Re: N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

2024-03-29 Thread Eric Parsonage
For a variety of cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs not everyone 
can, or wants to enter a bar. So perhaps the experience isn't as universal as 
you perceive it to be?

On 30 March 2024 6:18:30 am ACDT, Matthew Petach  wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 11:17 PM Eric Parsonage  wrote:
>> It's easily fixed by having a mixer at the same time for the other half of
>> the gathering population thus showing all the population gathering matters
>> equally.
>I believe the mixer for the other half of the gathering population has been
>going on for decades, and is generally referred to as "drinks at the hotel
>lobby bar".
>Just because it isn't called out by name doesn't mean that the male half of
>the population hasn't been meeting and mixing and mingling already for
>years.  ;-P
>I'm with Randy Bush on this.  The stakeholders in that event should have
>the say in what happens with it; not the rest of us.
>Those of us old white males need to check our privilege, and recognize that
>we've *been* having "mixers" for decades.
>We don't need to put a stake in the ground and push for our equality; we've
>already been on the beneficiary side of the
>inequality for decades.

Re: N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

2024-03-28 Thread Eric Parsonage
It's easily fixed by having a mixer at the same time for the other half of the 
gathering population thus showing all the population gathering matters equally.

On 29 March 2024 2:50:19 pm ACDT, Ren Provo  wrote:
>I beg to differ here and second Ilissa’s comments.  I miss WiT.  Lunch
>during the meeting worked.  Giving up more of the weekend to travel does
>not show half the population gathering matters.
>On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 15:16 Morris, Tina via NANOG 
>> Illissa,
>> The mixer is at 5pm Sunday, this allows people to network and prepare for
>> the week. Sunday also has a hackathon, registration, and often a welcome
>> social. NANOG has a very compressed schedule and another time would
>> actually mean that the women participating would have to pick between this
>> event and another event or talk  that may be critical to their job
>> function, which is also unfair.
>> We are advertising this mixer to make sure all are aware and can attend,
>> and the mixers will  be on the schedule at the same approximate time at
>> each meeting going forward.
>> I hope we will see you there.
>> Tina Morris
>> On Mar 28, 2024, at 14:12, Thomas Scott  wrote:
>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
>> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know
>> the content is safe.
>> > While the times are changing, women continue to remain primary
>> caregivers for families and this will require them to desert their families
>> a day early.  I find it offensive personally and feel like you may have
>> missed the mark.
>> The hackathon has for (as far as I’ve known about it) been on Sunday. I
>> don’t work on Sundays - it’s a day for my family (unless the almighty pager
>> goes off), so I’ve never gone - even though it’s one of the parts of NANOG
>> I’d enjoy, and would benefit from the most.
>> There are tradeoffs for everything - perhaps the idea was to keep the
>> women’s mixer separate from the other evening events, so that those who
>> wish to participate, can do all of the evening events, and not have to give
>> up anything, at the cost of the extra day. That being said, I agree, moving
>> more to Sunday is not an acceptable answer to me.
>> Best Regards,
>> -Thomas Scott
>> On Mar 28, 2024 at 1:45:07 PM, Ilissa Miller  wrote:
>>> For those that know me, I rarely provide constructive input about NANOG
>>> matters due to my past affiliation, however, I just saw that NANOG
>>> announced the Women mixer on Sunday before NANOG 91 and am outraged for all
>>> of the young professional women
>>> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
>>> This Message Is From an Untrusted Sender
>>> You have not previously corresponded with this sender.
>>> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
>> For those that know me, I rarely provide constructive input about NANOG
>>> matters due to my past affiliation, however, I just saw that NANOG
>>> announced the Women mixer on Sunday before NANOG 91 and am outraged for all
>>> of the young professional women who would like to participate in NANOG.
>>> While the times are changing, women continue to remain primary caregivers
>>> for families and this will require them to desert their families a day
>>> early.  I find it offensive personally and feel like you may have missed
>>> the mark.
>>> The amount of times I hear people complain about having to leave their
>>> families is one of the reasons this industry has a problem keeping young
>>> people - especially women.
>>> Does anyone else feel the same?
>>> --
>>> *Ilissa Miller*
>>> *CEO, iMiller Public Relations
>>> *

Re: Backward Compatibility Re: 202401100645.AYC Re: IPv4 address block

2024-01-12 Thread Eric Parsonage
Is that a faux pas?

On 13 January 2024 9:15:11 am ACDT, Randy Bush  wrote:
>> Perhaps you are too young to realize that the original IPv6 plan was
>> not designed to be backward compatible to IPv4, and Dual-Stack was
>> developed (through some iterations) to bridge the transition between
>> IPv4 and IPv6? You may want to spend a few moments to read some
>> history on this.
>ROFL!!!  if there is anything you can do to make me that young, you
>could have a very lucrative career outside of the internet.
>hint: unfortunately i already had grey hair in the '90s and was in the
>room for all this, and spent a few decades managing to get some of the
>worst stupidities (TLA, NLA, ...) pulled out of the spec.  at iij, we
>rolled ipv6 on the backbone in 1997.

Re: Guest Column: Kentik's Doug Madory, Last Call for Upcoming ISOC Course + More

2023-09-13 Thread Eric Parsonage via NANOG
Dear Edward 

I am Interested to know how you are avoiding sharing data with MailChimp? To 
use MailChimp you are sharing email addresses. Adding any features that give 
you feedback introduces spyware and it's this spyware that gives you your data 
points after it has shared those data points with MailChimp. Do you sincerely 
believe there isn't any sharing happening?


