if an ISP needs to renumber, all their customers have 
to renumber as well. This makes renumbering much harder for ISPs than 
for end-user organizations.

In addition to portable address space being harmful, I also believe 
it's not really necessary. Renumbering client-only systems is NOT a 
problem with DHCP or IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration. (With the 
latter, it's even completely transparent to the user. I've tried it.) 
With some tools managing the DNS during renumbering also isn't a real 
issue. Reconfiguring routers and other network infrastructure isn't 
entirely trivial at this point, but this is being worked on. I don't 
see why this shouldn't be solved to a satisfactory degree in the 

This leaves address-based access restrictions. There are two aspects to 
this: internal addresses and external addresses. Trusting packets that 
come from some address X on the internet makes no sense, as it's fairly 
trivial to hijack address space on the internet. Trusting packets 
because they come from an internal address is doable to a certain 
degree, because you get to reject packets that falsely claim to be from 
the inside on the borders. However, unique local addresses are just 
fine for this. (This means hosts that need both internal and external 
connectivity must have different addresses for both, but this isn't a 
problem in IPv6. Default address selection rules specify that when 
connecting to ULAs a host should use its own ULA address and when 
connecting to the rest of the world it should use its regular address, 
but this isn't fully implemented in OSes yet.)

With all the above in effect, renumbering would only really impact VPN 
tunnels. Even if this must be done by hand I don't think it's 
reasonable to give out PI space just to avoid this. And I'm sure the 
VPN vendors can come up with mechanisms that allow the secure 
creation/renumbering of those tunnels, if they feel their customers 
need it.

If organizations with PA space want to peer, this shouldn't be a 
problem: they just announce their /48 to their peers. Obviously if 
people are interested in peering, they'll be willing to carry the more 
specifics in their routing tables. The difference with PI is that if 
they filter the route out, there is no loss of connectivity.

Remember that IPv4 still has a few good years in it so there is time to 
fix problems with IPv6 so we get to do it right from the start rather 
than have the same mess we have now with larger addresses.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-23 Thread Elmar K. Bins

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeroen Massar) wrote:

> > > The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one moves
> > > the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:
> > > 
> > > HIP: Host Identity Protocol:
> > >
> > 
> > this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be universal.
> It depends all on what one wants, either one gets a lot of routes and
> thus what we currently have in IPv4 or it is done completely different,
> like that.

That's the point of view of an Internet technician (ok, who's on this list,
after all...). It is not the point of a user, a manager or a corporation.

HIP is too complicated, it relies on too many parts. It will never be used
widely, unless someone find a way to _entirely_ hide it from the end-user.
I cannot see a way to do that, starting with the certificates and for a
long time not ending with server and client implementations.

It is nice in theory, it streamlines protocol interaction, adds security,
makes you mobile, but it uses too many parts in complex interconnection.

I consider it impractical on the large, although it may fit the bill for
small, technically-oriented user groups.



"Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren."
  (PLemken, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

--[ ELMI-RIPE ]---

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-23 Thread Elmar K. Bins

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Iljitsch van Beijnum) wrote:

> >For instance, 212.x.y.z is "known" to be on one continent, and so on -  
> >but how do you leverage that into a 212/8 routing entry?
> Well, suppose we know 212/8 is used in Europe. A network that is  
> present in say, North America and Europe then has the routers in Europe  
> that talk to the routers in America filter out all 212/8 more specifics  
> and only announce the aggregate instead. In the simple version this  
> only works if there is full interconnection for all 212/8 destination  
> in Europe.

And if everyone gives transit to anyone. Ideal world.



"Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren."
  (PLemken, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

--[ ELMI-RIPE ]---

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

ok, i'll bite.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick W Gilmore) writes:

> Why is an ISP more "worthy" or PI space than a large enterprise.  In
> fact, ISPs are responsible for far, far more table pollution than
> enterprises.  Pot-Kettle-Black?

to ask about worthiness is to presuppose a valuer.  "worthy in whose eyes?"

that's not as simple as it might sound.  it's not "the public".  it's the
great collective of people and companies who own and who pay for the routers
in whose routing tables you're asking for a slot.

once you figure out the value-perspective, figuring out "worthiness" is easy.
you're worthy of a slot if their customers/endusers want to exchange packets
with the destinations covered by the prefix occupying "a slot".

sadly, this doesn't map to local economics.  the great collective of which i
speak will gladly "spend" "a slot" on an isp who brings lots of eyeballs or
lots of content to "the table".  they aren't so willing to spend a slot on
helping wal-mart or ford avoid a renumbering penalty.

fortunately or unfortunately, the great collective of which i speak has no
voice (or actually it has too many voices, which comes to the same thing).
Paul Vixie

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Patrick W Gilmore
On Nov 22, 2004, at 7:01 PM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
If all active ASes did this we'd have a 400k routing table. So please 
no PI in IPv6, not even for large enterprises.
Why is an ISP more "worthy" or PI space than a large enterprise.  In 
fact, ISPs are responsible for far, far more table pollution than 
enterprises.  Pot-Kettle-Black?

Besides that, please remember the Internet is a business, not a 
research tool or a toy for those with enable.  Business have business 
needs.  If the Internet cannot satisfy them, then the Internet will not 
be paid for its services.  This ain't 1999 no more, you need your 


Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

> To pick just one example, here is what AS714 is sourcing:
> Network  Next HopMetric LocPrf Weight Path
> * i17.0.0.0/9  0 65453 2914 
> 12182 714 i
> * i17.0.0.0  0 65453 2914 
> 12182 714 i
> ...
> If all active ASes did this we'd have a 400k routing table. So please 
> no PI in IPv6, not even for large enterprises.

i don't think that's a realistic proposition unless you intend ford and
wal-mart and others with big enterprise-wide ip networks to use NAT when
connecting their desktops.  some of these people use direct peering in
addition to transit-provider-of-the-month, and that's a good model for
overall internet growth and robustness.
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

> >> It's wrong if these issues that have global impact are decided
> >> regionally.
> > yes.  i understand that the acid rain people, the ozone layer
> > people, the ice cap people, the whale people, and the ocean oxygen
> > level people, all have that same complaint.  human nature on a grand
> > scale isn't always pretty.
> Well if you feel you need to take your cues from environmental
> semi-criminals, obviously there isn't much that I can say to stop you.

i seem to be pretty much done defending myself against your bizarre
misinterpretations of my positions.  or at any rate, done for today,
except to remind you that on the internet, everyone always acts
globally, and most people nearly always thinks locally.

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread bmanning

> If all active ASes did this we'd have a 400k routing table. So please 
> no PI in IPv6, not even for large enterprises.

er... we'd have no such thing.  -you- might, you get to 
have total control over what prefixes are instanciated in
-your- router.  you seem to have the unmitigated gaul to
presume to tell me what i may or may not place in -my-
routing table.  neither you nor the IETF has that right.


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 22-nov-04, at 17:53, Paul Vixie wrote:
so there.  those are my views.  aren't you glad you asked?
It seems to me though, that if renumbering is such a problem, maybe we 
should deal with it directly rather than dump the fallout in the three 
most critical parts of the internet machinery.

