Re: BGPMON Alert Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Randy Bush
 Yes, we don't validate those prefixes cause we filter them strict.

in our measurements, an rpki-based origin check is significantly faster
than an acl of non-trivial length.


CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

2014-04-10 Thread Fabien Bourdaire
Following up on the CVE-2014-0160 vulnerability, heartbleed. We've
created some iptables rules to block all heartbeat queries using the
very powerful u32 module.

The rules allow you to mitigate systems that can't yet be patched by
blocking ALL the heartbeat handshakes. We also like the capability to
log external scanners :)

The rules have been specifically created for HTTPS traffic and may be
adapted for other protocols; SMTPS/IMAPS/...

# Log rules
iptables -t filter -A INPUT  -p tcp --dport 443  -m u32 --u32 \
52=0x1803:0x1803 -j LOG --log-prefix BLOCKED: HEARTBEAT

# Block rules
iptables -t filter -A INPUT  -p tcp --dport 443  -m u32 --u32 \
52=0x1803:0x1803 -j DROP

# Wireshark rules
$ tshark  -i interface port 443 -R 'frame[68:1] == 18'
$ tshark  -i interface port 443 -R 'ssl.record.content_type == 24'

We believe that this should only be used as a temporary fix to decrease
the exposure window. The log rule should allow you to test the firewall
rules before being used in production. It goes without saying that if
you have any suggested improvements to these rules we would be grateful
if you could share them with the security community.

Clearly, use of these rules is at your own risk ;)

ECSC SOC Team Researchers:
Adam Shore
Alex Innes
Fabien Bourdaire

ECSC Ltd -

Re: procmail, was autoresponding to Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Jack Bates

On 4/9/2014 9:21 PM, George Michaelson wrote:

Aside from a horrid config notation. the main problem for me has always
been getting sysadmins to include the changes which expose envelope-sender
and envelope-recipient to procmail. Thats not procmail, its the way
procmail is typically called. Without it, some stuff simply cannot be done
because you don't know the values passed by protocol, only the values
exposed in header.

(this may have changed. I don't use it any more)

It can still be a problem, although I believe LMTP fixes this problem 
along with the others it was designed to fix.


Re: BGPMON Alert Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Mark Tinka
On Thursday, April 10, 2014 09:18:34 AM Randy Bush wrote:

 in our measurements, an rpki-based origin check is
 significantly faster than an acl of non-trivial length.

Ultimately, at some point in the future, it is not 
completely unreasonable to think that some operators could 
attempt control plane filtering based purely on RPKI-based 
origin and AS_PATH validation, without actually needing to 
configure prefix or AS_PATH lists :-).

Wouldn't that be something...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

2014-04-10 Thread Nick Hilliard
On 09/04/2014 11:07, Fabien Bourdaire wrote:
 Following up on the CVE-2014-0160 vulnerability, heartbleed. We've
 created some iptables rules to block all heartbeat queries using the
 very powerful u32 module.

as someone pointed out on the UKNOF mailing list yesterday, you make a
number of assumptions in this ruleset which are not necessarily valid.

Please do not claim that this ruleset blocks all heartbeat queries because
it does not.


re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Miles Fidelman

at some point, Dave Crocker wrote:

If I point a gun at you, and pull the trigger, but maybe shouldn't have
done that, the gun is not broken.

It occurs to me that, if you point a gun at me, aim at me, pull the 
trigger, and hit someone standing 10 feet to my left - the gun IS broken 
(or at least very poorly designed).

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra


Re: procmail, was autoresponding to Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Miles Fidelman

All this talk about procmail leads me to ask:

- has anybody come up with a procmail recipe, or other mechanism to 
validate DKIM-signed mail and apply an Original-Authentication-Results 
header, at the MTA level?

- if so, does it work with Yahoo mail directed to mailing lists?
- if yes, can you share?!

(So far, all the folks I know who are trying to react, have been doing 
so via hacks to their list management software.  I'm hoping to attack 
the problem at a more accessible step in mail processing).

