Re: quietly....

2011-02-02 Thread Daniel Hagerty
Matt Addison writes:

 I'll admit right now that I don't know nearly enough about the IETF process,
 but it looks like there have been 2 separate attempts at this:
 draft-lee-dnsop-resolver-wellknown-ipv6addr - ID, expired
 draft-ohta-preconfigured-dns - ID, expired
 Until one of those is revived (or a similar draft is written), and makes it
 through IETF to reach RFC status, and there are assigned addresses from
 IANA, there are no well known addresses for anyone hardcode.

Several microsoft OSes will automatically use fec0:0:0:::1, 2,
and 3 if there is a nameserver there.

Re: Wake on LAN in the enterprise

2010-12-13 Thread Daniel Hagerty
Owen DeLong writes:

 WOL is unfortunately terribly deficient in that the spec. never =
 envisioned the possibility
 of a need for wake on WAN.
 Bottom line, it's a non-routeable layer 2 protocol. Your choices boil =
 down to the
 helper address nightmare you describe or proxy servers on every subnet.

WoL works just fine over routed networks; the magic packet format
doesn't preclude it.  I send WoL over routed networks several times a
day.  The only gotcha is that you need some kind of arrangement for
either directed broadcast, or hardcode ndp/arp entries.

Perl code snippet below:

my $wolhost =;
my $wolhost_mac = de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe;

my $mac = $wolhost_mac;
$mac =~ s/[: ]//g;

# Use socat to build a wakeonlan packet inside a udp6 datagram.

my $packed_bcast = pack(H12, f x 12);
my $packed_mac = pack(H12, $mac);
my $dgram = $packed_bcast . ( $packed_mac x 16);

# 9 is the discard port.  For whatever reason, the wrong thing
# happens when the port is referenced by name, despite having the
# name in /etc/services.

open(SOCAT, |-,
 (qw(socat -u STDIN),
|| die popen: $!;
print SOCAT $dgram || die print: $!;

Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Daniel Hagerty
Richard Hartmann writes:

 I will add quad to -03 anyway. If you get a few +1 on hexquad, I am
 against adding that, as well.

Quad is a standard term for 64 bit integer in C/C++.  For

$ grep -c quad /usr/src/sys/netinet6/*|awk -F: '{tot+=$2} END{print tot}'

which is to say, the kame derived ipv6 stack on this machine uses
one of the *quad_t types 171 times.

Ambiguating usages like Take the least signifigant quad of that
ipv6 address to mean either 16 bits or 64 bits, when it currently is
unamibigously 64 bits won't make the lives of C/C++ programmers
writing IPv6 code any easier.

Re: DNS and potential energy

2008-07-01 Thread Daniel Hagerty
Rob Pickering [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Or .com. Oddly enough I just now found a Windows box and typed in a browser URL bar and it did what I expected, when I 
 typed the same thing at a cmd prompt it did something different and I 
 expected that too.

1. Copy \windows\system32\cmd.exe to the desktop.

2. Run internet exploder.

3. Type cmd.exe in the address bar and observe what happens.

I don't know about you, but given ie's default download location, and
your (apparently common) erroneous expectation, this looks ripe for
social engineering to me.