It's wrong if these issues that have global impact are decided 

yes.  i understand that the acid rain people, the ozone layer people, 
ice cap people, the whale people, and the ocean oxygen level people, 
have that same complaint.  human nature on a grand scale isn't always 
Well if you feel you need to take your cues from environmental 
semi-criminals, obviously there isn't much that I can say to stop you.

I'm thoroughly unhappy with the way this is handled at RIPE (regardless 
of the outcome) and I'm not about to go sponsor the airline industry 
some more in order to experience the same frustration in APNIC, LACNIC 
and ARIN meetings. If we're going to make stupid decisions we might as 
well streamline the process to make them as efficiently as possible...

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 22-nov-04, at 19:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
	you might look at Apple,
To pick just one example, here is what AS714 is sourcing:
   Network  Next HopMetric LocPrf Weight Path
* i17.0.0.0/9  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i17.0.0.0  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i17.64.0.0/12  4294967294120  0 65466 714 i
* i17.72.0.0/16  4294967294120  0 65466 714 i
* i17.81.0.0/16  0 65453 3320 
4628 714 i
* i17.82.0.0/16  0 65453 3320 
4628 714 i
* i17.83.0.0/16  0 65453 3356 
3356 3356 3356 3356 2915 714 i
* i17.84.0.0/16  0 65453 3320 
4628 714 i
* i17.86.0.0/16  0 65453 1239 
4648 2764 714 i
* i17.87.0.0/16  0 65453 3320 
4628 714 i
* i17.106.0.0/  0 65453 7018 
714 i
* i17.112.0.0/  0 65453 7018 
714 i
* i17.128.0.0/9  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i17.251.0.0/  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i17.252.65.0/24  0 65453 7018 
714 i
* i17.254.0.0/  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i192.35.50.0  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i198.183.16.0  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i198.183.17.0  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i
* i203.14.177.0  0 65453 1239 
4648 2764 714 i
* i203.24.95.0  0 65453 1239 
4648 2764 714 i
* i205.  0 65453 2914 
12182 714 i

If all active ASes did this we'd have a 400k routing table. So please 
no PI in IPv6, not even for large enterprises.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 22-nov-04, at 21:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
that network topology and geography don't
correlate. My counter-objection is that the correlation doesn't have  
be 1 to be able to take advantage of it when it's present.

On the other hand, unless you have some way to *enforce* a higher  
than we already have, how do you propose to get a better result than we
currently (mostly accidentally) get via CIDR aggregation?
There is no enforcing as such. All the gory details are in 

For instance, 212.x.y.z is "known" to be on one continent, and so on -  
how do you leverage that into a 212/8 routing entry?
Well, suppose we know 212/8 is used in Europe. A network that is  
present in say, North America and Europe then has the routers in Europe  
that talk to the routers in America filter out all 212/8 more specifics  
and only announce the aggregate instead. In the simple version this  
only works if there is full interconnection for all 212/8 destination  
in Europe. In the more complex version there is selective deaggregation  
for some destinations to overcome lack of local peering.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Nils Ketelsen

On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 07:40:52PM +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

> > Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?
> Not me. But if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute 
> to the global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)
> The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
> sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over 
> dial up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter line) 
> let alone less.

The Fork Lift driver in some random warehouse does not need email. All
he needs is his Barcode scanner to send an 8Digit-Number over the
line every 1 or two minutes and get an equal
length reply telling him where to Haul the box whose barcode he just


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Nils Ketelsen

On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 11:34:07AM -0600, Stephen Sprunk wrote:

> > That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster than 
> > 16 kbps.
> Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?  16kbps is 
> the lowest I've seen only because that's the smallest you can buy in the FR 
> world (Sprint's 0kbps PVCs aside).  Many businesses were fine (and still 

4k and 8k PVCs are available (and in use) in some regions. I have seen
them in Africa and southern Asia mainly.

> > As far as I can tell, it's pretty rare for an organization of this size to 
> > have
> > their own IP network that they use to connect all their sites to the 
> > global
> > internet, for the simple reason that leased lines, framerelay or ATM

It is quite possible to use these links to connect sites
to the internet. Not for surfing mp3-sites maybe, but having a
terminal session to some other business partners
machine. The corporate mainframe world allows for many things on small
bandwidth, even if some providers don't like it. ;-)

> > capacity is generally more expensive than IP connectivity.
> At higher bw levels, that might be true, but at sub-T1 rates FR/ATM are 
> often cheaper to build your own network and certainly offer lower latency 
> and higher reliability; ditto for outside major cities, where FR/ATM 
> typically offers a zero-mile loop whereas IP connections may need to be 
> backhauled a hundred miles or more.  If T1 Internet pipes are cheaper at a 

Servicelevels on the Internet suck. Thats the main reason not to use
it for anything important. If my frame-connection fails I open my hand and
my provider pays a lot until it works again. If "the Internet fails", I
have no one I can squeeze the money out of.

That massively increases a FR-Providers motivation to have their network
running. Penalties can never make up for a lost connection (no
provider has enough cash at hand) but it is a nice PART (P=Provider).

> particular location, some people may choose to tunnel their corporate 
> network over it, but that is typically _all_ traffic, not just internal 
> traffic.

Centralized Internetgateways are common practice. Everything has to go
through these (and their filters, Virus Scanners, whatnot). 

> There's also a security motivation as well: it's much simpler to maintain a 
> couple firewalls at central sites (with technical staff present) than to 
> manage thousands out at every site with a handful or even zero human users 
> which may not even be allowed Internet access in the first place.

Especially with users having physical access to the firewalls.
Securitywise you do not want that, but if you have internetaccess in
each location users can just bypass the firewall too easily. 

With a framerelay network they can plug in something else to the
wall but won't get anywhere else then with their normal equipment, so they
do not do it due to the lack of advantage.


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 21:28:06 +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

> The general objection (apart from incorrect assumptions based on old 
> incomplete work) is that network topology and geography don't 
> correlate. My counter-objection is that the correlation doesn't have to 
> be 1 to be able to take advantage of it when it's present.

On the other hand, unless you have some way to *enforce* a higher correlation
than we already have, how do you propose to get a better result than we
currently (mostly accidentally) get via CIDR aggregation?

For instance, 212.x.y.z is "known" to be on one continent, and so on - but
how do you leverage that into a 212/8 routing entry?

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 22-nov-04, at 17:53, Mohacsi Janos wrote:
And don't forget that you still have to change your phone number when 
you move a great enough distance. In IP we somehow feel it's 
important that there are no geographical constraint on address use at 
all. That's a shame, because even if we aggregate by contintent that 
would save up to four times in the number of entries in the routing 
table of any router.

Then why geographic based aggregated IPv6 addresses disposed? 
Geographic based addresses can solve the agregation quite nicely.
The general objection (apart from incorrect assumptions based on old 
incomplete work) is that network topology and geography don't 
correlate. My counter-objection is that the correlation doesn't have to 
be 1 to be able to take advantage of it when it's present.

 Unfortunately the uniqueness can be problematic
How do you mean?

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Owen DeLong
	All of the examples I referenced (which I unfortunately cannot name
due to NDA) fit exactly the model you are referring to.  They advertise a 
number of prefixes from a small number of sites to cover a very large and
diverse number of sites.  They advertise the same set of prefixes from the
same ASN in each of those sites.  In cases where they are using VPN for
backbone, they use PA space for the VPN terminators and do not advertise
more specifics to accommodate this.