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Miles Fidelman

Tei wrote:

Your post advocates a

(*) technical ( ) legislative ( ) market-based ( ) vigilante

approach to fighting spam. Your idea will not work. Here is why it
won't work. (One or more of the following may apply to your particular

(*) Sorry dude, but I don't think it would work.
( ) This is a stupid idea, and you're a stupid person for suggesting it.
( ) Nice try, assh0le! I'm going to find out where you live and burn your
house down!

Right about now, I'm starting to lean toward:

(*) Nice try, assh0le! I'm going to find out where you live and burn your
house down!

Foisting this on the world, particularly as tax day approaches - heads 
should roll.


Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

Re: BGPMON Alert Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Randy Bush
as folk start to roll out rejection of invalids, we might think about
how we report problems with folk registering inadequate roas, covering
their customers, covering their deaggs (maybe deaggs get what they
deserve), etc.  if they are not clued enough to generate prudent roas,
they will not be clued enough to generate ghostbusters (and neither
ripe's nor apnic's software supports gbrs today).  

if my customer can not reach foo's customer, will foo's rir be willing
to help?  if foo's customer can not reach mine, how to let foo know who
to call/write?  do we need conventions?


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Rich Kulawiec
An aside:

On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 05:15:59PM -0400, William Herrin wrote:
 Maybe this is a good thing - we can stop getting all the sorry I'm
 out of the office emails when posting to a list.

I entirely support that goal, but my preferred solution is the complete
eradication of the software (a lot of which makes mistakes that have
been well-known as mistakes for decades) and thus the entire practice
of setting up out of office messages.

Out-of-office notices might have had some relevance 20 or 30 years ago
when much of the population was new to email and had not yet grasped
in *any* sense how it works.  And when there was a large overlap
between people who use email and people who read/send email
from their offices and only from their offices.

But I think by now everyone who is capable of being educated has been
educated and realizes that the one of the reasons for the absence of a
response is that the recipient hasn't seen the relevant message yet.
There's really no need to spin the roulette wheel and hope that the
combination of MUAs and MTAs on both ends is functional enough to enable
the out-of-office software (optimistically presuming it's halfway sane)
to figure out what it should do.

And that's before we even get to the security and privacy issues
that are in play, which are substantial.

So while there are numerous approaches to solving the problem of
errant out-of-office messages, and some of those approaches work
pretty well in the field, I would prefer to kill the problem by
attacking the source: the *existence* of out-of-office autoresponders.


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Rich Kulawiec
I agree to a large extent with your comments/observations, but I'd
like to focus on one point in particular:

On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 11:00:57PM -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 So, I'm trying to imagine the presentation slide on which appears the
 advice to implement the controversial adopted policy.  I imagine in
 big, giant print Will reduce abuse effects and in one of
 those secondary bullets May have consequences and even lower for
 our users on mailing lists and for mailing list

This decision by Yahoo will have no effect whatsoever on the largest
abuse problem, which is outbound spam/phishing/malware/etc. *sourced*
by Yahoo.  Those messages are (and have been for a long time) dutifully
marked as authentic and in one sense they are: they really do originate
from Yahoo's operation.  But of course in a much more important operational
sense they're not: they're forgeries created by the new owners of hijacked
Yahoo user accounts.  And those accounts are being hijacked at will by
the millions, as they have been for many years.

Yahoo is not alone in permitting an enormous volume of such messages to
leave their operation and attack the rest of the Internet: Hotmail, Gmail,
and the rest do the same.  (Of course the rates vary, as do the targets.
My spamtraps see large rate fluctuations across networks, domains, ASNs, etc.
as well as through time.  I strongly suspect that individual measurements
at any one are essentially meaningless and that aggregation over a
sufficiently diverse set over a sufficiently long time is necessary to
construct a coherent, useful statistical model of what's really happening.)

In other words, this deployment might reduce abuse OF Yahoo, but it
will do nothing about the far more important problem of abuse BY Yahoo.

Which pretty much lives up to my expectations.


