Re: Should routers send redirects by default?

2010-08-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 07:49:43PM -0400, Ricky Beam wrote:
 I think it's almost universally disabled (by default) everywhere in IPv4 
 purely for security (traffic interception.)  In a perfectly run network, 
 redirects should never be necessary, so I'd think IPv6 should avoid going 
 down that road again. (support OPTIONAL, never enabled by default.) [It's 
 another insecure mistake IPv6 doesn't need to repeat.]

I am not sure that is so much of an issue in IPv6.  I know that in
IPv4 3rd party ICMP redirects were quite common among the kiddies to
knock each other off IRC, but ICMPv6 redirect reception in hosts has
a number of saves and limitations that mean it should be far less,
perhaps not an issue, provided your local network is secure and BCP
38 is in use.

For example, an ICMPv6 implementation will not process a redirect from
a router that is not the host's current next-hop for the target
destination.  Because this is a Link-Local Address, an off-link
attacker has quite a problem guessing (and on-link attackers are a
problem anyway).

But I have a different memory of why we first started disabling
redirects, back in the day.

My memory is that hosts typically implement redirects with /32 routes,
with no aggregation, installed upon receiving a redirect message.

The ICMP message does not contain any TTL, and none was specified in
RFC, so consequently over the lifetime of a device receiving redirects
the routing table grows until every redirected destination is
enumerated, or the system restarts.

The ultimate size of the table reached can be quite large, beyond the
scale typically engineered for in a host.

Of course, that was back in the day when hosts were typically slower
than the LANs they were connected to.  So every additional host route
installed increased per-packet forwarding overhead and decreased
throughput considerably.

Although ICMPv6 Redirect messages also lack a (router-advertised) TTL,
an examination of [1] leads me to believe they will time out because
they are implemented as part of the ND llinfo cache.  A stale cache
entry (the equivalent of a /128 route with link layer information)
will ultimately be cleaned.  If the destination is reused later,

So it may be that the same conclusion does not hold, except in the
unusual condition where a large number of redirects are required over
a relatively short period of time (such as devices that have a large
number of active sessions with hosts that its routers redirect; web
servers, smtp systems...).

[1] Li, Q., Jinmei, T., Shima, K., IPv6 Core Protocols
Implementation, October 2006.
ISBN 13: 978-0-12-447751-3
ISBN 10: 0-12-447751-8

David W. HankinsBIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer   There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Should routers send redirects by default?

2010-08-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:12:01AM +0930, Mark Smith wrote:
 o  allow an IPv6 router to indicate to an end-node that the destination
 it is attempting to send to is onlink. This situation occurs when the
 router is more informed than the origin end-node about what prefixes
 are onlink.
 This shouldn't happen very often either, as multiple onlink IPv6 routers
 should be announcing the same Prefix Information Options in their RAs,
 and therefore end-nodes should be fully informed as to all the onlink
 prefixes. ICMPv6 redirects in this scenario would only occur during the
 introduction of that new prefix information i.e. the time gap between
 when the first and second onlink routers are configured with new prefix

It may be true the situations where redirects are required for this
are few in number, but I think it is not true that the use of
redirects is limited solely to the configuration gap between
introducing a new prefix.

In NBMA networks, it is said that the nodes will have IPv6 addresses
with no covering advertised prefixes (IPv6 Core Protocols
Implementation, page 393, just spotted while reading today).

Additionally, the typical use of /128 role addresses for services
aliased onto lo0 mean the router has a /128 route for the role address
to an on-link device, but a covering prefix advertisement would be
both futile and inappropriate.

I don't necessarily want to say that your conclusion is false, but
rather that it seems to me there are more enumerations in the set.

David W. HankinsBIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer   There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Should routers send redirects by default?

2010-08-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 01:02:49PM -0700, David W. Hankins wrote:
 will ultimately be cleaned.  If the destination is reused later,

Ah, I forgot to complete this thought in editing.

If packets are sent to the destination later (after a cache entry is
expired) the host obviously starts over as if there was no redirection.
In this way, changes in topology are ultimately discovered, whether
the redirection changes or is no longer needed.

David W. HankinsBIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer   There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: end-user ipv6 deployment and concerns about privacy

2010-08-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 04:41:56PM -0500, Jack Bates wrote:
 prefixes to the unnumbered interface. If you use dslam level controls, 
 you'll most likely being using DHCPv6 TA addressing with PD on top of it, 
 which works well. Most of which can support quick static/dynamic 
 capabilities as it does with v4.

This is surprising to me, can you comment on why DHCPv6 TA is being
used in this scenario?