Hope that helps.
--On Monday, November 22, 2004 9:11 PM +0200 Pekka Savola 

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While I would never argue there are companies who do not push internal
data over the Internet, I am surprised you think that proves no company
pushes internal data over the Internet.
i don't.   my assertion is that there are significant networks
that don't ever touch what we think of as the "internet" but
still use IP to push datagrams around...  and attempting to
marginalize them as "fringe" networks that must use non-global
addresses is, imho, arrogent at best.
I'm not sure anyone is marginalizing them.
The point just is that are those very big, international networks
advertising the same aggregate in all the places they (publicly) connect
to the net, and no more specifics anywhere?
I.e., what I'd like to see is a couple of example of international big
enterprises which would not need to advertise the more specifics to
Internet anywhere.  How rare is this?
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

the tyres on this this thread are getting threadbare.  let's finish soon.

> > (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of complexity, and
> > it was simpler than this.)
> Wasn't it more because a single A6 lookup could cause one (the resolver
> that is ;) to have to follow a overly long chain of A6/DNAME chains,
> which thus could cause maybe somewhat infinite lookups?


> I rather like DNAME btw: " DNAME", which works quite fine.

see for a way to do your own block while you
wait for the toplevel administrator to see things your way.

> A6 is fortunately not supported any more by BIND.

server-side support of A6 doesn't matter since no modern ipv6 client
looks for it.  just as client-side support of DNAME doesn't matter
since the server will synthesize a CNAME whenever it emits a DNAME.

> > 1. A6/DNAME were great idea, I'm really disappointed they are not going
> >forward...
> It is, except maybe for the above noted 'problem'.

that never was the problem.  but the current problem is,  got loose in
the client population, so other than by server side A6-> synthesis (which
is either very difficult or impossible to do, depending on whom you ask), A6
is just plain dead.

> >What is bad however is that IETF instead of pursuing it as
> >one effort has several of them including MULTI6, HIP, etc.
> The fun of politics ;)

this fun is by design, though.  ietf does not speak with a single voice; even
the periodic pronouncements from that era's IAB are at best advisory in nature.
the reason you see several working groups working on unrelated solutions to
the same problem is that several groups of people each wanted to work together
on unrelated solutions to the same problem.  there's no real facility in ietf
for saying "no, we've already picked a different solution to this, don't try."

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Pekka Savola
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While I would never argue there are companies who do not push internal
data over the Internet, I am surprised you think that proves no company
pushes internal data over the Internet.
i don't.   my assertion is that there are significant networks
that don't ever touch what we think of as the "internet" but
still use IP to push datagrams around...  and attempting to
marginalize them as "fringe" networks that must use non-global
addresses is, imho, arrogent at best.
I'm not sure anyone is marginalizing them.
The point just is that are those very big, international networks 
advertising the same aggregate in all the places they (publicly) 
connect to the net, and no more specifics anywhere?

I.e., what I'd like to see is a couple of example of international big 
enterprises which would not need to advertise the more specifics to 
Internet anywhere.  How rare is this?

Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Patrick W Gilmore
On Nov 22, 2004, at 2:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While I would never argue there are companies who do not push internal
data over the Internet, I am surprised you think that proves no 
pushes internal data over the Internet.
i don't.   my assertion is that there are significant networks
that don't ever touch what we think of as the "internet" but
still use IP to push datagrams around...  and attempting to
marginalize them as "fringe" networks that must use non-global
addresses is, imho, arrogent at best.
A, my apologies.  We are in agreement, and I thought otherwise.
I'll try to read more carefully next time. :-)

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread bmanning

> While I would never argue there are companies who do not push internal 
> data over the Internet, I am surprised you think that proves no company 
> pushes internal data over the Internet.

i don't.   my assertion is that there are significant networks
that don't ever touch what we think of as the "internet" but 
still use IP to push datagrams around...  and attempting to
marginalize them as "fringe" networks that must use non-global
addresses is, imho, arrogent at best.

> As for counter examples, I know of a few, but confidentiality does not 
> allow me to discuss corporate network topology on a public mailing 
> list.  Does this mean it never happens (i.e. I am lying)?  If you 
> believe that, so be it.  However, the facts are still the facts, no 
> matter what your belief is.

i know quite a few as well, the NDA still holds.

> -- 
> patrick

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Chris Kuethe

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 20:24:15 +0200 (EET), Pekka Savola
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> This seems to imply several things:
> >>  - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
> >>Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
> >>links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
> >
> >   this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
> >   based on empericial evidence.
> ...
> Care to offer a couple of examples of this empirical evidence ?

Well you'll have to get some kind of link unless you don't want to
move packets. Leave it up to the business case to dictate your
connection type. At least on the topic of backhauling traffic over the
vpn, it's really no worse than having all your offices connect back to
the central site in plaintext. Crypto is cheap these days.

When my 133MHz home firewall can push 50Mbps down the vpn with a $70
crypto board, there's no way a simple VPN can be considered "pretty
heavy business". Look at all the CPU vendors squawking about on-die
crypto (to say nothing of the vendors of crypto cards). There are a
number of decent vendors of VIA C3 based systems without any need for
moving parts that'll give you full duplex crypto on 3 100mbit links
with processor time and bus cycles to spare.

/me waits for Henning to say something about openbsd and C3's...

GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Owen DeLong
I have worked for multiple enterprises where both of the statements below
were false.  There are many enterprises which run their own backbones,
have internet access at some subset of their sites, and, backhaul all
traffic on their own backbone to enforce policy at the internet borders.
Some of them use internet based VPNs as part of their backbone, but, in
those cases, most have forced ALL traffic leaving the site through the VPN,
so, users at the site have no direct or independent internet access.  The
VPN terminators are, in those cases, usually on PA space.  The office 
is usually either RFC-1918 or PI space depending on the enterprise.
All of the enterprises with which I am familiar would prefer PI space to
RFC-1918, but, because of IPv4 limitations, some accepted 1918.  Most will
not accept a 1918-like solution in v6.

I cannot name the enterprises because of NDA issues, but, there are at least
10 that I know of that expect to go to PI space in v6.
--On Monday, November 22, 2004 8:24 PM +0200 Pekka Savola 

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This seems to imply several things:
 - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
   Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
   links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
based on empericial evidence.
 - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
   / VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
   or use IP addresses from local internet providers
	this is also an assertion based on false premise.
Care to offer a couple of examples of this empirical evidence ?
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Patrick W Gilmore
On Nov 22, 2004, at 1:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
  links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
based on empericial evidence.
Care to offer a couple of examples of this empirical evidence ?
	attached.   care to provide counter examples?
While I would never argue there are companies who do not push internal 
data over the Internet, I am surprised you think that proves no company 
pushes internal data over the Internet.

As for counter examples, I know of a few, but confidentiality does not 
allow me to discuss corporate network topology on a public mailing 
list.  Does this mean it never happens (i.e. I am lying)?  If you 
believe that, so be it.  However, the facts are still the facts, no 
matter what your belief is.


Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread bmanning

> >>   Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
> >>   links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
> >
> > this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
> > based on empericial evidence.
> >
> Care to offer a couple of examples of this empirical evidence ?

attached.   care to provide counter examples?
> -- 
> Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the

well... postings to the list indicate cisco only has
four egress points,  from my experience, Texas Instruments,
Dupont, EDS, and several others for which the NDA holds.
all these enterprises have substantial corporate networks
and few egress points into the commodity Internet.

you might look at Apple, HP, Sony, LG, Brown&Root, Citi, 
Microsoft, BAE, Airbus, ING, etc...
and consider why these folks would use the commodity
internet to move around their corporate data.

or perhaps you are modeling a different enterprise?