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Dave Crocker

On 4/9/2014 11:54 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

Basic functionality is seriously and utterly broken ---  that DMARC
doesn't have a good answer for such situations, is a major indicator
of its immaturity,  in the sense that it is Too specific a solution
and cannot apply to e-mail in general.

If it were mature: a mechanism would be provided that would allow
mailing lists to function  without breaking changes such as
substituting From:.

On 4/9/2014 11:54 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote: Basic functionality is
seriously and utterly broken ---  that DMARC doesn't

have a good answer for such situations, is a major indicator of its
immaturity,  in the sense that it is Too specific a solution and
cannot apply to e-mail in general.

If it were mature: a mechanism would be provided that would allow
mailing lists to function  without breaking changes such as
substituting From:.

Every tool has limitations.

An 18-wheeler truck is not broken or immature because it fails to corner 
like a Maserati.  A Maserati is not broken or immature because it does 
not have the carrying capacity of an 18-wheeler.

DMARC was designed to handle a particular usage scenario and its 
limitations have been carefully documented.

Or perhaps we need to declare email broken and immature because it does 
not (yet) satisfy a long list of entirely reasonable functional 
requirements, such as, ummm, author authentication?

Long deployment and use and deep knowledge don't matter; only satisfying 
someone's list of requirements does?

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Dave Crocker

On 4/10/2014 5:05 AM, Tei wrote:

Your post advocates a

(*) technical ( ) legislative ( ) market-based ( ) vigilante

Since the nanog list isn't devoted to anti-spam work, folk might not 
know that you were calling upon the stellar web page developed by Cory 

As far as I know, he meant it strictly for humor.

However he did such a good job, it is common to point folk to it (or, as 
we've seen here, even fill it out) when the they declare that they have 
the FUSSP.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Re: BGPMON Alert Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Mark Tinka
On Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:30:51 PM Randy Bush wrote:

 as folk start to roll out rejection of invalids, we might
 think about how we report problems with folk registering
 inadequate roas, covering their customers, covering
 their deaggs (maybe deaggs get what they deserve), etc. 
 if they are not clued enough to generate prudent roas,
 they will not be clued enough to generate ghostbusters
 (and neither ripe's nor apnic's software supports gbrs


If you are clued enough to generate ROA's, you are clued 
enough to generate ROA's for the de-aggregates (or, at 
least, respond to the errors that indicate that). But the 
reverse is also true.

It would be useful to use BGPmon's free RPKI validation 
feature, which e-mails you, incessantly, about validation 
failures due to un-ROA'd de-aggregates.

It will also help if the CA's run by the RIR's support 
prefix length definitions. For the Africa region, AFRINIC 
currently do not, meaning every de-aggregate needs to be 
ROA'd. It's planned, though...

 if my customer can not reach foo's customer, will foo's
 rir be willing to help?  if foo's customer can not reach
 mine, how to let foo know who to call/write?  do we need

This was one of the questions I've always pondered, and if 
you recall, was part of our panel discussion on the subject 
in Xi'an last year.

I think it would be helpful if CA delegation was supported 
by RIR's, and supported well, so that customers can deal 
with their ISP's CA instead of having to deal with the RIR 
instead (particularly for situations where RIR's aren't 24/7 

On the monitoring side, it will be critical for ISP's to 
provide looking glasses that customers can use to verify the 
delta between what has been ROA'd and what has been 
announced/rejected, particularly in the case of un-ROA'd de-


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Dave Crocker

On 4/10/2014 5:13 AM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

If I point a gun at you, and pull the trigger, but maybe shouldn't have
done that, the gun is not broken.

It occurs to me that, if you point a gun at me, aim at me, pull the
trigger, and hit someone standing 10 feet to my left - the gun IS broken
(or at least very poorly designed).