David W. HankinsBIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer   There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: ISC DHCP server failover

2010-03-21 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 05:10:04PM -0700, Mike wrote:
 With all due respect and acknowledgment of the tremendous contributions of 
 ISC and you yourself Mr. Hankins, I have to comment that failover in 
 isc-dhcp is broken by design because it requires the amount of handholding 
 and operator thinking in the event of a failure that you explained to us at 
 length is required. Failure needs to be handled automatically and without 
 any intervention at all, otherwise you might as well not have it and I 
 think most network operators would agree.

First let me say that I wasn't involved in failover's design, I'm only
a sort of maintainer, so the criticism is not offending me in the
slightest. :)

Failover definitely busied itself with the cross-country,
geographically diverse DHCP server situation, hoping that by solving
that they are also giving HA, heartbeat-cable types of folks a tool
they can also use, although it isn't explicitly designed for that
purpose alone.  That does tend to leave this community a little
under-served and unhappy, which was my motivation for failover
features in 4.2 to try and support their needs better (auto partner-
down, greater endurance in comms-interrupted).

What you describe for an alternative (although I will criticize it
slightly in suggesting you are under-estimating DHCP's needs; the
question of message delivery is really not relevant) are the building
blocks for something I would refer to as DHCP Server Clustering.

I fully endorse it.

That is a set of separate programs that work together to appear from
the outside to be a single DHCP server (as those terms are defined in
RFC), and the ways in which you can build-in redundancy and self-
healing (self-restarting components, component failures only affect a
subset of services, redundant processes that cover gaps in coverage,

In short, you're describing one of our key motivations for migrating
ISC DHCP to the BIND 10 framework.

That gives us a complete set of tools.  Within the same rack, you will
ultimately be able to implement a single server from all outside
observance that is actually implemented in a redundant way across
(N+1) systems* or CPU's within one system, while still maintaining a
failover ability to tie two such geographically diverse clusters
together (not to mention co-habitation with BIND 10's DNS services
in the same configuration and monitoring plane) that don't actually
have to be clusters if you don't want all that baggage either.

So everyone's happy.

Unfortunately at the moment we are still collecting sponsors for the
DHCP-in-BIND-10 project, and no shovels have been turned.  But I'm
confident the work will proceed (and if anyone wishes to help as a
sponsor or a participant, please contact us!  We are in Anaheim this
week, and there is also a link in my signature you can click).

In the meantime, failover is a tool we have whereas DHCP clustering
software is so far only a tool we want to create.

* Some objects in the future-mirror may be further away than they

David W. HankinsBIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer   There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPv6 could change things - Was: DMCA takedowns of networks

2009-10-27 Thread David W. Hankins
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 02:05:36PM +, Michael Dillon wrote:
 But, when IPv6 is a bit more common, there is no need for  virtual
 hosters to share
 a single IP address between several sites. They may as well use a
 unique IPv6 address
 for every single site, even if they are all on the same server. The
 side effect of this is
 that it makes the network operator's tool sharper, and able to knock
 down single sites
 with a /32 ACL.

A /128 you mean.

If you look in Apache's httpd/server/vhost.c, you may notice that the
server locates addressed virtual hosts using a simple 32-8 bit
integer reduction hash, which produces a well balanced hash table in
typical virtual server applications (generally these servers get
addresses in contiguous blocks).

Named virtuals are relegated to an extra hash bucket, essentially
placing them all on a single unsorted linear list, which is searched
if a by-address match is not found.

Probably in the modern day, the additional processing (and system
calls) necessary to render a web object into a reply is significantly
higher than the overhead to locate a virtual server even at these
orders of magnitude, but it's interesting that the software works

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: {SPAM?} Re: IPv6 Deployment for the LAN

2009-10-23 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:50:47PM +1300, Perry Lorier wrote:
 I've implemented myself a system which firewalled all ARP within the AP and 
 queried the DHCP server asking for the correct MAC for that lease then sent 
 the ARP back (as well as firewalling DHCP servers and the like).  It's 
 quite easily doable, and quite reliable.  If nodes were to send packets 
 directly when associated to an AP then the 802.11 protocol would fall 
 apart, I've never met an implementation that broke this requirement of the 

It had not occurred to me to intercept ARP (or ND) as a transition
mechanism, that is pretty clever, but the idea of using DHCPv*
leasequery as a way to make IP-MAC resolution both secure and unicast
is something I've heard many times.

I don't know about my peers, but I would be very interested to see an
RFC that describes and examines your results.

 You can of course pretend you're the AP and send a packet if you're wanting 
 to be vicious enough.