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread bmanning

> No connectivity to the internet? -> use ULA, quick, easy, cheap.

ULA leaves a bad taste for a number of reasons, some of which
have seen some discussion.  What has not occured, and seems to 
be a major tenent of the ULA zelots, is how conflict resolution
is to be done.  

if ULA is sufficent, in and of itself, then why do we need to 
have all the rest of the 128bits of space?

if ULA users ever have a conflict (and yes, they will) how will
the conflict be resolved?  

and then there is the nasty delusion of "Internet"...  protestations
to the contrary, the VSNL view of the "Internet" is vastly different
than the US DOD view of the "Internet", is vastly different than the
GE view, is different than the AS 701 view, is different than the 
Chinese R&E Network (CERN) view  which one(s) count?  Policy
routing dictates that there is no such thing as a "global" routing
For me, as long as I have IP reachability to those folks whom I want
or need to talk to, I could care less about the "rest" of the folks
using IP to move datagrams about ... 

> Greets,
>  Jeroen

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-22 Thread Pekka Savola
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This seems to imply several things:
 - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
   Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
   links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
based on empericial evidence.
 - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
   / VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
   or use IP addresses from local internet providers
	this is also an assertion based on false premise.
Care to offer a couple of examples of this empirical evidence ?
Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread william(at)

>BTW - regarding why these effots while being ip-independet would not
>work for Ipv6, the reason is addressing. We need new kind of addresses
>and they all require "id" that TCP can use for establishing connection
>and that ID can not be limited to 32 bit so we end up considering reusing
>part of IPv6 space for this new kind of "non-ip" addresses. I think
>given large amount of available IPv6 space that is acceptable - if we
>cut the pool to 1/4 we'd still have enough.

Correcting myself... Its not that you can not use multi6 with IPv4 - you 
can but your ip stack will need to be IPv6 capable in order to do it and 
programs and service should be prepared to deal with 128bit addresses for
TCP/UDP connections. So upgrade to support IPv6 will still be necessary, 
but its not a requirement to actually run ipv6 network. Of course to 
support something like HIP or Multi6 you will need yet another upgrade to 
your ip stack and we really should have been pushing these upgrades 
together with IPv6 itself.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 17:52 +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> > > none of those three things is acceptable, not even as a compromise.
> > 
> > The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one moves
> > the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:
> > 
> > HIP: Host Identity Protocol:
> >
> this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be universal.

It depends all on what one wants, either one gets a lot of routes and
thus what we currently have in IPv4 or it is done completely different,
like that. As for it not being universal, there are quite a number of
working implementation already that seem to be proven to work quite
reliable. One of the alternatives of course is something similar as
MIPv6 etc.

> (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of complexity, and
> it was simpler than this.)

Wasn't it more because a single A6 lookup could cause one (the resolver
that is ;) to have to follow a overly long chain of A6/DNAME chains,
which thus could cause maybe somewhat infinite lookups?

I rather like DNAME btw: " DNAME", which works quite
fine. A6 is fortunately not supported any more by BIND.

On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 10:29 -0800, william(at) wrote: 

> 1. A6/DNAME were great idea, I'm really disappointed they are not going

It is, except maybe for the above noted 'problem'. Most of the time though
a site will have only a limited number of DNS servers, thus A6/DNAME would
be on the same server and the administrator could IMHO quite easily do the
simple replace trick on the configuration.

> 2. Level of complexity is a very relative thing. To me the important is
>not to overwhelm any single protocol and allow clear separation between
>different levels.. In that sense if we actually are able to create new
>"host identity" layer we can solve the problem with not only dynamicly
>changing ip addresses but with simplified multihoming for end-user

For most people on this globe the concept of 'IP' or even the phone system
is already magic :) Depends on bit who looks at it.

>What is bad however is that IETF instead of pursuing it as
>one effort has several of them including MULTI6, HIP, etc.

The fun of politics ;)

>BTW - regarding why these effots while being ip-independet would not
>work for Ipv6, the reason is addressing. We need new kind of addresses
>and they all require "id" that TCP can use for establishing connection
>and that ID can not be limited to 32 bit so we end up considering reusing
>part of IPv6 space for this new kind of "non-ip" addresses. I think
>given large amount of available IPv6 space that is acceptable - if we
>cut the pool to 1/4 we'd still have enough.

No issue there then now is there ;)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread william(at)

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Paul Vixie wrote:

> > HIP: Host Identity Protocol:
> >
> this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be universal.
> (let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of complexity, and
> it was simpler than this.)

1. A6/DNAME were great idea, I'm really disappointed they are not going

2. Level of complexity is a very relative thing. To me the important is
   not to overwhelm any single protocol and allow clear separation between
   different levels.. In that sense if we actually are able to create new
   "host identity" layer we can solve the problem with not only dynamicly
   changing ip addresses but with simplified multihoming for end-user
   sites. What is bad however is that IETF instead of pursuing it as
   one effort has several of them including MULTI6, HIP, etc.

   BTW - regarding why these effots while being ip-independet would not
   work for Ipv6, the reason is addressing. We need new kind of addresses
   and they all require "id" that TCP can use for establishing connection
   and that ID can not be limited to 32 bit so we end up considering reusing
   part of IPv6 space for this new kind of "non-ip" addresses. I think
   given large amount of available IPv6 space that is acceptable - if we
   cut the pool to 1/4 we'd still have enough.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

> > none of those three things is acceptable, not even as a compromise.
> The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one moves
> the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:
> HIP: Host Identity Protocol:

this level of complexity seems a little high for anything to be universal.
(let me put it this way: A6/DNAME was shot down because of complexity, and
it was simpler than this.)

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Jeroen Massar
On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 16:53 +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> > > you are drastically misunderstanding my hopes, my goals, and my role.
> > 
> > Please explain them then.
> briefly, because i consider myself off-topic and sue probably does also.

The off-topicness is most likely only as this is an enduser/site

> the problem statement answered by the ipngwg was wrong.  they thought they
> were supposed to "solve the shortage of address space problem", but that
> wasn't the most serious problem then (and is not now).  the right problem
> statement would be to "solve the shortage of PORTABLE address space problem".
> note the insertion of the word "portable" before "address space".  the big
> problem in 1992 and the big problem now is that a wal-mart corporate desktop
> will either have an ambigious address (behind a NAT), or a hard-to-renumber
> isp-price-locked address (provider assigned), or a takes-a-slot-in-the-global
> routing-table address (provider independent).  three strikes and you're out!
> none of those three things is acceptable, not even as a compromise.

The current solution I see for this is still IPv6. Except that one moves
the complete 'Independence' problem a layer higher. Enter:

HIP: Host Identity Protocol:

I've looked quite a bit at the various 'solutions' that got offered by
folks and came to the conclusion that HIP, and don't mind any related
protocols, are one of the very plausible solutions. Say we have 50k
ISP's worldwide, they get a /32 or so from the RIR's and announce it.
ISP is here 'a network not used by users' aka 'only routers', the ISP
could of course take a /48 out of their /32 and be a client of
themselves. Any organization can then use one or more /48's from one or
more (upstream) ISP's in combination with HIP. Problem solved.