Unfortunately, that has no relationship to do with the current 
situation.  Again:  Yahoo was fully aware of the implications of its choice.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Re: CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

2014-04-10 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:07:36 +0100, Fabien Bourdaire said:

 # Log rules
 iptables -t filter -A INPUT  -p tcp --dport 443  -m u32 --u32 \
 52=0x1803:0x1803 -j LOG --log-prefix BLOCKED: HEARTBEAT

That 52= isn't going to work if it's an IPv4 packet with an unexpected
number IP or TCP options, or an IPv6 connection

Description: PGP signature

RE: CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

2014-04-10 Thread David Hubbard
He was also proven wrong on the Full Disclosure list but he seems to be
pushing this everywhere he can find an audience for some reason. 

-Original Message-
From: Nick Hilliard [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 6:13 AM
To: Fabien Bourdaire;
Subject: Re: CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

On 09/04/2014 11:07, Fabien Bourdaire wrote:
 Following up on the CVE-2014-0160 vulnerability, heartbleed. We've 
 created some iptables rules to block all heartbeat queries using the 
 very powerful u32 module.

as someone pointed out on the UKNOF mailing list yesterday, you make a
number of assumptions in this ruleset which are not necessarily valid.

Please do not claim that this ruleset blocks all heartbeat queries
because it does not.


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Michael Thomas

On 04/09/2014 09:54 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

Basic functionality is seriously and utterly broken ---  that DMARC doesn't
have a good answer for such situations, is a major indicator of its
immaturity,  in the sense that it is Too specific a solution and cannot
apply to e-mail in general.

DMARC is nothing more than warmed over ADSP which itself didn't have
a pat answer for mailing list traversal. For transactional mail ADSP was
just fine, but for regular mail the signing policy was meant to be a 
guide for

other heuristics. It says nothing more than i sign my mail outgoing, so
what do you do if the signature is broken? If you want to take a hard line,
then you are going to get all kinds of false positives... this has been 
for 10 years at least. I'd be surprised to hear that Y! of all people 
was doing

that, but it's their pissed off users' problem. Vote with your feet.

If it were mature: a mechanism would be provided that would allow mailing
lists to function  without breaking changes such as substituting From:.

An example of a solution  would be the use of a DKIM alternative  with not
a single signature for the entire message,  but only partial signing   of
  parts of the message: specifically identified headers  and/or specific
body elements,   to validate  that the message was really sent and certain
elements are genuine   and certain elements were modified by the
mailing list.

You can more or less do this with DKIM already, and get about 90%
of mailing list traffic to pass verification. The question is whether that's
enough. I have no idea whether Y! is doing the things I did to get that
pass rate.

The technical issue,  is that the immaturity of the related specs.   limits
   the decisions are available  for a particular domain   so,
essentially,  if you have certain kind of user traffic: you have to  incur
technical issues with mailing lists,  or forego using DMARC.

In other words:  much as you would like to dismiss as purely a managerial
decision  the decisions available to be made are entangled with
  the limitations of the  technical options that are available  for
mitigating spoofing,

AND the public's understanding thereof.

Crocker may have some further insight that we're not privy to, but using
signing policy on the general population as a raw instrument is well known
to be a bad idea for DKIM and SPF's policy mechanisms as well. SPF in 
had a huge amount of blowback by punitive mail operators who didn't 
the implications, at least in the early days. It may indeed be 
management idiocy,
but I can't see what the point is in defending the idiocy as being some 
sort of

sacred right.


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 10 Apr 2014 07:56:16 -0700, Michael Thomas said:
 but I can't see what the point is in defending the idiocy as being some
 sort of sacred right.

I'm sure Randy Bush would defend his competitor's right to run their networks
that way. :)

Description: PGP signature

ICANN issues call for public input on process to develop IANA stewardship transition plan

2014-04-10 Thread John Curran
NANOGers -

As you may have heard, the United States National Telecommunications and 
Administration (US NTIA) has a contract with ICANN for administration of 
the Internet
technical identifiers [e.g. DNS names, IP address spaces, and protocol 
parameters], and
recently proposed transitioning stewardship of these tasks over to the 
Internet technical

ICANN is facilitating the development of a plan to accomplish this, and 
their initial draft of
a process for plan development has been released and is available for 
public comment.
Comments on the proposed process are due by 8 May 2014, and as that is well 
NANOG 61 in June, I'm drawing attention to this opportunity via the list.  
You can find
more information regarding the proposed process and how to provide feedback 

FYI (and thanks!)

