PSN download speeds

2017-01-09 Thread MKS

I have been testing the download speed from PS4 store, downloading game
demos etc.
So far I have seen content coming from, and level3
Does someone know if the PlayStation/Sony has contracts with all these CDNs
(and perhaps more) or if it's the publishers that choose/handle the
distribution of files?

So far i'm only getting download speeds of 10-20mbps even though i'm on a
100mbps connection, so downloading a 8Gbps file take too long.
Are the PS4 downloads generally rate-limited or am I just unlucky?


inexpensive url-filtering db

2015-10-16 Thread MKS
Hello list

Now I'm looking for an inexpensive url-filtering database, for integration
into a squid like solution.
By inexpense I mean something that doesn't cost $50k a year.

If you have references for me, feel free to contact me on- or off-list.


Perhaps there is another mailing-list more relevant for this kind of issues?

Netflix guessing game

2015-04-11 Thread MKS
Being a network operator in a region where Netflix doesn't operate, we are
still seeing significant Netflix traffic on our network.

Our magic 8-ball sees about 1000 concurrent users/streams @peak hour.

Does someone have an educated guess (or a more accurate answer;) how many
actual subscribers we have on our network, 10k, 15k or 20k subscribers?

Offline answers are also fine


[no subject]

2014-03-14 Thread MKS
Hi list

I'm looking for a DNS solution to do a parental controls for a small ISP,
as in ISP branded services.
OpenDNS only supports corporate customers .

Please contact me off or on-list, if you have any vendors that you can


DWDM on a single strand

2010-12-19 Thread MKS
Hi there

I was wondering about DWDM equipment on a single strand fiber.
What are the capabilities of a "mainstream" DWDM equipment operating
on a single strand of fiber on terms of number of channels and reach?
By mainstream I mean equipment somewhere in the middle of the price
range for DWDM, like a standard offer from a reputable manufacturer.
Are the same optical ampifiers used on single strand DWDM and DWDM on a pair?


Re: Migrating from PPP to DHCPo82

2010-11-09 Thread MKS
> a pitfal is, when you try to give a dslam port a static ip with a isc-dhcpd,
> thats not possible. (I have modfied isc-dhcpd to have a fixed size option82
> hardware type).
> also pools and leasetimes could be problematic, when getting low.
Can you elaborate a bit more on this issue? What is the difference
between a low pool for PPPoE and DHCP?


Migrating from PPP to DHCPo82

2010-11-08 Thread MKS
Hi list

I work for an small ISP, which does traditional xDSL service with PPPoE.
Currently we are in the process of migrating most of our customers to
DHCP (some customers are getting new CPEs and some will be sw upgraded
remotely ). It would be great if someone has the time to share their
experience (on- or offline) from such a migration. Common pitfals and
perhaps what whey would do differently "next time".
I know that every network is different but I believe that there are
some general concerns, specially around security of DHCP and security
features for vendors around DHCP and DHCP snooping etc.

What about 802.1x, is that generally being deployed with option82?


DNSsec from

2010-06-18 Thread MKS

We (a small ISP in the middle of nowhere) are having problems
resolving DNSsec records from godaddy.

This commands works just fine
# dig

but this doesn't
# dig +dnssec
We don't receive the reply to the query.

and no, this isn't a packet size issue, the reply for the second
command is 124bytes, and the host isn't behind a firewall.

So the same commands work just fine outside our network, and we are
only having problems with
As far as I can see, when enabling +dnssec the EDNS option is
activated and this is added in the dns querty "OPT UDPsize=4096 OK"

I have also tried
# dig +dnssec +bufsize=512
without any success.

Does someone have any brilliant suggestions?
Please contact me on or off list


Re: tire 1 in Montreal

2009-06-18 Thread MKS
It looks like  Buffalo - Toronto - Montreal - Albany - Buffalo  is a
popular ring route to connect into Canada
e.g. Level3 and Cogent use it (according to their online network maps),

It looks like these carriers (Global Crossing, Level 3, Cogent, Tata,
Tinet) have a pop in Montreal, does someone know if some/any are
sharing the same fiber routes?
or which carriers have the own diverse fiber route to/from Monteral.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Nuno Vieira - nfsi
telecom wrote:
> check TATA Communications (former Teleglobe).
> regards,
> --nvieira
> - "MKS"  wrote:
>> Hi List
>> I'm looking for two tier 1 providers in Montreal, with independent
>> fiber runs to the city.Which operator fit this criteria?
>> Thanks in advance
>> //MKS

tire 1 in Montreal

2009-06-18 Thread MKS
Hi List

I'm looking for two tier 1 providers in Montreal, with independent
fiber runs to the city.Which operator fit this criteria?

Thanks in advance


2008-08-25 Thread MKS
Yet another of topic message;)

I'm looking for IP transit in Newfoundland, since I'm not familiar
with that territory, I was hoping that someone could message me
offline for available options.