Yes, of course, that is much simpler.  If the attacker can associate
with the real wireless network, they can always bridge and provide a
rogue AP to insert themselves in the middle.

Sometimes in focusing on packet exchanges, we miss the forest for the

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPv6 Deployment for the LAN

2009-10-22 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:12:14AM +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
  To work around this problem, some DHCPv6 software implementers have
  elected to temporarily apply a fixed /64 bit prefix to all applied
  addresses until a prefix length can be made available in-band through
  some means.  This does neatly work around the problem; the hosts may
  now speak to one another.
 I don't understand this. Could you elaborate? It seems to me that the
 simplest network imaginable should still operate on link local

To use a link local address, you also have to supply the application
with the interface name for it to be used upon.  The application has
to pass this as an extra argument when opening a socket; it isn't part
of the regular gethostbyname/socket/connect.

Provided you have applications that have a separate dialog field for
the interface name so LL's can be used, you're probably going to be
entering in the IPv6 LL address in all its glory.  First, you are not
going to have LL addresses in /etc/resolv.conf because you can't list
interface names there (I think it is the same for other OS's
analogues of their nameservers list), and second people are not going
to be very well motivated to put LL addresses in DNS because those
addresses are not globally applicable; they would have to use DNS

So it is not really very realistic to expect LL to actually be used
except to bootstrap.

Maybe it's possible for some proprietary printer or fileshare network
stuff to continue working on LL's (or, ironically, routing protocols
or DHCPv6 itself), but anywhere else (,, anywhere real, and the network goes dark.

Unless of course it can fall back on native IPv4, or has entered a
bogus covering /64.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: {SPAM?} Re: IPv6 Deployment for the LAN

2009-10-22 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 03:57:40PM -0400, Ray Soucy wrote:
 Really.  How do we deal with rouge DHCP on the wireless LAN, obviously
 this is such a complex issue that we couldn't possibly have a solution
 that could be applied to RA.

There are some wireless equipment that claim to have a setting that
forces all packets through the wireless bridge (where all traffic is
between clients and bridge, and never client to client), and so one
can filter DHCPv6 and maybe RA, but I am kind of skeptical about how
much of this is elective and dependent upon client implementation...

In both cases there may still be some wireless adapters that receive
bogus packets directly from attackers.

And then you bring ND into the question and wonder why you bothered
with either RA or DHCP filtering.

DHCPv6 (and DHCPv4 with RFC 3118) has per-message cryptographic

The problem however has been the key distribution model.  Here it all
falls down, and leads to poor deployment.

But with DHCPv*, we have a hope that we can secure it if we can solve
that last problem (and at least I think we can).

So if you accept that as an outcome, one must ponder the question:

How long will people accept that a secured DHCPv6 session must rely,
in order to function to expectations, upon the unsecurable RA and/or
questionably secure SEND?

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPv6 Deployment for the LAN

2009-10-21 Thread David W. Hankins
 hidden costs.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where to buy Internet IP addresses

2009-05-06 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 06:57:53AM -0700, David Conrad wrote:
 Of course, the builders used screen doors and windows for the 
 below-the-waterline openings, but not to worry, the bilge pump equivalent 
 of Moore's Law will undoubtedly save us.

Speaking as a builder, I have to say the screen doors were on the
plans when I got there.  I gather the planners believed they would
facillitate use of the ark by hybrid human-acquatic lifeforms that did
not exist at the time, nor do they exist today, but were hoped to
exist because mermaids and mermen are, like, totally hot.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature


2009-05-05 Thread David W. Hankins
On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 02:49:01PM -0500, Jack Bates wrote:
 Sure, but how does the router know it needs to hand out a /62? Then what 
 about the router after that? Does it hand out a /61? then the router behind 

In IA_NA's, there is a (undocumented in RFC 3315) convention to permit
a client to supply an IAADDR with a zeroed address.  This convention
allows the client to supply preferred and valid lifetime hints without
knowing a specific address it would like.

I see no reason why a similar convention can't take root here; the
bottom-most client supplies an IAPREFIX in its IA_PD with a zeroed
network number, and the desired prefix length (suppose: /64 for its
one downstream interface).  The next hop combines the sum total of
bitspaces required by its clients and presents a suitable requested
size upstream (with memory, and resizing/renumbering as you go).

 What if the ISP only gave a /60?

Then someone gets a STATUS_NoAddrsAvail.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fiber cut in SF area

2009-04-09 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 08:14:15AM -0700, Craig Holland wrote:
 Just dropping a note that there is a fiber cut in the SF area (I have a
 metro line down).  AboveNet is reporting issues and I've heard unconfirmed
 reports that ATT and VZW are affected as well.

