Would you care to elaborate on how the investigation of someones
funding sources is operationally relevant to the rest of the list?

Aaron Cossey

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Paul Wall <pauldotw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> RB-
> Where can we find data on your group's funding sources?
> If we're to continue this discussion, we need to establish bias and
> motive, which you've not covered on your own accord.
> Drive Slow,
> Paul Wall
> On 11/25/09, Richard Bennett <rich...@bennett.com> wrote:
>> Now you've descended from Steenbergen's hair-splitting between "on-net
>> routes" (the mechanism) vs. "on-net access" (the actual product) into
>> Simpson's straight-up lying. ITIF is not opposed to network neutrality
>> in principle, having released a paper on "A Third Way on Network
>> Neutrality", http://www.itif.org/index.php?id=63. There is not a single
>> ultra-conservative on the ITIF board, they're all either moderate
>> Democrats or moderate Republicans.
>> I'm letting most of this childish venting slide, but I will point out
>> the bald-faced lies.
>> RB
>> William Allen Simpson wrote:
>>> They're opposed to net neutrality, and (based on his comments and several
>>> of the papers) still think the Internet is some kind of bastard child
>>> that
>>> needs adult supervision in the middle -- by which they mean themselves
>>> /in loco parentis/.
>>> Looking at the board, it's populated by ultra-conservative wing-nut
>>> Republicans, and some Conservadems (as we call them in political circles,
>>> they call themselves "centrists") from the "New Democrat Caucus" for
>>> "bi-partisan" cover.  And lots of lobbyists -- Federal lobbyists -- who
>>> seem to list their educational clients on their bio, but not whether
>>> they are also employed by a firm that represents other clients....
>> --
>> Richard Bennett
>> Research Fellow
>> Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
>> Washington, DC
> --
> Sent from my mobile device

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