There is one issue though that comes forth: a large organization, say
Shell, will get quite a number of /48's. An /48 per site as allocated
from the ISP that is serving them at that moment. If one wants to do
firewalling or make other assumptions based on the prefix you will have
quite a hell of a time updating them, certainly in such a large
organization. Then again, what are those folks doing who are being
called managers ? :)

No connectivity to the internet? -> use ULA, quick, easy, cheap.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Paul Vixie

> > you are drastically misunderstanding my hopes, my goals, and my role.
> Please explain them then.

briefly, because i consider myself off-topic and sue probably does also.

the problem statement answered by the ipngwg was wrong.  they thought they
were supposed to "solve the shortage of address space problem", but that
wasn't the most serious problem then (and is not now).  the right problem
statement would be to "solve the shortage of PORTABLE address space problem".
note the insertion of the word "portable" before "address space".  the big
problem in 1992 and the big problem now is that a wal-mart corporate desktop
will either have an ambigious address (behind a NAT), or a hard-to-renumber
isp-price-locked address (provider assigned), or a takes-a-slot-in-the-global
routing-table address (provider independent).  three strikes and you're out!
none of those three things is acceptable, not even as a compromise.

i have not looked in on the multi6 wg this year.  my bad.  perhaps you've
come up with a fourth alternative, or a way of softening one of the three
existing alternatives to the point where its benefits outweigh its costs.
but everything i've actually looked at either resolves the cost/benefit in
favour of some minority of which neither isc nor wal-mart is a part, or
which would have been equally applicable to ipv4 such that all we needed
was the gimmick itself, not 128-bit addresses, if only we'd been willing to
pay this much pain back before ipngwg's work was complete.

ipng needed rapid renumbering, including renumbering tcp endpoints realtime
and including multihoming where you can add and delete PA interface addresses
whe way commercial RAID vendors add and delete disk drives.  the people in
putative "charge" of this said either (a) they didn't agree, (b) they didn't
understand, or (c) they didn't have time to add more requirements.

now it's 2004 and lo and behold, the problems of 1992 are still with us, but
now we have better terminology to describe them.  you can be locked into a
provider's pricing and service quality; or you can run NAT; or you can find
a way to get your own slot in the global routing table.  we have the same
shortage of portable addresses now that we had in 1992, even though we have
increased the overall supply of address space by a factor of 2**96.  if multi6
offers a fourth alternative, it would probably also have worked with ipv4, in
which case why did we spend years working on 128-bit addressing?

i strongly believe that the isp community who pays ARIN's bills will decide
that the best way to grow the industry is to let folks like ford and wal-mart
have their own /32's, and that there will be a spectrum of

r e n u m b e r i n gd i f f i c u l t y

with PA+NAT on the left (home dsl, cable); wal-mart and ford on the right
with endsystem PI, and folks like isc in the middle, doing some kind of
multi6 thing, whose costs while high will be lower than the renumbering

since the arin BoT has no policy formation role, i'm expecting to be able
to voice an opinion that weighs exactly as much as everybody else's, and
to vote ultimately on whatever the policy formation function comes up with.

so there.  those are my views.  aren't you glad you asked?

> It's wrong if these issues that have global impact are decided regionally.

yes.  i understand that the acid rain people, the ozone layer people, the
ice cap people, the whale people, and the ocean oxygen level people, all
have that same complaint.  human nature on a grand scale isn't always pretty.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Owen DeLong
No, that's not what I'm interested in. What I'd like to know is how many
big organizations backhaul their internet traffic to one or a few central
sites, and how many connect to one or more ISPs locally at different
I believe there are enough examples of each that neither can be ignored.
I also believe that the former is growing vs. the latter.

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.

Description: PGP signature

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Michael . Dillon

> Not necessarily true.  I live in California.  However, 703-842-5527 is a
> valid phone number for me.  It even worked for me while I was in Puerto
> Vallarta, Mexico.  I can take that number pretty much any where in the
> world, whether temporarily, or, even if I move there. 

This isn't just a US phenomenon. Companies like
are selling this kind of number portability in other countries.
And I remember some Australians were routing US phone numbers
to their mobiles back in 1997.

Clearly, telephone numbers are now being treated as
names rather than addresses. The technical issues
we should be concerned with are down at the address
level. Could continental aggregation be a way of
reducing the size of the so-called global routing
table so that the table can accomodate a larger number
of specifics within the continent?

Alex Bligh raised the spectre of GRE tunnels to
redirect traffic to the right location. Could this
be done by simply readdressing the packets? Is this
even relevant in a world that runs IPv4 and IPv6
over MPLS? After all MPLS is designed to swap and
pop destination labels to route and reroute packets
through the network.

In a real-world network perhaps we should accept
that some problems will be solved outside of 

--Michael Dillon

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 21-nov-04, at 20:12, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over 
dial up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter 
line) let alone less.

That assumes the company wants their employees using web or email, or 
that there are even humans at a site to begin with.
No it doesn't, but if this is not the case, then this clause kicks in:
if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute to the 
global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

It would be interested to see some good statistics on this stuff. 
However many enterprises any of us has seen from the inside, it's 
still unlikly to be a statistically relevant sample.

An unfiltered BGP feed should give you stats on what's quoted 
immediately above.  If you want numbers of publicly-invisible hosts, 
even if you knew who to ask most would refuse to answer for "security 
reasons" or require an NDA.
No, that's not what I'm interested in. What I'd like to know is how 
many big organizations backhaul their internet traffic to one or a few 
central sites, and how many connect to one or more ISPs locally at 
different sites.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-22 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 21-nov-04, at 20:05, Paul Vixie wrote:
(note that i'm not speaking for arin, nor as a member-elect of
arin's board of trustees, i'm just another bozo on this bus.)

You're bascially saying that you and people like you are so important
that you deserve to receive benefits that go against the public good.

actually, i'm just trying to keep my role as member-elect of arin's BoT
separate from my role as an internet citizen.  as it turns out, arin's
BoT does not have a policy formation role.  when this issue comes up in
PPML or the AC, i'll speak up, but i'll be explicitly hatless when i 
I've never been a great believer in hat switching. Even if it is 
possible to fully separate different roles internally, things get 
blurry in the perception of others. In your case "we made him a member 
of the ARIN board of trustees so it would be stupid not to listen to 

you are drastically misunderstanding my hopes, my goals, and my role.
Please explain them then.
It also shows contempt for the IETF, as you reject all possible
alternatives to PI out of hand.

i never rejected all possibilities, just the ones i've personally 
so far.
Well, then the question is: how up to date are you with regard to the 
IETF multi6 wg and the discussions about locator/identifier separation 
in general?

i'm also on record as saying that the easiest time to have fixed
this was before the current IPng approach was annointed; now we're 
catchup.  even you in your multi6 role ought to be wishing that more 
been done before "IPv6" was cast in stone.
I'm not sure what part of IPv6 you would like to have seen different. 
Sure, there were some mistakes such as the whole / 
debacle, the site local thing that got this discussion started and last 
but not least the DNS resolver discovery issue, but what exactly should 
have been done differently in the area of routing?