Confirmed VZW  ATT;

Rather widespread general telco outage, the county has deployed
extra patrol units in the south bay to compensate for not being able
to call 911.

Third video link in shows repairs underway.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Confiker Virus.

2009-04-01 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 10:01:29AM -0600, Jason Iannone wrote:
 What's the virus doing with all of those domain names?

Paul Vixie gave a presentation at the IEPG meeting before IETF 74.  I
don't think the IEPG meeting notes are up yet (they would be very
informative if they were)...I don't pretend to be an expert, but my
understanding based on that presentation is that the DNS is used for
CC of the botnet.

Its owner only needs one of those domain names to be registered to
give out orders.  If they only used one, it would be relatively easy
to shut them down.  They use so many so that, when the good guys
bust in the door and shut down the CC domain/hosting, they can just
open up shop somewhere else like nothing happened.

Not entirely unlike terrorist cells.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems

2009-02-07 Thread David W. Hankins
On Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 07:51:36PM +1300, Nathan Ward wrote:
 I'm not sure, but you seem to be implying that you need to configure hosts 
 to tell them to use RA or DHCPv6 to get addresses. My apologies if this is 
 not your intention.

Close, but it is worth clearing up.

 RA messages are always going to be sent by routers and received by hosts, 
 even if DHCPv6 is being used for address assignment.

Most clients default out of the box to accept RA, getting a single
address within each prefix indicating automatic address assignment.
The ones that do support DHCPv6 will also initiate DHCPv6 services
based on RA M and O flags.  There are some bugs here and there, but
it mostly works.  This is all well and good, you are right on these

However, Jack was referring to a practice of temporary address
assignments.  In this configuration, a client has one permanent (for
as long as they are on that wire) address they use (per prefix,
because that is how IPv6 multihomes, so they say) for general purpose
and reachability from the outside world (dial in).  They also have a
range of temporary addresses which are in a state of preferred use,
unpreferred use, or validity-timer expiration (again, per prefix, for

Each temporary address is allocated based on a re-hash of a previously
used seed, and half of the seed bits are not used in the public
address (so outsiders can not easily predict what the client's next
address will be).

The theory is that these temporary addresses enhance privacy, as
the client seems to hop from address to address.  This seems to ignore
application context hints such as cookies and keys embedded in URL's,
so to my thinking the point of this is to enhance privacy for
spammers or illegal file sharers.


So far as I am aware, this is default behaviour only on certain
versions of Mac OSX, and must be explicitly enabled on all others.
Manually, on the console.  RA does not dynamically distribute this
behaviour; the client has to choose it.  Usually it is a sysctl or
a registry variable or the like.

Conversely, with DHCPv6, clients that support normal and temporary
addresses simply always ask for them; this indicates they possess
support.  The service determines which type of address to actually
provide (one, the other, both, with multiple bindings in either).  In
this way, all is automated from a central point.

The philosophies of design of these two systems are entirely at odds.

In RA the client determines what configuration it seeks, placing its
own arbitrary demands upon the network, but still heeds some of its
vague handwaving.  In DHCPv6, the client submits to the network's
will, but still has some of its own vague handwaving choices.

It is Marxism (turned Socialism) vs Fascism at its root.

I hope I have not spent my year's worth of NANOG tolerance for DHCP
related discussions with the above.  :)

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems [was: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space (IPv6-MW)]

2009-02-06 Thread David W. Hankins
I think this part of the thread is in danger of leaving the realm of
operational relevance, so I will treat these as my closing arguments.

On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 03:48:53PM +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 It makes more sense to look at it like this. In the 1990s we had:

No, I think that shopping checklist view is exactly the kind of
wrong thinking that stunts the dialogue between tools and needs, and
has been a cause in IPv6's current disconnect in operational reality.

So no, I don't think it makes any sense to look at it like that.  It
makes the most sense to look at the IPv4 configuration protocols alone
as a progression of tools, each built upon what was learned from the
prior, and the conclusions that were determined to work best for most
of the Internet's operators (neither Appletalk's nor IPX's).

These conclusions were proper supersets of previously determined
operational needs, and so became a pervasively deployed universal
solution.  This is a functioning model for tool growth.

Shopping checklists only create Frankenstein monsters, stunted
half-breeds that serve only their creators.

 RIP is a routing protocol, not an address configuration protocol.

This is a statement whose context predicates that you think I don't
know that, which further confers that my intended message has been
lost on you.  This is far afield from the point!