Eric Parsonage.

On 13 September 2023 12:56:37 pm ACST, Edward McNair  wrote:
>We do not buy, sell or share any data or personal information on anyone. 
>MailChimp is only used to get data points on the effectiveness of our 
>newsletter. We also try to get data on the effectiveness of our social media 
>efforts. We do not look at individual behavior, only group anonymous data. If 
>you wish to by-pass the "trackers," just go to 
>Anything that we send out in our newsletter or social media and be found 
>Edward McNair
>Executive Director
>> On Sep 8, 2023, at 17:25, Randy Bush  wrote:
>>> It is totally possible to turn off the spyware in MailChimp.  You just
>>> need to buy an actual commercial account rather than using their
>>> "free" service.  To save $13 or $20 per month, you are instead selling
>>> the privacy of every recipient of your emails.  See:
>>>  "Check the Track clicks box to enable click tracking, or uncheck the
>>>  box to disable click tracking.  ...  Mailchimp will continue to
>>>  redirect URLs for users with free account plans to protect against
>>>  malicious links.  ...  When a paid user turns off click tracking,
>>>  Mailchimp will continue to redirect their URLs until certain account
>>>  activity thresholds are met."
>>> Don't forget to turn off the spyware 1x1 pixel "web bugs" that
>>> MailChimp inserts by default, too:
>> as usual, the problem is not technical.  there is no need for mailchump
>> at all.
>> nanog management has made a very intentional decision to sell my
>> privacy.  nanog has come a long way, not all of it  good.
>> randy

GPS rollover

2019-04-05 Thread Eric Parsonage

I personally fell foul of this last night. My CPAP machine switched itself off. 
It has an internal cellular modem which it uses to exchange usage data but 
since I never have to set the date and time I assume it gets this from my 
cellular network. Its hardly a graceful fail  when the air supply turns itself 


Re: guys != gender neutral

2012-09-28 Thread Eric Parsonage
The assumption of a 1-1 correspondence  between gender and sex is old fashioned 

On 28/09/2012, at 6:30 PM, Bjørn Mork wrote:

 Scott Howard writes:
 On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
 Guys seem to think that it's gender neutral. The majority of women are
 used to this, but they have indicated to me that they don't believe it to
 be very neutral. Using guys is not gender neutral, it's flat out implying
 the other gender doesn't matter. *
 The Oxford English dictionary apparently disagrees with you.
 (*guys*) people of either sex: * you guys want some coffee?
 As other many words in the English language there are multiple definitions,
 and one of those definitions is gender specific - but the one above is very
 much gender neutral (either sex - it doesn't get much clearer than that!)
 Well, either sort of implies that there are only two sexes.  I believe
 people of any sex would have been better.  See e.g.

Re: Anonymous planning a root-servers party

2012-02-15 Thread Eric Parsonage
They could just mess with BGP announcements. If you can't route to the root 
servers they may as well not exist. 


On 16/02/2012, at 9:12 AM, Jared Mauch wrote:

 On Feb 15, 2012, at 5:36 PM, George Bakos wrote:
 As I hadn't seen it discussed here, I'll have to assume that many
 NANOGers haven't seen the latest rant from Anonymous:
 To protest SOPA, Wallstreet, our irresponsible leaders and the
 beloved bankers who are starving the world for their own selfish
 needs out of sheer sadistic fun, On March 31, the Internet will go
 In order to shut the Internet down, one thing is to be done. Down the
 13 root DNS servers of the Internet. Those servers are as follow:
 13 servers. Ssh! Don't anybody mention anycast - it's a secret.
 As is TCP, which requires a 3-way handshake, oh and the 41 day TTL on the . 
 2 day TTL on the served data pointing to the com zone, so any well-behaved 
 server should only touch the root once every ~172800 seconds.
 This means the activity would have to be sustained and unmitigated for many 
 hours (days) to have a significant impact.
 - Jared

Re: Sad IPv4 story?

2011-12-11 Thread Eric Parsonage

On 11/12/2011, at 2:37 PM, wrote:

 On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 20:48:45 EST, Barry Shein said:
 I just had a personal email from a brand new ISP in the Asia-Pacific
 area desperately looking for enough IPv4 to be able to run their
 business the way they would like?
 This sniping elicited by the above seems inappropriate and
 unprofessional, the request/anecdote seemed reasonable and could
 elicit solutions such as partnerships, etc.
 No Barry, I respectfully disagree.  It's almost 2012.  The first predictions 
 IPv4 exhaustion were made *last century*.  We've been predicting it to the
 month level for like 5 years now.  Any business that is making business plans
 and models that doesn't take we may not get IPv4 space into account and have
 a contingency plan for that *deserves* to be soundly mocked and ridiculed in

You could take this one step further and say any industry that has had this 
much warning and hasn’t taken it into account *deserves* to be soundly mocked 
and ridiculed in public. 

CIsco IOS bug info request

2011-04-20 Thread Eric Parsonage
Hi All,

Can anybody point me to a documented case where a bug in Cisco IOS has taken a 
whole network down ?

Regards and thanks in advance

Eric Parsonage