However, if the RIRs decide to open
up PI in IPv6, people will take the quick fix and there won't be any
push to get the (admittedly) more complex but more scalable solutions
to these problems off the ground.

somehow i don't think that's going to sway wal-mart's thinking at all, 
i do look forward to a lively debate next time this comes up on PPML.
It's wrong if these issues that have global impact are decided 

the codification of the current approach as "IPng" in spite of 
raised at that time amounted to a recommendation of "let them eat NAT."
I'd rather eat cake than NAT.  :-)

Re: large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-21 Thread bmanning

> >So a single large address block is of little use to such an organization, 
> >unless they get to announce more specifics all over the place.
> This seems to imply several things:
>  - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
>Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
>links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business

this is an assertion which many have claimed is false.
based on empericial evidence.

>  - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
>/ VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
>or use IP addresses from local internet providers

this is also an assertion based on false premise.

> Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
> Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
> Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Kevin Loch
Paul Vixie wrote:
to consider a /40 minimum allocation size, you'd be saying that you thought
a table containing O(1e12) discrete destinations
Except that we are talking about allocations out of 2001::/16 which 
yeilds a about
1e7 prefixes, not subtracting the huge chunks taken by /32 allocations.  
The idea with
using a /16 for initial allocations is that we don't screw up the entire 
/0 before we know
what we are doing.  In the scope of a /16, I think /32 and /40 
allocations are sized
appropriately.  The real question is why exchange points and root 
servers are allocated
/48's.  It would make sense to use a different prefix length to reduce 
the temptation for
other /48's to pollute the table.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Stephen Sprunk
Somebody said:
>if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table 
>today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep 

*WHEN* the ipv6 routing table gets as large as the ipv4 routing table
is today (late 2004, when you quote me later) it won't be a problem.
Agreed.  When the IPv6 table has as many routes as today's IPv4 table, we'll 
need four times the storage; Moore's Law says, as long as that doesn't 
happen within 36 months, it's not a problem.  I haven't seen anyone 
(recently) predict IPv6 adoption will be anywhere near that fast, much less 

Thus spake "Paul Vixie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
but it's not just the routers, it's churn.  "it's always noon somewhere."
the stability of the distributed system called "the global routing table"
is directly proportional to its size.  the number of participants in that
system, each of whom must build their own model of the system using only
the messages they get from direct neighbors, cannot usefully exceed *some*
maximum for any given total number of discrete destinations.
first, the current distance-vector approach used by BGP just
won't scale to O(1e12),
Probably not, even if router vendors start using reasonably modern 

and second, i don't think that you think that there are enough 
who want to own routers to make such a table size necessary.
As a point of reference, today in IPv4 there are 16k origin-only ASes. 
Assuming reasonably sane RIR policies, we can expect -- even with the issue 
of one PI prefix per AS -- that there would be 16k end-site PI routes today, 
with linear growth similar to the current allocation rate of ASNs.  This is 
not even remotely a problem until well after we have to switch to 32-bit 
ASNs; in fact, the situation will be far better than what we will likely 
have with IPv4 at that point.

mr. doran argued for many years that routing table slots should be
auctioned or leased.  i never did and still do not agree with him, but his
starting assumptions weren't and aren't my point of disagreement.
The idea has obvious appeal, but it seems like a clear case of the cure 
being worse than the illness once you consider the logistical and technical 

Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice."  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSSdice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking 

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Stephen Sprunk
Thus spake "Iljitsch van Beijnum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On 20-nov-04, at 18:34, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Don't have "real connectivity"?

That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster than 
16 kbps.

Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?
Not me. But if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute to 
the global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over dial 
up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter line) let 
alone less.
That assumes the company wants their employees using web or email, or that 
there are even humans at a site to begin with.  Pipeline control systems, 
weather stations, cash registers, credit card machines and ATMs, warehouse 
inventory scanners, stock exchanges, etc. have no need to _directly_ talk to 
the outside world.  People in customer-facing roles, like those at banks or 
airports, are not supposed to be surfing the web or even doing email at 
work.  Many companies are still using green-screen apps or graphical 
applications that have a measured per-terminal average of under 1kbps; I ran 
into one company tunneling 9600bps serial over X.25 over IP -- ugly, but it 
worked for thousands of terminals.

However, all of these low-bandwidth hosts in far-off lands talk to a 
corporate datacenter somewhere, perhaps their own or a vendor's or 
customer's, and those hosts often talk to several other hosts who might also 
need (or at least have) access to the Internet.  The options are NAT, ULAs, 
or PI space; total cost of implementation seems lowest for ULAs.

In my experience, they will announce the aggregate from all hub sites 
plus more-specifics for that hub and the sites directly connected to it. 
Traffic that comes into the wrong hub due to prefix length filters (or 
Internet outages) is back-hauled inside the corporate backbone.
It would be interested to see some good statistics on this stuff. However 
many enterprises any of us has seen from the inside, it's still unlikly to 
be a statistically relevant sample.
An unfiltered BGP feed should give you stats on what's quoted immediately 
above.  If you want numbers of publicly-invisible hosts, even if you knew 
who to ask most would refuse to answer for "security reasons" or require an 
NDA.  My best guess, having been on the inside at a few dozen enterprises, 
is that they number in the high millions to low tens of millions today.  In 
five years, it'll be in the mid tens of millions as more and more new 
hardware comes with IP connectivity built-in and legacy apps are gradually 

Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice."  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSSdice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking 

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Paul Vixie

> > for all these reasons, large or multihoming endsystems will need V6
> > PI allocations and at some point the RIRs are going to have to
> > define/allow this.
> I find your attitude in this regard disturbing, especially as:
> > (note that i'm not speaking for arin, nor as a member-elect of
> > arin's board of trustees, i'm just another bozo on this bus.)
> You're bascially saying that you and people like you are so important
> that you deserve to receive benefits that go against the public good.

actually, i'm just trying to keep my role as member-elect of arin's BoT
separate from my role as an internet citizen.  as it turns out, arin's
BoT does not have a policy formation role.  when this issue comes up in
PPML or the AC, i'll speak up, but i'll be explicitly hatless when i do.

> While you're high and dry, the hoi polloi can renumber while at the
> same time suffering increased ISP costs because of the unnecessarily
> high hardware costs created by all those PI prefixes. In other words,
> today's equivalent of "let them eat cake".

you are drastically misunderstanding my hopes, my goals, and my role.

> It also shows contempt for the IETF, as you reject all possible
> alternatives to PI out of hand.

i never rejected all possibilities, just the ones i've personally studied
so far.  i'm also on record as saying that the easiest time to have fixed
this was before the current IPng approach was annointed; now we're playing
catchup.  even you in your multi6 role ought to be wishing that more had
been done before "IPv6" was cast in stone.

> > there is no possibility that any enterprise where i am responsible
> > for planning or design will ever run PA addresses out to the desktop
> > -- it makes multihoming impossible, which would leave me at the
> > mercy of a single provider's uptime, and a single provider's
> > pricing.
> Work is underway to remedy this.  However, if the RIRs decide to open
> up PI in IPv6, people will take the quick fix and there won't be any
> push to get the (admittedly) more complex but more scalable solutions
> to these problems off the ground.

somehow i don't think that's going to sway wal-mart's thinking at all, but
i do look forward to a lively debate next time this comes up on PPML.

the codification of the current approach as "IPng" in spite of objections
raised at that time amounted to a recommendation of "let them eat NAT."