I am predisposed not to correct this, as the message was not intended
for you, I hope this is mutually agreeable.  :)

 asking for security problems. Also, whenever you want to put something new 
 in DHCP you must update the client and server SOFTWARE. Because on the 

This actually is not true, which I have told you before.

But I have to admit it is a nice contrived false factoid that supports
your a-priori conclusions.  My analysis of your further arguments is
that you have selected a proper subset of actual Internet operational
needs in order to further justify these same conclusions.

I will leave it at that. :)

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems

2009-02-06 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 11:50:55AM -0600, Jack Bates wrote:
 Two routers, 2 default routes. Support for shim6 or other multiple IP 

What most people do of course is VRRP.

Barring that, you just specify multiple default routers, and the
client will select the router that still responds to ARP.  But
support for this is not universal, so.

When that isn't available, what I have done in the past here is to use
the DHCP server to give out a default router option that is sorted
according to the DHCP relay agent that was used to reach the server
(keyed on giaddr contents).

The net result is that the client uses the default gateway which it
used to reach the DHCP server, and so will automatically receive an
updated value if that router fails, as part of DHCP lease rebinding
(it will reach the server via the alternate router).

No need to take on 'routed -q' in the client, it can stay a simple
dumb host, with all configuration complexity in the DHCP server or
negotiated in HA by the routers.

P.S. You can also set the DHCP server-identifier on the opposition of
 the giaddr field contents; so when the client reaches renewal
 time, if will be able to use the surviving router if its default
 router has failed (and thus will not have to wait for rebinding).
 This has further config implications as the server(s) are no
 longer able to detect the difference in a client's renewal or
 rebinding, but it can be an effective optimization.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems [was: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space (IPv6-MW)]

2009-02-05 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 11:42:27PM +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 On 5 feb 2009, at 22:44, Ricky Beam wrote:
 I've lived quite productively behind a single IPv4 address for nearly 15 

 So you were already doing NAT in 1994? Then you were ahead of the curve.

Ahh, the 90s.  No need for NAT yet.

The world was smaller then.  Or maybe there was just less in it?

 This is the exact same bull as the /8 allocations in the early days of 

The man is correct:  This is class-based allocations all over again.
On purpose.  After watching class-based allocations crash and burn.

One who believes history repeats itself will think that this will only
end in pain.  If anything, only the timescales change.

One who believes themselves to be above the mistakes of the past will
of course think this plan is totally without precedent for flaw.

Never between these two beliefs shall we meet.  I think Ricky and
Iljitsch are discovering this.

 Why do people avoid and resist IPv6... because it was designed with blind 
 ignorance of the history of IPv4's mistakes (and how we *all* run our IPv4 
 networks.)  Dooming us to repeating ALL those mistakes again.

 Exhibit A: With IPv6 Address Autoconfiguration (tm) (patent pending), you 
 don't need DHCP. *face plant*  The IPv4 mistake you've NOT learned from 
 here is rarp.  DCHP does far more than tell a host was address it should 

Actually it goes further back than rarp; IPv6 RA is actually more
closely related to IPv4 ICMP Router Advertisements (itself a very
RIP-like way to give only default routes), extended to also carry
RIP-like local-prefix routes.  Let's just say it's a slightly
restricted (feature-limited?) RIP.  So, start with that and add RARP-
like features with (more complicated) client-based algorithms, and
you've got the picture.

But yeah, in that the static-RARP-BOOTP-DHCP progression was a
dialogue between operators and IETF, IPv6 has basically thrown that
dialogue out with the bathwater, and we're having it all over again.


David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems [was: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space (IPv6-MW)]

2009-02-05 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 05:12:19PM -0600, Jack Bates wrote:
 Operationally, this has been met from my experience. In fact, all of these 
 items are handled with stateless DHCPv6 in coordination with SLAAC. 
 Stateful DHCPv6 seems to be limited with some vendors, but unless they plan 
 to do proxy-nd, I'm not sure they'll gain much except for end system 

SLAAC fails in the end because you cannot predict what address the
client will choose.

So it fails in scenarios where enforcing network policy is important.

The point of the excercise is that DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 are both
supersets of network management needs.  RA is a vast subset.  Herein
lies the rub; you have to implement both anyway because a client can
not predict what network(s) it is going to be used in.

Nobody wins.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: v6 DSL / Cable modems [was: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space (IPv6-MW)]

2009-02-05 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 04:30:12PM -0800, Joe Abley wrote:
 The particular example I've been working with is with a JUNOSe server and 
 an IOS client which, as a solution for business DSL service, seems 

Yes!  Sorry, I just try to emit a little more skepticism about
pervasive client support for DHCPv6 in jubliant encouragements of
DHCPv6 operational experiments and deployment.