John Curran
President and CEO

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN
Subject: [arin-announce] ICANN issues Call for Public Input on the IANA 
Functions Transition
Date: April 9, 2014 at 12:41:18 PM EDT

ICANN has issued a call for public input on a newly released Draft
Proposal, based on initial community input, of the principles,
mechanisms, and process to develop a proposal to transition NTIA's
stewardship of the IANA functions.

Details are available at:

Feedback can be submitted via the publicly archived mailing list:

We encourage ARIN community members to participate, and call to your
attention that the deadline to contribute is 8 May 2014 (midnight UTC).

Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Michael Thomas

On 04/09/2014 06:04 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Especially after reading some of the discussions on the DMARC mailing 
list where it's clear that issues of breaking mailing lists were 
explicitly ignored and dismissed.

There's been 10 years of ostrichism about policy and mailing lists, 
especially from the crowd

who were against ADSP until they were for it.


Re: CVE-2014-0160 mitigation using iptables

2014-04-10 Thread shawn wilson
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 9:52 AM, wrote:
 On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:07:36 +0100, Fabien Bourdaire said:

 # Log rules
 iptables -t filter -A INPUT  -p tcp --dport 443  -m u32 --u32 \
 52=0x1803:0x1803 -j LOG --log-prefix BLOCKED: HEARTBEAT

 That 52= isn't going to work if it's an IPv4 packet with an unexpected
 number IP or TCP options, or an IPv6 connection

IPv6 wasn't mentioned here (that'd be ip6tables). But yeah, there
might be some other shortcomings with the match. I think it's the
right way to go - it just needs a bit of work (maybe a bm string
match?). You're also going to deal with different versions (see
ssl-heartbleed.nse for the breakdown). Though, I wonder if there are
any other variations you might miss...

Akamai DNS for GoDaddy hosted servers?

2014-04-10 Thread Nanog Smitasin
Anyone else hosting at GoDaddy seeing NXDOMAIN from some Akamai servers?

# dig +trace

;  DiG 9.9.5  +trace
;; global options: +cmd
snip   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS   172800  IN  NS


# dig

;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 28818
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 5
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available





# dig


;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 56606
;; flags: qr aa rd ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   3600IN 2014041000 300 600 2592000 3600

;; Query time: 13 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Apr 10 09:11:21 PDT 2014
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 115

Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Kee Hinckley

On 10 Apr 2014, at 9:49, Dave Crocker wrote:
Unfortunately, that has no relationship to do with the current 
situation.  Again:  Yahoo was fully aware of the implications of its 

I suspect they looked at the amount of spam they could stop, the number 
of Yahoo email users, and the number of Yahoo users using mailing lists, 
and said That's just noise, it doesn't matter.

It happens to be very loud noise, but it's still tiny compared to the 
overall number of email users.

ARIN 33 Chicago - 14 proposed changes to IP address policy (non-attendee options)

2014-04-10 Thread John Curran
NANOGers -

  There are a particularly large number of proposed changes to Internet number
  resource policy that will be discussed next week at the ARIN 33 meeting in
  Chicago, and for those who will _not_ be attending, there are still two good
  options for providing input on these potential changes:

1) Express your support or opposition (and reasoning if possible) on any of
the proposed changes on the ARIN Public Policy Mailing List (ppml)

2) Participate remotely in the discussion at the ARIN 33 meeting (remote
participants can view the real-time feed, make statements, ask 
and participate in polls on proposals just as those on-site)  
must register to participate on-site or remotely in the meeting.

  You can find information on the proposals and posting comments to arin-ppml 
here -

  For information on being a remote participant in the ARIN 33 meeting -

  There is also an ARIN 33 discussion guide with all of the proposals, their 
  staff/legal reviews, and the current policy manual and policy development 
process -

  ARIN administers the number resources in the region in accordance with policy
  developed by community; participation is open to everyone and improves the
  quality of the resulting policy that we must follow.