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 20-nov-04, at 21:45, Paul Vixie wrote:
for all these reasons, large or multihoming endsystems will need V6
PI allocations and at some point the RIRs are going to have to 
I find your attitude in this regard disturbing, especially as:
(note that i'm not speaking for arin, nor as a member-elect of arin's
board of trustees, i'm just another bozo on this bus.)
You're bascially saying that you and people like you are so important 
that you deserve to receive benefits that go against the public good. 
While you're high and dry, the hoi polloi can renumber while at the 
same time suffering increased ISP costs because of the unnecessarily 
high hardware costs created by all those PI prefixes. In other words, 
today's equivalent of "let them eat cake".

It also shows contempt for the IETF, as you reject all possible 
alternatives to PI out of hand.

there is no possibility that any enterprise where i am responsible
for planning or design will ever run PA addresses out to the desktop 
-- it
makes multihoming impossible, which would leave me at the mercy of a 
provider's uptime, and a single provider's pricing.
Work is underway to remedy this. However, if the RIRs decide to open up 
PI in IPv6, people will take the quick fix and there won't be any push 
to get the (admittedly) more complex but more scalable solutions to 
these problems off the ground.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 20-nov-04, at 18:34, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Don't have "real connectivity"?

That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster 
than 16 kbps.

Who said the only purpose of IP was to connect to the Internet?
Not me. But if you don't connect to the internet you don't contribute 
to the global routing table so there is no issue.  :-)

The point is, that these days applications such as mail and web are 
sufficiently heavy that you can't even run them cost effectively over 
dial up (wasting your employee's time costs more than the fatter line) 
let alone less.

So a single large address block is of little use to such an 
organization, unless they get to announce more specifics all over the 

In my experience, they will announce the aggregate from all hub sites 
plus more-specifics for that hub and the sites directly connected to 
it.  Traffic that comes into the wrong hub due to prefix length 
filters (or Internet outages) is back-hauled inside the corporate 
It would be interested to see some good statistics on this stuff. 
However many enterprises any of us has seen from the inside, it's still 
unlikly to be a statistically relevant sample.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Paul Vixie

> >if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table is
> >today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep doo.
> *WHEN* the ipv6 routing table gets as large as the ipv4 routing table 
> is today (late 2004, when you quote me later) it won't be a problem.
> As a matter of fact, I would bet that Cisco , Juniper, and any other 
> edge/core router manufacturer are banking on this happening.

if it were just the routers, then you're apparently expecting the same
owners to need better ones, and i agree that a router vendor would probably
look very favourably on such a development.  however, i'm counting on new
owners needing their first routers, and an O(1e6) sized routing table doesn't
make any difference there -- a router vendor might be even happier, in fact.

but it's not just the routers, it's churn.  "it's always noon somewhere."
the stability of the distributed system called "the global routing table"
is directly proportional to its size.  the number of participants in that
system, each of whom must build their own model of the system using only
the messages they get from direct neighbors, cannot usefully exceed *some*
maximum for any given total number of discrete destinations.  if you think
that the number of available participants leads to a maximum stable table
containing O(1e6) destinations, then you should be arguing for a /20
minimum allocation size.  If you think the table in question has O(1e10)
destinations then you'd be arguing for a /30 minimum allocation size.  But
to consider a /40 minimum allocation size, you'd be saying that you thought
a table containing O(1e12) discrete destinations, and i think that's false
in two ways -- first, the current distance-vector approach used by BGP just
won't scale to O(1e12), and second, i don't think that you think that there
are enough participants who want to own routers to make such a table size

someone asked about my "sole benefit" comment, so i'll amend it.  it's not
a global cost and sole benefit, but it is a global cost to the "other ends"
with the preponderance of benefit (for a prefix) falling on the owner of
the prefix.  so it's not one-sided but it is certainly an assymetric
benefit with a symmetric cost.  mr. doran argued for many years that
routing table slots should be auctioned or leased.  i never did and still
do not agree with him, but his starting assumptions weren't and aren't
my point of disagreement.
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Kurt Erik Lindqvist

Hash: SHA1

On 2004-11-19, at 12.46, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 12:15 +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
>> On 18-nov-04, at 18:02, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>>> Larger enterprises probably consist of 200 'sites' already, eg 
>>> seperate
>>> offices, locations etc. Thus they can, after becoming a LIR and 
>>> getting
>>> an ASN, which most of the time they already have, easily get a /32.
>> Jeroen, this is nonsense and you know it.
> It is not nonsense as long as 'multi6' doesn't have a solution to the
> problem, but as politics go above getting solutions...

I am not sure I follow you here? Multi6 in D.C decided to spin of the 
protocol work in a new WG under the Internet Area. I think that for the 
last few years, multi6 has moved forward as fast as anyone could ask.

- - kurtis - / Co-chair multi6

Version: PGP 8.1


large multi-site enterprises and PI prefix [Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]]

2004-11-21 Thread Pekka Savola
I think this is important point that needs to be called out 

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
On 19-nov-04, at 17:58, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
these organizations tend to have multiple sites (as you indicate above) 
but they generally do not have real connectivity between those sites. This 
means a single large prefix won't do them much good, and basically they're 
no different than a bunch of smaller single-site organizations.

Don't have "real connectivity"?  I've personally worked with dozens of 
Fortune 500 companies that have internal FR/ATM networks that dwarf AT&T, 
UUnet, etc. in the number of sites connected.  Thousands of sites is 
common, and tens of thousands of sites in some cases.  Do you not consider 
these networks "real" because each site may only have a 16k PVC to talk to 
That's right. If you need internet access, you need it to be faster than 16 
kbps. As far as I can tell, it's pretty rare for an organization of this size 
to have their own IP network that they use to connect all their sites to the 
global internet, for the simple reason that leased lines, framerelay or ATM 
capacity is generally more expensive than IP connectivity.

So a single large address block is of little use to such an organization, 
unless they get to announce more specifics all over the place.
If we reword the last sentence to include the use of ULA addresses, to 
be like:

  So a single, globally routable large address block is of little use
  to such an organization, unless they get to announce more specifics
  all over the place.
This seems to imply several things:
 - when having lots of sites, you typically want to obtain local
   Internet connectivity, because transporting all the traffic over
   links or VPNs is a pretty heavy business
   * though at least the smallest sites are also likely to be solely
 obtain their connectivity using VPNs through centralized
 firewalls etc.
 - you don't want to backhaul all the traffic in the internal network
   / VPNs, so you'll either need to announce a lot of more specifics
   or use IP addresses from local internet providers
 - giving those big enterprises globally routable PI will make it much
   more lucrative for them to request allowing the more specifics from
   their upstreams, etc., thus getting us to the more specific mess.
Therefore, if we'd like to to prevent the more specific 
multihoming/traffic engineering mess we have with v4, most of those 
big enterprises don't really seem to need globally routable PI space, 
provided that they can already use ULAs if they want.

Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Alex Bligh

--On 21 November 2004 11:59 +0200 Petri Helenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If we ever make contact to some other civilization out there, do they
have to run NAT?
Nah. Jim Fleming tells me they're running IPv8 (ducks)

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-21 Thread Petri Helenius
Paul Vixie wrote:
more importantly though is your /40 example.  ipv6 has enough address space
in it to be able to give a /32 to every household on the planet, including
a reserve for the ones without electric power or phones.  giving out /40's

If we ever make contact to some other civilization out there, do they 
have to run NAT?