 [...] Joe is not entirely wrong.

 Hooray! :-)

I am seriously considering admitting I know you. :)

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

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Re: DNS Amplification attack?

2009-01-20 Thread David W. Hankins
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:54:32PM -0800, Wil Schultz wrote:
 Anyone else noticing . requests coming in to your DNS servers?

I was surprised to see 'amplification' in the subject line here, since
on my nameservers my replies are of equal length to the queries.  A
little bit of asking around, and I see that it is an amplification
attack, preying on old software.

Let me sum up;

If you're running 9.4 or later, you will reply to these packets with
45 octet RCODE:Refused replies.  1:1.  9.4 has an allow-query-cache
directive that defaults to track allow-recursion, which you should
have set appropriately.

If you're running 9.3 or earlier, you will reply to these queries
out of cache (the root hints), and those replies can be 300-500
octets I think.  1:6-11.

So in lieu of keeping a new up-to-date list of IP addresses to filter,
as it expands and shrinks, you can greatly reduce your own footprint
in these attacks with a quick upgrade.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

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Re: What to do when your ISP off-shores tech support

2008-12-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 09:43:20AM -0800, Jay Hennigan wrote:
 Matthew Black wrote:
 I've had difficulties reaching anyone with a brain
 at my DSL provider Verizon California.

 Switch to a local ISP with local tech support.

Actually, and I know this kind of experience is really subjective, but
lately I have been getting better service from residents of India via
web-based chat tools than I have been getting from residents of the US
via telephone.  At the same company.

My impression as a customer is that only one of these two individuals
genuinely wanted to do or keep the job they were given, and desired to
do it well.

That's really what you should be looking for, locality is irrelevant.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

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Re: Another driver for v6?

2008-10-31 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 03:55:01PM +, Andy Davidson wrote:
 Do you think that industry should be working to some kind of well supported 
 / worldwide flag day when lots of popular resources add v6 records at the 
 same time ?

This is a sound evolutionary tactic lemmings use.  =)

But I'll take you one step simpler; get the industry to choose a day
where it will no longer be acceptable to treat IPv6 like an
experimental project.  Sometime last year would have been great.

If you can do that, then the RRset changes would come naturally

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Another driver for v6?

2008-10-31 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:41:01AM -0600, Mike Lewinski wrote:
 This is a sound evolutionary tactic lemmings use.  =)

 I know this is way OT, but I can't let it pass. The lemming suicide myth 
 was created by a very questionable Walt Disney documentary:

This is also way OT, but I was actually thinking more of Lemmings(TM),
the video game, as I am not really very familiar with rodents.

We've already got sixxs and hurricane electric set as tunnel lemmings,
we can get through the IPv4 address shortfall by setting a variety of
other ISP's to explode and build bridges...

The only thing to iron out is:  Who gets to be (golden) parachute

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Another driver for v6?

2008-10-29 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 06:32:31PM -0400, Steven King wrote:
 Does anyone see any benefits to beginning a small deployment of IPv6 now
 even if its just for internal usage?

It is almost lunacy to deploy IPv6 in a customer-facing sense (note
for example Google's choice to put its  on a separate FQDN).  At
this point, I'd say people are still trying to figure out how clients
will migrate to IPv6.  Which seems like a pretty bad time to still be
trying to figure that out, but ohwell.

It is at this time more a question of strategic positioning.  The
kind of thing your boss should be thinking about.

Switching your management network to IPv6 single-stack frees up
IPv4 addresses (depending on how big your management network is)
to use in customer-facing areas, which gives your network longer
legs in the projected IPv4 address shortfall.  If you get really
pressed, you can tunnel your IPv4 network over an IPv6-only backbone,
giving you another handful of precious moneymaking IPv4 addresses.

Having your backbone and servers 'd (even on separate FQDN's),
tested, and ready to go puts you ahead of the curve if clients start
rolling out (you can just move your 's around).

Starting now on collecting IPv6 peering wherever you peer puts you
ahead of the curve in the quality of your network's connectedness,
again presuming this IPv6 thing takes off.

And of course you need to run your own dog food on internal LANs
before you start telling customers these IPv6 address thingies are

IPv6: It's kind of like storing dry food in preparation for the

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

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Re: Network topology [Solved]

2008-10-15 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 08:35:33PM +0200, Colin Alston wrote:
 Apparently there isn't. Lots of people mentioned other tools, the problem 
 there is they have one thing in common which is polling SNMP. I think it 
 scales badly in general. I was hoping to find a more intelligent way of, I 

I don't know what scaling parameters you're looking for.  The tool
I wrote to recursively traverse Cisco CDP caches via SNMP, from ~7
seed routers, autodetected the interconnections of a ~100 node network
(back in 1998) in just seconds (I think it was 3, but that was ten
years ago).