John Curran
President and CEO

Re: BGPMON Alert Questions

2014-04-10 Thread Tony Tauber
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:

 On Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:30:51 PM Randy Bush wrote:

  as folk start to roll out rejection of invalids, we might
  think about how we report problems with folk registering
  inadequate roas, covering their customers, covering
  their deaggs (maybe deaggs get what they deserve), etc.
  if they are not clued enough to generate prudent roas,
  they will not be clued enough to generate ghostbusters
  (and neither ripe's nor apnic's software supports gbrs


 It would be useful to use BGPmon's free RPKI validation
 feature, which e-mails you, incessantly, about validation
 failures due to un-ROA'd de-aggregates.

This seems like good idea and would also be good to know how else to know
I've broken something..

There's a BGP Visibility Project
which perhaps could be brought to bear.

Other thoughts out there?


Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage

2014-04-10 Thread Geoffrey Keating
Andrew Sullivan writes:

 I think DMARC is mostly useful when used correctly.  There is no BCP

There is, however, BCP167/RFC6377 covering DKIM and mailing lists.
Some relevant sections are 4.1 and 5.3:

   ... site administrators wishing to
   employ ADSP with a discardable setting SHOULD separate the
   controlled mail stream warranting this handling from other mail
   streams that are less controlled, such as personal mail that transits
   MLMs [Mailing List Managers].  

   At subscription time, an ADSP-aware MLM SHOULD check for a published
   ADSP record for the new subscriber's domain.  If the policy specifies
   discardable, the MLM SHOULD disallow the subscription or present a

ID10T out of office responders (was Re: Yahoo DMARC breakage)

2014-04-10 Thread Larry Sheldon

On 4/10/2014 6:29 AM, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 05:15:59PM -0400, William Herrin wrote:

Maybe this is a good thing - we can stop getting all the sorry I'm
out of the office emails when posting to a list.

I entirely support that goal, but my preferred solution is the complete
eradication of the software (a lot of which makes mistakes that have
been well-known as mistakes for decades) and thus the entire practice
of setting up out of office messages.

[relevant discussion]

But I think by now everyone who is capable of being educated has been
educated and realizes that the one of the reasons for the absence of a
response is that the recipient hasn't seen the relevant message yet.
There's really no need to spin the roulette wheel and hope that the
combination of MUAs and MTAs on both ends is functional enough to enable
the out-of-office software (optimistically presuming it's halfway sane)
to figure out what it should do.

And the truly paranoid that are scared to death that nobody will miss 
them, have learned to forward the flow to a device that is never out of 
the office.  (I have filters on the two accounts whose mail I EVER read 
that forward mail from named sources to my BlackBerry.  My Kindle gets 
copies af all mail sent to those two accounts (mostly since I have been 
to lazy to set up the filtered stream and I almost never look at it anyway).

And that's before we even get to the security and privacy issues
that are in play, which are substantial.

And that is where I started.  In every other part of my life the 
conventional wisdom has been do NOT put a thing on the Sassiety page 
about your up-coming around-the-world cruise and the camera equipment 
you have bought for the trip,  Leave lights and a radio on timers, 
stop the mil and the newspapers, get somebody to mow the lawn and 
pick up the trash every few days, have somebody down the street park 
their car in your drivewayand so on.

Why on G*ds blue Earth would I want put up posters and flyers that say 
need a stapler?  I just got a new one.,  I won't be looking for my 
desk chair for a while., and If your keyboard fails,..?

So while there are numerous approaches to solving the problem of
errant out-of-office messages, and some of those approaches work
pretty well in the field, I would prefer to kill the problem by
attacking the source: the *existence* of out-of-office autoresponders.


Requiescas in pace o email   Two identifying characteristics
of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio  Infallibility, and the ability to
learn from their mistakes.
  (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)