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread Jerry Pasker

if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table is
today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep doo.
Paul Vixie
*WHEN* the ipv6 routing table gets as large as the ipv4 routing table 
is today (late 2004, when you quote me later) it won't be a problem.

As a matter of fact, I would bet that Cisco , Juniper, and any other 
edge/core router manufacturer are banking on this happening.

Today's routing table can be carried on older edge routers very 
effectively (There are many 7500, 7200 series routers out there), and 
I predict that this will continue to be the case for quite some time 
(at least a few more years)  This is not conducive to the business 
model of Cisco Systems.   *WHEN* the IPv6 routing table is the same 
size that it is today, I seriously doubt that there will be any 
problem with finding a CPU fast enough, RAM with a memory rate high 
enough, or CPU to memory bandwidth wide enough to handle it.

And when that time comes: I promise that any Cisco sales person will 
have at least more than a handful of routers to sell you that'll 
handle the load just fine.

I'm Jerry Pasker, and I approved this message.

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread william(at)

On 21 Nov 2004, Paul Vixie wrote:

> if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table is
> today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep doo.


There some hope though that by that time routers will have slightly more 
memory and slightly better CPUs ...

But I do think its clear that with IPv6 a solution needs to be found for 
the average joe-business-user who wants to have benefits of connectivity
with several providers without necessity of doing BGP. IETF Multi6 seems 
to be the best effort we have in this area and its quite clear now from
both that and from HIP and MIP that new "host" layer will have to be added 
to TCP/IP between IP and TCP and then connection will not be between one
ip and another but between one host and another and simplified routing
protocol will decide which of the ips (and each host may have multiple 
ones) are actually used for source and destination of data packets.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

RE: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread David Schwartz

> what the world is short of is routing table
> slots, each of
> which adds universal cost to the internet for the sole benefit of
> the owner
> of the network thus made reachable.

I see this point made often, and I've never understood it. If carrying a
route only benefits the party that issued the route, why do it? It seems to
me that being able to reach someone is of as much value to you as it is to

I wonder why IBM, Apple, Cisco, and Ford don't connect their corporate 
servers to routers that don't contains any of these expensive routes that
are only for the benefits of the entities that announce them. Perhaps you
should explain to them all the money they could save.

Better connectivity on either end benefits both ends of the connection.


Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread Paul Vixie

> >... all oldtimers are skewed.  ...

> Here is a possible multi level solution for end sites and non /32 
> qualifiers:
> ...
> - Sites that multihome 4 ways or more get a PI  /40
> - Large sites with more than X devices get a PI /40 if at least 
> (dual|triple)homed to avoid massive renumbering/provider lock-in.
> This would set the bar high enough to limit routing table growth while
> allocating PI space to those who need it the most.

there are problems with this approach, having to do with the definition of
multihoming, and with the possibility of someone claiming to qualify for PI
space even though their "providers" are actually "related parties".  there
is room for huge graft and corruption unless the definition is very careful
and there's a budget for both initial and recurring audits.  then there's
the problem of falling out of qualification some time after a large network
has been built.  so while i don't disagree that multihoming appears to be a
justification for PI space, i'm not sure all the wrinkles can be ironed out.

more importantly though is your /40 example.  ipv6 has enough address space
in it to be able to give a /32 to every household on the planet, including
a reserve for the ones without electric power or phones.  giving out /40's
makes no sense.  what the world is short of is routing table slots, each of
which adds universal cost to the internet for the sole benefit of the owner
of the network thus made reachable.  there's ram, cpu, churn... the works.
when or if an endsystem PI policy is defined, it should not call for shorter
prefixes, but rather, for making it really quite rare in a global sense for
anyone to actually qualify for it.

if the ipv6 routing table ever gets as large as the ipv4 routing table is
today (late 2004 if you're going to quote me later), we'll be in deep doo.
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread Paul Vixie

> It seems easier to try to back-port SCTP's multihoming features to TCP
> somehow than to deploy an entirely new transport protocol.  It's
> unfortunate this wasn't addressed at the time IPng was being designed.

this was tried.  there was almost going to be a "TCP6" which was capable
of signalling an endpoint-renumber event using in-band control messages.
alas, this approach was deemed overly complex, so TCP went unchanged.
Paul Vixie

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread Stephen Sprunk
Thus spake "Barney Wolff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perhaps it is time to replace TCP with SCTP, where multihoming is not
incompatible with PA addressing.  If done as a socket shim, so 
don't have to be aware of it unless they want to be, it would appear to
solve all of these problems.

How much would it add to the pain of the v4-v6 transition, to just bite
the bullet and do tcp-sctp at the same time?  I'd sure rather be a
network troubleshooter going through that than living with NAT forever.
Almost no host OSes support SCTP today, which is the major barrier; it took 
a decade to get IPv6 widely implemented in hosts, and there's no reason to 
think SCTP implementation would be as fast or faster.

That aside, SCTP sockets and TCP sockets are not created the same way nor 
behave the same way from the application's view.  An API change would be 
needed to make this transparent to apps.  Also, there's no way for one host 
to know if another supports SCTP _and_ is running SCTP-capable apps without 
actually attempting a connection, which costs time.

It seems easier to try to back-port SCTP's multihoming features to TCP 
somehow than to deploy an entirely new transport protocol.  It's unfortunate 
this wasn't addressed at the time IPng was being designed.

Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice."  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSSdice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking 

Re: who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

2004-11-20 Thread Owen DeLong
I am aware of how telcos work in general, and, in some detail in the united
States.  I also agree with most of what you said.  However, consider
that somehow, they have scaled this to many many more customers than
the total number of internet subscribers.  There must be something for
us to learn there, even if we are missing what it is right now.
--On Saturday, November 20, 2004 13:18 + Alex Bligh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

--On 19 November 2004 09:40 -0800 Owen DeLong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If it were true, then I would have to renumber
every time I changed telephone companies.  I don't, so, obviously, there
is some solution to this problem.
But I'm not sure you'd like it applied to the internet. Firstly, in
essence, PSTN uses static routes for interprovider routing (not quite
but nearly - if you add a new prefix everyone else has to build it into
their table on all switches). Secondly, IIRC porting works in the UK
something like - call delivered to switch of operator who owns the block,
marked as ported number, lookup in central porting database (one for all
operators), operator port prefix put on dialed number, call sent back out
all the way to interconnect, enters new operator network, goes to switch
managing ports, further signalling info added to make call go to the
correct local switch, call goes to correct local switch, dross removed,
call terminated.
Roughly speaking this is the internet equivalent of:
* Configure all interprovider routes by a static routing config loaded
  every week or so.
* Handle porting by getting ICANN to run a box with a primative gated
  BGP feed connected to all your distribution routers. Where a packet
  is delivered to a distribution router and the IP address has changed
  providers, change the next hop received from the ICANN BGP feed
  to a GRE tunnel to the appropriate provider's tunnel termination box.
* At that tunnel termination box, static route all ported-in IP addresses
  to the correct distribution router.
Yum yum.
Sometimes we don't have lessons to learn from the PSTN world, and instead
the reverse is true.

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