Using SNMP.

It didn't strain our P90 it was running on, nor the network.

People often do SNMP wrong (one PDU per packet, single-threaded
transmitters, etc).

 Maybe there should be something (I mean like, someone should come up with a 
 standard :P) to trace switches in a path... Problem is I think even then 
 the simple devices won't bother to support it.

Or if they do, they'll do it wrong.  They can't even get ifDescr

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

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Re: [Fwd:] Nvidia NICs with duplicate mac addresses

2008-09-05 Thread David W. Hankins
On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 01:19:44PM -0400, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
 The same DHCP server (ip helper-address blah) serves my office, my
 home, and the colo.  Can you give me an idea of a good heuristic for
 telling the difference between moving my laptop around and finding MAC
 address collisions?

The theoretically conforming client supplies two pieces of

Its DHCPv4 client-identifier-option (per RFC 4361), which will be
different even on systems with identical MAC addresses (unless you
are very lucky).

The 'chaddr' BOOTP header contents (its current MAC address), which
is a return-address for unicast replies (before the client has an
IP address, ARP doesn't work).

The DHCPv4 client-identifier tells us it's a specific interface on
your laptop, no matter where it boots.  Context from the packet
(giaddr (relay-agent address on that network), the interface it was
received upon) is used in normal DHCPv* operation (since its dawn) to
find a broadcast domain.  From there, we find subnets on that domain,
and dynamic addresses within that subnet that are appropriate.  This
is how we locate configuration when your laptop connects to different
wires in normal operation.

The new trick is to detect two clients with the same MAC address, but
with different client identifiers, that are active on the same
broadcast domain.  It's just a simple database lookup to detect a

The solution is to:

 Or are you suggesting that you hand out a MAC
 address along with an IP address when the client DHCPs and the client
 then changes it?

Precisely.  Negotiate a new address in a broadcast reply.  I suppose
you could just as easily always allocate a MAC dynamically, but this
seems invasive.

An alternative solution is to deny the client from receiving a config,
signalling an error to the operator, so the first client remains
operational.  But this can have false positives.

It'd take years to deploy tho.  Many clients today send no identifier
and just use their chaddr contents.  Their MAC is their ID, so there
is no way to detect collisions.  Most others send a client-id that
is identical to their chaddr contents, which is approximately useless.

You'd also be suffering MAC changes on systems that boot multiple
operating systems without releasing their previous lease (because
the clients send inconsistent identifiers, and even with DUID-based
id's, I think this is not going to change).  This is in addition to
today, where such clients consume multiple IPv4 addresses.  Insult
to injury.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: SLAAC(autoconfig) vs DHCPv6

2008-08-19 Thread David W. Hankins
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 03:42:29PM -0400, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
 If you want to test a resource, be it the end user or an infrastructure
 interface, how do you know how to foo it (foo being some value of ping,
 traceroute, look it up in SNMP/NetFlow, etc)?
 I submit that if you use dynamic assignment of any sort, you really have to
 have DNS dynamic update, so you can use a known name to query the function
 that's indexed by address.  Otherwise, static addresses become rather
 necessary if you want to check a resource. 

That's close.  If you use dynamic assignment via DHCP (v4 or v6),
then you have a handy database of all the IPv4 addresses assigned and
whatever information you want to discern them by (if not by hostname)
that was available to the DHCP server at the time of assignment.
Strictly speaking, Dynamic DNS isn't even necessary, but it could be
reasonably handy (because IPv6 addresses do not pass 'the phone

With technologies like SLAAC, tho, you are right.  You're going to
have to give devices a means to register with the network
independently of their IP address allocation, because it only takes
one client to Router Solicit to configure multiple clients upon the
broadcast Router Advertisement reply.  Unless you start sniffing for
their neighbor discovery probes (part of SLAAC is to ensure the new
address is not already in use), there's no transaction where the
resource(s) are assigned.

There is quite obviously a key distribution problem with that kind of
model, and if you have to manually configure a system to configure
itself dynamically, there is a significantly diminished reward.

At this point in the excercise, you may as well do what the rest of us
in the current SLAAC-only world have done; disable SLAAC and set v6
addresses (and DNS) manually.  Welcome to 1985, the era DHCPv4 saved
us from.

But this leads you back to today's IPv6 operational problem; if you
need registered clients, then you can install any DHCPv6 software you
can find to get it via either its database or Dynamic DNS (quite a
lot of DHCPv6 server software supports Dynamic DNS).  But you still
wont' have any DHCPv6 clients outside of Vista.

This is where the chicken meets the egg on our faces.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: SLAAC(autoconfig) vs DHCPv6

2008-08-18 Thread David W. Hankins
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 12:52:50PM -0700, Scott Weeks wrote:
 Seeing Howard's quick response saying To try to stay operational
 about this... makes me realize I may have inadvertently invited a
 religious flame fest.

I guess that rules me out. :(

 Please!  Operational content and hands-on experiences only to the
 best of your ability.  I want to learn from this, not delete the
 whole thread.

The short and simple Where we are Today is that the only DHCPv6
clients you are likely to encounter in your networks are either DOCSIS
modems or Windows Vista.

So if you are going to deploy IPv6 to customers, you are generally
going to use SLAAC today, and all the headaches that entails.

Although there's now an option for domain name servers and search
paths in router advertisements, you'll have an even worse time finding
client support.

So the current state of the art is to run dual stack so that DHCPv4
can reliably provide IPv4 nameservers, which you can use to find
 records, enabling SLAAC'd IPv6 access.  For extra credit you
can supply IPv6 nameserver information statelessly, but then you're
only complicating things even more.

One of the little talked about issues is the potential support
cost when a customer wants to resolve some issue.  My web isn't
working. Are you using v4 or v6? Netscape.

And of course it's a non-starter for anyone who needs to assign and
approve the client's configuration, let us imagine because of
differing product levels, rather than letting them pick whatever they
feel like.

I think the above can reasonably be said to be an accurate, if brief,
depiction of current IPv6 operations.  If you wanted to gaze into the
future, I think that isn't precisely possible without welcoming the
related philosophical (not religious) debates.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: SLAAC(autoconfig) vs DHCPv6

2008-08-18 Thread David W. Hankins
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:11:16PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 Forget about it on XP, but it's in Vista. You can add it to BSD/Linux 
 without too much trouble (are there good, bugfree implementations for those 

If anyone is aware of any bugs in ISC dhclient -6, please submit them

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?
David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Paul Vixie: Re: [dns-operations] DNS issue accidentally leaked?

2008-07-24 Thread David W. Hankins
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 09:56:32AM -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
 MY move?  Fine.  You asked for it.  Had I your clout, I would have used
 this opportunity to convince all these new agencies that the security of
 the Internet was at risk, and that getting past the who holds the keys
 for the root zone should be dealt with at a later date.  Get the root
 signed and secured.  Get the GTLD's signed and secured.  Give people the
 tools and techniques to sign and secure their zones.  Focus on banks,

I admit readily that I am not one of the 'dns guys' around here, but
I have been watching with some interest for a few years now, and have
more or less become convinced that the players involved are willing to
tolerate, downplay, or even flat out ignore a great deal.

Except losing their own relevance.  This is cherished above all.  The
only times I have seen these parties move is when it has been
realistically threatened.

So in brandishing this world event as like a holy sword of fire to
smite some nefarious beaurocracy, there is no danger its strike will
drain any relevance.  The band aid fix is there.  Their relevance is
saved along with all of our businesses.  There is still plenty of time
to argue about who gets the keys.  Who gets nearly the entire pot of
this magical relevance ambrosia?

It wouldn't work.  Paul's booming voice would serve only to make him

The strike only lands for effect if you withold the band aid fix,
which simply can not be done in this case either.

I'm only really aware of two ways to reduce the relevance of the root
and its children (I did say I am not a DNS guy).  You can join one of
the alternate roots, which I do not recommend.  Or you can sign your
zones using a DLV registry.

If DLV registries became 'de rigeur', it would effectively halve the
root and by extension the GTLDs' relevance.  I do not believe they
will permit this to come to pass.  Provided they did, we would win
anyway, as signing zones itself would have become the norm.

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer   you'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature

Re: DHCPv6 and stateless autoconf, was: NANOG 40 agenda posted

2007-05-30 Thread David W. Hankins
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 09:10:02PM +0200, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
 If you like DHCP, fine, run DHCP. But I don't like it, so please  
 don't force _me_ to run it.

OK, I can (and do) live with that.

I tend to prefer technical reasons to choose a technology (and in
so doing, hope to avoid throwing spaghetti at the wall), but if
you'd rather base your decisions on what you like (or not), you have
every right to do so.

In my opinion there are a bulk of technical merits that place DHCPv6
ahead of RTadv.  I don't like either protocol, but they're what we've

David W. HankinsIf you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineeryou'll just have to do it again.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.   -- Jack T. Hankins

Description: PGP signature